Add shenyu-nginx documentation (#745)

* Add shenyu-nginx documentation

* Add shenyu-nginx documentation

* Add shenyu-nginx documentation

* Add shenyu-nginx documentation

* Add shenyu-nginx documentation
diff --git a/docs/deployment/ b/docs/deployment/
index fe4afa4..18ea2d5 100644
--- a/docs/deployment/
+++ b/docs/deployment/
@@ -86,3 +86,161 @@
 * verify nginx, looking at your `ShenYu Bootstrap` log or `Nginx` log, Where will the verification request go.
+Apache ShenYu Nginx Module
+This module provided SDK to watch available ShenYu instance list as upstream nodes by Service Register Center for OpenResty.
+1. [ETCD](#greeting-etcd) (Supported)
+2. [Nacos](#greeting-nacos) (Supported)
+3. [Zookeeper](#greeting-zookeeper) (Supported)
+4. Consul (TODO)
+In the cluster mode, Apache ShenYu supports the deployment of multiple ShenYu instances, which may have new instances joining or leaving at any time.
+Hence, Apache ShenYu introduces Service Discovery modules to help client to detect the available instances.
+Currently, Apache ShenYu Bootstrap already supports Apache Zookeeper, Nacos, Etcd, and consul. Client or LoadBalancer can get the available ShenYu instances by those Service register center.
+## Getting Started
+- Prerequisite:
+1. Luarocks
+2. OpenResty
+### Build from source
+The first, clone the source from GitHub.
+git clone
+Then, build from source and install.
+cd shenyu-nginx
+luarocks make rockspec/shenyu-nginx-main-0.rockspec
+### Greeting ETCD
+Modify the Nginx configure, create and initialize the ShenYu Register to connect to the target register center.
+The module will fetch the all of ShenYu instances which are registered to Etcd in the same cluster.
+It works like Etcd client to watch(based on long polling) ShenYu instance lists.
+Here is an example for Etcd.
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+    local register = require("shenyu.register.etcd")
+    register.init({
+        balancer_type = "chash",
+        etcd_base_url = "",
+    })
+1. `balancer_type` specify the balancer. It has supported `chash` and `round robin`.
+2. `etcd_base_url` specify the Etcd server.(Currently, authentication is not supported.)
+Add an `upstream block` for ShenYu and enable to update upstream servers dynamically. This case will synchronize the ShenYu instance list with register center.
+And then pick one up for handling the request.
+upstream shenyu {
+    server; -- bad 
+    balancer_by_lua_block {
+        require("shenyu.register.etcd").pick_and_set_peer()
+    }
+Finally, restart OpenResty.
+openresty -s reload
+Here is a completed [example]( working with ETCD.
+### Greeting Nacos
+Modify the Nginx configure, create and initialize the ShenYu Register to connect to target register center.  Here is an example for Nacos.
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+    local register = require("shenyu.register.nacos")
+    register.init({
+        shenyu_storage = ngx.shared.shenyu_storage,
+        balancer_type = "chash",
+        nacos_base_url = "",
+        username = "nacos",
+        password = "naocs",
+    })
+1. `balancer_type` specify the balancer. It has supported `chash` and `round robin`.
+2. `nacos_base_url` specify the Nacos server address.
+3. `username` specify the username to log in Nacos. (it is only required when Nacos auth enable)
+4. `password` specify the password to log in Nacos.
+Modify the `upstream` to enable to update upstream servers dynamically. This case will synchronize the ShenYu instance list with register center.
+And then pick one up for handling the request.
+upstream shenyu {
+    server; -- bad 
+    balancer_by_lua_block {
+        require("shenyu.register.nacos").pick_and_set_peer()
+    }
+Finally, restart OpenResty.
+openresty -s reload
+Here is a completed [example]( working with Nacos.
+## Greeting Zookeeper
+Modify the Nginx configure, create and initialize the ShenYu register to connect to target register center.
+Listen for changes to the node via the zookeeper watch event. Here is an example of the zookeeper configuration.
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+        local register = require("shenyu.register.zookeeper")
+        register.init({
+           servers = {"",""},
+           shenyu_storage = ngx.shared.shenyu_storage,
+           balancer_type = "roundrobin"
+        });
+    }
+1. `servers` zookeeper cluster address.
+2. ``balancer_type`` specify the balancer. It has supported `chash` and `round robin`.
+Modify the upstream to enable to update upstream servers dynamically. This case will synchronize the ShenYu instance list with register center. And then pick one up for handling the request.
