blob: bf6988025fba8e93ce8a18998a48a113562b7696 [file] [log] [blame]
"homepage.hero.title": {
"message": "Java 原生API网关,用于服务代理、协议转换和API治理",
"description": "Home page hero title, can contain simple html tags"
"Get Started": {
"message": "开始"
"Docusaurus with Keytar": {
"message": "Docusaurus with Keytar"
"Powered by Markdown": {
"message": "Powered by Markdown"
"Save time and focus on your project's documentation. Simply write docs and blog posts with Markdown/MDX and Docusaurus will publish a set of static HTML files ready to serve. You can even embed JSX components into your Markdown thanks to MDX.": {
"message": "Save time and focus on your project's documentation. Simply write docs and blog posts with Markdown/MDX and Docusaurus will publish a set of static HTML files ready to serve. You can even embed JSX components into your Markdown thanks to MDX."
"Built Using React": {
"message": "Built Using React"
"Extend or customize your project's layout by reusing React. Docusaurus can be extended while reusing the same header and footer.": {
"message": "Extend or customize your project's layout by reusing React. Docusaurus can be extended while reusing the same header and footer."
"Ready for Translations": {
"message": "Ready for Translations"
"Localization comes pre-configured. Use Crowdin to translate your docs into over 70 languages.": {
"message": "Localization comes pre-configured. Use Crowdin to translate your docs into over 70 languages."
"Document Versioning": {
"message": "Document Versioning"
"Support users on all versions of your project. Document versioning helps you keep documentation in sync with project releases.": {
"message": "Support users on all versions of your project. Document versioning helps you keep documentation in sync with project releases."
"Content Search": {
"message": "Content Search"
"Make it easy for your community to find what they need in your documentation. We proudly support Algolia documentation search.": {
"message": "Make it easy for your community to find what they need in your documentation. We proudly support Algolia documentation search."
"team.profile.websiteLinkLabel": {
"message": "website"
"team.profile.Alexey Pyltsyn.body": {
"message": "Obsessed open-source enthusiast 👋 Eternal amateur at everything 🤷‍♂️ Maintainer of Russian docs on PHP, React, Kubernetes and much more 🧐"
"team.profile.Joel Marcey.body": {
"message": "Docusaurus founder and now ever grateful Docusaurus cheerleader to those who actually write code for it."
"team.profile.Sebastien Lorber.body": {
"message": "React lover since 2014. Freelance, helping Facebook ship Docusaurus v2. He writes regularly, on his {website} and {devto}."
"team.profile.Yangshun Tay.body": {
"message": "Full Front End Stack developer who likes working on the Jamstack. Working on Docusaurus made him Facebook's unofficial part-time Open Source webmaster, which is an awesome role to be in."
"team.profile.Endilie Yacop Sucipto.body": {
"message": "Maintainer @docusaurus · 🔥🔥🔥"
"team.profile.Wei Gao.body": {
"message": "🏻‍🌾 Work in progress React developer, maintains Docusaurus, writes docs and spams this world with many websites."
