Update user-manual/configuration/java-api (#5895)

* update index of configuration

* update index of configuration

* update java config

* update java config

* update java config

* update java config

* update sharding root java config

* update table java config

* update Inline Sharding Algorithm java config

* update Modulo Sharding Algorithm java config

* update Sharding Algorithm java config

* update Sharding Algorithm java config

* update master-slave Algorithm java config

* update encrypt Algorithm java config

* update index

* update replica

* update shadow

* update governance

* remove config-java
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/_index.cn.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/_index.cn.md
index 493d837..32246e5 100644
--- a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/_index.cn.md
+++ b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/_index.cn.md
@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
 chapter = true
-## 概述
+配置是 ShardingSphere-JDBC 中唯一与应用开发者交互的模块,通过它可以快速清晰的理解 ShardingSphere-JDBC 所提供的功能。
+本章节是 ShardingSphere-JDBC 的配置参考手册,需要时可当做字典查阅。
-ShardingSphere-JDBC提供了4种配置方式,用于不同的使用场景。通过配置,应用开发者可以灵活的使用分库分表、读写分离以及分库分表 + 读写分离共用。
+ShardingSphere-JDBC 提供了 4 种配置方式,用于不同的使用场景。
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/_index.en.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/_index.en.md
index c92a181..42a45f4 100644
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@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
 pre = "<b>4.1.2. </b>"
-title = "Configuration manual"
+title = "Configuration Manual"
 weight = 2
 chapter = true
-## Introduction
+Configuration is the only module in ShardingSphere-JDBC that interacts with application developers, 
+through which developers can quickly and clearly understand the functions provided by ShardingSphere-JDBC.
-As the core of ShardingSphere-JDBC, configuration is the only module in ShardingSphere-JDBC that has something to do with application developers. Configuration module is also the portal of ShardingSphere-JDBC, through which users can fast and clearly understand the functions provided by ShardingSphere-JDBC.
+This chapter is a configuration manual for ShardingSphere-JDBC, which can also be referred to as a dictionary if necessary.
-This part is a configuration manual for ShardingSphere-JDBC, which can also be referred to as a dictionary if necessary.
-ShardingSphere-JDBC has provided 4 kinds of configuration methods for different situations. By configuration, application developers can flexibly use sharding databases with sharding tables, read-write split or the combination of both.
+ShardingSphere-JDBC has provided 4 kinds of configuration methods for different situations. 
+By configuration, application developers can flexibly use data sharding, read-write splitting, multi replica, data encryption, shadow database or the combination of them.
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/config-java.cn.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/config-java.cn.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/config-java.cn.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-title = "Java 配置"
-weight = 1
-## 配置示例
-### 数据分片 
-     DataSource getShardingDataSource() throws SQLException {
-         ShardingRuleConfiguration shardingRuleConfig = new ShardingRuleConfiguration();
-         shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderTableRuleConfiguration());
-         shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration());
-         shardingRuleConfig.getBindingTableGroups().add("t_order, t_order_item");
-         shardingRuleConfig.getBroadcastTables().add("t_config");
-         shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultDatabaseShardingStrategyConfig(new InlineShardingStrategyConfiguration("user_id", "ds${user_id % 2}"));
-         shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultTableShardingStrategyConfig(new StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration("order_id", new ModuloShardingTableAlgorithm()));
-         return ShardingDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(createDataSourceMap(), shardingRuleConfig, new Properties());
-     }
-     private static KeyGeneratorConfiguration getKeyGeneratorConfiguration() {
-         KeyGeneratorConfiguration result = new KeyGeneratorConfiguration("SNOWFLAKE", "order_id");
-         return result;
-     }
-     TableRuleConfiguration getOrderTableRuleConfiguration() {
-         TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order", "ds${0..1}.t_order${0..1}");
-         result.setKeyGeneratorConfig(getKeyGeneratorConfiguration());
-         return result;
-     }
-     TableRuleConfiguration getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration() {
-         TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order_item", "ds${0..1}.t_order_item${0..1}");
-         return result;
-     }
-     Map<String, DataSource> createDataSourceMap() {
-         Map<String, DataSource> result = new HashMap<>();
-         result.put("ds0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("ds0"));
-         result.put("ds1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("ds1"));
-         return result;
-     }
-### 读写分离
-     DataSource getMasterSlaveDataSource() throws SQLException {
-         MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration masterSlaveRuleConfig = new MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration("ds_master_slave", "ds_master", Arrays.asList("ds_slave0", "ds_slave1"));
-         return MasterSlaveDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(createDataSourceMap(), masterSlaveRuleConfig, new Properties());
-     }
-     Map<String, DataSource> createDataSourceMap() {
-         Map<String, DataSource> result = new HashMap<>();
-         result.put("ds_master", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("ds_master"));
-         result.put("ds_slave0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("ds_slave0"));
-         result.put("ds_slave1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("ds_slave1"));
-         return result;
-     }
-### 数据加密
-    DataSource getEncryptDataSource() throws SQLException {
-        return EncryptDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds"), getEncryptRuleConfiguration(), new Properties());
-    }
-    private static EncryptRuleConfiguration getEncryptRuleConfiguration() {
-        Properties props = new Properties();
-        props.setProperty("aes.key.value", "123456");
-        EncryptorRuleConfiguration encryptorConfig = new EncryptorRuleConfiguration("AES", props);
-        EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration columnConfig = new EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration("plain_pwd", "cipher_pwd", "", "aes");
-        EncryptTableRuleConfiguration tableConfig = new EncryptTableRuleConfiguration(Collections.singletonMap("pwd", columnConfig));
-        EncryptRuleConfiguration encryptRuleConfig = new EncryptRuleConfiguration();
-        encryptRuleConfig.getEncryptors().put("aes", encryptorConfig);
-        encryptRuleConfig.getTables().put("t_encrypt", tableConfig);
-        return encryptRuleConfig;
-    }
-### 数据分片 + 读写分离
-    DataSource getDataSource() throws SQLException {
-        ShardingRuleConfiguration shardingRuleConfig = new ShardingRuleConfiguration();
-        shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderTableRuleConfiguration());
-        shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration());
-        shardingRuleConfig.getBindingTableGroups().add("t_order, t_order_item");
-        shardingRuleConfig.getBroadcastTables().add("t_config");
-        shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultDatabaseShardingStrategyConfig(new StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration("user_id", new PreciseModuloShardingDatabaseAlgorithm()));
-        shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultTableShardingStrategyConfig(new StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration("order_id", new PreciseModuloShardingTableAlgorithm()));
-        shardingRuleConfig.setMasterSlaveRuleConfigs(getMasterSlaveRuleConfigurations());
-        return ShardingDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(createDataSourceMap(), shardingRuleConfig, new Properties());
-    }
-    private static KeyGeneratorConfiguration getKeyGeneratorConfiguration() {
-        KeyGeneratorConfiguration result = new KeyGeneratorConfiguration("SNOWFLAKE", "order_id");
-        return result;
-    }
-    TableRuleConfiguration getOrderTableRuleConfiguration() {
-        TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order", "ds_${0..1}.t_order_${[0, 1]}");
-        result.setKeyGeneratorConfig(getKeyGeneratorConfiguration());
-        return result;
-    }
-    TableRuleConfiguration getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration() {
-        TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order_item", "ds_${0..1}.t_order_item_${[0, 1]}");
-        return result;
-    }
-    List<MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration> getMasterSlaveRuleConfigurations() {
-        MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration masterSlaveRuleConfig1 = new MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration("ds_0", "demo_ds_master_0", Arrays.asList("demo_ds_master_0_slave_0", "demo_ds_master_0_slave_1"));
-        MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration masterSlaveRuleConfig2 = new MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration("ds_1", "demo_ds_master_1", Arrays.asList("demo_ds_master_1_slave_0", "demo_ds_master_1_slave_1"));
-        return Lists.newArrayList(masterSlaveRuleConfig1, masterSlaveRuleConfig2);
-    }
-    Map<String, DataSource> createDataSourceMap() {
-        final Map<String, DataSource> result = new HashMap<>();
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_0"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_0_slave_0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_0_slave_0"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_0_slave_1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_0_slave_1"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_1"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_1_slave_0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_1_slave_0"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_1_slave_1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_1_slave_1"));
-        return result;
-    }
-### 数据分片 + 数据加密
-    public DataSource getDataSource() throws SQLException {
-        ShardingRuleConfiguration shardingRuleConfig = new ShardingRuleConfiguration();
-        shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderTableRuleConfiguration());
-        shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration());
-        shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderEncryptTableRuleConfiguration());
-        shardingRuleConfig.getBindingTableGroups().add("t_order, t_order_item");
-        shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultDatabaseShardingStrategyConfig(new InlineShardingStrategyConfiguration("user_id", "demo_ds_${user_id % 2}"));
-        shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultTableShardingStrategyConfig(new StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration("order_id", new PreciseModuloShardingTableAlgorithm()));
-        shardingRuleConfig.setEncryptRuleConfig(getEncryptRuleConfiguration());
-        return ShardingDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(createDataSourceMap(), shardingRuleConfig, new Properties());
-    }
-    private static TableRuleConfiguration getOrderTableRuleConfiguration() {
-        TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order", "demo_ds_${0..1}.t_order_${[0, 1]}");
-        result.setKeyGeneratorConfig(getKeyGeneratorConfiguration());
-        return result;
-    }
-    private static TableRuleConfiguration getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration() {
-        TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order_item", "demo_ds_${0..1}.t_order_item_${[0, 1]}");
-        result.setEncryptorConfig(new EncryptorConfiguration("MD5", "status", new Properties()));
-        return result;
-    }
-    private static EncryptRuleConfiguration getEncryptRuleConfiguration() {
-        Properties props = new Properties();
-        props.setProperty("aes.key.value", "123456");
-        EncryptorRuleConfiguration encryptorConfig = new EncryptorRuleConfiguration("AES", props);
-        EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration columnConfig = new EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration("plain_order", "cipher_order", "", "aes");
-        EncryptTableRuleConfiguration tableConfig = new EncryptTableRuleConfiguration(Collections.singletonMap("order_id", columnConfig));
-        EncryptRuleConfiguration encryptRuleConfig = new EncryptRuleConfiguration();
-        encryptRuleConfig.getEncryptors().put("aes", encryptorConfig);
-        encryptRuleConfig.getTables().put("t_order", tableConfig);
-		return encryptRuleConfig;
-    }
-    private static Map<String, DataSource> createDataSourceMap() {
-        Map<String, DataSource> result = new HashMap<>();
-        result.put("demo_ds_0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_0"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_1"));
-        return result;
-    }
-    private static KeyGeneratorConfiguration getKeyGeneratorConfiguration() {
-        return new KeyGeneratorConfiguration("SNOWFLAKE", "order_id", new Properties());
-    }
-### 治理
-    DataSource getDataSource() throws SQLException {
-        // OrchestrationShardingDataSourceFactory 可替换成 OrchestrationMasterSlaveDataSourceFactory 或 OrchestrationEncryptDataSourceFactory
-        return OrchestrationShardingDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(
-                createDataSourceMap(), createShardingRuleConfig(), new HashMap<String, Object>(), new Properties(), 
-                new OrchestrationConfiguration(createCenterConfigurationMap()));
-    }
-    private Map<String, CenterConfiguration> createCenterConfigurationMap() {
-        Map<String, CenterConfiguration> instanceConfigurationMap = new HashMap<String, CenterConfiguration>();
-        CenterConfiguration config = createCenterConfiguration();
-        instanceConfigurationMap.put("orchestration-shardingsphere-data-source", config);
-        return instanceConfigurationMap;
-    }
-    private CenterConfiguration createCenterConfiguration() {
-        Properties properties = new Properties();
-        properties.setProperty("overwrite", overwrite);
-        CenterConfiguration result = new CenterConfiguration("zookeeper", properties);
-        result.setServerLists("localhost:2181");
-        result.setNamespace("shardingsphere-orchestration");
-        result.setOrchestrationType("registry_center,config_center,metadata_center");
-        return result;
-    }
-## 配置项说明
-### 数据分片
-#### ShardingDataSourceFactory
-| *名称*             | *数据类型*                 | *说明*          |
-| ------------------ |  ------------------------ | -------------- |
-| dataSourceMap      | Map\<String, DataSource\> | 数据源配置      |
-| shardingRuleConfig | ShardingRuleConfiguration | 数据分片配置规则 |
-| props (?)          | Properties                | 属性配置        |
-#### ShardingRuleConfiguration
-| *名称*                                     | *数据类型*                                  | *说明*                                                                                         
-| ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| tableRuleConfigs                          | Collection\<TableRuleConfiguration\>       | 分片规则列表                                                                                      |
-| bindingTableGroups (?)                    | Collection\<String\>                       | 绑定表规则列表                                                                                    |
-| broadcastTables (?)                       | Collection\<String\>                       | 广播表规则列表                                                                                    |
-| defaultDataSourceName (?)                 | String                                     | 未配置分片规则的表将通过默认数据源定位                                                                |
-| defaultDatabaseShardingStrategyConfig (?) | ShardingStrategyConfiguration              | 默认分库策略                                                                                      |
-| defaultTableShardingStrategyConfig (?)    | ShardingStrategyConfiguration              | 默认分表策略                                                                                      |
