blob: c610c55f2157baddef31633fe16e0ed445d5f52d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* The default configuration settings
* Put any site specific configuration in a config/local.php file, this way
* your configuration won't be lost when upgrading shindig. If your site don't
* support any services just use empty string as the service name. i.e.
* 'messages_service' => ''
* in local.php you only have to specificy the fields you want to overwrite
* with other values, for example on a production system you would probably have:
* $shindigConfig = array(
* 'debug' => false,
* 'allow_plaintext_token' => false,
* 'token_cipher_key' => 'MySecretKey',
* 'token_hmac_key' => 'MyOtherSecret',
* 'private_key_phrase' => 'MyCertificatePassword',
* 'person_service' => 'MyPeopleService',
* 'activity_service' => 'MyActivitiesService',
* 'app_data_service' => 'MyAppDataService',
* 'messages_service' => 'MyMessagesService',
* 'oauth_lookup_service' => 'MyOAuthLookupService'
* 'xrds_location' => '',
* 'check_file_exists' => false
* );
return array(
// Show debug backtrace's. Disable this on a production site
'debug' => true,
// do real file_exist checks? Turning this off can be a big performance gain on prod servers but also risky & less verbose errors
'check_file_exists' => true,
// Allow plain text security tokens, this is only here to allow the sample files to work. Disable on a production site
'allow_plaintext_token' => true,
// Is a valid security token required to render a gadget? The token is required for doing signed preloads, but disallowing this
// can also help prevent external parties using your rendering server (only for the paranoid :)
'render_token_required' => false,
// Normally we would only rewrite the gadget's html if it has the <Optional feature="content-rewrite"> set, however with this you can
// force the content to always be rewritten
'rewrite_by_default' => false,
// Should we sanitize (remove scripts) from certain views? Right now this is useless, but once service sided templating and OSML is done
// this could be useful to force (fast) html only gadgets on the profile and/or home view. Set this to false or to an array of view names like: array('profile', 'home')
'sanitize_views' => false,
// Compress the inlined javascript, saves upto 50% of the document size
'compress_javascript' => true,
// Default refresh interval for proxy/makeRequest's if none is specified in the query
'default_refresh_interval' => 1209587,
// The URL Prefix under which shindig lives ie if you have set web_prefix to /shindig/php
'web_prefix' => '',
// If you changed the web prefix, add the prefix to these too
'default_js_prefix' => '/gadgets/js/',
'default_iframe_prefix' => '/gadgets/ifr?',
'servlet_map' => array(
'/container' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\ContentFilesServlet',
'/samplecontainer' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\ContentFilesServlet',
'/gadgets/resources' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\ResourcesFilesServlet',
'/gadgets/js' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\JsServlet',
'/gadgets/proxy' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\ProxyServlet',
'/gadgets/makeRequest' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\MakeRequestServlet',
'/gadgets/ifr' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\GadgetRenderingServlet',
'/gadgets/metadata' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\MetadataServlet',
'/gadgets/oauthcallback' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\OAuthCallbackServlet',
'/gadgets/api/rpc' => 'apache\shindig\social\servlet\JsonRpcServlet',
'/gadgets/api/rest' => 'apache\shindig\social\servlet\DataServiceServlet',
'/social/rest' => 'apache\shindig\social\servlet\DataServiceServlet',
'/rest' => 'apache\shindig\social\servlet\DataServiceServlet',
'/social/rpc' => 'apache\shindig\social\servlet\CompatibilityJsonRpcServlet',
'/rpc' => 'apache\shindig\social\servlet\JsonRpcServlet',
'/public.crt' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\CertServlet',
'/public.cer' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\CertServlet',
'/' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\servlet\ContentFilesServlet',
// The X-XRDS-Location value for your implementing container, see for an example
'xrds_location' => '',
// Allow anonymous (READ) access to the profile information? (aka REST and JSON-RPC interfaces)
// setting this to false means you have to be authenticated through OAuth to read the data
'allow_anonymous_token' => true,
// The encryption keys for encrypting the security token, and the expiration of it. Make sure these match the keys used in your container/site
'token_cipher_key' => 'INSECURE_DEFAULT_KEY',
'token_hmac_key' => 'INSECURE_DEFAULT_KEY',
'token_max_age' => 60 * 60,
// Ability to customize the style thats injected into the gadget document. Don't forget to put the link/etc colors in shindig/config/container.js too!
