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<title>Rule Query on ShardingSphere</title>
<description>Recent content in Rule Query on ShardingSphere</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Syntax Sharding Table Rule SHOW SHARDING TABLE tableRule | RULES [FROM databaseName] SHOW SHARDING ALGORITHMS [FROM databaseName] SHOW UNUSED SHARDING ALGORITHMS [FROM databaseName] SHOW SHARDING AUDITORS [FROM databaseName] SHOW SHARDING TABLE RULES USED ALGORITHM algorithmName [FROM databaseName] SHOW SHARDING KEY GENERATORS [FROM databaseName] SHOW UNUSED SHARDING KEY GENERATORS [FROM databaseName] SHOW SHARDING TABLE RULES USED KEY GENERATOR keyGeneratorName [FROM databaseName] SHOW DEFAULT SHARDING STRATEGY SHOW SHARDING TABLE NODES tableRule: RULE tableName Support query all data fragmentation rules and specified table query Support query all sharding algorithms Support query all sharding audit algorithms Sharding Binding Table Rule SHOW SHARDING BINDING TABLE RULES [FROM databaseName] Sharding Broadcast Table Rule SHOW SHARDING BROADCAST TABLE RULES [FROM databaseName] Sharding Scaling Rule SHOW SHARDING SCALING RULES [FROM databaseName] Return Value Description Sharding Table Rule Column Description table Logical table name actual_data_nodes Actual data node actual_data_sources Actual data source (Displayed when creating rules by RDL) database_strategy_type Database sharding strategy type database_sharding_column Database sharding column database_sharding_algorithm_type Database sharding algorithm type database_sharding_algorithm_props Database sharding algorithm properties table_strategy_type Table sharding strategy type table_sharding_column Table sharding column table_sharding_algorithm_type Table sharding algorithm type table_sharding_algorithm_props Table sharding algorithm properties key_generate_column Sharding key generator column key_generator_type Sharding key generator type key_generator_props Sharding key generator properties Sharding Algorithms Column Description name Sharding algorithm name type Sharding algorithm type props Sharding algorithm properties Unused Sharding Algorithms Column Description name Sharding algorithm name type Sharding algorithm type props Sharding algorithm properties Sharding auditors Column Description name Sharding audit algorithm name type Sharding audit algorithm type props Sharding audit algorithm properties Sharding key generators Column Description name Sharding key generator name type Sharding key generator type props Sharding key generator properties Unused Sharding Key Generators Column Description name Sharding key generator name type Sharding key generator type props Sharding key generator properties Default Sharding Strategy Column Description name Strategy name type Sharding strategy type sharding_column Sharding column sharding_algorithm_name Sharding algorithm name sharding_algorithm_type Sharding algorithm type sharding_algorithm_props Sharding algorithm properties Sharding Table Nodes Column Description name Sharding rule name nodes Sharding nodes Sharding Binding Table Rule Column Description sharding_binding_tables sharding Binding Table list Sharding Broadcast Table Rule Column Description sharding_broadcast_tables sharding Broadcast Table list Sharding Scaling Rule Column Description name name of sharding scaling rule input data read configuration output data write configuration stream_channel algorithm of stream channel completion_detector algorithm of completion detecting data_consistency_checker algorithm of data consistency checking Example Sharding Table Rule SHOW SHARDING TABLE RULES</description>
<title>Single Table</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Syntax SHOW SINGLE TABLE (table | RULES) [FROM databaseName] SHOW SINGLE TABLES COUNT SINGLE_TABLE RULE [FROM databaseName] table: TABLE tableName Return Value Description Single Table Rule Column Description name Rule name resource_name Data source name Single Table Column Description table_name Single table name resource_name The resource name where the single table is located Single Table Rule Count 列 说明 rule_name Single table rule name database The database name where the single table is located count The count of single table rules Example SHOW SINGLE TABLES RULES</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Syntax SHOW READWRITE_SPLITTING RULES [FROM databaseName] Return Value Description Column Description name Rule name auto_aware_data_source_name Auto-Aware discovery data source name (Display configuration dynamic readwrite splitting rules) write_data_source_query_enabled All read data source are offline, write data source whether the data source is responsible for read traffic write_data_source_name Write data source name read_data_source_names Read data source name list load_balancer_type Load balance algorithm type load_balancer_props Load balance algorithm parameter Example Static Readwrite Splitting Rules</description>
<title>DB Discovery</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Syntax SHOW DB_DISCOVERY RULES [FROM databaseName] SHOW DB_DISCOVERY TYPES [FROM databaseName] SHOW DB_DISCOVERY HEARTBEATS [FROM databaseName] Return Value Description DB Discovery Rule Column Description group_name Rule name data_source_names Data source name list primary_data_source_name Primary data source name discovery_type Database discovery service type discovery_heartbeat Database discovery service heartbeat DB Discovery Type Column Description name Type name type Type category props Type properties DB Discovery Heartbeat Column Description name Heartbeat name props Heartbeat properties Example DB Discovery Rule</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Syntax SHOW ENCRYPT RULES [FROM databaseName] SHOW ENCRYPT TABLE RULE tableName [FROM databaseName] Support to query all data encryption rules and specify logical table name query Return Value Description Column Description table Logical table name logic_column Logical column name logic_data_type Logical column data type cipher_column Ciphertext column name cipher_data_type Ciphertext column data type plain_column Plaintext column name plain_data_type Plaintext column data type assisted_query_column Assisted query column name assisted_query_data_type Assisted query column data type encryptor_type Encryption algorithm type encryptor_props Encryption algorithm parameter query_with_cipher_column Whether to use encrypted column for query Example Show Encrypt Rules</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Syntax SHOW SHADOW shadowRule | RULES [FROM databaseName] SHOW SHADOW TABLE RULES [FROM databaseName] SHOW SHADOW ALGORITHMS [FROM databaseName] shadowRule: RULE ruleName Support querying all shadow rules and specified table query Support querying all shadow table rules Support querying all shadow algorithms Return Value Description Shadow Rule Column Description rule_name Rule name source_name Source database shadow_name Shadow database shadow_table Shadow table Shadow Table Rule Column Description shadow_table Shadow table shadow_algorithm_name Shadow algorithm name Shadow Algorithms Column Description shadow_algorithm_name Shadow algorithm name type Shadow algorithm type props Shadow algorithm properties is_default Default Shadow Rule status Column Description status Enable Example SHOW SHADOW RULES</description>