-| defaultKeyGeneratorConfig (?)             | KeyGeneratorConfiguration                  | 默认自增列值生成器配置,缺省将使用org.apache.shardingsphere.core.keygen.generator.impl.SnowflakeKeyGenerator |
-| masterSlaveRuleConfigs (?)                | Collection\<MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration\> | 读写分离规则,缺省表示不使用读写分离                                                                  |
-#### TableRuleConfiguration
-| *名称*                              | *数据类型*                     | *说明*                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
-| ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| logicTable                         | String                        | 逻辑表名称                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
-| actualDataNodes (?)                | String                        | 由数据源名 + 表名组成,以小数点分隔。多个表以逗号分隔,支持inline表达式。缺省表示使用已知数据源与逻辑表名称生成数据节点,用于广播表(即每个库中都需要一个同样的表用于关联查询,多为字典表)或只分库不分表且所有库的表结构完全一致的情况    |
-| databaseShardingStrategyConfig (?) | ShardingStrategyConfiguration | 分库策略,缺省表示使用默认分库策略                                                                                                                                                                              |
-| tableShardingStrategyConfig (?)    | ShardingStrategyConfiguration | 分表策略,缺省表示使用默认分表策略                                                                                                                                                                              |
-| keyGeneratorConfig (?)             | KeyGeneratorConfiguration     | 自增列值生成器配置,缺省表示使用默认自增主键生成器                                                                                                                                                                |
-| encryptorConfiguration (?)         | EncryptorConfiguration        | 加解密生成器配置                                                                                                                                                                                              |
-#### StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration
-| *名称*                      | *数据类型*                | *说明*                  |
-| -------------------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------- |
-| shardingColumn             | String                   | 分片列名称               |
-| preciseShardingAlgorithm   | PreciseShardingAlgorithm | 精确分片算法,用于=和IN   |
-| rangeShardingAlgorithm (?) | RangeShardingAlgorithm   | 范围分片算法,用于BETWEEN |
-#### ComplexShardingStrategyConfiguration
-| *名称*             | *数据类型*                    | *说明*                   |
-| ----------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------ |
-| shardingColumns   | String                       | 分片列名称,多个列以逗号分隔 |
-| shardingAlgorithm | ComplexKeysShardingAlgorithm | 复合分片算法               |
-#### InlineShardingStrategyConfiguration
-| *名称*               | *数据类型*  | *说明*                                                                                                   |
-| ------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| shardingColumn      |  String     | 分片列名称                                                                                               |
-| algorithmExpression |  String     | 分片算法行表达式,需符合groovy语法,详情请参考[行表达式](/cn/features/sharding/other-features/inline-expression) |
-#### HintShardingStrategyConfiguration
-| *名称*             | *数据类型*             | *说明*      |
-| ----------------- | --------------------- | ----------- |
-| shardingAlgorithm | HintShardingAlgorithm | Hint分片算法 |
-#### NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration
-#### KeyGeneratorConfiguration
-| *名称*             | *数据类型*                    | *说明*                                                                         |
-| ----------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| column            | String                       | 自增列名称                                                                      |
-| type              | String                       | 自增列值生成器类型,可自定义或选择内置类型:SNOWFLAKE/UUID |
-| props             | Properties                   | 自增列值生成器的相关属性配置                                                      |
-#### Properties
-| *名称*                                              | *数据类型*  | *说明*                                                                                                   |
-| --------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| worker.id (?)                                        | long       | 工作机器唯一id,默认为0                                                                                  |
-| max.tolerate.time.difference.milliseconds (?)        | long       | 最大容忍时钟回退时间,单位:毫秒。默认为10毫秒                                                               |
-| max.vibration.offset (?)                             | int        | 最大抖动上限值,范围[0, 4096),默认为1。注:若使用此算法生成值作分片值,建议配置此属性。此算法在不同毫秒内所生成的key取模2^n (2^n一般为分库或分表数) 之后结果总为0或1。为防止上述分片问题,建议将此属性值配置为(2^n)-1 |
-#### EncryptRuleConfiguration
-| *名称*               |*数据类型*                                    | *说明*                                                                          |
-| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| encryptors          | Map<String, EncryptorRuleConfiguration>     | 加解密器配置列表,可自定义或选择内置类型:MD5/AES                                    |
-| tables              | Map<String, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration>  | 加密表配置列表                                                                   |
-#### EncryptorRuleConfiguration
-| *名称*               |*数据类型*                    | *说明*                                                                          |
-| ------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| type                | String                       | 加解密器类型,可自定义或选择内置类型:MD5/AES                                       |
-| properties          | Properties                   | 属性配置, 注意:使用AES加密器,需要配置AES加密器的KEY属性:aes.key.value              |
-#### EncryptTableRuleConfiguration
-| *名称*               |*数据类型*                                     | *说明*                            |
-| ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| tables              | Map<String, EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration>  | 加密列配置列表                      |
-#### EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration
-| *名称*               |*数据类型*                    | *说明*                                                                          |
-| ------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| plainColumn        | String                       | 存储明文的字段                                                                   |
-| cipherColumn       | String                       | 存储密文的字段                                                                   |
-| assistedQueryColumn| String                       | 辅助查询字段,针对ShardingQueryAssistedEncryptor类型的加解密器进行辅助查询            |
-| encryptor          | String                       | 加解密器名字                                                                      |
-#### Properties
-| *名称*                             | *数据类型*  | *说明*                                          |
-| ----------------------------------| --------- | -------------------------------------------------|
-| sql.show (?)                      | boolean   | 是否开启SQL显示,默认值: false                      |
-| executor.size (?)                 | int       | 工作线程数量,默认值: CPU核数                       |
-| max.connections.size.per.query (?)| int       | 每个物理数据库为每次查询分配的最大连接数量。默认值: 1   |
-| check.table.metadata.enabled (?)  | boolean   | 是否在启动时检查分表元数据一致性,默认值: false        |
-| query.with.cipher.column (?)      | boolean   | 当存在明文列时,是否使用密文列查询,默认值: true        |
-| allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding (?)    | boolean   | 当使用inline分表策略时,是否允许范围查询,默认值: false        |
-### 读写分离
-#### MasterSlaveDataSourceFactory
-| *名称*                 | *数据类型*                    | *说明*             |
-| --------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------ |
-| dataSourceMap         | Map\<String, DataSource\>    | 数据源与其名称的映射  |
-| masterSlaveRuleConfig | MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration | 读写分离规则         |
-| props (?)             | Properties                   | 属性配置            |
-#### MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration
-| *名称*                    | *数据类型*                       | *说明*           |
-| ------------------------ | ------------------------------- | ---------------- |
-| name                     | String                          | 读写分离数据源名称 |
-| masterDataSourceName     | String                          | 主库数据源名称    |
-| slaveDataSourceNames     | Collection\<String\>            | 从库数据源名称列表 |
-| loadBalanceAlgorithm (?) | MasterSlaveLoadBalanceAlgorithm | 从库负载均衡算法   |
-#### Properties
-| *名称*                              | *数据类型* | *说明*                                            |
-| ---------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
-| sql.show (?)                       | boolean   | 是否打印SQL解析和改写日志,默认值: false              |
-| executor.size (?)                  | int       | 用于SQL执行的工作线程数量,为零则表示无限制。默认值: 0   |
-| max.connections.size.per.query (?) | int       | 每个物理数据库为每次查询分配的最大连接数量。默认值: 1    |
-| check.table.metadata.enabled (?)   | boolean   | 是否在启动时检查分表元数据一致性,默认值: false         |
-### 数据加密
-#### EncryptDataSourceFactory
-| *名称*                 | *数据类型*                    | *说明*             |
-| --------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------ |
-| dataSource            | DataSource                   | 数据源,任意连接池    |
-| encryptRuleConfig     | EncryptRuleConfiguration     | 数据加密规则         |
-| props (?)             | Properties                   | 属性配置            |
-#### EncryptRuleConfiguration
-| *名称*               |*数据类型*                                    | *说明*                                                                          |
-| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| encryptors          | Map<String, EncryptorRuleConfiguration>     | 加解密器配置列表,可自定义或选择内置类型:MD5/AES                                    |
-| tables              | Map<String, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration>  | 加密表配置列表                      |
-#### Properties
-| *名称*                             | *数据类型*  | *说明*                                          |
-| ----------------------------------| --------- | -------------------------------------------------|
-| sql.show (?)                      | boolean   | 是否开启SQL显示,默认值: false                      |
-| query.with.cipher.column (?)      | boolean   | 当存在明文列时,是否使用密文列查询,默认值: true       |
-### 治理
-#### OrchestrationShardingDataSourceFactory
-数据分片 + 治理的数据源工厂。
-| *名称*               | *数据类型*                  | *说明*                      |
-| ------------------- |  ------------------------- | --------------------------- |
-| dataSourceMap       | Map\<String, DataSource\>  | 同ShardingDataSourceFactory |
-| shardingRuleConfig  | ShardingRuleConfiguration  | 同ShardingDataSourceFactory |
-| props (?)           | Properties                 | 同ShardingDataSourceFactory |
-| orchestrationConfig | OrchestrationConfiguration | 治理规则配置              |
-#### OrchestrationMasterSlaveDataSourceFactory
-读写分离 + 治理的数据源工厂。
-| *名称*                 | *数据类型*                    | *说明*                         |
-| --------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
-| dataSourceMap         | Map\<String, DataSource\>    | 同MasterSlaveDataSourceFactory |
-| masterSlaveRuleConfig | MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration | 同MasterSlaveDataSourceFactory |
-| props (?)             | Properties                   | 同ShardingDataSourceFactory    |
-| orchestrationConfig   | OrchestrationConfiguration   | 治理规则配置                 |
-#### OrchestrationEncryptDataSourceFactory
-数据加密 + 治理的数据源工厂。
-| *名称*                 | *数据类型*                    | *说明*                         |
-| --------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
-| dataSource            | DataSource                   | 同EncryptDataSourceFactory     |
-| encryptRuleConfig     | EncryptRuleConfiguration     | 同EncryptDataSourceFactory     |
-| props (?)             | Properties                   | 同ShardingDataSourceFactory    |
-| orchestrationConfig   | OrchestrationConfiguration   | 治理规则配置                 |
-#### OrchestrationConfiguration
-| *名称*           | *数据类型*                   | *说明*                                                     |
-| --------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-| instanceConfigurationMap | Map\<String, CenterConfiguration\>  | 配置/注册/元数据中心的配置map,key为名称,value为配置/注册/元数据中心   |
-#### CenterConfiguration
-| *名称*                             | *数据类型* | *说明*                                                                               |
-| --------------------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| instanceType                      | String     | 配置/注册/元数据中心的实例类型,例如zookeeper或etcd、apollo、nacos                                       |
-| properties                        | String     | 配置本实例需要的其他参数,例如zookeeper的连接参数等,具体参考properties配置                         |
-| orchestrationType                 | String     | 治理类型,例如config_center/registry_center/metadata_center,如果都是,可以"setOrchestrationType("registry_center,config_center,metadata_center");"              |
-| serverLists                       | String     | 连接配置/注册/元数据中心服务器的列表,包括IP地址和端口号,多个地址用逗号分隔。如: host1:2181,host2:2181 |
-| namespace (?)                     | String     | 配置/注册/元数据中心的命名空间                                                                     |
-| *名称*           | *数据类型*                   | *说明*                                                     |
-| --------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-| overwrite                         | boolean    | 本地配置是否覆盖配置中心配置,如果可覆盖,每次启动都以本地配置为准                         |
-如果采用了zookeeper作为配置中心或(和)注册中心或 (和) 元数据中心,那么properties还可以配置:
-| *名称*           | *数据类型*                   | *说明*                                                     |
-| --------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-| digest (?)                        | String     | 连接注册中心的权限令牌。缺省为不需要权限验证                                             |
-| operationTimeoutMilliseconds (?)  | int        | 操作超时的毫秒数,默认500毫秒                                                          |
-| maxRetries (?)                    | int        | 连接失败后的最大重试次数,默认3次                                                       |
-| retryIntervalMilliseconds (?)     | int        | 重试间隔毫秒数,默认500毫秒                                                            |
-| timeToLiveSeconds (?)             | int        | 临时节点存活秒数,默认60秒                                                             |
-如果采用了etcd作为配置中心或(和)注册中心或 (和) 元数据中心,那么properties还可以配置:
-| *名称*           | *数据类型*                   | *说明*                                                     |
-| --------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-| timeToLiveSeconds (?)             | long        | TTL时间,单位为秒,默认30秒                                     |
-| *名称*           | *数据类型*                   | *说明*                                                     |
-| --------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-| appId (?)          | String        | apollo appId,默认值为"APOLLO_SHARDINGSPHERE"                               |
-| env (?)            | String        | apollo env,默认值为"DEV"                                                   |
-| clusterName (?)    | String        | apollo clusterName,默认值为"default"                                       |
-| administrator (?)  | String        | apollo administrator,默认值为""                                            |
-| token (?)          | String        | apollo token,默认值为""                                                    |
-| portalUrl (?)      | String        | apollo portalUrl,默认值为""                                                |
-| connectTimeout (?) | int           | apollo connectTimeout,默认值为1000毫秒                                      |
-| readTimeout (?)    | int           | apollo readTimeout,默认值为5000毫秒                                         |
-如果采用了nacos作为配置中心或 (和) 注册中心,那么properties还可以配置:
-| *名称*           | *数据类型*                   | *说明*                                                     |
-| --------------- | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-| group (?)          | String        | nacos group配置,默认值为"SHARDING_SPHERE_DEFAULT_GROUP"                     |
-| timeout (?)        | long          | nacos 获取数据超时时间,单位为毫秒,默认值为3000毫秒                            |
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/config-java.en.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/configuration/config-java.en.md
