adapt the sign plugin modify (#806)  [BUG #4080]fix bug When using post requests, you can add parameters after the ur… #4089

Co-authored-by: minzi.yang <>
diff --git a/docs/plugin-center/security/ b/docs/plugin-center/security/
index ae9f3c4..8303768 100644
--- a/docs/plugin-center/security/
+++ b/docs/plugin-center/security/
@@ -116,81 +116,90 @@
 | version       | 1.0.0  |  `1.0.0` is a fixed string value |
 Sort the above three field natually according to the key, then splice fields and fields, finally splice SK. The following is a code example.
+The above three fields are spliced with field values, and then 'SK' is spliced as the 'extSignKey`. The following is a code example.
 #### Generate sign with request header
-Step 1: First, construct a Map.
+Step 1: First, construct a `extSignKey`
-   Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(3);
-   //timestamp is string format of millisecond. String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
-   map.put("timestamp","1571711067186");  // Value should be string format of milliseconds
-   map.put("path", "/api/service/abc");
-   map.put("version", "1.0.0");
+  //timestamp is string format of millisecond. String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
+  String timestamp = "1571711067186"; 
+  String path = "/api/service/abc";
+  String version = "1.0.0";
+  String extSignKey = String.join("", "timestamp", timestamp, "path", path, "version", version, "506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536");
-Step 2: Sort the `Keys` naturally, then splice the key and values, and finally splice the `SK` assigned to you.
+* The returned extSignKey value should be:`timestamp1571711067186path/api/service/abcversion1.0.0506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536`
+Step 2: Md5 encryption and then capitalization.
-List<String> storedKeys =
-                .toArray(new String[]{}))
-                .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
-                .collect(Collectors.toList());
-final String sign =
-                .map(key -> String.join("", key, params.get(key)))
-                .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim()
-                .concat("506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536");
-* The returned sign value should be:`path/api/service/abctimestamp1571711067186version1.0.0506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536`
-Step 3: Md5 encryption and then capitalization.
-* The final returned value is: `A021BF82BE342668B78CD9ADE593D683`.
+* The final returned value is: `F6A9EE877F1C017AF60D8F1200517AA5`.
 #### Generate sign with request header and request body
-Step 1: First, construct a Map, and the map must save every request body parameters
+Step 1: First, construct a `extSignKey`
-   Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(3);
-   //timestamp is string format of millisecond. String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
-   map.put("timestamp","1660659201000");  // Value should be string format of milliseconds
-   map.put("path", "/http/order/save");
-   map.put("version", "1.0.0");
-   // if your request body is:{"id":123,"name":"order"}
-   map.put("id", "1");
-   map.put("name", "order")
+  //timestamp is string format of millisecond. String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
+  String timestamp = "1571711067186"; 
+  String path = "/api/service/abc";
+  String version = "1.0.0";
+  String extSignKey = String.join("", "timestamp", timestamp, "path", path, "version", version, "506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536");
-Step 2: Sort the `Keys` naturally, then splice the key and values, and finally splice the `SK` assigned to you.
+* The returned extSignKey value should be:`timestamp1571711067186path/api/service/abcversion1.0.0506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536`
+Step 2: Construct a 'Map' named 'jsonMap'. And the 'jsonMap' must store the information of each node of the request body.
-List<String> storedKeys =
-                .toArray(new String[]{}))
-                .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
-                .collect(Collectors.toList());
-final String sign =
-                .map(key -> String.join("", key, params.get(key)))
-                .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim()
-                .concat("2D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719");
+  //Skip this step if there is no request body
+  Map<String, String> jsonMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
+  // if your request body is:{"id":123,"name":"order"}
+  jsonMap.put("id", "123");
+  jsonMap.put("name", "order");
-* The returned sign value should be:`id123nameorderpath/http/order/savetimestamp1660659201000version1.0.02D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719`
+Step 3: Construct a 'Map' named 'queryMap'. And the 'queryMap' must store the information of each node of the uri request parameter.
-Step 3: Md5 encryption and then capitalization.
