Apache ShenYu Dashboard

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  1. e2eb7ed [type:fix] fetch namespace problem when not login (#477) by VampireAchao · 7 days ago master
  2. 4da8803 [Feature] Add Notification for Non-Default Namespace: "Namespace Development in Progress" (#473) by VampireAchao · 12 days ago
  3. d7eb121 [Improve] Selector module adaptation namespace (#471) by VampireAchao · 12 days ago
  4. c34cec1 [type:fix] Correct Plugin ID Query in Namespace Plugin Edit Page (#475) by VampireAchao · 12 days ago
  5. ed3a028 Support `Contribute with Gitpod`. (#468) by Kerwin Bryant · 3 weeks ago

Apache ShenYu Dashboard

build Contribute with Gitpod


Apache ShenYu Dashboard is frontend of a management background for Apache ShenYu. The API interface is in the Apache Shenyu Admin module.


  • node v8.0+

How to Build


Modify the api url for different environment, eg:

Develop Environment

# install dependencies in this project root path.
npm install
# start
npm start

Production Environment

# install dependencies in this project root path.
npm install
# build for production
npm run build

# copy to apache-shenyu-admin
cp -rf dist/* shenyu-admin/src/main/resources/static/