+ upstream shenyu {
+        server;
+        balancer_by_lua_block {
+            require("shenyu.register.zookeeper").pick_and_set_peer()
+        }
+    }
+Finally, restart OpenResty.
+openresty -s reload
+Here is a completed [example]( working with Zookeeper.
diff --git a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/deployment/ b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/deployment/
index 44e6999..516f327 100644
--- a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/deployment/
+++ b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/deployment/
@@ -84,3 +84,147 @@
 * 验证nginx配置是否生效,在`ShenYu Bootstrap`或者`Nginx`的日志文件中查看请求被分发到那台服务器上。
+### Apache Shenyu-nginx模块实现集群
+> 该模块提供SDK,用于通过注册中心为OpenResty自动监听Apache Shenyu可用的实例节点。
+>在集群模式下,Apache Shenyu支持部署多个Shenyu实例,随时可能有新的实例上线或下线。因此,Apache Shenyu引入了服务发现
+> OpenResty 模块来帮助客户端检测可用Shenyu实例。目前Apache Shenyu已经支持Zookeeper、Nacos、Etcd和Consul。Client或LoadBalancer
+> 可以通过这些Service注册中心获取可用的Shenyu实例。
+1. [Etcd](#Etcd开始)(支持)
+2. [Nacos](#Nacos开始)(支持)
+3. [Zookeeper](#Zookeeper开始)(支持)
+4. Consul(进行中)
+#### 入门
+* 先决条件
+1. Luarocks
+2. OpenResty
+#### 从源码构建
+首先,从GitHub clone源码。
+git clone
+cd shenyu-nginx
+luarocks make rockspec/shenyu-nginx-main-0.rockspec
+#### Etcd开始
+修改Nginx配置,创建并初始化Shenyu register模块,连接至目标注册中心。该模块将获取在同一个集群中注册到Etcd的
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+    local register = require("shenyu.register.etcd")
+    register.init({
+        balancer_type = "chash",
+        etcd_base_url = "",
+    })
+1. `balancer_type`指定负载均衡模式。它支持`chash`和`round` `robin`。
+2. `etcd_base_url`指定 `Etcd` 服务器。(目前不支持身份验证)。
+openresty -s reload
+这就是一个完整的Etcd的使用[示例]( 。
+#### Nacos开始
+修改Nginx配置,创建并初始化Shenyu register模块,连接至目标注册中心。以下是Nacos的示例:
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+    local register = require("shenyu.register.nacos")
+    register.init({
+        shenyu_storage = ngx.shared.shenyu_storage,
+        balancer_type = "chash",
+        nacos_base_url = "",
+        username = "nacos",
+        password = "naocs",
+    })
+1. `balancer_type`指定负载均衡模式。它支持`chash`和`round` `robin`。
+2. `nacos_base_url`指定 `Nacos` 服务器地址。
+3. `username`指定登录 `Nacos` 的用户名。(仅在启用 Nacos auth 时才需要)
+4. `password`指定登录 `Nacos` 的密码。
+upstream shenyu {
+    server; -- bad 
+    balancer_by_lua_block {
+        require("shenyu.register.nacos").pick_and_set_peer()
+    }
+openresty -s reload
+这就是一个完整的Nacos的使用[example]( 。
+#### Zookeeper开始
+修改Nginx配置,创建并初始化Shenyu register模块,连接目标注册中心。
+通过 zookeeper watch 事件监听Shenyu实例列表的变化。下面是 zookeeper 配置的示例。
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+        local register = require("shenyu.register.zookeeper")
+        register.init({
+           servers = {"",""},
+           shenyu_storage = ngx.shared.shenyu_storage,
+           balancer_type = "roundrobin"
+        });
+    }
+1. `servers` zookeeper 集群地址。
+2. `balancer_type`指定负载均衡模式。它支持chash和round robin。
+upstream shenyu {
+        server;
+        balancer_by_lua_block {
+            require("shenyu.register.zookeeper").pick_and_set_peer()
+        }
+    }
+最后,重启 OpenResty。
+openresty -s reload
+这是一个使用 Zookeeper的完整[示例]( 。
diff --git a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.5.0/deployment/ b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.5.0/deployment/
index d222d4b..0a00fdd 100644
--- a/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.5.0/deployment/
+++ b/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.5.0/deployment/