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-title = "Java Configuration"
-weight = 1
-## Configuration Instance
-### Data Sharding
-     DataSource getShardingDataSource() throws SQLException {
-         ShardingRuleConfiguration shardingRuleConfig = new ShardingRuleConfiguration();
-         shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderTableRuleConfiguration());
-         shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration());
-         shardingRuleConfig.getBindingTableGroups().add("t_order, t_order_item");
-         shardingRuleConfig.getBroadcastTables().add("t_config");
-         shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultDatabaseShardingStrategyConfig(new InlineShardingStrategyConfiguration("user_id", "ds${user_id % 2}"));
-         shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultTableShardingStrategyConfig(new StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration("order_id", new ModuloShardingTableAlgorithm()));
-         return ShardingDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(createDataSourceMap(), shardingRuleConfig, new Properties());
-     }
-     private static KeyGeneratorConfiguration getKeyGeneratorConfiguration() {
-         KeyGeneratorConfiguration result = new KeyGeneratorConfiguration("SNOWFLAKE", "order_id");
-         return result;
-     }
-     TableRuleConfiguration getOrderTableRuleConfiguration() {
-         TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order", "ds${0..1}.t_order${0..1}");
-         result.setKeyGeneratorConfig(getKeyGeneratorConfiguration());
-         return result;
-     }
-     TableRuleConfiguration getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration() {
-         TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order_item", "ds${0..1}.t_order_item${0..1}");
-         return result;
-     }
-     Map<String, DataSource> createDataSourceMap() {
-         Map<String, DataSource> result = new HashMap<>();
-         result.put("ds0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("ds0"));
-         result.put("ds1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("ds1"));
-         return result;
-     }
-### Read-Write Split
-     DataSource getMasterSlaveDataSource() throws SQLException {
-         MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration masterSlaveRuleConfig = new MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration("ds_master_slave", "ds_master", Arrays.asList("ds_slave0", "ds_slave1"));
-         return MasterSlaveDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(createDataSourceMap(), masterSlaveRuleConfig, new Properties());
-     }
-     Map<String, DataSource> createDataSourceMap() {
-         Map<String, DataSource> result = new HashMap<>();
-         result.put("ds_master", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("ds_master"));
-         result.put("ds_slave0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("ds_slave0"));
-         result.put("ds_slave1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("ds_slave1"));
-         return result;
-     }
-### data encryption
-    DataSource getEncryptDataSource() throws SQLException {
-        return EncryptDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds"), getEncryptRuleConfiguration(), new Properties());
-    }
-    private static EncryptRuleConfiguration getEncryptRuleConfiguration() {
-        Properties props = new Properties();
-        props.setProperty("aes.key.value", "123456");
-        EncryptorRuleConfiguration encryptorConfig = new EncryptorRuleConfiguration("AES", props);
-        EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration columnConfig = new EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration("plain_pwd", "cipher_pwd", "", "aes");
-        EncryptTableRuleConfiguration tableConfig = new EncryptTableRuleConfiguration(Collections.singletonMap("pwd", columnConfig));
-        EncryptRuleConfiguration encryptRuleConfig = new EncryptRuleConfiguration();
-        encryptRuleConfig.getEncryptors().put("aes", encryptorConfig);
-        encryptRuleConfig.getTables().put("t_encrypt", tableConfig);
-		return encryptRuleConfig;
-    }
-### Data Sharding + Read-Write Split
-    DataSource getDataSource() throws SQLException {
-        ShardingRuleConfiguration shardingRuleConfig = new ShardingRuleConfiguration();
-        shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderTableRuleConfiguration());
-        shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration());
-        shardingRuleConfig.getBindingTableGroups().add("t_order, t_order_item");
-        shardingRuleConfig.getBroadcastTables().add("t_config");
-        shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultDatabaseShardingStrategyConfig(new StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration("user_id", new PreciseModuloShardingDatabaseAlgorithm()));
-        shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultTableShardingStrategyConfig(new StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration("order_id", new PreciseModuloShardingTableAlgorithm()));
-        shardingRuleConfig.setMasterSlaveRuleConfigs(getMasterSlaveRuleConfigurations());
-        return ShardingDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(createDataSourceMap(), shardingRuleConfig, new Properties());
-    }
-    private static KeyGeneratorConfiguration getKeyGeneratorConfiguration() {
-        KeyGeneratorConfiguration result = new KeyGeneratorConfiguration("SNOWFLAKE", "order_id");
-        return result;
-    }
-    TableRuleConfiguration getOrderTableRuleConfiguration() {
-        TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order", "ds_${0..1}.t_order_${[0, 1]}");
-        result.setKeyGeneratorConfig(getKeyGeneratorConfiguration());
-        return result;
-    }
-    TableRuleConfiguration getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration() {
-        TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order_item", "ds_${0..1}.t_order_item_${[0, 1]}");
-        return result;
-    }
-    List<MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration> getMasterSlaveRuleConfigurations() {
-        MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration masterSlaveRuleConfig1 = new MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration("ds_0", "demo_ds_master_0", Arrays.asList("demo_ds_master_0_slave_0", "demo_ds_master_0_slave_1"));
-        MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration masterSlaveRuleConfig2 = new MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration("ds_1", "demo_ds_master_1", Arrays.asList("demo_ds_master_1_slave_0", "demo_ds_master_1_slave_1"));
-        return Lists.newArrayList(masterSlaveRuleConfig1, masterSlaveRuleConfig2);
-    }
-    Map<String, DataSource> createDataSourceMap() {
-        final Map<String, DataSource> result = new HashMap<>();
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_0"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_0_slave_0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_0_slave_0"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_0_slave_1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_0_slave_1"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_1"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_1_slave_0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_1_slave_0"));
-        result.put("demo_ds_master_1_slave_1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_master_1_slave_1"));
-        return result;
-    }
-### Data Sharding + data encryption
-    public DataSource getDataSource() throws SQLException {
-            ShardingRuleConfiguration shardingRuleConfig = new ShardingRuleConfiguration();
-            shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderTableRuleConfiguration());
-            shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration());
-            shardingRuleConfig.getTableRuleConfigs().add(getOrderEncryptTableRuleConfiguration());
-            shardingRuleConfig.getBindingTableGroups().add("t_order, t_order_item");
-            shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultDatabaseShardingStrategyConfig(new InlineShardingStrategyConfiguration("user_id", "demo_ds_${user_id % 2}"));
-            shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultTableShardingStrategyConfig(new StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration("order_id", new PreciseModuloShardingTableAlgorithm()));
-            shardingRuleConfig.setEncryptRuleConfig(getEncryptRuleConfiguration());
-            return ShardingDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(createDataSourceMap(), shardingRuleConfig, new Properties());
-        }
-        private static TableRuleConfiguration getOrderTableRuleConfiguration() {
-            TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order", "demo_ds_${0..1}.t_order_${[0, 1]}");
-            result.setKeyGeneratorConfig(getKeyGeneratorConfiguration());
-            return result;
-        }
-        private static TableRuleConfiguration getOrderItemTableRuleConfiguration() {
-            TableRuleConfiguration result = new TableRuleConfiguration("t_order_item", "demo_ds_${0..1}.t_order_item_${[0, 1]}");
-            result.setEncryptorConfig(new EncryptorConfiguration("MD5", "status", new Properties()));
-            return result;
-        }
-        private static EncryptRuleConfiguration getEncryptRuleConfiguration() {
-            Properties props = new Properties();
-            props.setProperty("aes.key.value", "123456");
-            EncryptorRuleConfiguration encryptorConfig = new EncryptorRuleConfiguration("AES", props);
-            EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration columnConfig = new EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration("plain_order", "cipher_order", "", "aes");
-            EncryptTableRuleConfiguration tableConfig = new EncryptTableRuleConfiguration(Collections.singletonMap("order_id", columnConfig));
-            EncryptRuleConfiguration encryptRuleConfig = new EncryptRuleConfiguration();
-            encryptRuleConfig.getEncryptors().put("aes", encryptorConfig);
-            encryptRuleConfig.getTables().put("t_order", tableConfig);
-			return encryptRuleConfig;
-        }
-        private static Map<String, DataSource> createDataSourceMap() {
-            Map<String, DataSource> result = new HashMap<>();
-            result.put("demo_ds_0", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_0"));
-            result.put("demo_ds_1", DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds_1"));
-            return result;
-        }
-        private static KeyGeneratorConfiguration getKeyGeneratorConfiguration() {
-            return new KeyGeneratorConfiguration("SNOWFLAKE", "order_id", new Properties());
-        }
-### Orchestration
-    DataSource getDataSource() throws SQLException {
-        // OrchestrationShardingDataSourceFactory 可替换成 OrchestrationMasterSlaveDataSourceFactory 或 OrchestrationEncryptDataSourceFactory
-        return OrchestrationShardingDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(
-                createDataSourceMap(), createShardingRuleConfig(), new HashMap<String, Object>(), new Properties(), 
-                new OrchestrationConfiguration(createCenterConfigurationMap()));
-    }
-    private Map<String, CenterConfiguration> createCenterConfigurationMap() {
-        Map<String, CenterConfiguration> instanceConfigurationMap = new HashMap<String, CenterConfiguration>();
-        CenterConfiguration config = createCenterConfiguration();
-        instanceConfigurationMap.put("orchestration-shardingsphere-data-source", config);
-        return instanceConfigurationMap;
-    }
-    private CenterConfiguration createCenterConfiguration() {
-        Properties properties = new Properties();
-        properties.setProperty("overwrite", overwrite);
-        CenterConfiguration result = new CenterConfiguration("zookeeper", properties);
-        result.setServerLists("localhost:2181");
-        result.setNamespace("shardingsphere-orchestration");
-        result.setOrchestrationType("registry_center,config_center,metadata_center");
-        return result;
-    }
-## Configuration Item Explanation
-### Data Sharding
-#### ShardingDataSourceFactory
-| *Name*             | *DataType*                | *Explanation*                    |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| dataSourceMap      | Map\<String, DataSource\> | Data sources configuration       |
-| shardingRuleConfig | ShardingRuleConfiguration | Data sharding configuration rule |
-| props (?)          | Properties                | Property configuration           |
-#### ShardingRuleConfiguration
-| *Name*                                    | *DataType*                                 | *Explanation*                                                |
-| ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| tableRuleConfigs                          | Collection\<TableRuleConfiguration\>       | Sharding rule list                                           |
-| bindingTableGroups (?)                    | Collection\<String\>                       | Binding table rule list                                      |
-| broadcastTables (?)                       | Collection\<String\>                       | Broadcast table rule list                                    |
-| defaultDataSourceName (?)                 | String                                     | Tables not configured with sharding rules will locate according to default data sources |
-| defaultDatabaseShardingStrategyConfig (?) | ShardingStrategyConfiguration              | Default database sharding strategy                           |
-| defaultTableShardingStrategyConfig (?)    | ShardingStrategyConfiguration              | Default table sharding strategy                              |
-| defaultKeyGeneratorConfig (?)             | KeyGeneratorConfiguration                  | Default key generator configuration, use user-defined ones or built-in ones, e.g. SNOWFLAKE/UUID. Default key generator is `org.apache.shardingsphere.core.keygen.generator.impl.SnowflakeKeyGenerator` |
-| masterSlaveRuleConfigs (?)                | Collection\<MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration\> | Read-write split rules, default indicates not using read-write split |
-#### TableRuleConfiguration
-| *Name*                             | *DataType*                    | *Description*                                                |
-| ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| logicTable                         | String                        | Name of logic table                                          |
-| actualDataNodes (?)                | String                        | Describe data source names and actual tables, delimiter as point, multiple data nodes split by comma, support inline expression. Absent means sharding databases only. Example: ds${0..7}.tbl${0..7} |
-| databaseShardingStrategyConfig (?) | ShardingStrategyConfiguration | Databases sharding strategy, use default databases sharding strategy if absent |
-| tableShardingStrategyConfig (?)    | ShardingStrategyConfiguration | Tables sharding strategy, use default databases sharding strategy if absent |
-| keyGeneratorConfig (?)             | KeyGeneratorConfiguration     | Key generator configuration, use default key generator if absent |
-| encryptorConfiguration (?)         | EncryptorConfiguration        | Encrypt generator configuration                              |
-#### StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration
-Subclass of ShardingStrategyConfiguration.
-| *Name*                     | *DataType*               | *Explanation*                                   |
-| -------------------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- |
-| shardingColumn             | String                   | Sharding column name                            |
-| preciseShardingAlgorithm   | PreciseShardingAlgorithm | Precise sharding algorithm used in `=` and `IN` |
-| rangeShardingAlgorithm (?) | RangeShardingAlgorithm   | Range sharding algorithm used in `BETWEEN`      |
-#### ComplexShardingStrategyConfiguration
-The implementation class of `ShardingStrategyConfiguration`, used in complex sharding situations with  multiple sharding keys.
-| *Name*            | *DataType*                   | *Explanation*                             |
-| ----------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
-| shardingColumns   | String                       | Sharding column name, separated by commas |
-| shardingAlgorithm | ComplexKeysShardingAlgorithm | Complex sharding algorithm                |
-#### InlineShardingStrategyConfiguration
