tree: d9e8d5eac881258d0f50f01e3025d1b218215e58 [path history] [tgz]
  1. agent/
  2. cli/



This is a cli tool for point-in-time recovery of Apache ShardingSphere and OpenGauss distributed database cluster.


Before you start, you need to prepare at least three servers, set the running environment and deploy required softwares respectively. The topology is:

+------------------------------+             +------------------+
|                              |             | OpenGauss Server |
| Apache ShardingSphere Proxy  |             | Pitr Agent       |
| Apache Zookeeper             | ----------> +------------------+
| Pitr Cli (aka `gs_pitr`)     |             | OpenGauss Server |
|                              |             | Pitr Agent       |
+------------------------------+             +------------------+


You need to prepare at least three servers: one server for the Pitr commandline tool and Apache ShardingSphere, other two servers for the Pitr agent and OpenGauss:

1Pitr cli operation serverPitr Cli + ShardingSphere Proxy + Zookeeper + GLT
2OpenGauss Server 1OpenGauss Server + Pitr Agent
3OpenGauss Server 2OpenGauss Server + Pitr Agent


After the servers are ready, you should check and ensure the following items:

  • Apache ShardingSphere Proxy is allowed to access OpenGauss Servers
  • External access to Apache ShardingSphere Proxy via port 3307
  • External access to Pitr agent on OpenGauss servers via port 18080
  • Set below environment variables on OpenGauss Servers
    • export PGDATABASE=tpccdb
    • export PGPORT=13100
  • OpenGauss has user omm and database omm which can be accessed
  • OpenGauss enables cbm tracking
  • SSL key pairs. Any valid key pairs are acceptable, they will be used for Pitr cli-agent secure communication
  • Create OpenGauss backup path manually and keep it same between OpenGauss servers
  • Deploy GLT service such a Redis, in order to provide CSN to ShardingSphere and OpenGauss distributed database

Compilation (optional)

Generally the Pitr command line tools, including cli binary and agent binary could be downloaded throught the Apache ShardingSphere-on-Cloud release page.

In case of if you want to compile Pitr tools yourself, you should using this recommanded Golang version 1.20 with Linux 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64. Please follow the steps below to compile both Pitr agent and cli.

Step 1. Clone the project

git clone

Step 2. Compile Pitr agent

cd shardingsphere-on-cloud/pitr/agent
make build

Step 3. Compile Pitr cli

cd shardingsphere-on-cloud/pitr/cli
make build

SSL Configurations

The communication of Pitr cli and Pitr agent is secured by TLS which needs a SSL key pair. You can either use any available keypairs or generate a new keypair, e.g.:

  • tls.key
  • tls.crt

The key pair need to be deployed on the servers where Pitr agent and OpenGauss are installed.

Generate new SSL keypair (Optional)

If you want to generate a new key pair, please make sure you have a available OpenSSL environment, check environment variable OPENSSL_CONF, generally it is set to /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf.

Then using the script under pitr/agent code directory, execute the commands below:

cd shardingsphere-on-cloud/pitr/agent
make openssl-local

After that, the keypair files will be write to ./certs in the current directory.


Pitr cli (aka gs_pitr) and Pitr agent (aka pitr-agent) binaries could be downloaded at Apache ShardingSphere on Cloud release page, or just compiled in your local development environment according the previous instructions.

The whole deployment process consists of two parts:

  1. Deploying Apache ShardingSphere Proxy, Zookeeper and Pitr Cli, refering to step 1 - step 2
  2. Deploying OpenGauss and Pitr Agent, refering to step 3 - step 5.

Step 1: Get Pitr tools

You can download pre-compiled Pitr tools binary release or compile them yourself from source code.

Get binary release

The binaries are packaged as .tar.gz file on release page. You can download expected version and uncompress the binary files gs_pitr and pitr-agent.

Compile it yourself

Please refer to the Compilation section in Prerequsition for detailed instructions.

After fetching the binaries successfully. You need to save the gs_pitr to the same server where Apache ShardingSphere Proxy is located. And save pitr-agent to the servers where OpenGauss is deployed.

Step 2: Get ShardingSphere Proxy Configurations

Using the OpenGauss host to substitute the ${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_1} and ${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_2} below:


  type: Cluster
    type: ZooKeeper
      namespace: governance
      server-lists: localhost:2181
      retryIntervalMilliseconds: 500
      timeToLiveSeconds: 60
      maxRetries: 3
      operationTimeoutMilliseconds: 500

    - user: root@%
      password: root
    - user: sharding
      password: sharding

  defaultType: XA
  providerType: Atomikos

  proxy-frontend-database-protocol-type: openGauss

# Below is GLT related configs
  enabled: true
  type: TSO
  provider: redis
    port: 6379


databaseName: sharding_db
    url: jdbc:opengauss://${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_1}:13100/tpccdb?useSSL=false
    username: root
    password: root
    connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: 30000
    idleTimeoutMilliseconds: 60000
    maxLifetimeMilliseconds: 1800000
    maxPoolSize: 50
    minPoolSize: 1

    url: jdbc:opengauss://${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_2}:13100/tpccdb?useSSL=false
    username: root
    password: root
    connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: 30000
    idleTimeoutMilliseconds: 60000
    maxLifetimeMilliseconds: 1800000
    maxPoolSize: 50
    minPoolSize: 1

And using the script bin/ to start ShardingSphere Proxy. This script could be found in apache-shardingsphere-{version}-shardingsphere-proxy-bin.tar.gz

Step 3: Set OpenGauss Configurations

a. Enable cbm tracking in postgres.conf

enable_cbm_tracking = on

b. Execute gs_probackup init -B ${backup-path} to set the expected backup path.

