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<title>Startup on ShardingSphere</title>
<description>Recent content in Startup on ShardingSphere</description>
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<title>Use Binary Tar</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Background This section describes how to start ShardingSphere-Proxy by binary release packages
Premise Start the Proxy with a binary package requires an environment with Java JRE 8 or later.
Steps Obtain the binary release package of ShardingSphere-Proxy Obtain the binary release package of ShardingSphere-Proxy on the download page.
Configure conf/server.yaml ShardingSphere-Proxy&amp;rsquo;s operational mode is configured on server.yaml, and its configuration mode is the same with that of ShardingSphere-JDBC.</description>
<title>Use Docker</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Background This chapter is an introduction about how to start ShardingSphere-Proxy via Docker
Notice Using Docker to start ShardingSphere-Proxy does not require additional package supoort.
Steps Acquire Docker Image Method 1 (Recommended): Pull from DockerHub docker pull apache/shardingsphere-proxy Method 2: Acquire latest master branch image master:
Method 3: Build your own image
git clone mvn clean install cd shardingsphere-distribution/shardingsphere-proxy-distribution mvn clean package -Prelease,docker If the following problems emerge, please make sure Docker daemon Process is running.</description>
<title>Use Helm</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Background Use Helm to provide guidance for the installation of ShardingSphere-Proxy instance in a Kubernetes cluster.
Requirements Kubernetes 1.18+ kubectl Helm 3.2.0+ StorageClass of PV (Persistent Volumes) can be dynamically applied for persistent data (Optional) . Procedure Online installation Add ShardingSphere-Proxy to the local helm repo: helm repo add shardingsphere Install ShardingSphere-Proxy charts: helm install shardingsphere-proxy shardingsphere/shardingsphere-proxy Source installation Charts will be installed with default configuration if the following commands are executed: cd shardingsphere-proxy/charts/governance helm dependency build cd .</description>