Prepare for release: Update release notes

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
index f3e8b55..d056cac 100644
@@ -15,6 +15,212 @@
  * limitations under the License.




+                   Apache ServiceMix NMR 1.6.1

+                   ===========================


+  Overview

+  --------


+  Apache ServiceMix NMR 1.6.1 contains a few bug fixes.  Compared to the 1.6.0 release, it also contains 

+  the following dependency upgrades:

+  - Upgrade from Camel 2.10.3 to Camel 2.10.5

+  - Upgrade from Karaf 2.10.0 to Karaf 2.11.0  


+  See the change log below for more informations.


+  Changelog

+  ---------


+  The following list shows the bug fixes and enhancements included in this release:


+Release Notes - ServiceMix NMR - Version 1.6.1


+** Bug

+    * [SMX4NMR-307] - org.apache.servicemix.nmr.osgi can throw an exception when shutting down

+    * [SMX4NMR-312] - Upgrade to Woodstox 4.2.0


+** Task

+    * [SMX4NMR-313] - Clean up old Spring references in NMR  




+                   Apache ServiceMix NMR 1.6.0

+                   ===========================

+  Overview

+  --------


+  Apache ServiceMix NMR 1.6.0 is a new release of the NMR project.  Its dependencies have been upgraded

+  to match the Apache ServiceMix 4.5.x release series.  It also includes a few more bug fixes.


+  See the change log below for more informations.


+  Changelog

+  ---------


+  The following list shows the bug fixes and enhancements included in this release:


+Release Notes - ServiceMix NMR - Version 1.6.0


+** Bug

+    * [SMX4NMR-289] - Duplicate config cm:entities.

+    * [SMX4NMR-290] - nmr osgi bundle export duplicated OSGi service

+    * [SMX4NMR-291] - NMR FlowRegistryImpl should use endpoint name but not a UUID to retrieve related AuthorizationEntry

+    * [SMX4NMR-293] - should also specify start-level=50 for the features in nmr features.xml

+    * [SMX4NMR-294] - NPE from OsgiServiceRegistryTracker when service is unavailable

+    * [SMX4NMR-296] - Add logger guard checks for nmr/ChannelImpl to optimize for better performance

+    * [SMX4NMR-301] - Update dependencies to match features project

+    * [SMX4NMR-302] - Integration tests are taking too long to complete

+    * [SMX4NMR-303] - ensure nmr testing/support can pull in correct spring version

+    * [SMX4NMR-304] - add NPE guard for AbstractComponentContext.getMBeanServer

+    * [SMX4NMR-306] - Container freezes while installing jbi feature


+** Improvement

+    * [SMX4NMR-292] - Upgrade to XBean 3.11.1

+    * [SMX4NMR-298] - nmr features.xml should depend other features with version range


+** Task

+    * [SMX4NMR-285] - Upgrade to Karaf 2.2.4

+    * [SMX4NMR-295] - Remove StAX 1.0 dependency in woodstox feature

+    * [SMX4NMR-297] - upgrade to karaf 2.2.9

+    * [SMX4NMR-299] - upgrade to spring 3.0.7.RELEAS


+** Test

+    * [SMX4NMR-300] - add java7 package export for system bundle in testing/support  



+                   Apache ServiceMix NMR 1.5.0

+                   ===========================


+  Changelog

+  ---------


+  The following list shows the bug fixes and enhancements included in this release:


+Release Notes - ServiceMix NMR - Version 1.5.0


+** Bug

+    * [SMX4NMR-212] - OSGi packaged SA deployment doesn't work anymore

+    * [SMX4NMR-214] - Error in Bootstrap init when accessing ComponentContext logger through the InstallationContext  

+    * [SMX4NMR-257] - nmr-audit needs removal of obsolete osgi imports after upgrading to karaf 2.2.0.

+    * [SMX4NMR-259] - org.springframework.osgi package version is incorrect for document module

+    * [SMX4NMR-260] - JBI EndpointReference created with ComponentContext.resolveEnpointReference don't work on ServiceMix 4

+    * [SMX4NMR-262] - Endpoint.CHANNEL_SYNC_DELIVERY property doesn't work when passed as string

+    * [SMX4NMR-272] - Unable to install JBI components on NMR assembly - XBean classes not available

+    * [SMX4NMR-279] - asm bundle version is not aligned between system repo and

+    * [SMX4NMR-283] - NMR authorization doesn't work with Karaf JAAS LoginModule


+** Improvement

+    * [SMX4NMR-203] - Switch to Aries Transaction manager

+    * [SMX4NMR-252] - Expose ExecutorFactory into the OSGi Service Registry

+    * [SMX4NMR-253] - Allow configuring endpoint channel though properties at registration time

+    * [SMX4NMR-255] - Upgrade NMR to use Karaf 2.2.0

+    * [SMX4NMR-256] - Use 'import' scope to reduce number of managed dependencies

+    * [SMX4NMR-263] - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.5.0

+    * [SMX4NMR-264] - Make allowsCoreThreadTimeOut name consistent across mbeans and properties

+    * [SMX4NMR-265] - Allow invoking an endpoint as the Subject passed along in the Message

+    * [SMX4NMR-270] - Use ActiveMQUuidGenerator as the default uuid generator as its faster than the JDK UUID generator

+    * [SMX4NMR-273] - Use OBR resolver for NMR features.xml

+    * [SMX4NMR-274] - Add 'karaf-framework' to boot features to avoid uninstalling core Karaf bundles