-The implementation class of `ShardingStrategyConfiguration`, used in sharding strategy of inline expression.
-| *Name*              | *DataType* | *Explanation*                                                |
-| ------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| shardingColumn      | String     | Sharding column name                                         |
-| algorithmExpression | String     | Inline expression of sharding strategies, should conform to groovy syntax; refer to [Inline expression](/en/features/sharding/other-features/inline-expression) for more details |
-#### HintShardingStrategyConfiguration
-The implementation class of `ShardingStrategyConfiguration`,  used to configure hint sharding strategies.
-| *Name*            | *DataType*            | *Description*           |
-| ----------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------- |
-| shardingAlgorithm | HintShardingAlgorithm | Hint sharding algorithm |
-#### NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration
-The implementation class of `ShardingStrategyConfiguration`, used to configure none-sharding strategies.
-#### KeyGeneratorConfiguration
-| *Name* | *DataType* | *Description*                                                |
-| ------ | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| column | String     | Column name of key generator                                 |
-| type   | String     | Type of key generator, use user-defined ones or built-in ones, e.g. SNOWFLAKE, UUID |
-| props  | Properties | The Property configuration of key generators                 |
-#### Properties
-Property configuration that can include these properties of these key generators.
-| *Name*                                              | *DataType* | *Explanation*                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
-| --------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| worker.id (?)                                        |   long     | The unique id for working machine, the default value is `0`                                                                                                                                                                    |
-| max.tolerate.time.difference.milliseconds (?)        |   long     | The max tolerate time for different server's time difference in milliseconds, the default value is `10`                                                                                                                         |
-| max.vibration.offset (?)                             |    int     | The max upper limit value of vibrate number, range `[0, 4096)`, the default value is `1`. Notice: To use the generated value of this algorithm as sharding value, it is recommended to configure this property. The algorithm generates key mod `2^n` (`2^n` is usually the sharding amount of tables or databases) in different milliseconds and the result is always `0` or `1`. To prevent the above sharding problem, it is recommended to configure this property, its value is `(2^n)-1` |
-#### EncryptRuleConfiguration
-| *Name*              | *DataType*                                  | *Explanation*                                                                  |
-| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| encryptors          | Map<String, EncryptorRuleConfiguration>     | Encryptor names and encryptors                                                 |
-| tables              | Map<String, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration>  | Encrypt table names and encrypt tables                                         |
-#### EncryptorRuleConfiguration
-| *Name*              | *DataType*                   | *Explanation*                                                                               |
-| ------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| type                | String                       | Type of encryptor,use user-defined ones or built-in ones, e.g. MD5/AES                      |
-| properties          | Properties                   | Properties, Notice: when use AES encryptor, `aes.key.value` for AES encryptor need to be set |
-#### EncryptTableRuleConfiguration
-| *Name*              | *DataType*                                   | *Explanation*                              |
-| ------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
-| tables              | Map<String, EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration>  | Encrypt column names and encrypt column    |
-#### EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration
-| *Name*              | *DataType*                   | *Explanation*                                                                                         |
-| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| plainColumn         | String                       | Plain column name                                                                                     |
-| cipherColumn        | String                       | Cipher column name                                                                                    |
-| assistedQueryColumn | String                       | AssistedColumns for query,when use ShardingQueryAssistedEncryptor, it can help query encrypted data  |
-| encryptor           | String                       | Encryptor name                                                                                        |
-#### Properties
-Property configuration items, can be of the following properties.
-| *Name*                             | *DataType* | *Explanation*                                                |
-| ---------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| sql.show (?)                       | boolean    | Show SQL or not, default value: false                        |
-| executor.size (?)                  | int        | Work thread number, default value: CPU core number           |
-| max.connections.size.per.query (?) | int        | The maximum connection number allocated by each query of each physical database. default value: 1 |
-| check.table.metadata.enabled (?)   | boolean    | Check meta-data consistency or not in initialization, default value: false                        |
-| query.with.cipher.column (?)       | boolean    | When there is a plainColumn, use cipherColumn or not to query, default value: true                |
-| allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding (?)    | boolean   | Allow or not execute range query with inline sharding strategy, default value: false        |
-### Read-Write Split
-#### MasterSlaveDataSourceFactory
-| *Name*                | *DataType*                   | *Explanation*                       |
-| --------------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
-| dataSourceMap         | Map\<String, DataSource\>    | Mapping of data source and its name |
-| masterSlaveRuleConfig | MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration | Master slave rule configuration     |
-| props (?)             | Properties                   | Property configurations             |
-#### MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration
-| *Name*                   | *DataType*                      | *Explanation*                     |
-| ------------------------ | ------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
-| name                     | String                          | Read-write split data source name |
-| masterDataSourceName     | String                          | Master database source name       |
-| slaveDataSourceNames     | Collection\<String\>            | Slave database source name list   |
-| loadBalanceAlgorithm (?) | MasterSlaveLoadBalanceAlgorithm | Slave database load balance       |
-#### Properties
-Property configuration items, can be of the following properties.
-| *Name*                             | *Data Type* | *Explanation*                                                |
-| ---------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| sql.show (?)                       | boolean     | Print SQL parse and rewrite log or not, default value: false |
-| executor.size (?)                  | int         | Be used in work thread number implemented by SQL; no limits if it is 0. default value: 0 |
-| max.connections.size.per.query (?) | int         | The maximum connection number allocated by each query of each physical database, default value: 1 |
-| check.table.metadata.enabled (?)   | boolean     | Check meta-data consistency or not in initialization, default value: false |
-### data encryption
-#### EncryptDataSourceFactory
-| *Name*                | *DataType*                   | *Explanation*      |
-| --------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------ |
-| dataSource            | DataSource                   | Data source        |
-| encryptRuleConfig     | EncryptRuleConfiguration     | encrypt rule configuration |
-| props (?)             | Properties                   | Property configurations |
-#### EncryptRuleConfiguration
-| *Name*              | *DataType*                                  | *Explanation*                                               |
-| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
-| encryptors          | Map<String, EncryptorRuleConfiguration>     | Encryptor names and encryptors                              |
-| tables              | Map<String, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration>  | Encrypt table names and encrypt tables                      |
-#### Properties
-Property configuration items, can be of the following properties.
-| *Name*                            | *DataType*| *Explanation*                                                                        |
-| ----------------------------------| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| sql.show (?)                      | boolean   | Print SQL parse and rewrite log or not, default value: false                         |
-| query.with.cipher.column (?)      | boolean   | When there is a plainColumn, use cipherColumn or not to query, default value: true   |
-### Orchestration
-#### OrchestrationShardingDataSourceFactory
-| *Name*              | *DataType*                 | *Explanation*                          |
-| ------------------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| dataSourceMap       | Map\<String, DataSource\>  | Same as `ShardingDataSourceFactory`    |
-| shardingRuleConfig  | ShardingRuleConfiguration  | Same as `ShardingDataSourceFactory`    |
-| props (?)           | Properties                 | Same as `ShardingDataSourceFactory`    |
-| orchestrationConfig | OrchestrationConfiguration | Orchestration rule configurations |
-#### OrchestrationMasterSlaveDataSourceFactory
-| *Name*                | *Data Type*                  | *Explanation*                          |
-| --------------------- | ---------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| dataSourceMap         | Map<String, DataSource>      | Same as `MasterSlaveDataSourceFactory` |
-| masterSlaveRuleConfig | MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration | Same as `MasterSlaveDataSourceFactory` |
-| configMap (?)         | Map<String, Object>          | Same as `MasterSlaveDataSourceFactory` |
-| props (?)             | Properties                   | Same as `ShardingDataSourceFactory`    |
-| orchestrationConfig   | OrchestrationConfiguration   | Orchestration rule configurations |
-#### OrchestrationEncryptDataSourceFactory
-| *Name*                | *DataType*                   | *Explanation*                      |
-| --------------------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
-| dataSource            | DataSource                   | Same as `EncryptDataSourceFactory` |
-| encryptRuleConfig     | EncryptRuleConfiguration     | Same as `EncryptDataSourceFactory` |
-| props (?)             | Properties                   | Same as `EncryptDataSourceFactory` |
-| orchestrationConfig   | OrchestrationConfiguration   | Orchestration rule configurations  |
-#### OrchestrationConfiguration
-| *Name*          | *Data Type*                 | *Explanation*                                                |
-| --------------- | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| instanceConfigurationMap | Map\<String, CenterConfiguration\>  | config map of config-center&registry-center,the key is center's name,the value is the config-center/registry-center   |
-#### CenterConfiguration
-| *Name*                           | *Data Type* | *Explanation*                                                |
-| -------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| instanceType                      | String     | The type of center instance(zookeeper/etcd/apollo/nacos)                                       |
-| properties                        | String     | Properties for center instance config, such as options of zookeeper                        |
-| orchestrationType                 | String     | The type of orchestration center: config_center or registry_center or metadata_center, if both, use "setOrchestrationType("registry_center,config_center,metadata_center");"                  |
-| serverLists                       | String     | Connect to server lists in center, including IP address and port number; addresses are separated by commas, such as `host1:2181,host2:2181` |
-| namespace (?)                     | String     | Namespace of center instance                                                                    |
-Common configuration in properties as follow:
-| *Name*                           | *Data Type* | *Explanation*                                                |
-| -------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| overwrite                         | boolean    | Local configurations overwrite config center configurations or not; if they overwrite, each start takes reference of local configurations                          |
-If type of center is `zookeeper` with config-center&registry-center&metadata-center, properties could be set with the follow options:
-| *Name*                           | *Data Type* | *Explanation*                                                |
-| -------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| digest (?)                       | String      | Connect to authority tokens in registry center; default indicates no need for authority |
-| operationTimeoutMilliseconds (?) | int         | The operation timeout millisecond number, default to be 500 milliseconds |
-| maxRetries (?)                   | int         | The maximum retry count, default to be 3 times               |
-| retryIntervalMilliseconds (?)    | int         | The retry interval millisecond number, default to be 500 milliseconds |
-| timeToLiveSeconds (?)            | int         | The living time for temporary nodes, default to be 60 seconds |
-If type of center is `etcd` with config-center&registry-center&metadata-center, properties could be set with the follow options:
-| *Name*                           | *Data Type* | *Explanation*                                                |
-| -------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| timeToLiveSeconds (?)            | long        | The etcd TTL in seconds, default to be 30 seconds            |
-If type of center is `apollo` with config-center, properties could be set with the follow options:
-| *Name*                           | *Data Type* | *Explanation*                                                |
-| -------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| appId (?)          | String        | Apollo appId, default to be "APOLLO_SHARDINGSPHERE"                                |
-| env (?)            | String        | Apollo env, default to be "DEV"                                                    |
-| clusterName (?)    | String        | Apollo clusterName, default to be "default"                                        |
-| administrator (?)  | String        | Apollo administrator, default to be ""                                             |
-| token (?)          | String        | Apollo token, default to be ""                                                     |
-| portalUrl (?)      | String        | Apollo portalUrl, default to be ""                                                 |
-| connectTimeout (?) | int           | Apollo connectTimeout, default to be 1000 milliseconds                             |
-| readTimeout (?)    | int           | Apollo readTimeout, default to be 5000 milliseconds                                |
-If type of center is `nacos` with config-center&registry-center, properties could be set with the follow options:
-| *Name*                           | *Data Type* | *Explanation*                                                |
