Update PDF files at 2020-10-19 13:21:58 UTC.
diff --git a/old_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob b/old_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
index f5af2d0..083583b 100644
--- a/old_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
+++ b/old_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
@@ -1,92 +1,32 @@
-commit d35f6d901d5cba8e84eb9b7b64d69e060e7fb463
+commit 250b16e1082593636d1487ced191f831b505359e
 Author: Liang Zhang <terrymanu@163.com>
-Date:   Mon Oct 19 19:43:49 2020 +0800
+Date:   Mon Oct 19 20:52:53 2020 +0800
-    Revise tracing document (#1602)
+    For checkstyle & fix typo (#1608)
+    * Fix typo
+    * For checkstyle
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.en.md
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 4c337227e..000000000
---- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.en.md
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
--title = "Event Trace"
--weight = 3
--chapter = true
--ElasticJob provides an event tracking function, which can handle important events in the scheduling process through event subscription for query, statistics and monitor.
--Now, the event subscription based on relation database is provided to record events, and developers can also extend it through SPI.
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.cn.md
-similarity index 100%
-rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.cn.md
-rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.cn.md
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.en.md
-new file mode 100644
-index 000000000..72469b711
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.en.md
-@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-+title = "Tracing"
-+weight = 3
-+chapter = true
-+ElasticJob provides a tracing function, which can handle important events in the scheduling process through event subscription for query, statistics and monitor.
-+Now, the event subscription based on relation database is provided to record events, and developers can also extend it through SPI.
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.cn.md
-similarity index 81%
-rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.cn.md
-rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.cn.md
-index 5867e4636..ca18a3873 100644
---- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.cn.md
-+++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.cn.md
-@@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ ElasticJob-Lite 在配置中提供了 TracingConfiguration,目前支持数据
-     CoordinatorRegistryCenter regCenter = ...;
-     // 初始化作业配置
-     JobConfiguration jobConfig = ...;
--    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig, tracingConfig).schedule();
-+    jobConfig.getExtraConfigurations().add(tracingConfig);
-+    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig).schedule();
- ```
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.en.md
-similarity index 82%
-rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.en.md
-rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.en.md
-index cf730a462..f46a71df7 100644
---- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.en.md
-+++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.en.md
-@@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ Developers can also extend it through SPI.
-     CoordinatorRegistryCenter regCenter = ...;
-     // init job configuration
-     JobConfiguration jobConfig = ...;
--    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig, tracingConfig).schedule();
-+    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig).schedule();
- ```
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.cn.md
-similarity index 100%
-rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.cn.md
-rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.cn.md
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.en.md
-similarity index 100%
-rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.en.md
-rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.en.md
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.cn.md
-similarity index 100%
-rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md
-rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.cn.md
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.en.md
-similarity index 100%
-rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md
-rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.en.md
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.cn.md
-similarity index 100%
-rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.cn.md
-rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.cn.md
-diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.en.md
-similarity index 100%
-rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.en.md
-rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.en.md
+diff --git a/docs/content/features/elastic.en.md b/docs/content/features/elastic.en.md
+index ef76631fe..ae3ab67ed 100644
+--- a/docs/content/features/elastic.en.md
++++ b/docs/content/features/elastic.en.md
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ ElasticJob is aware of the number of servers in an almost-real-time manner, with
+ To execute the job in distributed servers, a job will be divided into multiple individual job items, one or some of which will be executed by the distributed servers.
+-For example, if a job is divided into 4 slices, and there're two servers to execute the job, then each server is assigned 2 slices, undertaking 50% of the workload, as follows.
++For example, if a job is divided into 4 slices, and there are two servers to execute the job, then each server is assigned 2 slices, undertaking 50% of the workload, as follows.
+ ![Sharding Job](https://shardingsphere.apache.org/elasticjob/current/img/elastic/sharding.png)
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ When new job server joins, ElasticJob will be aware of it from the registry, and
+ Configuring a larger number of sharding items than the number of servers, or better, a multiplier of the number of servers, makes it more reasonably for the job to leverage the resources, and assign the sharding items dynamically.
+-For example, we have 10 sharding items and there're 3 servers, the number of sharding items are server A = 0,1,2; server B = 3,4,5; server C = 6,7,8,9.
++For example, we have 10 sharding items and there are 3 servers, the number of sharding items are server A = 0,1,2; server B = 3,4,5; server C = 6,7,8,9.
+ If the server C is down, then server A = 0,1,2,3,4 and B = 5,6,7,8,9, maximizing the throughput without losing any sharding item.