+    * [SMX4NMR-286] - Upgrade to Camel 2.8.3

+    * [SMX4NMR-287] - Remove NMR assembly


+** Task

+    * [SMX4NMR-250] - Switch to use slf4j as logger (instead of commons-logging)

+    * [SMX4NMR-258] - Update to Karaf 2.2.0

+    * [SMX4NMR-261] - Upgrade to Camel 2.7

+    * [SMX4NMR-268] - Upgrade to CXF 2.4.1

+    * [SMX4NMR-275] - Upgrade to Java Mail 1.4.4

+    * [SMX4NMR-277] - Upgrade to Karaf 2.2.2

+    * [SMX4NMR-280] - update woodstox version

+    * [SMX4NMR-281] - upgrade to spring-dm 1.2.1

+    * [SMX4NMR-284] - upgrade to spring 3.0.6




+                   Apache ServiceMix NMR 1.4.0

+                   ===========================


+  Changelog

+  ---------


+  The following list shows the bug fixes and enhancements included in this release:


+Release Notes - ServiceMix NMR - Version 1.4.0


+** Bug

+    * [SMX4NMR-211] - OSGi metadata for nmr/spring bundle is not correct

+    * [SMX4NMR-232] - JdbcAuditor throws NullPointerException

+    * [SMX4NMR-241] - rename persistent id org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster.config

+    * [SMX4NMR-243] - ExchangeUtils.display(Exchange exchange, boolean displayContent) prints out entire exchange content regardless displayContent value

+    * [SMX4NMR-246] - custom executor config by ID uses default hardcoded values rather than default configured values

+    * [SMX4NMR-248] - nmr itests failure due to missing dependencies


+** Improvement

+    * [SMX4NMR-201] - use spring2-dm from karaf which use spring2.5.6 inside

+    * [SMX4NMR-210] - more spring bundle need for AbstractIntegrationTest

+    * [SMX4NMR-225] - Upgrade to Karaf 2.1.0

+    * [SMX4NMR-226] - Upgrade to Camel 2.5.0

+    * [SMX4NMR-244] - Upgrade to Karaf 2.1.3

+    * [SMX4NMR-245] - Upgrade to Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE

+    * [SMX4NMR-247] - Upgrade to Camel 2.6.0

+    * [SMX4NMR-251] - Upgrade to ServiceMix Components 2011.01


+** Task

+    * [SMX4NMR-249] - Release NMR 1.4.0 




+                   Apache ServiceMix NMR 1.3.0

+                   ===========================


+  Changelog

+  ---------


+  The following list shows the bug fixes and enhancements included in this release:


+Release Notes - ServiceMix NMR - Version 1.3.0


+** Bug

+    * [SMX4NMR-190] - can't refresh JBI deployer bundle

+    * [SMX4NMR-191] - need add null checker for endpoint in SimpleClusterRegistration

+    * [SMX4NMR-192] - missing "()" when there's only one element in the filter

+    * [SMX4NMR-194] - JBI cluster exception on console at shutdown 

+    * [SMX4NMR-196] - Inconsistent use of Endpoint.INTERFACE_NAME and Endpoint.SERVICE_NAME

+    * [SMX4NMR-198] - Update nmr to use aries version of blueprint and latest Felix/Karaf stuff that also uses aries

+    * [SMX4NMR-207] - Create a feature description for woodstox

+    * [SMX4NMR-216] - Shutdown issue with the management layer

+    * [SMX4NMR-219] - prevent potential deadloop from ExchangeUtils

+    * [SMX4NMR-224] - ExecutorConfigurator doesn't provide executorFactory property

+    * [SMX4NMR-228] - NPE in ExecutorConfigurator when no configuration settings available

+    * [SMX4NMR-235] - NMR bundles import Spring classes with version range [2.5,3)


+** Improvement

+    * [SMX4NMR-186] - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.3.2

+    * [SMX4NMR-189] - Allow configuring injected Channel to bypass thread pool (per endpoint)

+    * [SMX4NMR-202] - Make sure there are no dependencies on spring / spring-dm

+    * [SMX4NMR-205] - Provide a clean custom namespace for the document registry

+    * [SMX4NMR-208] - Upgrade to Spring 3.x

+    * [SMX4NMR-209] - Remove dependencies on the preference service

+    * [SMX4NMR-218] - enable configure jbi component through system property

+    * [SMX4NMR-220] - platform/testing/support should use jaxp related api from system bundle, keep it same as we do currently in kit

+    * [SMX4NMR-222] - Ability to configure thread pools for NMR endpoints

+    * [SMX4NMR-223] - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.4.1

+    * [SMX4NMR-229] - Upgrade to XBean 3.7

+    * [SMX4NMR-231] - Upgrade to Karaf 2.1.1

+    * [SMX4NMR-236] - Upgrade to Karaf 2.1.2

+    * [SMX4NMR-238] - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.4.2

+    * [SMX4NMR-240] - Upgrade to SMX components 2010.02


+** Task

+    * [SMX4NMR-197] - Upgrade to Camel 2.4.0

+    * [SMX4NMR-199] - upgrade to use new karaf artifacts

+    * [SMX4NMR-230] - Release NMR 1.3.0


+** Test

+    * [SMX4NMR-227] - ChannelImpl#testChangeThreadNameForSyncExchange fails on some CI build boxes



                    Apache ServiceMix NMR 1.2.0
