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Apache Shindig Javascript
What is it?
Shindig is a JavaScript container and implementations of the backend APIs
and proxy required for hosting OpenSocial applications.
This is the Javascript component of Shindig.
The most up-to-date documentation can be found at
Using Shindig Gadget Container JavaScript
1) Try out the samples.
A) Set up your own Shindig Gadget Server. See java/README for details.
B) Assuming your server is running on http://yourserver:yourport/gadgets/...
you can hit these html files in your favorite browser to see your local
Shindig in action:
(Note: yourserver:yourport defaults to localhost:8080 for the java server,
and just localhost for the php server)
* http://yourserver:yourport/containers/commoncontainer/index.html - basic common container example
* http://yourserver:yourport/containers/embeddedexperiences/index.html - sample container demonstrating embedded experiences
* http://yourserver:yourport/containers/conservcontainer/index.html - sample container demonstrating actions and selection
These samples are very basic and aren't production-ready.
C) There are serveral deprecated sample containers that use older container code.
* http://yourserver:yourport/container/sample1.html - basic container
* http://yourserver:yourport/container/sample2.html - custom rendering
* http://yourserver:yourport/container/sample3.html - custom layouts
* http://yourserver:yourport/container/sample4.html - set pref
* http://yourserver:yourport/container/sample5.html - set pref
* http://yourserver:yourport/container/sample6.html - dynamic height
* http://yourserver:yourport/container/sample7.html - set title
2) Play around with the code.
A) Create an HTML file including the following <head> boilerplate:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/gadgets/js/container:rpc:xmlutil.js?c=1&debug=1&container=default"></script>
B) Initialize the common container.
var config = {};
config[osapi.container.ContainerConfig.RENDER_DEBUG] = '1';
var CommonContainer = new osapi.container.Container(config);
C) Render a gadget.
var el = document.getElementById('divId');
var params = {};
params[osapi.container.RenderParam.WIDTH] = '100%';
var gadgetSite = CommonContainer.newGadgetSite(el);
CommonContainer.navigateGadget(gadgetSite, '', {}, params);
Please see the file called LICENSE.
Shindig URLS
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Source Code:
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