+ ## High Availability
diff --git a/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_cn.pdf b/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_cn.pdf
index b77aef7..01df3f4 100644
--- a/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_cn.pdf
+++ b/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_cn.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_en.pdf b/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_en.pdf
index 9627c52..f7d0c6f 100644
--- a/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_en.pdf
+++ b/pdf/shardingsphere-elasticjob_docs_en.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/result_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob b/result_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
index 8787198..998efd9 100644
--- a/result_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
+++ b/result_version_shardingsphere-elasticjob
@@ -1,244 +1,126 @@
-< commit 719fff8436dd27572c58530e9e854bd76629d795
+< commit d35f6d901d5cba8e84eb9b7b64d69e060e7fb463
-> commit d35f6d901d5cba8e84eb9b7b64d69e060e7fb463
+> commit 250b16e1082593636d1487ced191f831b505359e
-< Date:   Mon Oct 19 19:36:02 2020 +0800
+< Date:   Mon Oct 19 19:43:49 2020 +0800
-> Date:   Mon Oct 19 19:43:49 2020 +0800
-<     fetch back default value document (#1601)
+> Date:   Mon Oct 19 20:52:53 2020 +0800
+<     Revise tracing document (#1602)
->     Revise tracing document (#1602)
-< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
-< index a47e0a8eb..5e782faeb 100644
-< --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
-< +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.cn.md
-< @@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ Maven 坐标:
-<  可配置属性:
-< -| 属性名    | 说明        |
-< -| -------- |:----------- |
-< -| host     | TODO        |
-< -| port     | TODO        |
-< -| username | TODO        |
-< -| password | TODO        |
-< -| useSsl   | TODO        |
-< -| subject  | TODO        |
-< -| from     | TODO        |
-< -| to       | TODO        |
-< -| cc       | TODO        |
-< -| bcc      | TODO        |
-< -| debug    | TODO        |
-< +| 属性名          | 说明        | 默认值                    |
-< +| -------------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
-< +| email.host     | TODO        | 无                       |
-< +| email.port     | TODO        | 无                       |
-< +| email.username | TODO        | 无                       |
-< +| email.password | TODO        | 无                       |
-< +| email.useSsl   | TODO        | true                     |
-< +| email.subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
-< +| email.from     | TODO        | 无                       |
-< +| email.to       | TODO        | 无                       |
-< +| email.cc       | TODO        | 无                       |
-< +| email.bcc      | TODO        | 无                       |
-< +| email.debug    | TODO        | false                    |
-<  ## 企业微信通知策略
-< @@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ Maven 坐标:
-<  可配置属性:
-< -| 属性名                     | 说明        |
-< -| ------------------------- |:----------- |
-< -| webhook                   | TODO        |
-< -| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        |
-< -| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        |
-< +| 属性名                            | 说明        | 默认值    |
-< +| -------------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
-< +| wechat.webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
-< +| wechat.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
-< +| wechat.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
-<  ## 钉钉通知策略
-< @@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ Maven 坐标:
-<  可配置属性:
-< -| 属性名                     | 说明        |
-< -| ------------------------- |:----------- |
-< -| webhook                   | TODO        |
-< -| keyword                   | TODO        |
-< -| secret                    | TODO        |
-< -| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        |
-< -| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        |
-< +| 属性名                              | 说明        | 默认值    |
-< +| ---------------------------------- |:----------- |:-------- |
-< +| dingtalk.webhook                   | TODO        | 无        |
-< +| dingtalk.keyword                   | TODO        | 无        |
-< +| dingtalk.secret                    | TODO        | 无        |
-< +| dingtalk.connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 毫秒 |
-< +| dingtalk.readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 毫秒 |
-< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md
-< index c75fbb7a7..5a4855498 100644
-< --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md
-< +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/configuration/built-in-strategy/error-handler.en.md
-< @@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ Maven POM:
-<  Configuration: 
-< -| Name     | Description |
-< -| -------- |:----------- |
-< -| host     | TODO        |
-< -| port     | TODO        |
-< -| username | TODO        |
-< -| password | TODO        |
-< -| useSsl   | TODO        |
-< -| subject  | TODO        |
-< -| from     | TODO        |
-< -| to       | TODO        |
-< -| cc       | TODO        |
-< -| bcc      | TODO        |
-< -| debug    | TODO        |
-< +| Name     | Description | Default Value            |
-< +| -------- |:----------- |:------------------------ |
-< +| host     | TODO        | None                     |
-< +| port     | TODO        | None                     |
-< +| username | TODO        | None                     |
-< +| password | TODO        | None                     |
-< +| useSsl   | TODO        | true                     |
-< +| subject  | TODO        | ElasticJob error message |
-< +| from     | TODO        | None                     |
-< +| to       | TODO        | None                     |
-< +| cc       | TODO        | None                     |
-< +| bcc      | TODO        | None                     |
-< +| debug    | TODO        | false                    |
-<  ## Wechat Enterprise Notification Strategy
-< @@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ Maven POM:
-<  Configuration: 
-< -| Name                      | Description |
-< -| ------------------------- |:----------- |
-< -| webhook                   | TODO        |
