tree: 97ee8111d2e8fea236ba388b54b45f9cbf023d3d [path history] [tgz]
  1. apache-shardingsphere-operator-charts/
  2. apache-shardingsphere-proxy-charts/

Helm Charts

Current Status

Currently, either the ShardingSphere Helm Charts and the ShardingSphere Operator make up the latest version as (5.3.1) of ShardingSphere Proxy.


ShardingSphere Helm Charts

ShardingSphere Helm Charts uses Helm to provide guidance for the installation of a ShardingSphere-Proxy instance in a Kubernetes cluster.

Quick Start

Please follow these instructions to deploy a ShardingSphere cluster with version 5.3.1.

ShardingSphere-Cluster Operator Helm Charts

The ShardingSphere-Cluster Operator uses predefined CustomResourceDefinitions for describing an Apache ShardingSphere Deployment on Kubernetes.

Quick Start

Please follows instructions to deploy a ShardingSphere cluster with version 5.3.1.