@@ -84,3 +84,146 @@
 * 验证nginx配置是否生效,在`ShenYu Bootstrap`或者`Nginx`的日志文件中查看请求被分发到那台服务器上。
+### Apache Shenyu-nginx模块实现集群
+> 该模块提供SDK,用于通过注册中心为OpenResty自动监听Apache Shenyu可用的实例节点。
+>在集群模式下,Apache Shenyu支持部署多个Shenyu实例,随时可能有新的实例上线或下线。因此,Apache Shenyu引入了服务发现
+> OpenResty 模块来帮助客户端检测可用Shenyu实例。目前Apache Shenyu已经支持Zookeeper、Nacos、Etcd和Consul。Client或LoadBalancer
+> 可以通过这些Service注册中心获取可用的Shenyu实例。
+1. [Etcd](#Etcd开始)(支持)
+2. [Nacos](#Nacos开始)(支持)
+3. [Zookeeper](#Zookeeper开始)(支持)
+4. Consul(进行中)
+#### 入门
+* 先决条件
+1. Luarocks
+2. OpenResty
+#### 从源码构建
+首先,从GitHub clone源码。
+git clone
+cd shenyu-nginx
+luarocks make rockspec/shenyu-nginx-main-0.rockspec
+#### Etcd开始
+修改Nginx配置,创建并初始化Shenyu register模块,连接至目标注册中心。该模块将获取在同一个集群中注册到Etcd的
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+    local register = require("shenyu.register.etcd")
+    register.init({
+        balancer_type = "chash",
+        etcd_base_url = "",
+    })
+1. `balancer_type`指定负载均衡模式。它支持`chash`和`round` `robin`。
+2. `etcd_base_url`指定 `Etcd` 服务器。(目前不支持身份验证)。
+openresty -s reload
+这就是一个完整的Etcd的使用[示例]( 。
+#### Nacos开始
+修改Nginx配置,创建并初始化Shenyu register模块,连接至目标注册中心。以下是Nacos的示例:
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+    local register = require("shenyu.register.nacos")
+    register.init({
+        shenyu_storage = ngx.shared.shenyu_storage,
+        balancer_type = "chash",
+        nacos_base_url = "",
+        username = "nacos",
+        password = "naocs",
+    })
+1. `balancer_type`指定负载均衡模式。它支持`chash`和`round` `robin`。
+2. `nacos_base_url`指定 `Nacos` 服务器地址。
+3. `username`指定登录 `Nacos` 的用户名。(仅在启用 Nacos auth 时才需要)
+4. `password`指定登录 `Nacos` 的密码。
+upstream shenyu {
+    server; -- bad 
+    balancer_by_lua_block {
+        require("shenyu.register.nacos").pick_and_set_peer()
+    }
+openresty -s reload
+这就是一个完整的Nacos的使用[example]( 。
+#### Zookeeper开始
+修改Nginx配置,创建并初始化Shenyu register模块,连接目标注册中心。
+通过 zookeeper watch 事件监听Shenyu实例列表的变化。下面是 zookeeper 配置的示例。
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+        local register = require("shenyu.register.zookeeper")
+        register.init({
+           servers = {"",""},
+           shenyu_storage = ngx.shared.shenyu_storage,
+           balancer_type = "roundrobin"
+        });
+    }
+1. `servers` zookeeper 集群地址。
+2. `balancer_type`指定负载均衡模式。它支持chash和round robin。
+upstream shenyu {
+        server;
+        balancer_by_lua_block {
+            require("shenyu.register.zookeeper").pick_and_set_peer()
+        }
+    }
+最后,重启 OpenResty。
+openresty -s reload
+这是一个使用 Zookeeper的完整[示例]( 。
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index d06f06e..15a1732 100755
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -25,12 +25,14 @@
     "@svgr/webpack": "^5.5.0",
     "clsx": "^1.1.1",
     "file-loader": "^6.2.0",
+    "n": "^9.0.0",
     "prism-react-renderer": "^1.2.1",
     "react": "^17.0.1",
     "react-dom": "^17.0.1",
     "react-icons": "^4.2.0",
     "swiper": "^7.0.1",
-    "url-loader": "^4.1.1"
+    "url-loader": "^4.1.1",
+    "yarn": "^1.22.19"
   "browserslist": {
     "production": [
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-2.5.0/deployment/ b/versioned_docs/version-2.5.0/deployment/
index a055285..4d13f5a 100644
--- a/versioned_docs/version-2.5.0/deployment/
+++ b/versioned_docs/version-2.5.0/deployment/
@@ -86,3 +86,160 @@
 * verify nginx, looking at your `ShenYu Bootstrap` log or `Nginx` log, Where will the verification request go.
