Update PDF files at 2020-10-19 10:41:27 UTC.
diff --git a/old_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob b/old_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
index 4bf7dbc..6cfcb66 100644
--- a/old_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
+++ b/old_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
@@ -1,150 +1,62 @@
-commit 90ee7106f61d9802538ca57cf653adaab5215a52
+commit ef41f73e225a7d07671c12f7260750e1ad4c1888
 Author: Liang Zhang <terrymanu@163.com>
-Date:   Mon Oct 19 15:03:58 2020 +0800
+Date:   Mon Oct 19 18:28:37 2020 +0800
-    Update doc for error handler (#1593)
+    Add error handler spring namespace (#1596)
+    * Rename rdb-event-trace to rdb-tracing for spring namespace
+    * Add error handler spring namespace
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
-index ec0a661d2..ab149414f 100644
---- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
-+++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
-@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ Maven 坐标:
+diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.cn.md
+index 952d9a1c6..bb117f040 100644
+--- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.cn.md
++++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.cn.md
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ chapter = true
+ ## 事件追踪配置
+-\<elasticjob:rdb-event-trace />
++\<elasticjob:rdb-tracing />
--| 属性名          | 说明        | 默认值                    |
--| -------------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
--| email.host     | TODO        | 无                       |
--| email.port     | TODO        | 无                       |
--| email.username | TODO        | 无                       |
--| email.password | TODO        | 无                       |
--| email.useSsl   | TODO        | 无                       |
--| email.subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
--| email.from     | TODO        | 无                       |
--| email.to       | TODO        | 无                       |
--| email.cc       | TODO        | 无                       |
--| email.bcc      | TODO        | 无                       |
--| email.debug    | TODO        | 无                       |
-+| 属性名    | 说明        | 默认值                    |
-+| -------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
-+| host     | TODO        | 无                       |
-+| port     | TODO        | 无                       |
-+| username | TODO        | 无                       |
-+| password | TODO        | 无                       |
-+| useSsl   | TODO        | 无                       |
-+| subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
-+| from     | TODO        | 无                       |
-+| to       | TODO        | 无                       |
-+| cc       | TODO        | 无                       |
-+| bcc      | TODO        | 无                       |
-+| debug    | TODO        | 无                       |
+diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.en.md
+index c97a29706..3b9231020 100644
+--- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.en.md
++++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.en.md
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Configuration:
- ## 企业微信通知策略
+ ## Event Tracing Configuration
-@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ Maven 坐标:
+-\<elasticjob:rdb-event-trace />
++\<elasticjob:rdb-tracing />
- 可配置属性:
+ Configuration:
--| 属性名                            | 说明        | 默认值    |
--| -------------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
--| wechat.webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
--| wechat.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
--| wechat.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
-+| 属性名                     | 说明        | 默认值    |
-+| ------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
-+| webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
-+| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
-+| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
- ## 钉钉通知策略
-@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ Maven 坐标:
- 可配置属性:
--| 属性名                              | 说明        | 默认值    |
--| ---------------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
--| dingtalk.webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
--| dingtalk.keyword                   | TODO        | 无        |
--| dingtalk.secret                    | TODO        | 无        |
--| dingtalk.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
--| dingtalk.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
-+| 属性名                     | 说明        | 默认值    |
-+| ------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
-+| webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
-+| keyword                   | TODO        | 无        |
-+| secret                    | TODO        | 无        |
-+| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
-+| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md
-index f0a0847b2..6ff98bd2a 100644
---- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md
-+++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md
-@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ Maven POM:
- Configuration: 
--| Name           | Description | Default Value            |
--| -------------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
--| email.host     | TODO        | None                     |
--| email.port     | TODO        | None                     |
--| email.username | TODO        | None                     |
--| email.password | TODO        | None                     |
--| email.useSsl   | TODO        | None                     |
--| email.subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
--| email.from     | TODO        | None                     |