-< -| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        |
-< -| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        |
-< +| Name                      | Description | Default Value     |
-< +| ------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
-< +| webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
-< +| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
-< +| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
-<  ## Dingtalk Notification Strategy
-< @@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ Maven POM:
-<  Configuration: 
-< -| Name                      | Description |
-< -| ------------------------- |:----------- |
-< -| webhook                   | TODO        |
-< -| keyword                   | TODO        |
-< -| secret                    | TODO        |
-< -| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        |
-< -| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        |
-< +| Name                      | Description | Default Value     |
-< +| ------------------------- |:----------- |:----------------- |
-< +| webhook                   | TODO        | None              |
-< +| keyword                   | TODO        | None              |
-< +| secret                    | TODO        | None              |
-< +| connectTimeoutMillisecond | TODO        | 3000 milliseconds |
-< +| readTimeoutMillisecond    | TODO        | 5000 milliseconds |
+>     For checkstyle & fix typo (#1608)
+>     * Fix typo
+>     * For checkstyle
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.en.md
+< deleted file mode 100644
+< index 4c337227e..000000000
+< --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.en.md
+< +++ /dev/null
+< @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
+< -+++
+< -title = "Event Trace"
+< -weight = 3
+< -chapter = true
+< -+++
+< -
+< -ElasticJob provides an event tracking function, which can handle important events in the scheduling process through event subscription for query, statistics and monitor.
+< -Now, the event subscription based on relation database is provided to record events, and developers can also extend it through SPI.
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.cn.md
+< similarity index 100%
+< rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.cn.md
+< rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.cn.md
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.en.md
+< new file mode 100644
+< index 000000000..72469b711
+< --- /dev/null
+< +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.en.md
+< @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+< ++++
+< +title = "Tracing"
+< +weight = 3
+< +chapter = true
+< ++++
+< +
+< +ElasticJob provides a tracing function, which can handle important events in the scheduling process through event subscription for query, statistics and monitor.
+< +Now, the event subscription based on relation database is provided to record events, and developers can also extend it through SPI.
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.cn.md
+< similarity index 81%
+< rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.cn.md
+< rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.cn.md
+< index 5867e4636..ca18a3873 100644
+< --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.cn.md
+< +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.cn.md
+< @@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ ElasticJob-Lite 在配置中提供了 TracingConfiguration,目前支持数据
+<      CoordinatorRegistryCenter regCenter = ...;
+<      // 初始化作业配置
+<      JobConfiguration jobConfig = ...;
+< -    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig, tracingConfig).schedule();
+< +    jobConfig.getExtraConfigurations().add(tracingConfig);
+< +    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig).schedule();
+<  ```
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.en.md
+< similarity index 82%
+< rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.en.md
+< rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.en.md
+< index cf730a462..f46a71df7 100644
+< --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.en.md
+< +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.en.md
+< @@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ Developers can also extend it through SPI.
+<      CoordinatorRegistryCenter regCenter = ...;
+<      // init job configuration
+<      JobConfiguration jobConfig = ...;
+< -    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig, tracingConfig).schedule();
+< +jobConfig.getExtraConfigurations().add(tracingConfig);
+< +    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig).schedule();
+<  ```
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.cn.md
+< similarity index 100%
+< rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.cn.md
+< rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.cn.md
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.en.md
+< similarity index 100%
+< rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.en.md
+< rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.en.md
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.cn.md
+< similarity index 100%
+< rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md
+< rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.cn.md
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.en.md
+< similarity index 100%
+< rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md
+< rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.en.md
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.cn.md
+< similarity index 100%
+< rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.cn.md
+< rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.cn.md
+< diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.en.md
+< similarity index 100%
+< rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.en.md
+< rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.en.md
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.en.md
-> deleted file mode 100644
-> index 4c337227e..000000000
-> --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.en.md
-> +++ /dev/null
-> @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-> -+++
-> -title = "Event Trace"
-> -weight = 3
-> -chapter = true
-> -+++
-> -
-> -ElasticJob provides an event tracking function, which can handle important events in the scheduling process through event subscription for query, statistics and monitor.