+Apache ShenYu Nginx Module
+This module provided SDK to watch available ShenYu instance list as upstream nodes by Service Register Center for OpenResty.
+1. [ETCD](#greeting-etcd) (Supported)
+2. [Nacos](#greeting-nacos) (Supported)
+3. [Zookeeper](#greeting-zookeeper) (Supported)
+4. Consul (TODO)
+In the cluster mode, Apache ShenYu supports the deployment of multiple ShenYu instances, which may have new instances joining or leaving at any time.
+Hence, Apache ShenYu introduces Service Discovery modules to help client to detect the available instances.
+Currently, Apache ShenYu Bootstrap already supports Apache Zookeeper, Nacos, Etcd, and consul. Client or LoadBalancer can get the available ShenYu instances by those Service register center.
+## Getting Started
+- Prerequisite:
+1. Luarocks
+2. OpenResty
+### Build from source
+The first, clone the source from GitHub.
+git clone
+Then, build from source and install.
+cd shenyu-nginx
+luarocks make rockspec/shenyu-nginx-main-0.rockspec
+### Greeting ETCD
+Modify the Nginx configure, create and initialize the ShenYu Register to connect to the target register center.
+The module will fetch the all of ShenYu instances which are registered to Etcd in the same cluster.
+It works like Etcd client to watch(based on long polling) ShenYu instance lists.
+Here is an example for Etcd.
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+    local register = require("shenyu.register.etcd")
+    register.init({
+        balancer_type = "chash",
+        etcd_base_url = "",
+    })
+1. `balancer_type` specify the balancer. It has supported `chash` and `round robin`.
+2. `etcd_base_url` specify the Etcd server.(Currently, authentication is not supported.)
+Add an `upstream block` for ShenYu and enable to update upstream servers dynamically. This case will synchronize the ShenYu instance list with register center.
+And then pick one up for handling the request.
+upstream shenyu {
+    server; -- bad 
+    balancer_by_lua_block {
+        require("shenyu.register.etcd").pick_and_set_peer()
+    }
+Finally, restart OpenResty.
+openresty -s reload
+Here is a completed [example]( working with ETCD.
+### Greeting Nacos
+Modify the Nginx configure, create and initialize the ShenYu Register to connect to target register center.  Here is an example for Nacos.
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+    local register = require("shenyu.register.nacos")
+    register.init({
+        shenyu_storage = ngx.shared.shenyu_storage,
+        balancer_type = "chash",
+        nacos_base_url = "",
+        username = "nacos",
+        password = "naocs",
+    })
+1. `balancer_type` specify the balancer. It has supported `chash` and `round robin`.
+2. `nacos_base_url` specify the Nacos server address.
+3. `username` specify the username to log in Nacos. (it is only required when Nacos auth enable)
+4. `password` specify the password to log in Nacos.
+Modify the `upstream` to enable to update upstream servers dynamically. This case will synchronize the ShenYu instance list with register center.
+And then pick one up for handling the request.
+upstream shenyu {
+    server; -- bad 
+    balancer_by_lua_block {
+        require("shenyu.register.nacos").pick_and_set_peer()
+    }
+Finally, restart OpenResty.
+openresty -s reload
+Here is a completed [example]( working with Nacos.
+## Greeting Zookeeper
+Modify the Nginx configure, create and initialize the ShenYu register to connect to target register center.
+Listen for changes to the node via the zookeeper watch event. Here is an example of the zookeeper configuration.
+init_worker_by_lua_block {
+        local register = require("shenyu.register.zookeeper")
+        register.init({
+           servers = {"",""},
+           shenyu_storage = ngx.shared.shenyu_storage,
+           balancer_type = "roundrobin"
+        });
+    }
+1. `servers` zookeeper cluster address.
+2. ``balancer_type`` specify the balancer. It has supported `chash` and `round robin`.
+Modify the upstream to enable to update upstream servers dynamically. This case will synchronize the ShenYu instance list with register center. And then pick one up for handling the request.
+ upstream shenyu {
+        server;
+        balancer_by_lua_block {
+            require("shenyu.register.zookeeper").pick_and_set_peer()
+        }
+    }
+Finally, restart OpenResty.
+openresty -s reload
+Here is a completed [example]( working with Zookeeper.