--| email.to       | TODO        | None                     |
--| email.cc       | TODO        | None                     |
--| email.bcc      | TODO        | None                     |
--| email.debug    | TODO        | None                     |
-+| Name     | Description | Default Value            |
-+| -------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
-+| host     | TODO        | None                     |
-+| port     | TODO        | None                     |
-+| username | TODO        | None                     |
-+| password | TODO        | None                     |
-+| useSsl   | TODO        | None                     |
-+| subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
-+| from     | TODO        | None                     |
-+| to       | TODO        | None                     |
-+| cc       | TODO        | None                     |
-+| bcc      | TODO        | None                     |
-+| debug    | TODO        | None                     |
- ## Wechat Enterprise Notification Strategy
-@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ Maven POM:
- Configuration: 
--| Name                             | Description | Default Value     |
--| -------------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
--| wechat.webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
--| wechat.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
--| wechat.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
-+| Name                      | Description | Default Value     |
-+| ------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
-+| webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
-+| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
-+| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
- ## Dingtalk Notification Strategy
-@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ Maven POM:
- Configuration: 
--| Name                               | Description | Default Value     |
--| ---------------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
--| dingtalk.webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
--| dingtalk.keyword                   | TODO        | None              |
--| dingtalk.secret                    | TODO        | None              |
--| dingtalk.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
--| dingtalk.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
-+| Name                      | Description | Default Value     |
-+| ------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
-+| webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
-+| keyword                   | TODO        | None              |
-+| secret                    | TODO        | None              |
-+| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
-+| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
+diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md
+index 67c1dd9e8..7333bfa89 100644
+--- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md
++++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ chapter = true
+         <property name="password" value="${password}" />
+     </bean>
+     <!-- 配置事件追踪 -->
+-    <elasticjob:rdb-event-trace id="elasticJobTrace" data-source-ref="elasticJobTracingDataSource" />
++    <elasticjob:rdb-tracing id="elasticJobTrace" data-source-ref="elasticJobTracingDataSource" />
+     <!-- 配置作业 -->
+     <elasticjob:job id="${myJob.id}" job-ref="myJob" registry-center-ref="regCenter" tracing-ref="elasticJobTrace" sharding-total-count="3" cron="0/1 * * * * ?" />
+diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md
+index 989d86ce1..543ec25c2 100644
+--- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md
++++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ chapter = true
+         <property name="password" value="${password}" />
+     </bean>
+     <!-- Configure event tracing -->
+-    <elasticjob:rdb-event-trace id="elasticJobTrace" data-source-ref="elasticJobTracingDataSource" />
++    <elasticjob:rdb-tracing id="elasticJobTrace" data-source-ref="elasticJobTracingDataSource" />
+     <!-- Configure job -->
+     <elasticjob:job id="${myJob.id}" job-ref="myJob" registry-center-ref="regCenter" tracing-ref="elasticJobTrace" sharding-total-count="3" cron="0/1 * * * * ?" />
diff --git a/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_cn.pdf b/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_cn.pdf
index 7684bc9..f6772d1 100644
--- a/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_cn.pdf
+++ b/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_cn.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_en.pdf b/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_en.pdf
index eabad41..45d9469 100644
--- a/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_en.pdf
+++ b/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_en.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/result_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob b/result_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
index 50d1779..1d4c7ab 100644
--- a/result_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
+++ b/result_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
@@ -1,167 +1,210 @@
-< commit a88d5e87973667772c7f95ab9dc93e6d48dc853d
+< commit 90ee7106f61d9802538ca57cf653adaab5215a52
-> commit 90ee7106f61d9802538ca57cf653adaab5215a52
+> commit ef41f73e225a7d07671c12f7260750e1ad4c1888
-< Date:   Sun Oct 18 23:46:39 2020 +0800
+< Date:   Mon Oct 19 15:03:58 2020 +0800
-> Date:   Mon Oct 19 15:03:58 2020 +0800
-<     Fix typo (#1588)
+> Date:   Mon Oct 19 18:28:37 2020 +0800
+<     Update doc for error handler (#1593)
->     Update doc for error handler (#1593)
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
-> index ec0a661d2..ab149414f 100644