Then you can start both OpenGauss servers.

Step 4: Deploy SSL certs for Pitr Agent

Before you start Pitr agent, you need to deploy SSL certs for Pitr agent:

If the TLS keypair is compiled yourself, the cert files are located at shardingsphere-on-cloud/pitr/agent/certs. You should change directory to the cert directory before executing the command below:

scp tls.crt tls.key root@${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_1}:/home/omm/
scp tls.crt tls.key root@${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_2}:/home/omm/

Otherwise the key pairs need to be deployed to the same path on OpenGauss servers.

Step 5: Start Pitr Agent

  1. Copy binary files
cd shardingsphere-on-cloud/pitr/agent

scp pitr-agent root@${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_1}:/home/omm/
scp pitr-agent root@${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_2}:/home/omm/
  1. Login OpenGauss servers and change directory to /home/omm

Here are files under /home/omm:

$ ll
total 13M
drwx------  4 omm  omm    32 Mar  2 14:22 data
drwx------ 29 omm  omm  4.0K May 23 11:37 pgdata
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  13M May 16 18:25 pitr-agent
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 1.1K May 16 18:26 tls.crt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 1.7K May 16 18:26 tls.key
  1. Start Pitr agent
./pitr-agent -pgdata /data/data-glt/d1 -port 18080 -tls-crt tls.crt -tls-key tls.key -log-level debug


  • pgdata: OpenGauss data storage path. Using --env-source-file or envvar PGDATA if it is not specified in command line.
  • port: Pitr agent exposed port
  • tls-crt: TLS crt file path
  • tls-key: TLS key file path
  • log-level: Pitr agent log level


Prepare Test Data

You can connect to ShardingSphere Proxy with gsql and generate some data for testing.

gsql -h127.0.0.1 -p3307 -Usharding -Wsharding -d sharding_db
  1. Check Storage Units
  1. Create Sharding Table Rule t_user
  1. Check Sharding Table Rule
  1. Create Table t_user
  user_id INT NOT NULL,
  order_id INT NOT NULL,
  status VARCHAR(45) NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
  1. Check Sharding Table Nodes:
  1. Insert test data
insert into t_user( user_id, order_id, status) values(1,1,1);
insert into t_user( user_id, order_id, status) values(2,2,2);
insert into t_user( user_id, order_id, status) values(3,3,3);
insert into t_user( user_id, order_id, status) values(4,4,4);

select * from t_user;

Test Case


./gs_pitr backup --host ${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_1} --password sharding --port 3307 --username sharding --agent-port 18080 --dn-threads-num 10 --dn-backup-path "/home/omm/data" -b FULL


  • host: ShardingSphere Proxy server
  • port: ShardingSphere Proxy port
  • username: ShardingSphere Proxy user
  • password: ShardingSphere Proxy password
  • agent-port: Pitr agent port
  • dn-threads-num: OpenGauss concurrent backup
  • dn-threads-path: OpenGauss backup files path
  • b: Backup mode

Show backup info

Show backups:

./gs_pitr show


You may need to delete some records of t_user first.

delete from t_user where user_id=1;
delete from t_user where user_id=2;

Do recovery:

./gs_pitr restore --host ${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_1} --password sharding --port 3307 --username sharding --agent-port 18080 --dn-threads-num 10 --dn-backup-path "/home/omm/data" --id ${BACKUP_ID}


  • host: ShardingSphere Proxy server
  • port: ShardingSphere Proxy port
  • username: ShardingSphere Proxy user
  • password: ShardingSphere Proxy password
  • agent-port: Pitr agent port
  • dn-threads-num: OpenGauss concurrent restore
  • dn-backup-path: OpenGauss backup files path
  • id: Backup id

Verify data:

select * from t_user;


Delete backup :

./gs_pitr delete --host ${OPENGAUSS_SERVER_1} --password sharding --port 3307 --username sharding --agent-port 18080  --dn-backup-path "/home/omm/data" --id ${BACKUP_ID}


  • host: ShardingSphere Proxy server
  • port: ShardingSphere Proxy port
  • username: ShardingSphere Proxy user
  • password: ShardingSphere Proxy password
  • agent-port: Pitr agent port
  • dn-backup-path: OpenGauss backup files path
  • id: Backup id


  • Pitr backup and restore depends on GLT which is configured in ShardingSphere. Pitr can not ensure consistency without CSN if there is no GLT
  • Redis can be deployed as GLT service without any extra configuration
  • Global backup tasks need to be executed while there is no uncommitted transaction, and this will be ensuranced by ShardingSphere lock.
  • ShardingSphere will hold the lock until the whole backup process is done
  • Only one Pitr cli could successfully if multiple cli are executed simutaneously
  • OpenGauss data nodes should use the same IP and port while backup and recovery
  • Using the same version of ShardingSphere while backup and recovery to make sure the metadata is compatible.
  • The recovery operation need to stop service, and it is a synchonized operation. Users have to make sure the success of the recovery operation.
  • OpenGauss servers may under inconsistent status if recovery fails, such as one data node succeed while another failed. Users need to handle the exception and try to recovery again until it is succeed.
  • Pitr cli will create a directory .gs_pitr/backup under user $HOME and save backup metadata files under it
  • You need to copy this metadata backup under $HOME/.gs_pitr/bakcup to the another host first where you want to restore.
  • The backup file under directory $HOME/.gs_pitr/backup will be deleted after the execution of gs_pitr delete
  • Canceling the executing gs_pitr command on client side using either Ctrl-C or kill will do nothing about the execution of server task.