"theme.NotFound.title": {
"message": "Page Not Found",
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"message": "We could not find what you were looking for.",
"description": "The first paragraph of the 404 page"
"theme.NotFound.p2": {
"message": "Please contact the owner of the site that linked you to the original URL and let them know their link is broken.",
"description": "The 2nd paragraph of the 404 page"
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"": {
"message": "Newer Entries",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the newer blog posts page (previous page)"
"": {
"message": "Older Entries",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the older blog posts page (next page)"
"": {
"message": "One min read|{readingTime} min read",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{readingTime} min read\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see"
"theme.tags.tagsListLabel": {
"message": "Tags:",
"description": "The label alongside a tag list"
"": {
"message": "Read More",
"description": "The label used in blog post item excerpts to link to full blog posts"
"": {
"message": "Blog post page navigation",
"description": "The ARIA label for the blog posts pagination"
"": {
"message": "Newer Post",
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"": {
"message": "Older Post",
"description": "The blog post button label to navigate to the older/next post"
"theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": {
"message": "Tags",
"description": "The title of the tag list page"
"": {
"message": "Blog recent posts navigation",
"description": "The ARIA label for recent posts in the blog sidebar"
"": {
"message": "One post|{count} posts",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} posts\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see"
"": {
"message": "{nPosts} tagged with \"{tagName}\"",
"description": "The title of the page for a blog tag"
"theme.tags.tagsPageLink": {
"message": "View All Tags",
"description": "The label of the link targeting the tag list page"
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"message": "Expand sidebar",
"description": "The ARIA label and title attribute for expand button of doc sidebar"
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"description": "The ARIA label for the docs pagination"
"": {
"message": "上一篇",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the previous doc"
"": {
"message": "下一篇",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the next doc"
"": {
"message": "Collapse sidebar",
"description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar"
"": {
"message": "Collapse sidebar",
"description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar"
"": {
"message": "This is unreleased documentation for {siteTitle} {versionLabel} version.",
"description": "The label used to tell the user that he's browsing an unreleased doc version"
"": {
"message": "This is documentation for {siteTitle} {versionLabel}, which is no longer actively maintained.",
"description": "The label used to tell the user that he's browsing an unmaintained doc version"
"": {
"message": "For up-to-date documentation, see the {latestVersionLink} ({versionLabel}).",
"description": "The label used to tell the user to check the latest version"
"": {
"message": "latest version",
"description": "The label used for the latest version suggestion link label"
"theme.common.editThisPage": {
"message": "编辑本文档",
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"theme.common.headingLinkTitle": {
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"theme.lastUpdated.atDate": {
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"message": " by {user}",
"description": "The words used to describe by who the page has been last updated"
"theme.lastUpdated.lastUpdatedAtBy": {
"message": "Last updated{atDate}{byUser}",
"description": "The sentence used to display when a page has been last updated, and by who"
"theme.navbar.mobileSidebarSecondaryMenu.backButtonLabel": {
"message": "← Back to main menu",