-> --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
-> +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
-> @@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ Maven 坐标:
->  可配置属性:
-> -| 属性名          | 说明        | 默认值                    |
-> -| -------------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
-> -| email.host     | TODO        | 无                       |
-> -| email.port     | TODO        | 无                       |
-> -| email.username | TODO        | 无                       |
-> -| email.password | TODO        | 无                       |
-> -| email.useSsl   | TODO        | 无                       |
-> -| email.subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
-> -| email.from     | TODO        | 无                       |
-> -| email.to       | TODO        | 无                       |
-> -| email.cc       | TODO        | 无                       |
-> -| email.bcc      | TODO        | 无                       |
-> -| email.debug    | TODO        | 无                       |
-> +| 属性名    | 说明        | 默认值                    |
-> +| -------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
-> +| host     | TODO        | 无                       |
-> +| port     | TODO        | 无                       |
-> +| username | TODO        | 无                       |
-> +| password | TODO        | 无                       |
-> +| useSsl   | TODO        | 无                       |
-> +| subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
-> +| from     | TODO        | 无                       |
-> +| to       | TODO        | 无                       |
-> +| cc       | TODO        | 无                       |
-> +| bcc      | TODO        | 无                       |
-> +| debug    | TODO        | 无                       |
->  ## 企业微信通知策略
-> @@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ Maven 坐标:
->  可配置属性:
-> -| 属性名                            | 说明        | 默认值    |
-> -| -------------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
-> -| wechat.webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
-> -| wechat.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
-> -| wechat.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
-> +| 属性名                     | 说明        | 默认值    |
-> +| ------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
-> +| webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
-> +| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
-> +| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
->  ## 钉钉通知策略
-> @@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ Maven 坐标:
->  可配置属性:
-> -| 属性名                              | 说明        | 默认值    |
-> -| ---------------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
-> -| dingtalk.webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
-> -| dingtalk.keyword                   | TODO        | 无        |
-> -| dingtalk.secret                    | TODO        | 无        |
-> -| dingtalk.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
-> -| dingtalk.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
-> +| 属性名                     | 说明        | 默认值    |
-> +| ------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
-> +| webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
-> +| keyword                   | TODO        | 无        |
-> +| secret                    | TODO        | 无        |
-> +| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
-> +| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
-< index afec20599..f0a0847b2 100644
+>     Add error handler spring namespace (#1596)
+>     * Rename rdb-event-trace to rdb-tracing for spring namespace
+>     * Add error handler spring namespace
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
+< index ec0a661d2..ab149414f 100644
+< --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
+< +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
+< @@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ Maven 坐标:
-> index f0a0847b2..6ff98bd2a 100644
-< @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Configuration:
-<  | wechat.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
-<  | wechat.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
+> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.cn.md
+> index 952d9a1c6..bb117f040 100644
+> --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.cn.md
+> +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.cn.md
+> @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ chapter = true
+<  可配置属性:
+< -| 属性名          | 说明        | 默认值                    |
+< -| -------------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
+< -| email.host     | TODO        | 无                       |
+< -| email.port     | TODO        | 无                       |
+< -| email.username | TODO        | 无                       |
+< -| email.password | TODO        | 无                       |
+< -| email.useSsl   | TODO        | 无                       |
+< -| email.subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
+< -| email.from     | TODO        | 无                       |
+< -| email.to       | TODO        | 无                       |
+< -| email.cc       | TODO        | 无                       |
+< -| email.bcc      | TODO        | 无                       |
+< -| email.debug    | TODO        | 无                       |
+< +| 属性名    | 说明        | 默认值                    |
+< +| -------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
+< +| host     | TODO        | 无                       |
+< +| port     | TODO        | 无                       |
+< +| username | TODO        | 无                       |
+< +| password | TODO        | 无                       |
+< +| useSsl   | TODO        | 无                       |
+< +| subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