+  //No url request parameter Skip this step
+  Map<String, String> queryMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
+  // if your request uri is:/api/service/abc?code=10&desc="desc"
+  queryMap.put("code", "10");
+  queryMap.put("desc", "desc");
+Step 4: `JsonMap 'and' queryMap 'respectively perform the natural sorting of' Key ', then' Key 'and' Value 'values are spliced to obtain' jsonSign 'and' querySign ', and finally' jsonSign ',' querySign 'and' extSignKey 'are spliced to' sign '.
+  Map<String, String> empityMap = new HashMap();
+  String jsonSign = Optional.ofNullable(jsonMap).orElse(empityMap).keySet().stream()
+          .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
+          .map(key -> String.join("", key, jsonMap.get(key)))
+          .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim();
+  String querySign = Optional.ofNullable(queryMap).orElse(empityMap).keySet().stream()
+          .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
+          .map(key -> String.join("", key, queryMap.get(key)))
+          .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim();
+  String sign = String.join("", jsonSign, querySign, signKey);
+* The returned sign value should be:`id123nameordercode10descdesctimestamp1571711067186path/api/service/abcversion1.0.0506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536`
+Step 5: Md5 encryption and then capitalization.
-* The final returned value is: `35FE61C21F73E9AAFC46954C14F299D7`.
+* The final returned value is: `AC8EB7C4E0DAC57C4FCF8A9C58A3E445`.
 ### 2.4.4 Request GateWay
@@ -204,7 +213,7 @@
 | --------   | -----:  | :----: |
 | timestamp  |   `1571711067186`  |  Timestamp when signing   |
 | appKey     | `1TEST123456781`  |  The AK value assigned to you |
-| sign       | `A90E66763793BDBC817CF3B52AAAC041`  | The signature obtained above |
+| sign       | `AC8EB7C4E0DAC57C4FCF8A9C58A3E445`  | The signature obtained above |
 | version       | `1.0.0`  | `1.0.0` is a fixed value. |
 * The signature plugin will filter requests before `5` minutes by default
@@ -265,61 +274,65 @@
 public class Test1 {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
-    Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(3);
-    //timestamp为毫秒数的字符串形式 String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
-    map.put("timestamp","1660658725000");  //值应该为毫秒数的字符串形式
-    map.put("path", "/http/order/save");
-    map.put("version", "1.0.0");
-    map.put("id", "123");
-    map.put("name", "order");
-    // map.put("body", "{\"id\":123,\"name\":\"order\"}");
-    List<String> storedKeys =
-                    .toArray(new String[]{}))
-            .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
-            .collect(Collectors.toList());
-    final String sign =
-            .map(key -> String.join("", key, map.get(key)))
-            .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim()
-            .concat("2D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719");
-    System.out.println(sign);
-    System.out.println(DigestUtils.md5DigestAsHex(sign.getBytes()).toUpperCase());
+    //timestamp is string format of millisecond String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
+    String timestamp = "1660658725000";
+    String path = "/http/order/save";
+    String version = "1.0.0";
+    String extSignKey = String.join("", "timestamp", timestamp, "path", path, "version", version, "2D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719");
+    System.out.println(extSignKey);
+    System.out.println(DigestUtils.md5DigestAsHex(extSignKey.getBytes()).toUpperCase());
-* signature without body: `path/http/order/savetimestamp1571711067186version1.0.02D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719`
-* sign without body result is: `9696D3E549A6AEBE763CCC2C7952DDC1`
+* signature without body: `timestamp1660658725000path/http/order/saveversion1.0.02D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719`
+* sign without body result is: `A2D81371D99DD4ECB0D5EC6298E3C2EB`
 public class Test2 {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