"description": "The label of the back button to return to main menu, inside the mobile navbar sidebar secondary menu (notably used to display the docs sidebar)"
"theme.common.skipToMainContent": {
"message": "Skip to main content",
"description": "The skip to content label used for accessibility, allowing to rapidly navigate to main content with keyboard tab/enter navigation"
"theme.TOCCollapsible.toggleButtonLabel": {
"message": "On this page",
"description": "The label used by the button on the collapsible TOC component"
"theme.SearchPage.documentsFound.plurals": {
"message": "One document found|{count} documents found",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} documents found\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see"
"theme.SearchPage.existingResultsTitle": {
"message": "Search results for \"{query}\"",
"description": "The search page title for non-empty query"
"theme.SearchPage.emptyResultsTitle": {
"message": "Search the documentation",
"description": "The search page title for empty query"
"theme.SearchPage.inputPlaceholder": {
"message": "Type your search here",
"description": "The placeholder for search page input"
"theme.SearchPage.inputLabel": {
"message": "搜索",
"description": "The ARIA label for search page input"
"theme.SearchPage.algoliaLabel": {
"message": "Search by Algolia",
"description": "The ARIA label for Algolia mention"
"theme.SearchPage.noResultsText": {
"message": "No results were found",
"description": "The paragraph for empty search result"
"theme.SearchPage.fetchingNewResults": {
"message": "Fetching new results...",
"description": "The paragraph for fetching new search results"
"theme.SearchBar.label": {
"message": "搜索",
"description": "The ARIA label and placeholder for search button"
"Open": {
"message": "开放"
"The technology stack is fully open source construction, maintain the community neutrality, compatible with the community open source ecology, welcome to participate in various contributions at any time.": {
"message": "技术栈全面开源共建,保持社区中立,兼容社区,兼容开源生态,随时欢迎参与各种贡献"
"High-Performance": {
"message": "高性能"
"High-performance micro-service API gateway, experienced the temper of large-scale scenes.Dynamic flow configuration, high performance, gateway consumption is 1~2ms.": {
"message": "高性能微服务API网关,经历过大规模场景的锤炼。流量配置动态化,性能极高,网关消耗在 1~2ms"
"Pluggable": {
"message": "插件化"
"Plug-in design idea, plug-in hot plug, easy to expand.Built-in rich plugin support, authentication, limiting, fuse, firewall, etc.": {
"message": "插件化设计思想,插件热插拔,易扩展。内置丰富的插件,支持鉴权、限流、熔断、防火墙等"
"Feature List": {
"message": "特性一览"
"Our Users": {
"message": "我们的用户"
"Here is a list of companies or organizations that we know have used all or some of Apache ShenYu’s components in production.This list is in no particular order.": {
"message": "此处会列出我们已知的在生产环境使用了Apache ShenYu 全部或者部分组件的公司或组织。以下排名不分先后:"
"To better serve you, please register": {
"message": "为了更好地为您提供服务,请在此登记"
"[Here].": {
"message": "[这里]。"
"Recent Posts": {
"message": "近期新闻"
"Read More": {
"message": "阅读更多"
"SPI Source Code Analysis": {
"message": "SPI设计实现源码分析"
"Recently,when I read the source code of open source project Apache Shenyu API gateway,I find and many core components of the gateway are loaded with the SPI module. Here I will analyzes the source code of SPI module in Shenyu gateway.": {
"message": "最近研读Apache开源项目Shenyu网关的源码,网关的多个核心组件加载都用到了SPI模块。本文就Shenyu中的SPI设计和源码实现进行分析。"
"MatchStrategy -- analyze the design based on SPI": {
"message": "MatchStrategy--基于SPI的代码分析"
"Gateway applications need to support a variety of load balancing strategies, including random,Hashing, RoundRobin and so on. In Apache Shenyu gateway, it not only realizes such traditional algorithms, but also makes smoother traffic processing for the entry of server nodes through detailed processing such as traffic warm-up, so as to obtain better overall stability. In this article, let's walk through how Apache Shenyu is designed and implemented this part of the function.": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu 网关的各个Plugin(包括Dubbo, gRPC,Spring-cloud等) 中,routing参数均设计为可以接受多个条件的组合。 为了实现这样的目的,遵循其SPI的机制进行将参数及行为抽象为如下三部分,这些SPI 在shenyu-plugin-base模组中实现。"