+< +| from     | TODO        | 无                       |
+< +| to       | TODO        | 无                       |
+< +| cc       | TODO        | 无                       |
+< +| bcc      | TODO        | 无                       |
+< +| debug    | TODO        | 无                       |
+<  ## 企业微信通知策略
+< @@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ Maven 坐标:
+<  可配置属性:
+< -| 属性名                            | 说明        | 默认值    |
+< -| -------------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
+< -| wechat.webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
+< -| wechat.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
+< -| wechat.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
+< +| 属性名                     | 说明        | 默认值    |
+< +| ------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
+< +| webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
+< +| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
+< +| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
+<  ## 钉钉通知策略
-> @@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ Maven POM:
->  Configuration: 
-> -| Name           | Description | Default Value            |
-> -| -------------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
-> -| email.host     | TODO        | None                     |
-> -| email.port     | TODO        | None                     |
-> -| email.username | TODO        | None                     |
-> -| email.password | TODO        | None                     |
-> -| email.useSsl   | TODO        | None                     |
-> -| email.subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
-> -| email.from     | TODO        | None                     |
-> -| email.to       | TODO        | None                     |
-> -| email.cc       | TODO        | None                     |
-> -| email.bcc      | TODO        | None                     |
-> -| email.debug    | TODO        | None                     |
-> +| Name     | Description | Default Value            |
-> +| -------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
-> +| host     | TODO        | None                     |
-> +| port     | TODO        | None                     |
-> +| username | TODO        | None                     |
-> +| password | TODO        | None                     |
-> +| useSsl   | TODO        | None                     |
-> +| subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
-> +| from     | TODO        | None                     |
-> +| to       | TODO        | None                     |
-> +| cc       | TODO        | None                     |
-> +| bcc      | TODO        | None                     |
-> +| debug    | TODO        | None                     |
->  ## Wechat Enterprise Notification Strategy
-> @@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ Maven POM:
->  Configuration: 
-> -| Name                             | Description | Default Value     |
-> -| -------------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
-> -| wechat.webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
-> -| wechat.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
-> -| wechat.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
-> +| Name                      | Description | Default Value     |
-> +| ------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
-> +| webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
-> +| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
-> +| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
->  ## Dingtalk Notification Strategy
-< -## Dingtalk Enterprise Notification Strategy
-< +## Dingtalk Notification Strategy
+>  ## 事件追踪配置
+< @@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ Maven 坐标:
-> @@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ Maven POM:
-<  Type: DINGTALK
+> -\<elasticjob:rdb-event-trace />
+> +\<elasticjob:rdb-tracing />
+< -| 属性名                              | 说明        | 默认值    |
+< -| ---------------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
+< -| dingtalk.webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
+< -| dingtalk.keyword                   | TODO        | 无        |
+< -| dingtalk.secret                    | TODO        | 无        |
+< -| dingtalk.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
+< -| dingtalk.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
+< +| 属性名                     | 说明        | 默认值    |
+< +| ------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
+< +| webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
+< +| keyword                   | TODO        | 无        |
+< +| secret                    | TODO        | 无        |
+< +| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
+< +| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md
+< index f0a0847b2..6ff98bd2a 100644
+< --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md
+< +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md
+< @@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ Maven POM:
+<  Configuration: 
+< -| Name           | Description | Default Value            |
+< -| -------------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
+< -| email.host     | TODO        | None                     |
+< -| email.port     | TODO        | None                     |
+< -| email.username | TODO        | None                     |
+< -| email.password | TODO        | None                     |
+< -| email.useSsl   | TODO        | None                     |
+< -| email.subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
+< -| email.from     | TODO        | None                     |
+< -| email.to       | TODO        | None                     |
+< -| email.cc       | TODO        | None                     |