'gadget_css' => 'body,td,div,span,p{font-family:arial,sans-serif;} a {color:#0000cc;}a:visited {color:#551a8b;}a:active {color:#ff0000;}body{margin: 0px;padding: 0px;background-color:white;}',
// P3P privacy policy to use for the iframe document
'P3P' => 'CP="CAO PSA OUR"',
// The locations of the various required components on disk. If you did a normal svn checkout there's no need to change these
'base_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/',
'features_path' => array(
realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../features/src/main/javascript/features') . '/',
realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../extras/src/main/javascript/features-extras') . '/',
'container_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config') . '/',
'javascript_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../content') . '/',
'resources_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../external/resources') . '/',
// The OAuth SSL certificates to use, and the pass phrase for the private key
'private_key_file' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../certs') . '/private.key',
'public_key_file' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../certs') . '/public.crt',
'private_key_phrase' => 'partuza',
// the path to the json db file, used only if your using the JsonDbOpensocialService example/demo service
'jsondb_path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../content/sampledata') . '/canonicaldb.json',
// Force these libraries to be external (included through <script src="..."> tags), this way they could be cached by the browser
// these libraries will be included regardless of the features the gadget requests
// example: 'dynamic-height:views' includes the features dynamic-height and views
'forcedJsLibs' => '',
// Force these js libraries to be appended to each gadget regardless if the gadget requested them or not
// This can be useful to overwrite existing methods of other javascript packages
'forcedAppendedJsLibs' => array(),
// After checking the internal __autoload function, shindig can also call the 'extension_autoloader' function to load an
// unknown custom class, this is particuarly useful for when intergrating shindig into an existing framework that also depends on autoloading
'extension_autoloader' => false,
// Configurable classes. Change these to the class name to use, and make sure the auto-loader can find them
'blacklist_class' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\sample\BasicGadgetBlacklist',
'remote_content' => 'apache\shindig\common\sample\BasicRemoteContent',
'remote_content_fetcher' => 'apache\shindig\common\sample\BasicRemoteContentFetcher',
'security_token_signer' => 'apache\shindig\common\sample\BasicSecurityTokenDecoder',
'security_token' => 'apache\shindig\common\sample\BasicSecurityToken',
'oauth_lookup_service' => 'apache\shindig\common\sample\BasicOAuthLookupService',
// The OAuth Store is used to store the (gadgets/)oauth proxy credentials it obtained on behalf of the user/gadget combo
'oauth_store' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\oauth\BasicOAuthStore',
'gadget_oauth_token_store' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\oauth\BasicGadgetOAuthTokenStore',
// handler for ApiServlet
'service_handler' => array(
'people' => 'apache\shindig\social\service\PersonHandler',
'activities' => 'apache\shindig\social\service\ActivityHandler',
'appdata' => 'apache\shindig\social\service\AppDataHandler',
'groups' => 'apache\shindig\social\service\GroupHandler',
'messages' => 'apache\shindig\social\service\MessagesHandler',
'cache' => 'apache\shindig\social\service\InvalidateHandler',
'system' => 'apache\shindig\social\service\SystemHandler',
'albums' => 'apache\shindig\social\service\AlbumHandler',
'mediaitems' => 'apache\shindig\social\service\MediaItemHandler',
'http' => 'apache\shindig\social\service\HttpHandler',
// class is the name of the concrete input converter class
// targetField is the name of the field where the decoded array will be inserted
// into the params array or null if you want to overwrite params with the decoded
// array or false if you do not want to add the decoded params
'service_input_converter' => array(
'people' => array('class' => 'apache\shindig\social\converters\InputPeopleConverter', 'targetField' => false),
'activities' => array('class' => 'apache\shindig\social\converters\InputActivitiesConverter', 'targetField' => 'activity'),
'appdata' => array('class' => 'apache\shindig\social\converters\InputAppDataConverter', 'targetField' => 'data'),