"PredicateJudge -- analyze the design based on SPI": {
"message": "PredicateJudge-- 基于SPI的设计实现分析"
"In most of the plugins ( such as Dubbo, gRPC,Spring-cloud, etc) of Apache Shenyu, the routingparameters are designed to support the combination of multiple conditions. In order to realize such requirements, the parameters and behaviors are abstracted to three parts according to its SPI mechanism, and implemented in shenyu-plugin-base module.": {
"message": "灵活的插件和规则定义,是Shenyu网关的一大特色。它以插件形式支持多种网络协议和多种流行的微服务框架,如Dubbo, gRPC和 Spring-Cloud 等。 为了实现对各种协议及插件的配置规则的解析,网关在规则策略解析方面,采用了优雅的SPI(Service Provider Interface)实现,当添加新的插件时,规则解析部分可以沿用现有实现或采用SPI机制快速实现,具有良好的可扩展性。"
"LoadBalance SPI Source Code Analysis": {
"message": "LoadBalance SPI 代码分析"
"Apache Shenyu has been identified as a gateway application which supports a variety of protocols and microservice frameworks such as Dubbo, gRPC, Spring-Cloud, etc. To do this, the product has accomplished an elegant SPI (Service Provider Interface) as its foundation, and make the Rule data parsing and predicting program very simple , resiliency and security. As to rule data parsing processing, the SPI design increases the product's scalability. When appending new plugin, in most cases, the existing module is enough for rule data parsing , otherwise it can be rapidly carry out with tiny effort.": {
"message": "网关应用需要支持多种负载均衡的方案,包括随机选择、Hash、轮询等方式。Apache Shenyu网关中不仅实现了传统网关的这些均衡策略,还通过流量预热(warmup)等细节处理,对服务器节点的加入,做了更平滑的流量处理,获得了更好的整体稳定性。让我们来看看Shenyu是是如何设计和实现这部分功能的。"
"RateLimiter SPI code analysis": {
"message": "RateLimiter SPI 代码分析"
"Rate limiter is a very important integral of gateway application, to deal with high traffic. When the system is attacked abnormally by a large number of traffic gathered in a short time; When there are a large number of lower priority request need to be slow down or else it will effect your high priority transactions; Or sometimes your system can not afford the regular traffic; in these scenarios, we need to start rate limiter component to protect our system, through rejection, wait, load shedding,etc, limit the requests to an acceptable quantities, or only certain domains (or services) requests can get through.": {
"message": "限流是网关必备的功能,用来应对高并发请求的场景。当系统受到异常攻击,短期内聚集了大量的流量;当有大量低级别的请求,处理这些请求会影响关键业务的处理,需要限制这些请求的访问速度; 或者系统内部出现一些异常,不能满负荷的服务整个应用请求等等。这些情况下,都需要启用限流来保护系统。可以拒绝服务、等待或降级处理,将流量限制到系统可接受的量,或者只允许某些域名(或某些业务)的请求优先处理。"
"Register Center Source Code Analysis of Http Register": {
"message": "注册中心实现原理之Http注册"
"In ShenYu gateway, the registration center is used to register the client information to shenyu-admin, admin then synchronizes this information to the gateway through data synchronization, and the gateway completes traffic filtering through these data. The client information mainly includes interface information and URI information.": {
"message": "在ShenYu网关中,注册中心是用于将客户端信息注册到shenyu-admin,admin再通过数据同步将这些信息同步到网关,网关通过这些数据完成流量筛选。客户端信息主要包括接口信息和URI信息。"
"Apache ShenYu Start Demo": {
"message": "Apache ShenYu 启动示例"
"Guide for New Contributors to Start avoid Pitfalls": {
"message": "Apache ShenYu 新人开发者启动及开发防踩坑指南"
"As a first-time developer in the `Shenyu` community, I encountered some \"Pitfalls\" that were not mentioned in the tutorials I followed to start and develop the project. I have documented the detailed steps I took to start `shenyu`, `shenyu-dashboard`, `shenyu-website` in this blog, hoping to help more new contributors in the community.": {
"message": "作为 `Shenyu` 社区初来乍到的开发者,我在按照相关教程进行项目启动及开发的过程中,遇到了一些教程中并未提及到的 “坑” ,我将我启动`shenyu` , `shenyu-dashboard`, `shenyu-website` 的详细步骤记录在这篇博客中,希望可以帮到社区中更多的新人开发者。"
"Etcd Data Synchronization Source Code Analysis": {
"message": "Etcd数据同步源码分析"
"In ShenYu gateway, data synchronization refers to how to synchronize the updated data to the gateway after the data is sent in the background management system. The Apache ShenYu gateway currently supports data synchronization for ZooKeeper, WebSocket, http long poll, Nacos, Etcd and Consul. The main content of this article is based on Etcd data synchronization source code analysis.": {