-| -------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| group (?)          | String        | Nacos group, "SHARDING_SPHERE_DEFAULT_GROUP" in default                  |
-| timeout (?)        | long          | Nacos timeout, default to be 3000 milliseconds                           |
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 #### \<sharding:key-generator />
-| *Name*    | *Type*    | *Explanation*                                                |
+| *Name*    | *Type*    | *Description*                                                |
 | --------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | column    | Attribute | Auto-increment column name                                   |
 | type      | Attribute | Auto-increment key generator `Type`; self-defined generator or internal Type generator (SNOWFLAKE/UUID) can both be selected |
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@
-| *Name*                                              | *DataType* | *Explanation*                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| *Name*                                              | *DataType* | *Description*                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
 | --------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
 | worker.id (?)                                        |   long     | The unique id for working machine, the default value is `0`                                                                                                                                                                    |
 | max.tolerate.time.difference.milliseconds (?)        |   long     | The max tolerate time for different server's time difference in milliseconds, the default value is `10`                                                                                                                         |
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@
 #### \<sharding:encrypt-rules />
-| *Name*             | *Type* | *Explanation*    |
+| *Name*             | *Type* | *Description*    |
 | -------------------| ------ | ---------------- |
 | encryptor-rule (+) | Tag    | Encryptor rule   |
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
 #### \<sharding:props />
-| *Name*                             | *Type*    | *Explanation*                                                |
+| *Name*                             | *Type*    | *Description*                                                |
 | ---------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | sql.show (?)                       | Attribute | Show SQL or not; default value: false                        |
 | executor.size (?)                  | Attribute | Executing thread number; default value: CPU core number      |
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
 #### \<master-slave:data-source />
-| *Name*                  | *Type*    | *Explanation*                                                |
+| *Name*                  | *Type*    | *Description*                                                |
 | ----------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | id                      | Attribute | Spring Bean id                                               |
 | master-data-source-name | Attribute | Bean id of data source in master database                    |
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
 #### \<master-slave:props />
-| *Name*                             | *Type*    | *Explanation*                                                |
+| *Name*                             | *Type*    | *Description*                                                |
 | ---------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | sql.show (?)                       | Attribute | Show SQL or not; default value: false                        |
 | executor.size (?)                  | Attribute | Executing thread number; default value: CPU core number      |
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@
 #### \<master-slave:load-balance-algorithm />
 4.0.0-RC2 version added
-| *Name*                             | *Type*    | *Explanation*                                                |
+| *Name*                             | *Type*    | *Description*                                                |
 | ---------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | id                                 | Attribute | Spring Bean Id                                               |
 | type                               | Attribute | Type of load balance algorithm, 'RANDOM'或'ROUND_ROBIN', support custom extension|
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@
 #### \<encrypt:encryptor />
-| *Name*                  | *Type*    | *Explanation*                                               |
+| *Name*                  | *Type*    | *Description*                                               |
 | ----------------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
 | id                      | Attribute | Names of Encryptor                                          |
 | type                    | Attribute | Types of Encryptor, including MD5/AES or customize type     |
@@ -675,19 +675,19 @@
 #### \<encrypt:tables />
-| *Name*                  | *Type* | *Explanation*                                             |
+| *Name*                  | *Type* | *Description*                                             |
 | ----------------------- | -----  | --------------------------------------------------------- |
 | table(+)                | Tag    | Encrypt table configuration                               |
 #### \<encrypt:table />
-| *Name*                  | *Type* | *Explanation*                                            |
+| *Name*                  | *Type* | *Description*                                            |
 | ----------------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------|
 | column(+)               | Tag    | Encrypt column configuration                             |
 #### \<encrypt:column />
-| *Name*                   | *Type*   | *Explanation*                                                                                       |
+| *Name*                   | *Type*   | *Description*                                                                                       |
 | ----------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
 | logic-column            | Attribute | Logic column name                                                                                   |
 | plain-column            | Attribute | Plain column name                                                                                   |
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@
 #### \<encrypt:props />
-| *Name*                             | *Type*    | *Explanation*                                                |
+| *Name*                             | *Type*    | *Description*                                                |
 | ---------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | sql.show (?)                       | Attribute | Show SQL or not; default value: false                        |
 | query.with.cipher.column (?)       | Attribute | When there is a plainColumn, use cipherColumn or not to query, default value: true                  |
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@
 #### \<orchestration:master-slave-data-source />
-| *Name*              | *Type*    | *Explanation*                                                |
+| *Name*              | *Type*    | *Description*                                                |
 | ------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | id                  | Attribute | ID                                                           |
 | data-source-ref (?) | Attribute | Orchestrated database id                                     |
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+title = "Java API"
+weight = 1
+chapter = true
+## 简介
+Java API 是 ShardingSphere-JDBC 中所有配置方式的基础,其他配置最终都将转化成为Java API 的配置方式。
+Java API 是最复杂也是最灵活的配置方式,适合需要通过编程进行动态配置的场景下使用。
+## 使用方式
+### 创建简单数据源
+通过 ShardingSphereDataSourceFactory 工厂创建的 ShardingSphereDataSource 实现自 JDBC 的标准接口 DataSource。
+// 构建数据源
+Map<String, DataSource> dataSourceMap = // ...
+// 构建配置规则
+Collection<RuleConfiguration> configurations = // ...
+// 构建属性配置
+Properties props = // ...
+DataSource dataSource = ShardingSphereDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(dataSourceMap, configurations, props);
+### 创建携带治理功能的数据源
+通过 OrchestrationShardingSphereDataSourceFactory 工厂创建的 OrchestrationShardingSphereDataSource 实现自 JDBC 的标准接口 DataSource。
+// 构建数据源
+Map<String, DataSource> dataSourceMap = // ...
+// 构建配置规则
+Collection<RuleConfiguration> configurations = // ...
+// 构建属性配置
+Properties props = // ...
+// 构建注册中心配置对象
+OrchestrationConfiguration orchestrationConfig = // ...
+DataSource dataSource = OrchestrationShardingSphereDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(dataSourceMap, configurations, props, orchestrationConfig);
+### 使用数据源
+可通过 DataSource 选择使用原生 JDBC,或JPA, MyBatis 等 ORM 框架。
+以原生 JDBC 使用方式为例:
+DataSource dataSource = // 通过Apache ShardingSphere 工厂创建的数据源
+String sql = "SELECT i.* FROM t_order o JOIN t_order_item i ON o.order_id=i.order_id WHERE o.user_id=? AND o.order_id=?";
+try (
+        Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
+        PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
+    ps.setInt(1, 10);
+    ps.setInt(2, 1000);
+    try (ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
+        while(rs.next()) {
+            // ...
+        }
+    }
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+title = "Java API"
+weight = 1
+chapter = true
+## Introduction
+Java API is the foundation of all configuration methods in ShardingSphere-JDBC, 
+and other configurations will eventually be transformed into Java API configuration methods.
+The Java API is the most complex and flexible configuration method, which is suitable for the scenarios requiring dynamic configuration through programming.
+## Usage
+### Create Simple DataSource
+The ShardingSphereDataSource created by ShardingSphereDataSourceFactory implements the standard JDBC DataSource interface.
+// Build data source map
+Map<String, DataSource> dataSourceMap = // ...
+// Build rule configurations
+Collection<RuleConfiguration> configurations = // ...
+// Build properties
+Properties props = // ...
+DataSource dataSource = ShardingSphereDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(dataSourceMap, configurations, props);
+### Create Orchestration DataSource
+The OrchestrationShardingSphereDataSource created by OrchestrationShardingSphereDataSourceFactory implements the standard JDBC DataSource interface.
+// Build data source map
+Map<String, DataSource> dataSourceMap = // ...
+// Build rule configurations
+Collection<RuleConfiguration> configurations = // ...
+// Build properties
+Properties props = // ...
+// Build orchestration configuration
+OrchestrationConfiguration orchestrationConfig = // ...
+DataSource dataSource = OrchestrationShardingSphereDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(dataSourceMap, configurations, props, orchestrationConfig);
+### Use DataSource
+Developer can choose to use native JDBC or ORM frameworks such as JPA or MyBatis through the DataSource.
+Take native JDBC usage as an example:
+DataSource dataSource = // Use Apache ShardingSphere factory to create DataSource
+String sql = "SELECT i.* FROM t_order o JOIN t_order_item i ON o.order_id=i.order_id WHERE o.user_id=? AND o.order_id=?";
+try (
+        Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
+        PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
+    ps.setInt(1, 10);
+    ps.setInt(2, 1000);
+    try (ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
+        while(rs.next()) {
+            // ...
+        }
+    }
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+title = "数据加密"
+weight = 3
+## 配置入口
+| *名称*          | *数据类型*                                   | *说明*            |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
+| tables (+)     | Map\<String, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration\> | 加密表名称和列表   |
+| encryptors (+) | Map\<String, EncryptorRuleConfiguration\>    | 加解密器名称和列表 |
+## 加密表配置
+| *名称*          | *数据类型*                                    | *说明*          |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------- | -------------- |
+| columns (+)    | Map\<String, EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration\> | 加密列名称和列表 |
+### 加密列配置
+| *名称*                  | *数据类型* | *说明*       |
+| ----------------------- | -------- | ------------ |
+| plainColumn (?)         | String   | 原文列名称    |
+| cipherColumn            | String   | 密文列名称    |
+| assistedQueryColumn (?) | String   | 查询辅助列名称 |
+| encryptor               | String   | 加密器类型    |
+## 加解密器配置
+| *名称*      |*数据类型*   | *说明*         |
+| ---------- | ---------- | -------------- |
+| type       | String     | 加解密器类型     |
+| properties | Properties | 加解密器属性配置 |
+Apache ShardingSphere 内置的加解密器算法实现类包括:
+### MD5 加解密器
+### AES 加解密器
+| *名称*         | *数据类型* | *说明*        |
+| ------------- | --------- | ------------- |
+| aes.key.value | String    | AES 使用的 KEY |
+### RC4 加解密器
+| *名称*         | *数据类型* | *说明*        |
+| ------------- | --------- | ------------- |
+| rc4.key.value | String    | RC4 使用的 KEY |
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+title = "Encryption"
+weight = 3
+## Root Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.api.config.EncryptRuleConfiguration
+| *Name*         | *DataType*                                   | *Description*                          |
+| -------------- | -------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
+| encryptors (+) | Map\<String, EncryptorRuleConfiguration\>    | Encryptor names and encryptors         |
+| tables (+)     | Map\<String, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration\> | Encrypt table names and encrypt tables |
+## Encrypt Table Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.api.config.EncryptTableRuleConfiguration
+| *Name*         | *DataType*                                    | *Description*                    |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
+| columns (+)    | Map\<String, EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration\> | Encrypt column names and columns |
+### Encrypt Column Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.api.config.EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration
+| *Name*                  | *DataType* | *Description*              |
+| ----------------------- | ---------- | -------------------------- |
+| plainColumn (?)         | String     | Plain column name          |
+| cipherColumn            | String     | Cipher column name         |
+| assistedQueryColumn (?) | String     | Assisted query column name |
+| encryptor               | String     | Encryptor type             |
+## Encryptor Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.api.config.EncryptorRuleConfiguration
+| *Name*     | *DataType* | *Description*         |
+| ---------- | ---------- | --------------------- |
+| type       | String     | Encryptor type        |
+| properties | Properties | Encryptor properties  |
+Apache ShardingSphere built-in implemented classes of Encryptor are:
+### MD5 Encryptor
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.strategy.impl.MD5Encryptor
+Attributes: None
+### AES Encryptor
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.strategy.impl.AESEncryptor
+| *Name*        | *DataType* | *Description* |
+| ------------- | ---------- | ------------- |
+| aes.key.value | String     | AES KEY       |
+### RC4 Encryptor
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.strategy.impl.RC4Encryptor
+| *Name*        | *DataType* | *Description* |
+| ------------- | ---------- | ------------- |
+| rc4.key.value | String     | RC4 KEY       |
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+title = "分布式治理"
+weight = 6
+## 配置入口
+| *名称*                    | *数据类型*                           | *说明*                                                            |
+| ------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| instanceConfigurationMap | Map\<String, CenterConfiguration\>  | 配置/注册/元数据中心的配置 map,key 为名称,value 为配置/注册/元数据中心 |
+## 配置/注册中心配置
+| *名称*             | *数据类型* | *说明*                                                                                         |
+| ----------------- | ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| instanceType      | String     | 配置/注册中心的实例类型,例如:ZooKeeper 或 Etcd、Apollo、Nacos 等                                 |
+| properties        | Properties | 配置本实例需要的其他参数,例如 ZooKeeper 的连接参数等                                               |
