blob: 6779a6dd9f89bdf9ae46df519fedf319c9d7b30f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { stringify } from "qs";
import request from "../utils/request";
const baseUrl = document.getElementById("httpPath").innerHTML;
/* add user */
export async function addUser(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/dashboardUser`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
role: 1
/* delete user */
export async function deleteUser(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/dashboardUser/batch`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: [...params.list]
/* update user */
export async function updateUser(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/dashboardUser/${}`, {
method: `PUT`,
body: {
userName: params.userName,
password: params.password,
roles: params.roles,
enabled: params.enabled,
role: 1
/* update password */
export async function updatePassword(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/dashboardUser/modify-password/${}`, {
method: `PUT`,
body: {
userName: params.userName,
password: params.password
/* get all metadata */
export async function getAllMetadata(params) {
const { appName, currentPage, pageSize } = params;
let myParams = params;
if (appName) {
myParams = params;
} else {
myParams = { currentPage, pageSize };
return request(`${baseUrl}/meta-data/queryList?${stringify(myParams)}`, {
method: `GET`
export async function findMetadata(params) {
// const { appName, currentPage, pageSize } = params;
// let myParams = params;
// if (appName) {
// myParams = params;
// } else {
// myParams = { currentPage, pageSize };
// }
return request(`${baseUrl}/meta-data/${}`, {
method: `GET`
/* addMetadata */
export async function addMetadata(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/meta-data/createOrUpdate`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
/* updateMetadata */
export async function updateMetadata(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/meta-data/createOrUpdate`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
appName: params.appName,
enabled: params.enabled,
pathDesc: params.pathDesc,
methodName: params.methodName,
parameterTypes: params.parameterTypes,
path: params.path,
rpcExt: params.rpcExt,
rpcType: params.rpcType,
serviceName: params.serviceName
/* syncData */
export async function syncData() {
return request(`${baseUrl}/meta-data/syncData`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {}
/* getfetchMetaGroup */
export async function getfetchMetaGroup() {
return request(`${baseUrl}/meta-data/findAllGroup`, {
method: `GET`
/* deleteMetadata */
export async function deleteMetadata(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/meta-data/batchDeleted`, {
method: `POST`,
body: [...params.list]
/* updateEnabled */
export async function updateEnabled(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/meta-data/batchEnabled`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
ids: params.list,
enabled: params.enabled
/* getAllUsers */
export async function getAllUsers(params) {
const { userName, currentPage, pageSize } = params;
let myParams = params;
if (userName) {
myParams = params;
} else {
myParams = { currentPage, pageSize };
return request(`${baseUrl}/dashboardUser?${stringify(myParams)}`, {
method: `GET`
/* findUser */
export async function findUser(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/dashboardUser/${}`, {
method: `GET`
/* addPlugin */
export async function addPlugin(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
/* deletePlugin */
export async function deletePlugin(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin/batch`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: [...params.list]
/* updatePlugin */
export async function updatePlugin(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin/${}`, {
method: `PUT`,
body: {
ids: [],
role: params.role,
config: params.config,
enabled: params.enabled,
sort: params.sort
/* getAllPlugins */
export async function getAllPlugins(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin?${stringify(params)}`, {
method: `GET`
/* findPlugin */
export async function findPlugin(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin/${}`, {
method: `GET`
/* updatepluginEnabled */
export async function updatepluginEnabled(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin/enabled`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
ids: params.list,
enabled: params.enabled
/* addAuth */
export async function addAuth(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
/* deleteAuth */
export async function deleteAuth(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/batch`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: [...params.list]
/* updateAuth */
export async function updateAuth(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/${}`, {
method: `PUT`,
body: {
appKey: params.appKey,
appSecret: params.appSecret,
enabled: params.enabled
/* getAllAuth */
export async function getAllAuth(params) {
const { appKey, currentPage, pageSize } = params;
let myParams = params;
if (appKey) {
myParams = params;
} else {
myParams = { currentPage, pageSize };
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth?${stringify(myParams)}`, {
method: `GET`
/* syncAuthsData */
export async function syncAuthsData() {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/syncData`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {}
/* getAllAuths */
export async function getAllAuths(params) {
const { appKey, phone, currentPage, pageSize } = params;
let myParams = params;
if (appKey || phone) {
myParams = params;
} else {
myParams = { currentPage, pageSize };
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/findPageByQuery?${stringify(myParams)}`, {
method: `GET`
/* findAuthData */
export async function findAuthData(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/detail?id=${}`, {
method: `GET`
/* findAuthDataDel */
export async function findAuthDataDel(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/detailPath?id=${}`, {
method: `GET`
/* get all metadatas */
export async function getAllMetadatas() {
return request(`${baseUrl}/meta-data/findAll`, {
method: `GET`
/* update auth */
export async function updateAuthData(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/updateDetail`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
/* update authDel */
export async function updateAuthDel(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/updateDetailPath`, {
method: `POST`,
body: params
/* add auth */
export async function addAuthData(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/apply`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
/* batch enable auth */
export async function updateAuthEnabled(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/batchEnabled`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
ids: params.list,
enabled: params.enabled
/* batch delete auth */
export async function deleteAuths(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/batchDelete`, {
method: `POST`,
body: [...params.list]
/* find auth */
export async function findAuth(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/appAuth/${}`, {
method: `GET`
/* add selector */
export async function addSelector(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/selector`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
/* delete selector */
export async function deleteSelector(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/selector/batch`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: [...params.list]
/* update selector */