"message": "在ShenYu网关中,数据同步是指,当在后台管理系统中,数据发送了更新后,如何将更新的数据同步到网关中。Apache ShenYu 网关当前支持ZooKeeper、WebSocket、Http长轮询、Nacos 、Etcd 和 Consul 进行数据同步。本文的主要内容是基于Etcd的数据同步源码分析。"
"Http Long Polling Data Synchronization Source Code Analysis": {
"message": "Http长轮询数据同步源码分析"
"In ShenYu gateway, data synchronization refers to how to synchronize the updated data to the gateway after the data is sent in the background management system. The Apache ShenYu gateway currently supports data synchronization for ZooKeeper, WebSocket, http long poll, Nacos, etcd and Consul. The main content of this article is based on http long poll data synchronization source code analysis.": {
"message": "在ShenYu网关中,数据同步是指,当在后台管理系统中,数据发送了更新后,如何将更新的数据同步到网关中。Apache ShenYu 网关当前支持ZooKeeper、WebSocket、Http长轮询、Nacos 、Etcd 和 Consul 进行数据同步。本文的主要内容是基于Http长轮询的数据同步源码分析。"
"Nacos Data Synchronization Source Code Analysis": {
"message": "Nacos数据同步源码分析"
"In ShenYu gateway, data synchronization refers to how to synchronize the updated data to the gateway after the data is sent in the background management system. The Apache ShenYu gateway currently supports data synchronization for ZooKeeper, WebSocket, http long poll, Nacos, etcd and Consul. The main content of this article is based on Nacos data synchronization source code analysis.": {
"message": "在ShenYu网关中,数据同步是指,当在后台管理系统中,数据发送了更新后,如何将更新的数据同步到网关中。Apache ShenYu 网关当前支持ZooKeeper、WebSocket、Http长轮询、Nacos 、Etcd 和 Consul 进行数据同步。本文的主要内容是基于Nacos的数据同步源码分析。"
"WebSocket Data Synchronization Source Code Analysis": {
"message": "WebSocket数据同步源码分析"
"In ShenYu gateway, data synchronization refers to how to synchronize the updated data to the gateway after the data is sent in the background management system. The Apache ShenYu gateway currently supports data synchronization for ZooKeeper, WebSocket, http long poll, Nacos, etcd and Consul. The main content of this article is based on WebSocket data synchronization source code analysis.": {
"message": "在ShenYu网关中,数据同步是指,当在后台管理系统中,数据发送了更新后,如何将更新的数据同步到网关中。Apache ShenYu 网关当前支持ZooKeeper、WebSocket、Http长轮询、Nacos 、etcd 和 Consul 进行数据同步。本文的主要内容是基于WebSocket的数据同步源码分析。"
"ZooKeeper Data Synchronization Source Code Analysis": {
"message": "ZooKeeper数据同步源码分析"
"Integration Test Analysis": {
"message": "集成剖析测试"
"This article will provide an in-depth analysis of Apache ShenYu's integration tests.": {
"message": "这篇文章将会对Apache ShenYu的集成测试进行深入剖析。"
"Code Analysis For Context-Path Plugin": {
"message": "Context-Path插件源码分析"
"Code Analysis For Dubbo Plugin": {
"message": "Dubbo Plugin插件源码分析"
"The ShenYu gateway uses the divide plugin to handle http requests. You can see the official documentation Quick start with Http to learn how to use this plugin.": {
"message": "Apache ShenYu 网关使用 dubbo 插件完成对 dubbo服务的调用。你可以查看官方文档 Dubbo快速开始 了解如何使用该插件。"
"Code Analysis For Param-Mapping Plugin": {
"message": "Param-Mapping插件源码分析"
"The Apache ShenYu gateway uses the dubbo plugin to make calls to the dubbo service. You can see the official documentation Dubbo Quick Start to learn how to use the plugin.": {
"message": "Apache ShenYu 网关使用 dubbo 插件完成对 dubbo服务的调用。你可以查看官方文档 Dubbo快速开始 了解如何使用该插件。"
"Code Analysis For Divide Plugin": {
"message": "Divide插件源码分析"
"From company gateway framework selection to Apache ShenYu Committer": {
"message": "从公司网关选型到Apache ShenYu Committer"
"From Apache ShenYu User to Apache ShenYu Committer": {
"message": "从用户到Apache ShenYu Committer"
"From CRUD Boy to Apache ShenYu Committer": {
"message": "从CRUD Boy到Apache ShenYu Committer"
"You can also be an Apache ShenYu Committer": {
"message": "你也可以成为Apache ShenYu Committer"
"Apache ShenYu 2.4.3 Version Release": {
"message": "Apache ShenYu 2.4.3 版本发布"
"The way from University Student to Apache Committer": {
"message": "从在校生到Apache Committer之路"
"From users to Committer, different experiences and gains": {
"message": "从用户到Committer,别样体验和收获"
"Apache ShenYu newly promoted PPMC": {
"message": "Apache ShenYu 新晋PPMC"
"From users to Committer, participation in the Apache ShenYu community is not far away": {