+| orchestrationType | String     | 治理类型,例如:config_center、registry_center、metadata_center,多个类型用逗号分隔                |
+| serverLists       | String     | 连接配置/注册/元数据中心服务器的列表,包括IP地址和端口号,多个地址用逗号分隔。如: host1:2181,host2:2181 |
+| namespace (?)     | String     | 配置/注册/元数据中心的命名空间                                                                    |
+### 通用属性配置
+| *名称*           | *数据类型* | *说明*                                                     | *默认值* |
+| --------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
+| overwrite       | boolean   | 本地配置是否覆盖配置中心配置,如果可覆盖,每次启动都以本地配置为准 | false   |
+### ZooKeeper 属性配置
+| *名称*                            | *数据类型* | *说明*                 | *默认值* |
+| -------------------------------- | ---------- | --------------------- | ------- |
+| digest (?)                       | String     | 连接注册中心的权限令牌   | 无需验证 |
+| operationTimeoutMilliseconds (?) | int        | 操作超时的毫秒数        | 500 毫秒 |
+| maxRetries (?)                   | int        | 连接失败后的最大重试次数 | 3 次     |
+| retryIntervalMilliseconds (?)    | int        | 重试间隔毫秒数          | 500 毫秒 |
+| timeToLiveSeconds (?)            | int        | 临时节点存活秒数        | 60 秒    |
+### Etcd 属性配置
+| *名称*                 | *数据类型* | *说明*     | *默认值* |
+| --------------------- | --------- | ---------- | ------- |
+| timeToLiveSeconds (?) | long      | 数据存活秒数 | 30秒    |
+### Apollo 属性配置
+| *名称*             | *数据类型* | *说明*               | *默认值*               |
+| ------------------ | -------- | -------------------- | --------------------- |
+| appId (?)          | String   | Apollo appId         | APOLLO_SHARDINGSPHERE |
+| env (?)            | String   | Apollo env           | DEV                   |
+| clusterName (?)    | String   | Apollo clusterName   | default               |
+| administrator (?)  | String   | Apollo administrator | 空                    |
+| token (?)          | String   | Apollo token         | 空                    |
+| portalUrl (?)      | String   | Apollo portalUrl     | 空                    |
+| connectTimeout (?) | int      | 连接超时毫秒数         | 1000 毫秒             |
+| readTimeout (?)    | int      | 读取超时毫秒数         | 5000 毫秒             |
+### Nacos 属性配置
+| *名称*       | *数据类型* | *说明*                 | *默认值*                      |
+| ----------- | --------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| group (?)   | String    | nacos group 配置       | SHARDING_SPHERE_DEFAULT_GROUP |
+| timeout (?) | long      | nacos 获取数据超时毫秒数 | 3000 毫秒                     |
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+title = "Governance"
+weight = 6
+## Root Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.orchestration.center.config.OrchestrationConfiguration
+| *Name*                   | *Data Type*                         | *Description*                                                                                                         |
+| ------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| instanceConfigurationMap | Map\<String, CenterConfiguration\>  | Config map of config-center&registry-center, the key is center's name, the value is the config-center/registry-center |
+## Config / Registry Center Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.orchestration.center.config.CenterConfiguration
+| *Name*            | *Data Type* | *Description*                                                                                                                               |
+| ----------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| instanceType      | String      | The type of center instance(zookeeper/etcd/apollo/nacos)                                                                                    |
+| properties        | String      | Properties for center instance config, such as options of zookeeper                                                                         |
+| orchestrationType | String      | The type of orchestration center: config_center or registry_center or metadata_center, multiple types are separated by commas               |
+| serverLists       | String      | Connect to server lists in center, including IP address and port number; addresses are separated by commas, such as `host1:2181,host2:2181` |
+| namespace (?)     | String      | Namespace of center instance                                                                                                                |
+### Common Properties Configuration
+| *Name*          | *Data Type* | *Description*                                                                                                                             | *Default Value* |
+| --------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |
+| overwrite       | boolean     | Local configurations overwrite config center configurations or not; if they overwrite, each start takes reference of local configurations | false           |
+### ZooKeeper Properties Configuration
+| *Name*                           | *Data Type* | *Description*                                  | *Default Value*       |
+| -------------------------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --------------------- |
+| digest (?)                       | String      | Connect to authority tokens in registry center | No need for authority |
+| operationTimeoutMilliseconds (?) | int         | The operation timeout milliseconds             | 500 milliseconds      |
+| maxRetries (?)                   | int         | The maximum retry count                        | 3                     |
+| retryIntervalMilliseconds (?)    | int         | The retry interval milliseconds                | 500 milliseconds      |
+| timeToLiveSeconds (?)            | int         | Time to live seconds for ephemeral nodes       | 60 seconds            |
+### Etcd Properties Configuration
+| *Name*                | *Data Type* | *Description*                         | *Default Value* |
+| --------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------- | --------------- |
+| timeToLiveSeconds (?) | long        | Time to live seconds for data persist | 30 seconds      |
+### Apollo Properties Configuration
+| *Name*             | *Data Type* | *Description*                | *Default Value*       |
+| ------------------ | ----------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------- |
+| appId (?)          | String      | Apollo appId                 | APOLLO_SHARDINGSPHERE |
+| env (?)            | String      | Apollo env                   | DEV                   |
+| clusterName (?)    | String      | Apollo clusterName           | default               |
+| administrator (?)  | String      | Apollo administrator         | Empty                 |
+| token (?)          | String      | Apollo token                 | Empty                 |
+| portalUrl (?)      | String      | Apollo portalUrl             | Empty                 |
+| connectTimeout (?) | int         | Connect timeout milliseconds | 1000 milliseconds     |
+| readTimeout (?)    | int         | Read timeout milliseconds    | 5000 milliseconds     |
+### Nacos Properties Configuration
+| *Name*      | *Data Type* | *Description* | *Default Value*               |
+| ----------- | ----------- | ------------- | ----------------------------- |
+| group (?)   | String      | group         | SHARDING_SPHERE_DEFAULT_GROUP |
+| timeout (?) | long        | timeout       | 3000 milliseconds             |
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+title = "读写分离"
+weight = 2
+## 配置入口
+| *名称*                    | *数据类型*                              | *说明*        |
+| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------ |
+| dataSources (+) | Collection\<MasterSlaveDataSourceConfiguration\> | 主从数据源列表 |
+## 主从数据源配置
+| *名称*                               | *数据类型*                        | *说明*            | *默认值*        |
+| ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------- | ---------------- | -------------- |
+| name                                 | String                           | 读写分离数据源名称 | -              |
+| masterDataSourceName                 | String                           | 主库数据源名称     | -              |
+| slaveDataSourceNames                 | Collection\<String\>             | 从库数据源名称列表 | -              |
+| loadBalanceStrategyConfiguration (?) | LoadBalanceStrategyConfiguration | 从库负载均衡算法   | 轮询负载均衡算法 |
+## 从库负载均衡策略配置
+| *名称*          | *数据类型*  | *说明*               | *默认值*        |
+| -------------- | ---------- | -------------------- | -------------- |
+| type           | String     | 从库负载均衡算法类型    | -              |
+| properties (?) | Properties | 从库负载均衡算法属性配置 | 空             |
+Apache ShardingSphere 内置的从库负载均衡算法实现类包括:
+### 轮询算法
+### 随机访问算法
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+title = "Read-write Split"
+weight = 2
+## Root Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.masterslave.api.config.MasterSlaveRuleConfiguration
+| *Name*                   | *DataType*                                       | *Description*                        |
+| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ |
+| dataSources (+)          | Collection\<MasterSlaveDataSourceConfiguration\> | Data sources of master and slaves    |
+## Master Slave Data Source Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.masterslave.api.config.MasterSlaveDataSourceConfiguration
+| *Name*                               | *DataType*                       | *Description*                         | *Default Value*                    |
+| ------------------------------------ | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
+| name                                 | String                           | Read-write split data source name     | -                                  |
+| masterDataSourceName                 | String                           | Master database source name           | -                                  |
+| slaveDataSourceNames                 | Collection\<String\>             | Slave database source name list       | -                                  |
+| loadBalanceStrategyConfiguration (?) | LoadBalanceStrategyConfiguration | Slave database load balance algorithm | Round robin load balance algorithm |
+## Slave Data Sources Load Balance Strategy Configuration
+| *Name*         | *DataType* | *Description*                                        | *Default Value* |
+| -------------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |
+| type           | String     | Slave data sources load balance algorithm type       | -               |
+| properties (?) | Properties | Slave data sources load balance algorithm Properties | Empty           |
+Apache ShardingSphere built-in implemented classes of MasterSlaveLoadBalanceAlgorithm are:
+### Round Robin Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.masterslave.strategy.RoundRobinMasterSlaveLoadBalanceAlgorithm
+Attributes: None
+### Random Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.masterslave.strategy.RandomMasterSlaveLoadBalanceAlgorithm
+Attributes: None
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+title = "多数据副本"
+weight = 5
+## 配置入口
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+title = "Multi Replica"
+weight = 5
+## Root Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.replica.api.config.ReplicaRuleConfiguration
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+title = "影子库"
+weight = 4
+## 配置入口
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+title = "Shadow DB"
+weight = 4
+## Root Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.shadow.api.config.ShadowRuleConfiguration
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+title = "数据分片"
+weight = 1
+## 配置入口
+| *名称*                                     | *数据类型*                            | *说明*            | *默认值* |
+| ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------- | ------- |
+| tableRuleConfigs (+)                      | Collection\<TableRuleConfiguration\> | 分片规则列表        | -       |
+| bindingTableGroups (*)                    | Collection\<String\>                 | 绑定表规则列表      | 无      |
+| broadcastTables (*)                       | Collection\<String\>                 | 广播表规则列表      | 无      |
+| defaultDatabaseShardingStrategyConfig (?) | ShardingStrategyConfiguration        | 默认分库策略        | 不分片   |
+| defaultTableShardingStrategyConfig (?)    | ShardingStrategyConfiguration        | 默认分表策略        | 不分片   |
+| defaultKeyGeneratorConfig (?)             | KeyGeneratorConfiguration            | 默认自增列生成器配置 | 雪花算法 |
+## 逻辑表配置
+| *名称*                              | *数据类型*                     | *说明*                                                            | *默认值*                                                                            |
+| ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| logicTable                         | String                        | 逻辑表名称                                                         | -                                                                                  |
+| actualDataNodes (?)                | String                        | 由数据源名 + 表名组成,以小数点分隔。<br />多个表以逗号分隔,支持行表达式 | 使用已知数据源与逻辑表名称生成数据节点,用于广播表或只分库不分表且所有库的表结构完全一致的情况 |
+| databaseShardingStrategyConfig (?) | ShardingStrategyConfiguration | 分库策略                                                           | 使用默认分库策略                                                                     |
+| tableShardingStrategyConfig (?)    | ShardingStrategyConfiguration | 分表策略                                                           | 使用默认分表策略                                                                     |
+| keyGeneratorConfig (?)             | KeyGeneratorConfiguration     | 自增列生成器                                                        | 使用默认自增主键生成器                                                               |
+## 分片策略配置
+### 标准分片策略配置
+| *名称*             | *数据类型*                 | *说明*           |
+| ----------------- | ------------------------- | ---------------- |
+| shardingColumn    | String                    | 分片列名称        |
+| shardingAlgorithm | StandardShardingAlgorithm | 标准分片算法实现类 |
+Apache ShardingSphere 内置的标准分片算法实现类包括:
+#### 行表达式分片算法
+| *属性名称*                                 | *数据类型* | *说明*                                              | *默认值* |
+| ----------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
+| algorithm.expression                      | String    | 分片算法的行表达式                                    | -       |
+| allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding (?)| boolean   | 是否允许范围查询。注意:范围查询会无视分片策略,进行全路由 | false   |
+#### 取模分片算法
+| *属性名称* | *数据类型* | *说明*  |
+| --------- | --------- | ------- |
+| mod.value | int       | 分片数量 |
+#### 哈希取模分片算法
+| *属性名称* | *数据类型* | *说明*  |
+| --------- | --------- | ------- |
+| mod.value | int       | 分片数量 |
+#### 固定容量范围分片算法
+| *属性名称*        | *数据类型* | *说明*                      |
+| ---------------- | --------- | -------------------------- |
+| partition.lower  | long      | 范围下界,超过边界的数据会报错 |
+| partition.upper  | long      | 范围上界,超过边界的数据会报错 |
+| partition.volume | long      | 分片容量                    |
+#### 自定义边界范围分片算法
+| *属性名称*        | *数据类型* | *说明*                            |
+| ---------------- | --------- | --------------------------------- |
+| partition.ranges | String    | 分片的范围边界,多个范围边界以逗号分隔 |
+#### 定长时间段分片算法
+| *属性名称*         | *数据类型* | *说明*                                          |
+| ----------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
+| epoch             | String    | 分片时间的起始纪元,时间戳格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
+| partition.seconds | long      | 单一分片所能承载的最大时间,单位:秒                |
+#### 自定义时间边界分片算法
+| *属性名称*            | *数据类型* | *说明*                              |
+| -------------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------- |
+| datetime.format      | String    | 时间戳格式,例如:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
+| table.suffix.format  | String    | TODO                                |
+| datetime.lower       | String    | TODO                                |
+| datetime.upper       | String    | TODO                                |
+| datetime.step.unit   | String    | TODO                                |
+| datetime.step.amount | String    | TODO                                |
+### 复合分片策略配置
+| *名称*             | *数据类型*                    | *说明*                   |
+| ----------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------ |
+| shardingColumns   | String                       | 分片列名称,多个列以逗号分隔 |
+| shardingAlgorithm | ComplexKeysShardingAlgorithm | 复合分片算法实现类          |
+Apache ShardingSphere 暂无内置复合分片算法实现类。
+### Hint 分片策略配置
+| *名称*             | *数据类型*             | *说明*      |
+| ----------------- | --------------------- | ----------- |
+| shardingAlgorithm | HintShardingAlgorithm | Hint分片算法 |
+Apache ShardingSphere 暂无内置复合分片算法实现类。
+### 不分片策略配置
+## 自增主键策略配置
