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<li><a href="#development-guidelines">Development Guidelines</a></li>
<li><a href="#contributor-covenant-submitting-of-conduct">Contributor Covenant Submitting of Conduct</a></li>
<li><a href="#contributor-covenant-code-of-conduct">Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct</a></li>
<li><a href="#contributor-covenant-unit-test-of-conduct">Contributor Covenant Unit Test of Conduct</a></li>
<li><a href="#contributor-covenant-g4-of-conduct">Contributor Covenant G4 of Conduct</a></li>
<li><a href="#github-action-of-conduct">GitHub Action of Conduct</a></li>
<p>The following code of conduct is based on full compliance with <a href="">ASF CODE OF CONDUCT</a>.</p>
<h2 id="development-guidelines">Development Guidelines</h2>
<li>Write codes with heart. Pursue clean, simplified and extremely elegant codes. Agree with concepts in &lt;Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code&gt; and &lt;Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship&gt;.</li>
<li>Be familiar with codes already had, to keep consistent with the style and use.</li>
<li>Highly reusable, no duplicated codes or configurations.</li>
<li>Delete codes out of use in time.</li>
<h2 id="contributor-covenant-submitting-of-conduct">Contributor Covenant Submitting of Conduct</h2>
<li>Conform to <code>Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct</code> below.</li>
<li>Make sure Maven build process success. Run <code>./mvnw clean install -B -T1C -Dmaven.javadoc.skip -Dmaven.jacoco.skip -e</code> command in shell to start Maven build process.</li>
<li>Make sure the test coverage rate is not lower than the master branch.</li>
<li>Careful consideration for each <code>pull request</code>; Small and frequent <code>pull request</code> with complete unit function is welcomed.</li>
<li>Through the uniform code style of spotless, execute the <code>mvn spotless:apply</code> formatted code.</li>
<li>If using IDEA, you can import the recommended <code>src/resources/code-style-idea.xml</code>.</li>
<h2 id="contributor-covenant-code-of-conduct">Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct</h2>
<li>Use linux line separators.</li>
<li>No meaningless blank lines. Please extract private methods to instead of blank lines if too long method body or different logic code fragments.</li>
<li>Use meaningful class, method and variable names, class and method name avoid to use abbreviation. Some variables could use abbreviation.
<li>Variable <code>arguments</code> could abbreviate to <code>args</code>;</li>
<li>Variable <code>parameters</code> could abbreviate to <code>params</code>;</li>
<li>Variable <code>environment</code> could abbreviate to <code>env</code>;</li>
<li>Variable <code>properties</code> could abbreviate to <code>props</code>;</li>
<li>Variable <code>configuration</code> could abbreviate to <code>config</code>.</li>
<li>Abbreviation composed less than 3 characters should be uppercase, more than 3 characters must use camel case naming rule.