"message": "从用户到Committer,参与Apache ShenYu社区并不遥远"
"Release the first version of Apache ShenYu 2.4.0 Make API gateway easy": {
"message": "发布Apache首个版本-2.4.0 让API网关变得简单"
"How I became an Apache ShenYu Committer one year after graduation": {
"message": "毕业一年我是如何成为Apache ShenYu Committer"
"The Open Source Path for Tech Veterans": {
"message": "技术老兵的开源之路"
"Soul gateway release milestone version 2.3.0 New support for grpc, tars and sofa protocols": {
"message": "[Soul 网关发布里程碑的2.3.0版本] 新增支持GRPC,Tars,Sofa协议"
"Version List": {
"message": "版本列表"
"Release Apache Shenyu 2.4.3": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu 2.4.3 发布"
"Release Apache Shenyu 2.4.2": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu 2.4.2 发布"
"Release Apache Shenyu 2.4.1": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu 2.4.1 发布"
"Release Apache Shenyu 2.4.0": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu 2.4.0 发布"
"Release Apache Shenyu 2.3.0": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu 2.3.0 发布"
"Release Apache Shenyu 2.2.0": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu 2.2.0 发布"
"Release Apache Shenyu 2.5.0": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu 2.5.0 发布"
"Release Apache Shenyu client golang 1.0.0": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu go语言客户端 1.0.0 发布"
"Release Apache Shenyu client .NET 1.0.0": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu .NET 语言客户端 1.0.0 发布"
"Release Apache Shenyu Nginx 1.0.0-1": {
"message": "Apache Shenyu Ningx 1.0.0-1 发布"
"Events": {
"message": "事件"
"Download": {
"message": "下载"
"Document": {
"message": "文档"
"News": {
"message": "新闻"
"Release": {
"message": "发布"
"Community": {
"message": "社区"
"Subscribe mailing list": {
"message": "邮件订阅组"
"How to subscribe": {
"message": "如何订阅"
"Subscribe Mail": {
"message": "订阅邮件"
"Mail Archive": {
"message": "邮件归档"
"Proxy": {
"message": "服务代理"
"Security": {
"message": "安全性"
"API governance": {
"message": "API 治理"
"Observability": {
"message": "可观测性"
"Dashboard": {
"message": "控制面板"
"Extensions": {
"message": "拓展"
"Cluster": {
"message": "集群"
"Language": {
"message": "语言"
"ShenYu Source Codes": {
"message": "源码"
"Source": {
"message": "源码"
"ShenYu-Admin Binary Distribution": {
"message": "ShenYu-Admin 二进制包"
"ShenYu-Bootstrap Binary Distribution": {
"message": "ShenYu-Bootstrap 二进制包"
"ShenYu client golang Source Codes": {
"message": "golang 客户端源码"
"ShenYu client .NET Source Codes": {
"message": ".NET 客户端源码"
"ShenYu Nginx Source Codes": {
"message": "ShenYu Nginx 源码"
"ShenYu WASM Source Codes": {
"message": "ShenYu WASM 源码"
"Document List": {
"message": "文档列表"
"This directory presents the official Apache ShenYu repositories and some ecosystem projects developed by community.": {
"message": "本页面展示了Apache ShenYu及其生态项目的使用文档。"
"The downloadable releases can be find in the": {
"message": "可下载的已发布版本下载地址:"
"download page": {
"message": "下载地址"
"Apache ShenYu Docs": {
"message": "Apache ShenYu 文档"
"ShenYu Nginx Docs": {
"message": "ShenYu Nginx 文档"
"Shenyu Golang Client Docs": {
"message": "ShenYu Golang 客户端文档"
"ShenYu .NET Client Docs": {
"message": "ShenYu .NET 客户端文档"
"ShenYu Helm Chart Docs": {
"message": "ShenYu Helm Chart 文档"
"Helm deployment documentation written for ShenYu": {
"message": "ShenYu 的 Helm 部署方式文档"
"The document for Apache ShenYu": {
"message": "Apache ShenYu官方文档"
"This module provided SDK to watch available ShenYu instance list as upstream nodes by Service Register Center for OpenResty.": {
"message": "该模块提供了SDK来监视OpenResty的服务注册中心作为上游节点的可用ShenYu实例列表"
"Shenyu-client-golang for Go client allows you to access ShenYu Gateway,it supports register go service to ShenYu Gateway.": {
"message": "Shenyu-client-golang是提供了Go语言访问ShenYu网关的功能,并支持服务注册到ShenYu网关。"
"ShenYu .NET client allows you to register your Apps to ShenYu Gateway automatically and use ShenYu as gateway easily.": {
"message": "ShenYu .NET 客户端可以帮助自动将你的 Apps 注册到 ShenYu 网关,从而更加方便的使用 ShenYu。"
"All Versions": {
"message": "所有版本"
"Latest Version": {
"message": "最新版本"
"Next Version": {
"message": "下一版本"