'messages' => array('class' => 'apache\shindig\social\converters\InputMessagesConverter', 'targetField' => 'entity'),
'cache' => array('class' => 'apache\shindig\social\converters\InputInvalidateConverter', 'targetField' => null),
'albums' => array('class' => 'apache\shindig\social\converters\InputAlbumsConverter', 'targetField' => 'album'),
'mediaitems' => array('class' => 'apache\shindig\social\converters\InputMediaItemsConverter', 'targetField' => 'mediaItem'),
// available gadget renderer with the class as key and the needed attributes in the
// view's content block to choose this renderer. If constraint's value is a string
// the attribute value has to match this string, if it's a boolean the attribute
// just has to be available or not available
'gadget_renderer' => array(
'apache\shindig\gadgets\render\GadgetHtmlRenderer' => array('type' => 'HTML', 'href' => false),
'apache\shindig\gadgets\render\GadgetHrefRenderer' => array('type' => 'HTML', 'href' => true),
'apache\shindig\gadgets\render\GadgetUrlRenderer' => array('type' => 'URL'),
'gadget_class' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\Gadget',
'gadget_context_class' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\GadgetContext',
'gadget_factory_class' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\GadgetFactory',
'gadget_spec_parser' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\GadgetSpecParser',
'gadget_spec_class' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\GadgetSpec',
'substitution_class' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\Substitutions',
'proxy_handler' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\ProxyHandler',
'makerequest_handler' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\MakeRequestHandler',
'makerequest_class' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\MakeRequest',
'container_config_class' => 'apache\shindig\gadgets\ContainerConfig',
// Caching back-end's to use. Shindig ships with CacheStorageFile, CacheStorageApc and CacheStorageMemcache support
// The data cache is primarily used for remote content (proxied files, gadget spec, etc)
// and the feature_cache is used to cache the parsed features xml structure and javascript
// On a production system you probably want to use CacheStorageApc for features, and CacheStorageMemcache for the data cache
'data_cache' => 'apache\shindig\common\sample\CacheStorageFile',
'feature_cache' => 'apache\shindig\common\sample\CacheStorageFile',
// RESTful API data service classes to use
// See for a MySql powered example
'person_service' => 'apache\shindig\social\sample\JsonDbOpensocialService',
'activity_service' => 'apache\shindig\social\sample\JsonDbOpensocialService',
'app_data_service' => 'apache\shindig\social\sample\JsonDbOpensocialService',
'group_service' => 'apache\shindig\social\sample\JsonDbOpensocialService',
'messages_service' => 'apache\shindig\social\sample\JsonDbOpensocialService',
'invalidate_service' => 'apache\shindig\social\sample\DefaultInvalidateService',
'album_service' => 'apache\shindig\social\sample\JsonDbOpensocialService',
'media_item_service' => 'apache\shindig\social\sample\JsonDbOpensocialService',
// Also scan these directories when looking for <Class>.php files. You can include multiple paths by seperating them with a ,
// To enable classes in the extras package you have to add this class path
// 'extension_class_paths' => '../extras/src/main/php/extras',
'extension_class_paths' => '',
'userpref_param_prefix' => 'up_',
'libs_param_name' => 'libs',
// If you use CacheStorageMemcache as caching backend, change these to the memcache server settings
'cache_host' => 'localhost',
'cache_port' => 11211,
// When using CacheStorageMemcache, should we use pconnect? There are some reports that apache/mpm + memcache_pconnect can lead to segfaults
'cache_memcache_pconnect' => true,
'cache_time' => 24 * 60 * 60,
// If you use CacheStorageFile as caching backend, this is the directory where it stores the temporary files
'cache_root' => sys_get_temp_dir() . '/shindig',
// connection timeout setting for all curl requests, set this time something low if you want errors reported
// quicker to the end user, and high (between 10 and 20) if your on a slow connection
'curl_connection_timeout' => '10',
'curl_request_timeout' => '10',
// If your development server is behind a proxy, enter the proxy details here in '' format.
'proxy' => '',
// If your server is behind a reverse proxy, set the real hostname here so that OAuth signatures match up, for example:
// 'http_host' => ''
'http_host' => false,
// Container id, used for security token
'container_id' => 'default'