-> -Now, the event subscription based on relation database is provided to record events, and developers can also extend it through SPI.
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.cn.md
-> similarity index 100%
-> rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/_index.cn.md
-> rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.cn.md
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.en.md
-> new file mode 100644
-> index 000000000..72469b711
-> --- /dev/null
-> +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/_index.en.md
-> @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-> ++++
-> +title = "Tracing"
-> +weight = 3
-> +chapter = true
-> ++++
-> +
-> +ElasticJob provides a tracing function, which can handle important events in the scheduling process through event subscription for query, statistics and monitor.
-> +Now, the event subscription based on relation database is provided to record events, and developers can also extend it through SPI.
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.cn.md
-> similarity index 81%
-> rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.cn.md
-> rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.cn.md
-> index 5867e4636..ca18a3873 100644
-> --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.cn.md
-> +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.cn.md
-> @@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ ElasticJob-Lite 在配置中提供了 TracingConfiguration,目前支持数据
->      CoordinatorRegistryCenter regCenter = ...;
->      // 初始化作业配置
->      JobConfiguration jobConfig = ...;
-> -    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig, tracingConfig).schedule();
-> +    jobConfig.getExtraConfigurations().add(tracingConfig);
-> +    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig).schedule();
->  ```
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.en.md
-> similarity index 82%
-> rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.en.md
-> rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.en.md
-> index cf730a462..f46a71df7 100644
-> --- a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/java-api.en.md
-> +++ b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/java-api.en.md
-> @@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ Developers can also extend it through SPI.
->      CoordinatorRegistryCenter regCenter = ...;
->      // init job configuration
->      JobConfiguration jobConfig = ...;
-> -    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig, tracingConfig).schedule();
-> +jobConfig.getExtraConfigurations().add(tracingConfig);
-> +    new ScheduleJobBootstrap(regCenter, jobConfig).schedule();
->  ```
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.cn.md
-> similarity index 100%
-> rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.cn.md
-> rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.cn.md
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.en.md
-> similarity index 100%
-> rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-boot-starter.en.md
-> rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-boot-starter.en.md
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.cn.md
-> similarity index 100%
-> rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.cn.md
-> rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.cn.md
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.en.md
-> similarity index 100%
-> rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/spring-namespace.en.md
-> rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/spring-namespace.en.md
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.cn.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.cn.md
-> similarity index 100%
-> rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.cn.md
-> rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.cn.md
-> diff --git a/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.en.md b/docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.en.md
-> similarity index 100%
-> rename from docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/event-trace/table-structure.en.md
-> rename to docs/content/user-manual/elasticjob-lite/usage/tracing/table-structure.en.md
+> diff --git a/docs/content/features/elastic.en.md b/docs/content/features/elastic.en.md
+> index ef76631fe..ae3ab67ed 100644
+> --- a/docs/content/features/elastic.en.md
+> +++ b/docs/content/features/elastic.en.md
+> @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ ElasticJob is aware of the number of servers in an almost-real-time manner, with
+>  To execute the job in distributed servers, a job will be divided into multiple individual job items, one or some of which will be executed by the distributed servers.
+> -For example, if a job is divided into 4 slices, and there're two servers to execute the job, then each server is assigned 2 slices, undertaking 50% of the workload, as follows.
+> +For example, if a job is divided into 4 slices, and there are two servers to execute the job, then each server is assigned 2 slices, undertaking 50% of the workload, as follows.
+>  ![Sharding Job](https://shardingsphere.apache.org/elasticjob/current/img/elastic/sharding.png)
+> @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ When new job server joins, ElasticJob will be aware of it from the registry, and
+>  Configuring a larger number of sharding items than the number of servers, or better, a multiplier of the number of servers, makes it more reasonably for the job to leverage the resources, and assign the sharding items dynamically.
+> -For example, we have 10 sharding items and there're 3 servers, the number of sharding items are server A = 0,1,2; server B = 3,4,5; server C = 6,7,8,9.
+> +For example, we have 10 sharding items and there are 3 servers, the number of sharding items are server A = 0,1,2; server B = 3,4,5; server C = 6,7,8,9.
+>  If the server C is down, then server A = 0,1,2,3,4 and B = 5,6,7,8,9, maximizing the throughput without losing any sharding item.
+>  ## High Availability