-    Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(3);
-    //timestamp为毫秒数的字符串形式 String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
-    map.put("timestamp","1660659201000");  //值应该为毫秒数的字符串形式
-    map.put("path", "/http/order/save");
-    map.put("version", "1.0.0");
-    List<String> storedKeys =
-                    .toArray(new String[]{}))
-            .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
-            .collect(Collectors.toList());
-    final String sign =
-            .map(key -> String.join("", key, map.get(key)))
-            .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim()
-            .concat("2D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719");
+    //timestamp is string format of millisecond String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
+    String timestamp = "1660659201000";
+    String path = "/http/order/save";
+    String version = "1.0.0";
+    String extSignKey = String.join("", "timestamp", timestamp, "path", path, "version", version, "2D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719");
+    Map<String, String> jsonMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
+    // if your request body is:{"id":123,"name":"order"}
+    jsonMap.put("id", "123");
+    jsonMap.put("name", "order");
+    Map<String, String> queryMap = null;
+    /* if you have uri params
+    Map<String, String> queryMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
+    // if your request uri is:/api/service/abc?code=10&desc="desc"
+    queryMap.put("code", "10");
+    queryMap.put("desc", "desc");
+    */
+    Map<String, String> empityMap = new HashMap();
+    String jsonSign = Optional.ofNullable(jsonMap).orElse(empityMap).keySet().stream()
+          .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
+          .map(key -> String.join("", key, jsonMap.get(key)))
+          .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim();
+    String querySign = Optional.ofNullable(queryMap).orElse(empityMap).keySet().stream()
+          .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
+          .map(key -> String.join("", key, queryMap.get(key)))
+          .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim();
+    String sign = String.join("", jsonSign, querySign, signKey);    
-*signature with body:`id123nameorderpath/http/order/savetimestamp1660659201000version1.0.02D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719`
-*sign with body result is:`35FE61C21F73E9AAFC46954C14F299D7`
+*signature with body:`id123nameordertimestamp1660659201000path/http/order/saveversion1.0.02D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719`
+*sign with body result is:`BF485842D2C08A3378308BA9992A309F`
diff --git a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/plugin-center/security/ b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/plugin-center/security/
index be2541e..846af8e 100644
--- a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/plugin-center/security/
+++ b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/plugin-center/security/
@@ -113,34 +113,80 @@
 | path       | /api/service/abc  | 就是你需要访问的接口路径(根据你访问网关接口自己变更) |
 | version       | 1.0.0  | 目前定为1.0.0 写死,String类型 |
-对上述3个字段进行 `key` 的自然排序,然后进行字段与字段值拼接最后再拼接上 `SK` ,代码示例。
+对上述3个字段进行字段与字段值拼接最后再拼接上 `SK`作为`extSignKey` ,代码示例。
-#### 无请求体的签名参数验证
+#### 无请求体且无uri请求参数的签名参数验证
-第一步:首先构造一个 `Map` 。
+第一步:首先构造一个 `extSignKey` 。
-Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(3);
 //timestamp为毫秒数的字符串形式 String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
-map.put("timestamp","1571711067186");  //值应该为毫秒数的字符串形式
-map.put("path", "/api/service/abc");
-map.put("version", "1.0.0");
+String timestamp = "1571711067186"; //值应该为毫秒数的字符串形式
+String path = "/api/service/abc";
+String version = "1.0.0";
+String extSignKey = String.join("", "timestamp", timestamp, "path", path, "version", version, "506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536");
-第二步:进行 `Key` 的自然排序,然后 `Key`,`Value`值拼接最后再拼接分配给你的 `SK`。
+* 你得到的 `extSignKey` 值应该为:`timestamp1571711067186path/api/service/abcversion1.0.0506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536`