<li>Example for abbreviation composed less than 3 characters: SQL92Lexer, XMLTransfer, MySQLAdminExecutorCreator;</li>
<li>Example for abbreviation composed more than 3 characters: JdbcUrlAppender, YamlAgentConfigurationSwapper;</li>
<li>A variable composed of abbreviation should use lower camel case: mysqlAuthenticationMethod, sqlStatement, mysqlConfig.</li>
<li>Except return an input parameter as result, returning variable should be named with <code>result</code>; Variables in the loop structure are named with <code>each</code>; Replace <code>each</code> with <code>entry</code> in map.</li>
<li>Exceptions when catch are named with <code>ex</code>; Exceptions when catch but do nothing are named with <code>ignored</code>.</li>
<li>Name property files with <code>Spinal Case</code>(a variant of <code>Snake Case</code> which uses hyphens <code>-</code> to separate words).</li>
<li>Split codes that need to add notes with it into small methods, which are explained with method names.</li>
<li>Have constants on the left and variable on the right in <code>=</code> and <code>equals</code> conditional expressions; Have variable on the left and constants on the right in <code>greater than</code> and <code>less than</code> conditional expressions.</li>
<li>Beside using same names as input parameters and global fields in assign statement, avoid using <code>this</code> modifier.</li>
<li>Design class as <code>final</code> class except abstract class for extend.</li>
<li>Make nested loop structures a new method.</li>
<li>Order of members definition and parameters should be consistent during classes and methods.</li>
<li>Use guard clauses in priority.</li>
<li>Minimize the access permission for classes and methods.</li>
<li>Private method should be just next to the method in which it is used; Multiple private methods should be in the same as the appearance order of original methods.</li>
<li>No <code>null</code> parameters or return values.</li>
<li>Replace constructors, getters, setter methods and log variable with lombok in priority.</li>
<li>Use <code>LinkedList</code> in priority. Use <code>ArrayList</code> for use index to get element only.</li>
<li>Use capacity based <code>Collection</code> such as <code>ArrayList</code>, <code>HashMap</code> must indicate initial capacity to avoid recalculate capacity.</li>
<li>Use English in all the logs and javadoc.</li>
<li>Include Javadoc, todo and fixme only in the comments.</li>
<li>Only <code>public</code> classes and methods need javadoc, the Javadoc for the user API and SPI needs to be written clearly and comprehensively, other methods, classes and override methods do not need javadoc.</li>
<li>Replace if else return and assign statement with ternary operator in priority.</li>
<li>Nested using ternary operator is forbidden.</li>
<li>Use forward semantics in priority for better understanding code logic in conditional expressions. For example: <code>if (null == param) {} else {}</code>.</li>
<li>Use concentrate <code>@SuppressWarnings(&quot;xxx&quot;)</code> instead of <code>@SuppressWarnings(&quot;all&quot;)</code>.</li>
<li>Avoid using Java Stream in hot methods, unless the performance of using Stream is better than using loop in that situation.</li>
<li>Utility class should be named in the form of <code>xxUtils</code>.</li>
<h2 id="contributor-covenant-unit-test-of-conduct">Contributor Covenant Unit Test of Conduct</h2>
<li>Test codes and production codes should follow the same kind of code of conduct.</li>
<li>Unit test should follow AIR (Automatic, Independent, Repeatable) principle.
<li>Automatic: Unit test should run automatically, not interactively. Check test result manually and <code>System.out</code>, <code>log</code> are prohibited, use assert to check test results.</li>
<li>Independent: Call each other and sequence dependency during unit test cases are prohibited. Every test case should run independent.</li>
<li>Repeatable: Unit test case should not dependency external environment, they can run repeatable.</li>
<li>Unit test should follow BCDE (Border, Correct, Design, Error) design principle.
<li>Border: Border value test, test for loop border, special value and value sequence to get expect result.</li>
<li>Correct: Correct value test, test for correct value to get expect result.</li>
<li>Design: Design with production codes.</li>
<li>Error: Error value test, test for error input, exception to get expect result.</li>
<li>Without particular reasons, test cases should be fully covered.</li>
<li>Test cases should be fully covered expect simply <code>getter /setter</code> methods, and declared static codes of SPI, such as: <code>getType / getOrder</code>.</li>
<li>Every test case need precised assertion, try not to use <code>not</code>, <code>containsString</code> to make assertions.</li>