+| *名称*               | *数据类型*            | *说明*            |
+| -------------------- | -------------------- | ---------------- |
+| column               | String               | 自增列名称        |
+| keyGenerateAlgorithm | KeyGenerateAlgorithm | 自增主键算法实现类 |
+Apache ShardingSphere 内置的自增主键算法实现类包括:
+### 雪花算法
+| *属性名称*                                     | *数据类型* | *说明*                                                                                                                                                                                         | *默认值* |
+| --------------------------------------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------ |
+| worker.id (?)                                 | long      | 工作机器唯一标识                                                                                                                                                                                 | 0      |
+| max.vibration.offset (?)                      | int       | 最大抖动上限值,范围[0, 4096)。注:若使用此算法生成值作分片值,建议配置此属性。此算法在不同毫秒内所生成的 key 取模 2^n (2^n一般为分库或分表数) 之后结果总为 0 或 1。为防止上述分片问题,建议将此属性值配置为 (2^n)-1 | 1      |
+| max.tolerate.time.difference.milliseconds (?) | long      | 最大容忍时钟回退时间,单位:毫秒                                                                                                                                                                   | 10 毫秒 |
+### UUID
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@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+title = "Sharding"
+weight = 1
+## Root Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.api.config.ShardingRuleConfiguration
+| *Name*                                    | *DataType*                           | *Description*                      | *Default Value* |
+| ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------- | --------------- |
+| tableRuleConfigs (+)                      | Collection\<TableRuleConfiguration\> | Sharding rules                     | -               |
+| bindingTableGroups (*)                    | Collection\<String\>                 | Binding table rules                | Empty           |
+| broadcastTables (*)                       | Collection\<String\>                 | Broadcast table rules              | Empty           |
+| defaultDatabaseShardingStrategyConfig (?) | ShardingStrategyConfiguration        | Default database sharding strategy | Not sharding    |
+| defaultTableShardingStrategyConfig (?)    | ShardingStrategyConfiguration        | Default table sharding strategy    | Not sharding    |
+| defaultKeyGeneratorConfig (?)             | KeyGeneratorConfiguration            | Default key generator              | Snowflake       |
+## Logic Table Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.api.config.TableRuleConfiguration
+| *Name*                             | *DataType*                    | *Description*                                                                                                                         | *Default Value*                             |
+| ---------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
+| logicTable                         | String                        | Name of logic table                                                                                                                   | -                                           |
+| actualDataNodes (?)                | String                        | Describe data source names and actual tables, delimiter as point.<br /> Multiple data nodes split by comma, support inline expression | Broadcast table or databases sharding only. |
+| databaseShardingStrategyConfig (?) | ShardingStrategyConfiguration | Databases sharding strategy                                                                                                           | Use default databases sharding strategy     |
+| tableShardingStrategyConfig (?)    | ShardingStrategyConfiguration | Tables sharding strategy                                                                                                              | Use default tables sharding strategy        |
+| keyGeneratorConfig (?)             | KeyGeneratorConfiguration     | Key generator configuration                                                                                                           | Use default key generator                   |
+## Sharding Strategy Configuration
+### Standard Sharding Strategy Configuration
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.api.config.strategy.StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration
+| *Name*                     | *DataType*                | *Description*                                   |
+| -------------------------- | ------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
+| shardingColumn             | String                    | Sharding column name                            |
+| shardingAlgorithm          | StandardShardingAlgorithm | Standard sharding algorithm class               |
+Apache ShardingSphere built-in implemented classes of StandardShardingAlgorithm are:
+#### Inline Sharding Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.sharding.inline.InlineShardingAlgorithm
+| *Name*                                    | *DataType* | *Description*                                                                                            | *Default Value* |
+| ----------------------------------------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |
+| algorithm.expression                      | String     | Inline expression sharding algorithm                                                                     | -               |
+| allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding (?)| boolean    | Whether range query is allowed. Note: range query will ignore sharding strategy and conduct full routing | false           |
+#### Modulo Sharding Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.sharding.ModuloShardingAlgorithm
+| *Name*    | *DataType* | *Description*  |
+| --------- | ---------- | -------------- |
+| mod.value | int        | Sharding count |
+#### Hash Modulo Sharding Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.sharding.HashShardingAlgorithm
+| *Name*    | *DataType* | *Description*  |
+| --------- | ---------- | -------------- |
+| mod.value | int        | Sharding count |
+#### Volume Range Sharding Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.sharding.range.StandardRangeShardingAlgorithm
+| *Name*           | *DataType* | *Description*                                            |
+| ---------------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
+| partition.lower  | long       | Range lower bound, throw exception if lower than bound   |
+| partition.upper  | long       | Range upper bound, throw exception if upper than bound   |
+| partition.volume | long       | Sharding volume                                          |
+#### Customized Range Sharding Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.sharding.range.CustomRangeShardingAlgorithm
+| *Name*           | *DataType* | *Description*                                                     |
+| ---------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| partition.ranges | String     | Range of sharding border, multiple boundaries separated by commas |
+#### Fixed Range Volume Sharding Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.sharding.range.StandardRangeShardingAlgorithm
+| *Name*           | *DataType* | *Description*                                                       |
+| ---------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| partition.lower  | long       | Lower bound of range, data beyond the boundary will report an error |
+| partition.upper  | long       | Upper bound of range, data beyond the boundary will report an error |
+| partition.volume | long       | Range volume                                                        |
+#### Custom Range Bound Sharding Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.sharding.range.CustomRangeShardingAlgorithm
+| *Name*           | *DataType* | *Description*                                                       |
+| ---------------- | ---------- | --------------------------------- |
+| partition.ranges | String     | 分片的范围边界,多个范围边界以逗号分隔 |
+#### Fixed Time Range Sharding Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.sharding.DatetimeShardingAlgorithm
+| *Name*            | *DataType* | *Description*                                      |
+| ----------------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
+| epoch             | String     | Shard datetime epoch, pattern: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
+| partition.seconds | long       | Max seconds for the data in one shard              |
+#### Custom Datetime Bound Sharding Algorithm
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.sharding.CustomDateTimeShardingAlgorithm
+| *Name*               | *DataType* | *Description*                                  |
+| -------------------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
+| datetime.format      | String     | Datetime pattern, example: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
+| table.suffix.format  | String     | TODO                                           |
+| datetime.lower       | String     | TODO                                           |
+| datetime.upper       | String     | TODO                                           |
+| datetime.step.unit   | String     | TODO                                           |
+| datetime.step.amount | String     | TODO                                           |
+### Complex Sharding Strategy Configuration
+Class name: ComplexShardingStrategyConfiguration
+| *Name*            | *DataType*                   | *Description*                             |
+| ----------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
+| shardingColumns   | String                       | Sharding column name, separated by commas |
+| shardingAlgorithm | ComplexKeysShardingAlgorithm | Complex sharding algorithm                |
+There is no built-in complex keys sharding algorithm implementation class in Apache ShardingSphere.
+### Hint Sharding Strategy Configuration
+Class name: HintShardingStrategyConfiguration
+| *Name*            | *DataType*            | *Description*           |
+| ----------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------- |
+| shardingAlgorithm | HintShardingAlgorithm | Hint sharding algorithm |
+There is no built-in hint sharding algorithm implementation class in Apache ShardingSphere.
+### None Sharding Strategy Configuration
+Class name: NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration
+Attributes: None
+## Key Generator Configuration
+Class name: KeyGeneratorConfiguration
+| *Name*               | *DataType*           | *Description*                |
+| -------------------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------- |
+| column               | String               | Column name of key generate  |
+| keyGenerateAlgorithm | KeyGenerateAlgorithm | Key generate algorithm class |
+Apache ShardingSphere built-in implemented classes of KeyGenerateAlgorithm are:
+### Snowflake
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.keygen.SnowflakeKeyGenerateAlgorithm
+| *Name*                                        | *DataType* | *Description*                                                                | *Default Value* |
+| --------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |
+| worker.id (?)                                 | long       | The unique ID for working machine                                            | 0               |
+| max.tolerate.time.difference.milliseconds (?) | long       | The max tolerate time for different server's time difference in milliseconds | 10 milliseconds |
+| max.vibration.offset (?)                      | int        | The max upper limit value of vibrate number, range `[0, 4096)`. Notice: To use the generated value of this algorithm as sharding value, it is recommended to configure this property. The algorithm generates key mod `2^n` (`2^n` is usually the sharding amount of tables or databases) in different milliseconds and the result is always `0` or `1`. To prevent the above sharding problem, it is recommended to configure this property, its value is `(2^n)-1`| 1 |
+### UUID
+Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.strategy.algorithm.keygen.UUIDKeyGenerateAlgorithm
+Attributes: None
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/java-api.cn.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/java-api.cn.md
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@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
         Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
         PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
     ps.setInt(1, 10);
-    ps.setInt(2, 1001);
+    ps.setInt(2, 1000);
     try (ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
         while(rs.next()) {
             // ...
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/java-api.en.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/java-api.en.md
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+++ b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/java-api.en.md
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
         Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
         PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
     ps.setInt(1, 10);
-    ps.setInt(2, 1001);
+    ps.setInt(2, 1000);
     try (ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
         while(rs.next()) {
             // ...
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/yaml.cn.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/yaml.cn.md
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+++ b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/yaml.cn.md
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
         Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
         PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
     ps.setInt(1, 10);
-    ps.setInt(2, 1001);
+    ps.setInt(2, 1000);
     try (ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
         while(rs.next()) {
             // ...
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/yaml.en.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/yaml.en.md
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+++ b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/governance/yaml.en.md
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
         Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
         PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
     ps.setInt(1, 10);
-    ps.setInt(2, 1001);
+    ps.setInt(2, 1000);
     try (ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
         while(rs.next()) {
             // ...
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/java-api.cn.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/java-api.cn.md
index 8491362..23c5bc8 100644
--- a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/java-api.cn.md
+++ b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/java-api.cn.md
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
         Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
         PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
     ps.setInt(1, 10);
-    ps.setInt(2, 1001);
+    ps.setInt(2, 1000);
     try (ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
         while(rs.next()) {
             // ...
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/java-api.en.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/java-api.en.md
index 3e9ddb6..fbccab5 100644
--- a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/java-api.en.md
+++ b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/java-api.en.md
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
         Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
         PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
     ps.setInt(1, 10);
-    ps.setInt(2, 1001);
+    ps.setInt(2, 1000);
     try (ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
         while(rs.next()) {
             // ...
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/yaml.cn.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/yaml.cn.md
index e242b14..3a94da6 100644
--- a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/yaml.cn.md
+++ b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/yaml.cn.md
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
         Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
         PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
     ps.setInt(1, 10);
-    ps.setInt(2, 1001);
+    ps.setInt(2, 1000);