+第二步:进行 `MD5` 加密后转成大写。
-List<String> storedKeys =
-                .toArray(new String[]{}))
-                .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
-                .collect(Collectors.toList());
-final String sign =
-                .map(key -> String.join("", key, params.get(key)))
-                .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim()
-                .concat("506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536");
-* 你得到的 `sign` 值应该为:`path/api/service/abctimestamp1571711067186version1.0.0506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536`
+* 最后得到的值为:`F6A9EE877F1C017AF60D8F1200517AA5`
+#### 有请求体或有`uri`请求参数,请求头的签名参数验证
+第一步:首先构造一个 `extSignKey` 。
+//timestamp为毫秒数的字符串形式 String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
+String timestamp = "1571711067186"; //值应该为毫秒数的字符串形式
+String path = "/api/service/abc";
+String version = "1.0.0";
+String extSignKey = String.join("", "timestamp", timestamp, "path", path, "version", version, "506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536");
+* 你得到的 `extSignKey` 值应该为:`timestamp1571711067186path/api/service/abcversion1.0.0506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536`
+第二步: 构造一个 `Map` 名为 `jsonMap` 。并且该`jsonMap`必须存储请求体的每个节点信息
+  //无请求体跳过此步
+  Map<String, String> jsonMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
+  // if your request body is:{"id":123,"name":"order"}
+  jsonMap.put("id", "123");
+  jsonMap.put("name", "order");
+第三步: 构造一个 `Map` 名为 `queryMap` 。并且该`queryMap`必须存储uri请求参数的每个节点信息
+  //无url请求参数跳过此步
+  Map<String, String> queryMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
+  // if your request uri is:/api/service/abc?code=10&desc="desc"
+  queryMap.put("code", "10");
+  queryMap.put("desc", "desc");
+第四步: `jsonMap` 和 `queryMap` 分别进行 `Key` 的自然排序,然后 `Key`,`Value`值拼接得到`jsonSign` 和 `querySign`,最后拼接`jsonSign` 、 `querySign` 、`extSignKey` 为 `sign` 。
+  Map<String, String> empityMap = new HashMap();
+  String jsonSign = Optional.ofNullable(jsonMap).orElse(empityMap).keySet().stream()
+          .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
+          .map(key -> String.join("", key, jsonMap.get(key)))
+          .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim();
+  String querySign = Optional.ofNullable(queryMap).orElse(empityMap).keySet().stream()
+          .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
+          .map(key -> String.join("", key, queryMap.get(key)))
+          .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim();
+  String sign = String.join("", jsonSign, querySign, signKey);
+* 你得到的 `sign` 值应该为:`id123nameordercode10descdesctimestamp1571711067186path/api/service/abcversion1.0.0506EEB535CF740D7A755CB4B9F4A1536`
 第三步:进行 `MD5` 加密后转成大写。
@@ -148,46 +194,7 @@
-* 最后得到的值为:`A021BF82BE342668B78CD9ADE593D683`
-#### 有请求体,请求头的签名参数验证
-第一步: 首先构造一个 `Map` 。并且该`map`必须存储请求体的每个节点信息
-   Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(3);
-   //timestamp is string format of millisecond. String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
-   map.put("timestamp","1660659201000");  // Value should be string format of milliseconds
-   map.put("path", "/http/order/save");
-   map.put("version", "1.0.0");
-   // if your request body is:{"id":123,"name":"order"}
-   map.put("id", "1");
-   map.put("name", "order")
-第二步:进行 `Key` 的自然排序,然后 `Key`,`Value`值拼接最后再拼接分配给你的 `SK`。
-List<String> storedKeys =
-                .toArray(new String[]{}))
-                .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
-                .collect(Collectors.toList());
-final String sign =
-                .map(key -> String.join("", key, params.get(key)))
-                .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim()
-                .concat("2D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719");
-* 你得到的 `sign` 值应该为:`id123nameorderpath/http/order/savetimestamp1660659201000version1.0.02D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719`
-第三步:进行 `MD5` 加密后转成大写。
-* 最后得到的值为: `35FE61C21F73E9AAFC46954C14F299D7`.
+* 最后得到的值为: `AC8EB7C4E0DAC57C4FCF8A9C58A3E445`.
