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<p class="sub-tit">Take Apache ShardingSphere to the Cloud</p>
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<p>A collection of tools & best practices including automated deployment scripts to virtual machines in AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Alibaba Cloud, CloudFormation Stack templates, and Terraform one-click deployment scripts.</p>
<p>Helm Charts, Operators, automatic horizontal scaling, and other tools for the Kubernetes cloud-native environment are also included.</p>
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<img src="./images/one-click.png" />
<p class="tit">Kubernetes DevOps</p>
<p>Achieve seamless Kubernetes DevOps with ShardingSphere's advanced features. Effortlessly deploy ShardingSphere Proxy on Kubernetes with one-click deployment using Helm Charts or leverage Operator-based deployment for automatic DevOps and simplified management.
<div class="item">
<img src="./images/Automatic.png" />
<p class="tit">Cloud Deployment</p>
<p>Accelerate your cloud deployment with our Cloud Deployment feature. Experience rapid deployment of ShardingSphere Proxy using AWS CloudFormation and effortlessly deploy Terraform-based ShardingSphere Proxy in your AWS environment.
<div class="item">
<img src="./images/AWS.png" />
<p class="tit">Compute-storage CRD for Data on K8S</p>
<p>Seamlessly integrate compute and storage resources using CRD in Kubernetes, simplifying interface extension with Java SPI and WebAssembly for enhanced performance and flexibility.
<div class="item">
<img src="./images/Terraform.png" />
<p class="tit">Automatic Horizontal Scaling</p>
<p> Effortlessly scale resources with ShardingSphere's custom metrics autoscaling on Kubernetes and AWS. Achieve optimal resource utilization with automatic horizontal scaling and efficiently handle traffic fluctuation.
<div class="item">
<img src="./images/Horizontal Scaling.png" />
<p class="tit">Load Balancing & Readiness</p>
<p> Achieve seamless proxy connection readiness behind the load balancer using ShardingSphere. Experience enhanced connectivity and reliable load balancing with this advanced feature.
<div class="item">
<img src="./images/Load Balancing.png" />
<p class="tit">Observability</p>
<p>Gain deep insights into your distributed database environment with ShardingSphere-on-Cloud's Observability feature. Effortlessly monitor and analyze performance, health, and metrics in real-time. Empower your data management with enhanced control and decision-making capabilities.
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<li class="on">Cloud Native</li>
<li>Database Kubernetes DevOps</li>
<li>Multi-Cloud Open Source</li>
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<div class="con-item show">
<h4>Cloud Native</h4>
<div class="con-item-detail">
<li>Unleash the potential of Cloud Native Apache ShardingSphere - the ultimate solution for scalable and efficient data management in the cloud. </li>
<li>Seamlessly integrate with cloud infrastructure, enabling effortless deployment, auto-scaling, and high availability. </li>
<li>Experience the future of data management with Cloud Native Apache ShardingSphere.</li>
<img src="./images/Cloud Native.png" />
<div class="con-item">
<h4>Database Kubernetes DevOps</h4>
<div class="con-item-detail">
<li>Supercharge your database with ShardingSphere's seamless integration with Kubernetes (K8S). </li>
<li>Effortlessly migrate your database to K8S for enhanced flexibility, scalability, and resilience. </li>
<li>Unlock the full potential of your data management strategy with ShardingSphere's advanced features in a K8S environment.</li>
<img src="./images/Database Kubernetes DevOps.png" />
<div class="con-item">
<h4>Multi-Cloud Open Source</h4>
<div class="con-item-detail">
<li>Seamlessly manage data across multiple cloud platforms while enjoying the benefits of transparency and customization.</li>
<li>Experience the best of both worlds with ShardingSphere: multi-cloud flexibility and open-source innovation.</li>
<img src="./images/Multi-Cloud Open Source.png" />
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<h3>Open Source, Standardized & Consistent</h3>
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