blob: 9055055952e14b3774f2f978ff38294a6bb289e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* limitations under the License.
Deploys a Camel EIP route that uses a database to store messages after
receiving. A second route illustrates how to read messages from the database
in order to process them.
The example exists of several modules:
- camel-sql-Orders
The Orders module has two Camel routes defined in a Blueprint XML
file. Both routes use the camel-sql feature and some predefined queries
which are located in the file. The datasource is referenced
from the service we exposed in the first module.
The first route periodically creates a random order using the OrderBean
and submits it to the database. The route also logs every oder to the
Servicemix log. It displays the item-name from the order, for example:
| Inserted new order of Gummi bears
The second route consumes the unconsumed orders from the database
and processes them using the OrderBean. The result is logged to the
Servicemix log. For example:
| {ID=10, ITEM=Gummi bears, AMOUNT=46, CONSUMED=false,
description=The red ones are the cutest [PROCESSED], processed=true}
- camel-sql-datasource-derby
This module creates an in-memory Derby database utilizing a
DatabaseBeanDerby bean. The Database bean takes care of the table
creation and the graceful shutdown of the database connection.
The datasource is exposed as a OSGI service so it can be referenced
in other OSGI bundles.
- camel-sql-datasource-pgsql
This module creates an Postgre SQL table utilizing a
DatabaseBeanPgSQL bean. The Database bean takes care of the table
creation and the graceful shutdown of the database connection.
The datasource is exposed as a OSGI service so it can be referenced
in other OSGI bundles.
- camel-sql-datasource-h2
This module creates an in-memory h2 database utilizing a
DatabaseBeanH2 bean. The Database bean takes care of the table
creation and the graceful shutdown of the database connection.
The datasource is exposed as a OSGI service so it can be referenced
in other OSGI bundles.
All modules are deployed in an OSGi bundle.
Prerequisites for Running the Example
1. You must have the following installed on your machine:
- JDK 1.6 or higher
- Maven 2.2.1 or higher (for building)
For more information, see the README in the top-level examples
2. This example requires some additional configuration to allow
the JVM to use more PermGen memory:
export JAVA_MAX_PERM_MEM=128m (on UNIX)
set JAVA_MAX_PERM_MEM=128m (on Windows)
3. Start ServiceMix by running the following command:
<servicemix_home>/bin/servicemix (on UNIX)
<servicemix_home>\bin\servicemix (on Windows)
Preparing the databases
According to the example you would like to run, you have to
prepare the Derby, H2 or PgSQL database.
- Derby
You can find a downloadable bin-distribution of Derby for
your OS on
Extract the downloaded package and run the network server
<derby_home>/bin/startNetworkServer (on UNIX)
<derby_home>\bin\startNetworkServer.bat (on Windows)
- H2
You can find a downloadable distribution of H2 for
your OS on
To install the H2 database server, run the installer or
extract the package. Now start the database server:
<h2_home>/bin/ (on UNIX)
<h2_home>\bin\h2.bat (on Windows)
You can find a downloadable distribution of pgSQL for
your OS on
Follow the installation and execution instructions for
your OS on the download website.
To prepare the database server you can use the command line tool
psql or the GUI tool PgAdmin (
- Create a new database orderdb
- Execute the following SQL code:
ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'md5fcac28063087cf28e72241706e98c001'
ALTER DATABASE orderdb OWNER TO camelsql;
Running the Example
You can run the example in two ways:
- A. Using a Prebuilt Deployment Bundle: Quick and Easy
This option is useful if you want to see the example up and
running quickly.
- B. Building the Example Bundle Yourself
This option is useful if you want to change the example in any way.
It tells you how to build and deploy the example. This option might
be slower than option A because, if you do not already have the
required bundles in your local Maven repository, Maven will have to
download the bundles it needs.
A. Using a Prebuilt Deployment Bundle: Quick and Easy
To install and run a prebuilt version of this example, enter the
following command in the ServiceMix console:
features:install examples-camel-sql-derby
features:install examples-camel-sql-h2
features:install examples-camel-sql-pgsql
This command makes use of the ServiceMix features facility. For more
information about the features facility, see the README.txt file in the
examples parent directory.
Once the example is running, periodic events are routed to the
generateOrder-route which crates routes en sends them to the database.
The processOrder-route picks those orders from the database and
processes them. You should see a similar log output:
| Inserted a new order of Cookies
| {ID=8, ITEM=Cookies, AMOUNT=35, CONSUMED=false,
description=Grandma's recipe and fresh from the bakery! [PROCESSED], processed=true}
B. Building the Example Bundle Yourself
To install and run the example where you build the example bundle
yourself, complete the following steps:
1. If you have already run the example using the prebuilt version as
described above, you must first uninstall the examples feature
by entering the following command in the ServiceMix console:
features:uninstall examples-camel-sql-derby
features:uninstall examples-camel-sql-h2
features:uninstall examples-camel-sql-pgsql
2. Build the example by opening a command prompt, changing directory to
examples/camel/camel-sql (this example) and entering the following Maven
mvn install
If all of the required OSGi bundles are available in your local Maven
repository, the example will build very quickly. Otherwise it may
take some time for Maven to download everything it needs.
The mvn install command builds the example deployment bundle and
copies it to your local Maven repository and to the target directory
of this example.
3. Install the example by entering the following command in
the ServiceMix console:
features:install examples-camel-sql-derby
features:install examples-camel-sql-h2
features:install examples-camel-sql-pgsql
It makes use of the ServiceMix features facility. For more information
about the features facility, see the README.txt file in the examples
parent directory.
Once the example is running, periodic events are routed to the
generateOrder-route which crates routes en sends them to the database.
The processOrder-route picks those orders from the database and
processes them. You should see a similar log output:
| Inserted a new order of Cookies
| {ID=8, ITEM=Cookies, AMOUNT=35, CONSUMED=false,
description=Grandma's recipe and fresh from the bakery! [PROCESSED], processed=true}
Stopping and Uninstalling the Example
To stop the example, enter the following command in the ServiceMix
osgi:stop <bundle_id>
For information on how to find the bundle_id assigned to the example,
see step 3 in the "Updating and Redeploying the Properties File
from the Console" section above.
To uninstall the example, enter one of the following commands in
the ServiceMix console:
features:uninstall examples-camel-sql-derby
features:uninstall examples-camel-sql-h2
features:uninstall examples-camel-sql-pgsql
osgi:uninstall <bundle_id>
Viewing the Log Entries
You can view the entries in the log file in the data/log
directory of your ServiceMix installation, or by typing
the following command in the ServiceMix console: