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<title>Encrypt on ShardingSphere</title>
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<title>SHOW ENCRYPT RULES</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Description The SHOW ENCRYPT RULES syntax is used to query encryption rules for a specified database.
Syntax Grammar Railroad diagram ShowEncryptRule::= &amp;#39;SHOW&amp;#39; &amp;#39;ENCRYPT&amp;#39; (&amp;#39;RULES&amp;#39; | &amp;#39;TABLE&amp;#39; &amp;#39;RULE&amp;#39; ruleName) (&amp;#39;FROM&amp;#39; databaseName)? ruleName ::= identifier databaseName ::= identifier Note When databaseName is not specified, then DATABASEis currently used as the default name. If DATABASE is not used, you will receive a No database selected prompt.</description>
<title>COUNT ENCRYPT RULE</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Description The COUNT ENCRYPT RULE syntax is used to query the number of encrypt rules for specified database.
Syntax Grammar Railroad diagram CountEncryptRule::= &amp;#39;COUNT&amp;#39; &amp;#39;ENCRYPT&amp;#39; &amp;#39;RULE&amp;#39; (&amp;#39;FROM&amp;#39; databaseName)? databaseName ::= identifier Supplement When databaseName is not specified, the default is the currently used DATABASE. If DATABASE is not used, No database selected will be prompted. Return value description Column Description rule_name rule type database the database to which the rule belongs count the number of the rule Example Query the number of encrypt rules for specified database.</description>