     try (ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
         while(rs.next()) {
             // ...
diff --git a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/yaml.en.md b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/yaml.en.md
index 0d46c50..1dc6952 100644
--- a/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/yaml.en.md
+++ b/docs/document/content/user-manual/shardingsphere-jdbc/usage/sharding/yaml.en.md
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
         Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
         PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
     ps.setInt(1, 10);
-    ps.setInt(2, 1001);
+    ps.setInt(2, 1000);
     try (ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()) {
         while(rs.next()) {
             // ...
diff --git a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/keygen/SnowflakeKeyGenerateAlgorithm.java b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/keygen/SnowflakeKeyGenerateAlgorithm.java
index 11084f0..7aea262 100644
--- a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/keygen/SnowflakeKeyGenerateAlgorithm.java
+++ b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/keygen/SnowflakeKeyGenerateAlgorithm.java
@@ -52,6 +52,12 @@
     public static final long EPOCH;
+    private static final String WORKER_ID_PROPERTY_KEY = "worker.id";
+    private static final String MAX_VIBRATION_OFFSET_PROPERTY_KEY = "max.vibration.offset";
+    private static final String MAX_TOLERATE_TIME_DIFFERENCE_MILLISECONDS_PROPERTY_KEY = "max.tolerate.time.difference.milliseconds";
     private static final long SEQUENCE_BITS = 12L;
     private static final long WORKER_ID_BITS = 10L;
@@ -129,19 +135,19 @@
     private long getWorkerId() {
-        long result = Long.valueOf(properties.getProperty("worker.id", String.valueOf(WORKER_ID)));
+        long result = Long.valueOf(properties.getProperty(WORKER_ID_PROPERTY_KEY, String.valueOf(WORKER_ID)));
         Preconditions.checkArgument(result >= 0L && result < WORKER_ID_MAX_VALUE);
         return result;
     private int getMaxVibrationOffset() {
-        int result = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("max.vibration.offset", String.valueOf(DEFAULT_VIBRATION_VALUE)));
+        int result = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(MAX_VIBRATION_OFFSET_PROPERTY_KEY, String.valueOf(DEFAULT_VIBRATION_VALUE)));
         Preconditions.checkArgument(result >= 0 && result <= SEQUENCE_MASK, "Illegal max vibration offset");
         return result;
     private int getMaxTolerateTimeDifferenceMilliseconds() {
-        return Integer.valueOf(properties.getProperty("max.tolerate.time.difference.milliseconds", String.valueOf(MAX_TOLERATE_TIME_DIFFERENCE_MILLISECONDS)));
     private long waitUntilNextTime(final long lastTime) {
diff --git a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/CustomDateTimeShardingAlgorithm.java b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/CustomDateTimeShardingAlgorithm.java
index d5d55ee..a3d8e94 100644
--- a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/CustomDateTimeShardingAlgorithm.java
+++ b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/CustomDateTimeShardingAlgorithm.java
@@ -61,32 +61,32 @@
  * <p>examples: when shard by {@link IsoFields#QUARTER_OF_YEAR}, datetime.step.unit = Months and datetime.step.amount = 3 is a better choice.
-public class CustomDateTimeShardingAlgorithm implements StandardShardingAlgorithm<Comparable<?>> {
+public final class CustomDateTimeShardingAlgorithm implements StandardShardingAlgorithm<Comparable<?>> {
     private static final String DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "datetime.format";
     private static final String TABLE_SUFFIX_FORMAT = "table.suffix.format";
     private static final String DEFAULT_LOWER = "datetime.lower";
     private static final String DEFAULT_UPPER = "datetime.upper";
     private static final String STEP_UNIT = "datetime.step.unit";
     private static final String STEP_AMOUNT = "datetime.step.amount";
     private DateTimeFormatter datetimeFormatter;
     private ChronoUnit stepUnit;
     private int stepAmount;
-    private volatile boolean init;
+    private volatile boolean initialized;
     private Properties properties = new Properties();
     public String doSharding(final Collection<String> availableTargetNames, final PreciseShardingValue<Comparable<?>> shardingValue) {
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
                 .findFirst().orElseThrow(() -> new UnsupportedOperationException(
                         String.format("failed to shard value %s, and availableTables %s", shardingValue, availableTargetNames)));
     public Collection<String> doSharding(final Collection<String> availableTargetNames, final RangeShardingValue<Comparable<?>> shardingValue) {
@@ -121,31 +121,31 @@
         mergeTableIfMatch(end, tables, availableTargetNames);
         return tables;
     private LocalDateTime parseDateTimeForValue(final String value) {
         return LocalDateTime.parse(value.substring(0, properties.getProperty(DATE_TIME_FORMAT).length()), datetimeFormatter);
     private String formatForDateTime(final LocalDateTime localDateTime) {
         return localDateTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(properties.get(TABLE_SUFFIX_FORMAT).toString()));
     private void mergeTableIfMatch(final LocalDateTime dateTime, final Collection<String> tables, final Collection<String> availableTargetNames) {
         String suffix = formatForDateTime(dateTime);
         availableTargetNames.parallelStream().filter(tableName -> tableName.endsWith(suffix)).findAny().map(tables::add);
     private void checkInit() {
-        if (!init) {
+        if (!initialized) {
             synchronized (this) {
-                if (!init) {
+                if (!initialized) {
-                    init = true;
+                    initialized = true;
     private void verifyProperties() {
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can't apply shard value for default lower/upper values", e);
     private ChronoUnit generateStepUnit() {
         for (ChronoUnit unit : ChronoUnit.values()) {
             if (unit.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(properties.getProperty(STEP_UNIT))) {
@@ -174,10 +174,9 @@
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                 String.format("can't find step unit for specified datetime.step.unit prop: %s", properties.getProperty(STEP_UNIT)));
     public String getType() {
         return "CUSTOM_DATE_TIME";
diff --git a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/DatetimeShardingAlgorithm.java b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/DatetimeShardingAlgorithm.java
index 579a8f4..e80a6d8 100644
--- a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/DatetimeShardingAlgorithm.java
+++ b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/DatetimeShardingAlgorithm.java
@@ -89,8 +89,7 @@
     private void checkProperties() {
         Preconditions.checkNotNull(properties.get(PARTITION_SECONDS), "Sharding partition volume cannot be null.");
-        Preconditions.checkState(null != properties.get(EPOCH) && checkDatetimePattern(properties.get(EPOCH).toString()), 
-                "%s pattern is required.", DATETIME_PATTERN);
+        Preconditions.checkState(null != properties.get(EPOCH) && checkDatetimePattern(properties.get(EPOCH).toString()), "%s pattern is required.", DATETIME_PATTERN);
     private boolean checkDatetimePattern(final String datetime) {
diff --git a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/inline/InlineShardingAlgorithm.java b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/inline/InlineShardingAlgorithm.java
index c9881cd..84a7083 100644
--- a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/inline/InlineShardingAlgorithm.java
+++ b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/inline/InlineShardingAlgorithm.java
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
 public final class InlineShardingAlgorithm implements StandardShardingAlgorithm<Comparable<?>> {
-    private static final String ALLOW_RANGE_QUERY = "allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding";
     private static final String ALGORITHM_EXPRESSION = "algorithm.expression";
+    private static final String ALLOW_RANGE_QUERY = "allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding";
     private Properties properties = new Properties();
diff --git a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/AbstractRangeShardingAlgorithm.java b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/AbstractRangeShardingAlgorithm.java
index 4a4b49b..80b5bd8 100644
--- a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/AbstractRangeShardingAlgorithm.java
+++ b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/AbstractRangeShardingAlgorithm.java
@@ -25,40 +25,35 @@
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
 import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
  * Abstract range sharding algorithm.
 public abstract class AbstractRangeShardingAlgorithm implements StandardShardingAlgorithm<Long> {
-    private volatile boolean init;
-    /**
-     * getTargetNameByPreciseShardingValue.
-     *
-     * @param availableTargetNames available data sources or tables's names
-     * @param shardingValue        sharding value
-     * @param partitionRangeMap    the mapping of partition and range
-     * @return sharding result for data source or table's name
-     */
-    protected String getTargetNameByPreciseShardingValue(final Collection<String> availableTargetNames,
-                                                         final PreciseShardingValue<Long> shardingValue,
-                                                         final Map<Integer, Range<Long>> partitionRangeMap) {
-        return availableTargetNames.stream().filter(each -> each.endsWith(getPartition(partitionRangeMap, shardingValue.getValue()) + ""))
-                .findFirst().orElseThrow(UnsupportedOperationException::new);
+    private volatile boolean initialized;
+    protected final void checkInit() {
+        if (!initialized) {
+            synchronized (this) {
+                if (!initialized) {
+                    initProperties();
+                    initialized = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
-    /**
-     * getTargetNameByRangeShardingValue.
-     *
-     * @param availableTargetNames available data sources or tables's names
-     * @param shardingValue        sharding value
-     * @param partitionRangeMap    the mapping of partition and range
-     * @return sharding results for data sources or tables's names
-     */
-    protected Collection<String> getTargetNameByRangeShardingValue(final Collection<String> availableTargetNames,
-                                                                   final RangeShardingValue<Long> shardingValue,
-                                                                   final Map<Integer, Range<Long>> partitionRangeMap) {
+    protected abstract void initProperties();
+    protected final String getTargetNameByPreciseShardingValue(final Collection<String> availableTargetNames, 
+                                                               final PreciseShardingValue<Long> shardingValue, final Map<Integer, Range<Long>> partitionRangeMap) {
+        return availableTargetNames.stream().filter(each -> each.endsWith(getPartition(partitionRangeMap, shardingValue.getValue()) + "")).findFirst().orElseThrow(UnsupportedOperationException::new);
+    }
+    protected final Collection<String> getTargetNameByRangeShardingValue(final Collection<String> availableTargetNames, 
+                                                                         final RangeShardingValue<Long> shardingValue, final Map<Integer, Range<Long>> partitionRangeMap) {
         Collection<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(availableTargetNames.size());
         int lowerEndpointPartition = getPartition(partitionRangeMap, shardingValue.getValueRange().lowerEndpoint());
         int upperEndpointPartition = getPartition(partitionRangeMap, shardingValue.getValueRange().upperEndpoint());
@@ -71,28 +66,9 @@
         return result;
-    /**
-     * check properties whether init.
-     */
-    protected void checkInit() {
-        if (!init) {
-            synchronized (this) {
-                if (!init) {
-                    initProperties();
-                    init = true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * init properties.
-     */
-    protected abstract void initProperties();
     private Integer getPartition(final Map<Integer, Range<Long>> partitionRangeMap, final Long value) {
-        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Range<Long>> entry : partitionRangeMap.entrySet()) {
+        for (Entry<Integer, Range<Long>> entry : partitionRangeMap.entrySet()) {
             if (entry.getValue().contains(value)) {
                 return entry.getKey();
diff --git a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/CustomRangeShardingAlgorithm.java b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/CustomRangeShardingAlgorithm.java
index b551028..1d970e9 100644
--- a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/CustomRangeShardingAlgorithm.java
+++ b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/CustomRangeShardingAlgorithm.java
@@ -50,32 +50,27 @@
  * </p>
 public final class CustomRangeShardingAlgorithm extends AbstractRangeShardingAlgorithm {
     private static final String PARTITION_RANGES = "partition.ranges";
     private Map<Integer, Range<Long>> partitionRangeMap;
     private Properties properties = new Properties();
     public String doSharding(final Collection<String> availableTargetNames, final PreciseShardingValue<Long> shardingValue) {
         return getTargetNameByPreciseShardingValue(availableTargetNames, shardingValue, partitionRangeMap);
     public Collection<String> doSharding(final Collection<String> availableTargetNames, final RangeShardingValue<Long> shardingValue) {
         return getTargetNameByRangeShardingValue(availableTargetNames, shardingValue, partitionRangeMap);
-    @Override
-    public String getType() {
-        return "CUSTOM_RANGE";
-    }
     public void initProperties() {
         Preconditions.checkNotNull(properties.get(PARTITION_RANGES), "Custom range sharding algorithm partition ranges cannot be null.");
@@ -96,4 +91,9 @@
+    @Override
+    public String getType() {
+        return "CUSTOM_RANGE";
+    }
diff --git a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/StandardRangeShardingAlgorithm.java b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/StandardRangeShardingAlgorithm.java
index b4f56ea..ad705ed 100644
--- a/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/StandardRangeShardingAlgorithm.java
+++ b/shardingsphere-features/shardingsphere-sharding/shardingsphere-sharding-common/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/sharding/strategy/algorithm/sharding/range/StandardRangeShardingAlgorithm.java
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
  * Standard range sharding algorithm.
+ * 
  * <p>
  * Standard range sharding algorithm is similar to the rule of partition table, but it can only be split by the same size.
  * User can specify the range by setting `partition.lower`, `partition.upper` and `partition.volume` parameters.
@@ -45,36 +46,31 @@
  * </p>
 public final class StandardRangeShardingAlgorithm extends AbstractRangeShardingAlgorithm {
     private static final String PARTITION_LOWER = "partition.lower";
     private static final String PARTITION_UPPER = "partition.upper";
     private static final String PARTITION_VOLUME = "partition.volume";
     private Map<Integer, Range<Long>> partitionRangeMap;
     private Properties properties = new Properties();
     public String doSharding(final Collection<String> availableTargetNames, final PreciseShardingValue<Long> shardingValue) {
         return getTargetNameByPreciseShardingValue(availableTargetNames, shardingValue, partitionRangeMap);
     public Collection<String> doSharding(final Collection<String> availableTargetNames, final RangeShardingValue<Long> shardingValue) {
         return getTargetNameByRangeShardingValue(availableTargetNames, shardingValue, partitionRangeMap);
-    @Override
-    public String getType() {
-        return "STANDARD_RANGE";
-    }
     public void initProperties() {
         Preconditions.checkNotNull(properties.get(PARTITION_LOWER), "Standard range sharding algorithm partition lower cannot be null.");
@@ -92,4 +88,9 @@
         partitionRangeMap.put(partitionSize + 1, Range.atLeast(upper));
+    @Override
+    public String getType() {
+        return "STANDARD_RANGE";
+    }