<li>Environment preparation codes should be separate from test codes.</li>
<li>Only those that relate to <code>Mockito</code>, junit <code>Assertions</code>, hamcrest <code>CoreMatchers</code> and <code>MatcherAssert</code> can use static import.</li>
<li>Usage of assertion methods: for boolean type asserts, <code>assertTrue</code> and <code>assertFalse</code> should be used, <code>assertNull</code> and <code>assertNotNull</code> should be used to assert whether the assertion is null, and <code>assertThat</code> should be used for other scenarios.</li>
<li>Usage of assertion methods:
<li>Use <code>assertTrue</code> and <code>assertFalse</code> for boolean value;</li>
<li>Use <code>assertNull</code> and <code>assertNotNull</code> for null value;</li>
<li>Use <code>assertThat</code> for other values.</li>
<li>Actual values of test cases should be named <code>actualXXX</code>, expected values <code>expectedXXX</code>.</li>
<li>Class for test case and <code>@Test</code> annotation do not need javadoc.</li>
<li>Mockito <code>mockStatic</code> and <code>mockConstruction</code> methods must be used with try-with-resource or closed in the teardown method to avoid leaks.</li>
<li>Using <code>mock</code> should follow following specifications:
<li>Using <code>mock</code> when unit tests need to connect to an environment;</li>
<li>Using <code>mock</code> when unit tests contain objects that are not easy to build, for example, objects that are more than two layers nested and unrelated to the test.</li>
<li>When mocking static methods or constructors, it is recommended to use the testing framework&rsquo;s <code>AutoMockExtension</code> and <code>StaticMockSettings</code> to release resources automatically; If using Mockito&rsquo;s <code>mockStatic</code> and <code>mockConstruction</code> methods, please use <code>try-with-resource</code> or close them in the cleanup method to avoid resource leaks.</li>
<li>When verifying only one invocation, there is no need to use <code>times(1)</code> parameter, please use the single-argument method of <code>verify</code>.</li>
<h2 id="contributor-covenant-g4-of-conduct">Contributor Covenant G4 of Conduct</h2>
<li>Common Conduct
<li>Every line cannot over <code>200</code> chars, guarantee every line have complete semantics.</li>
<li>Lexer Conduct
<li>Every rule should be in single line, no empty line between rules.</li>
<li>Rule of lexer name should capitalization. If name composite with more than one word, use <code>underline</code> to separate. Rule name of <code>DataType</code> and <code>Symbol</code> should end with <code>underline</code>. If rule name is conflicted with ANTLR&rsquo;s keyword, should take an <code>underline</code> behind rule name.</li>
<li>For private rule in lexer should use <code>fragment</code>, rule with <code>fragment</code> should define behind of public rule which they served.</li>
<li>Common rule of lexer should put in file <code>Keyword.g4</code>, every database may have customized rule file by themselves. For example: <code>MySQLKeyword.g4</code>.</li>
<li>Parser Conduct
<li>After every rule finish, blank line should no indents.</li>
<li>No space before rule name definition. One space between <code>colon</code> and rule, <code>semicolon</code> should take a new line and keep indents (including blank lines) consistent with the previous one.</li>
<li>If a rule&rsquo;s branch is over than <code>5</code>, every branch take a new line.</li>
<li>Rule name of parser should same with java variable&rsquo;s camel case.</li>
<li>Define separate files for every SQL type, file name should consist of <code>database</code> + <code>SQL type</code> + <code>Statement</code>. For example: <code>MySQLDQLStatement.g4</code>.</li>
<h2 id="github-action-of-conduct">GitHub Action of Conduct</h2>
<li>Workflow file name must end with <code>.yml</code>.</li>
<li>Workflow file name must consist with the lowercase of <code>triggerType-actionType</code>, for example: <code>nightly-check.yml</code>. Omit trigger type for pull_request, for example: <code>check.yml</code>.</li>
<li>Trigger type includes: pull_request (without prefix), nightly.</li>
<li>Action type includes: check, ci, e2e, build.</li>
<li><code>name</code> property in workflow file should be same with file name, Words separated by <code>-</code>, add space between <code>-</code> and words, first letter of every word should be capital, for example: <code>Nightly - Check</code>.</li>
<li><code>job</code> property in workflow should be unique in that workflow file.</li>
<li>When using <code>matrix</code> property, must add job parallelism limit to 5: <code>max-parallel: 5</code>.</li>
<li>Must set timeout for job, max timeout is 1 hour. For example: <code>timeout-minutes: 10</code>.</li>
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