export async function updateSelector(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/selector/${}`, {
method: `PUT`,
body: {
/* get all selectors */
export async function getAllSelectors(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/selector?${stringify(params)}`, {
method: `GET`
/* get single selector */
export async function findSelector(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/selector/${}`, {
method: `GET`
export async function getAllRules(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/rule?${stringify(params)}`, {
method: `GET`
export async function addRule(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/rule`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
export async function deleteRule(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/rule/batch`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: [...params.list]
export async function findRule(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/rule/${}`, {
method: `GET`
export async function updateRule(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/rule/${}`, {
method: `PUT`,
body: {
/* query constants */
export async function queryPlatform() {
return request(`${baseUrl}/platform/enum`, {
method: `GET`
/* login */
export async function queryLogin(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/platform/login?${stringify(params)}`, {
method: `GET`
// sync all plugin
export async function asyncPlugin() {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin/syncPluginAll`, {
method: `POST`
// 同步单个插件
export async function asyncOnePlugin(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin/syncPluginData/${}`, {
method: `PUT`
// get plugin dropdown list
export async function getPluginDropDownList() {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin/all`, {
method: `GET`
// get plugin handle list
export async function getAllPluginHandles(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin-handle?${stringify(params)}`, {
method: `GET`
// add plugin handle
export async function addPluginHandle(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin-handle`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
// get detail of plugin handle
export async function findPluginHandle(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin-handle/${}`, {
method: "GET"
// update PluginHandle
export async function updatePluginHandle(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin-handle/${}`, {
method: `PUT`,
body: {
// batchDeletePluginHandle
export async function batchDeletePluginHandle(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/plugin-handle/batch`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: [...params.list]
export function fetchPluginHandleByPluginId(params) {
return request(
method: `GET`
// fetch dict list
export async function fetchShenYuDicts(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/shenyu-dict?${stringify(params)}`, {
method: `GET`
// add dict
export async function addShenYuDict(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/shenyu-dict`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
// get dict detail
export async function findShenYuDict(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/shenyu-dict/${}`, {
method: "GET"
// update dict
export async function updateShenYuDict(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/shenyu-dict/${}`, {
method: `PUT`,
body: {
// batch delete dicts
export async function batchDeleteShenYuDict(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/shenyu-dict/batch`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: [...params.list]
export function fetchShenYuDictByType(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/shenyu-dict/all/${params.type}`, {
method: `GET`
export async function updateShenYuDictEnabled(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/shenyu-dict/batchEnabled`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
ids: params.list,
enabled: params.enabled
/* get all roles */
export async function getAllRoles() {
return request(`${baseUrl}/role/getAllRoles`, {
method: `GET`
/* get roles by page */
export async function getRoleList(params) {
const { roleName, currentPage, pageSize } = params;
let myParams = { ...params };
if (!roleName) {
myParams = { currentPage, pageSize };
return request(`${baseUrl}/role?${stringify(myParams)}`, {
method: `GET`
/* find role */
export async function findRole(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/role/${}`, {
method: `GET`
/* add role */
export async function addRole(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/role`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
/* delete role */
export async function deleteRole(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/role/batch`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: [...params.list]
/* update role */
export async function updateRole(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/role/${}`, {
method: `PUT`,
body: {
roleName: params.roleName,
description: params.description,
currentPermissionIds: params.currentPermissionIds
/* get resources by page */
export async function getAllResources(params) {
const { title, currentPage, pageSize } = params;
let myParams = { ...params };
if (!title) {
myParams = { currentPage, pageSize };
return request(`${baseUrl}/resource?${stringify(myParams)}`, {
method: `GET`
/* find resource */
export async function findResource(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/resource/${}`, {
method: `GET`
/* add resource */
export async function addResource(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/resource`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
/* delete resource */
export async function deleteResource(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/resource/batch`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: [...params.list]
/* update resource */
export async function updateResource(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/resource/${}`, {
method: `PUT`,
body: {
/* get buttons by menuId */
export async function getButtons(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/resource/button?id=${}`, {
method: `GET`
/* get menu tree */
export async function getMenuTree() {
return request(`${baseUrl}/resource/menu`, {
method: `GET`
// get userPermission by token
export async function getUserPermissionByToken(params) {
return request(
method: `GET`
/* get dataPermision's selectors by page */
export async function getDataPermisionSelectors(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/data-permission/selector?${stringify(params)}`, {
method: `GET`
/* get dataPermision's rules by page */
export async function getDataPermisionRules(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/data-permission/rules?${stringify(params)}`, {
method: `GET`
/* add dataPermision's selector */
export async function addDataPermisionSelector(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/data-permission/selector`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
/* add dataPermision's rule */
export async function addDataPermisionRule(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/data-permission/rule`, {
method: `POST`,
body: {
/* delete dataPermision's selector */
export async function deleteDataPermisionSelector(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/data-permission/selector`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: {
/* delete dataPermision's rule */
export async function deleteDataPermisionRule(params) {
return request(`${baseUrl}/data-permission/rule`, {
method: `DELETE`,
body: {