+< -| email.bcc      | TODO        | None                     |
+< -| email.debug    | TODO        | None                     |
+< +| Name     | Description | Default Value            |
+< +| -------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
+< +| host     | TODO        | None                     |
+< +| port     | TODO        | None                     |
+< +| username | TODO        | None                     |
+< +| password | TODO        | None                     |
+< +| useSsl   | TODO        | None                     |
+< +| subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
+< +| from     | TODO        | None                     |
+< +| to       | TODO        | None                     |
+< +| cc       | TODO        | None                     |
+< +| bcc      | TODO        | None                     |
+< +| debug    | TODO        | None                     |
+<  ## Wechat Enterprise Notification Strategy
+< @@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ Maven POM:
+<  Configuration: 
+< -| Name                             | Description | Default Value     |
+< -| -------------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
+< -| wechat.webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
+< -| wechat.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
+< -| wechat.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
+< +| Name                      | Description | Default Value     |
+< +| ------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
+< +| webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
+< +| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
+< +| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
+<  ## Dingtalk Notification Strategy
+< @@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ Maven POM:
+<  Configuration: 
+< -| Name                               | Description | Default Value     |
+< -| ---------------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
+< -| dingtalk.webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
+< -| dingtalk.keyword                   | TODO        | None              |
+< -| dingtalk.secret                    | TODO        | None              |
+< -| dingtalk.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
+< -| dingtalk.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
+< +| Name                      | Description | Default Value     |
+< +| ------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
+< +| webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
+< +| keyword                   | TODO        | None              |
+< +| secret                    | TODO        | None              |
+< +| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
+< +| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
->  Configuration: 
-> -| Name                               | Description | Default Value     |
-> -| ---------------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
-> -| dingtalk.webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
-> -| dingtalk.keyword                   | TODO        | None              |
-> -| dingtalk.secret                    | TODO        | None              |
-> -| dingtalk.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
-> -| dingtalk.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
-> +| Name                      | Description | Default Value     |
-> +| ------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
-> +| webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
-> +| keyword                   | TODO        | None              |
-> +| secret                    | TODO        | None              |
-> +| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
-> +| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
+> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.en.md
+> index c97a29706..3b9231020 100644
+> --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.en.md
+> +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/spring-namespace.en.md
+> @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Configuration:
+>  ## Event Tracing Configuration
+> -\<elasticjob:rdb-event-trace />
+> +\<elasticjob:rdb-tracing />
+>  Configuration:
+> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md
+> index 67c1dd9e8..7333bfa89 100644
+> --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md
+> +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md
+> @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ chapter = true
+>          <property name="password" value="${password}" />
+>      </bean>
+>      <!-- 配置事件追踪 -->
+> -    <elasticjob:rdb-event-trace id="elasticJobTrace" data-source-ref="elasticJobTracingDataSource" />
+> +    <elasticjob:rdb-tracing id="elasticJobTrace" data-source-ref="elasticJobTracingDataSource" />
+>      <!-- 配置作业 -->
+>      <elasticjob:job id="${myJob.id}" job-ref="myJob" registry-center-ref="regCenter" tracing-ref="elasticJobTrace" sharding-total-count="3" cron="0/1 * * * * ?" />
+> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md
+> index 989d86ce1..543ec25c2 100644
+> --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md
+> +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md
+> @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ chapter = true
+>          <property name="password" value="${password}" />
+>      </bean>
+>      <!-- Configure event tracing -->
+> -    <elasticjob:rdb-event-trace id="elasticJobTrace" data-source-ref="elasticJobTracingDataSource" />
+> +    <elasticjob:rdb-tracing id="elasticJobTrace" data-source-ref="elasticJobTracingDataSource" />
+>      <!-- Configure job -->
+>      <elasticjob:job id="${myJob.id}" job-ref="myJob" registry-center-ref="regCenter" tracing-ref="elasticJobTrace" sharding-total-count="3" cron="0/1 * * * * ?" />