 ### 2.4.4 请求网关
@@ -201,7 +208,7 @@
 | --------   | -----:  | :----: |
 | timestamp  |   `1571711067186`  |  上述你进行签名的时候使用的时间值   |
 | appKey     | `1TEST123456781`  | 分配给你的AK值 |
-| sign       | `A90E66763793BDBC817CF3B52AAAC041`  | 上述得到的签名值 |
+| sign       | `AC8EB7C4E0DAC57C4FCF8A9C58A3E445`  | 上述得到的签名值 |
 | version       | `1.0.0`  | 写死,就为这个值 |
 * 签名插件会默认过滤 `5` 分钟之前的请求
@@ -262,60 +269,65 @@
 public class Test1 {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
-    Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(3);
     //timestamp为毫秒数的字符串形式 String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
-    map.put("timestamp","1660658725000");  //值应该为毫秒数的字符串形式
-    map.put("path", "/http/order/save");
-    map.put("version", "1.0.0");
-    List<String> storedKeys =
-                    .toArray(new String[]{}))
-            .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
-            .collect(Collectors.toList());
-    final String sign =
-            .map(key -> String.join("", key, map.get(key)))
-            .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim()
-            .concat("2D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719");
-    System.out.println(sign);
-    System.out.println(DigestUtils.md5DigestAsHex(sign.getBytes()).toUpperCase());
+    String timestamp = "1660658725000"; //值应该为毫秒数的字符串形式
+    String path = "/http/order/save";
+    String version = "1.0.0";
+    String extSignKey = String.join("", "timestamp", timestamp, "path", path, "version", version, "2D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719");
+    System.out.println(extSignKey);
+    System.out.println(DigestUtils.md5DigestAsHex(extSignKey.getBytes()).toUpperCase());
-* 无请求体签名: `path/http/order/savetimestamp1571711067186version1.0.02D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719`
-* 无请求体签名结果: `9696D3E549A6AEBE763CCC2C7952DDC1`
+* 无请求体签名: `timestamp1660658725000path/http/order/saveversion1.0.02D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719`
+* 无请求体签名结果: `A2D81371D99DD4ECB0D5EC6298E3C2EB`
 public class Test2 {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
-    Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(3);
     //timestamp为毫秒数的字符串形式 String.valueOf("+8")).toEpochMilli())
-    map.put("timestamp","1660659201000");  //值应该为毫秒数的字符串形式
-    map.put("path", "/http/order/save");
-    map.put("version", "1.0.0");
-    map.put("id", "123");
-    map.put("name", "order");
-    List<String> storedKeys =
-                    .toArray(new String[]{}))
-            .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
-            .collect(Collectors.toList());
-    final String sign =
-            .map(key -> String.join("", key, map.get(key)))
-            .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim()
-            .concat("2D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719");
+    String timestamp = "1660659201000"; //值应该为毫秒数的字符串形式
+    String path = "/http/order/save";
+    String version = "1.0.0";
+    String extSignKey = String.join("", "timestamp", timestamp, "path", path, "version", version, "2D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719");
+    Map<String, String> jsonMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
+    // if your request body is:{"id":123,"name":"order"}
+    jsonMap.put("id", "123");
+    jsonMap.put("name", "order");
+    Map<String, String> queryMap =null;
+    /* if you have uri params
+    Map<String, String> queryMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
+    // if your request uri is:/api/service/abc?code=10&desc="desc"
+    queryMap.put("code", "10");
+    queryMap.put("desc", "desc");
+    */
+    Map<String, String> empityMap = new HashMap();
+    String jsonSign = Optional.ofNullable(jsonMap).orElse(empityMap).keySet().stream()
+          .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
+          .map(key -> String.join("", key, jsonMap.get(key)))
+          .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim();
+    String querySign = Optional.ofNullable(queryMap).orElse(empityMap).keySet().stream()
+          .sorted(Comparator.naturalOrder())
+          .map(key -> String.join("", key, queryMap.get(key)))
+          .collect(Collectors.joining()).trim();
+    String sign = String.join("", jsonSign, querySign, signKey);    
-* 有请求体签名为:`id123nameorderpath/http/order/savetimestamp1660659201000version1.0.02D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719`
-* 附带请求体签名结果:`35FE61C21F73E9AAFC46954C14F299D7`
+* 有请求体签名为:`id123nameordertimestamp1660659201000path/http/order/saveversion1.0.02D47C325AE5B4A4C926C23FD4395C719`
+* 附带请求体签名结果:`BF485842D2C08A3378308BA9992A309F`