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Activiti and Camel Example
This example will show you how to use Activiti inside Apache ServiceMix and how
interact with your Activiti processes from within you Camel routes.
In our example, we define a simple order process, that process the incoming orders
and subsequently waits for its delivery. Once the delivery notification has been
received, another bit of processing occurs before the business process ends.
We use Camel routes to start new process instances and notify running processes
about deliveries. We also use Camel routes to implement the order and delivery
processing itself.
In the Blueprint XML file (activiti-camel.xml), we are:
1. setting up our Camel context with our Camel routes
2. setting up the ActivitiComponent that will allow us to interact between our business process and our Camel routes
3. registering a ContextProvider instance to make your CamelContext available through the ${camel} expression in your
business process definitions files
The OrderProcess.bpmn20.xml business process definition defines the BPMN definition for our process. This process is
automatically deployed as soon as bundle is started:
start --> processOrder --> waitForDelivery --> processDelivery --> end
The ActivitRouteBuilder class defines 4 routes:
1. The first route will process files in the var/activiti-camel/order and for every file, a new business process instance
will be started. The Camel route will also assign a business key to the new process (the file name) and add a few
extra variables to the process.
2. The second route will process files in the var/activiti-camel/delivery and once again uses the file name to notify
running processes about order deliveries.
3. The third route will be triggered by the BPMN process when it executes its 'processOrder' service task.
4. The fourth route will be triggered by the BPMN process when it executes its 'processDelivery' service task.
Prerequisites for Running the Example
1. You must have the following installed on your machine:
- JDK 1.6 or higher
- Maven 3.0.2 or higher (for building)
For more information, see the README in the top-level examples
2. Start ServiceMix by running the following command:
<servicemix_home>/bin/servicemix (on UNIX)
<servicemix_home>\bin\servicemix (on Windows)
Running the Example
To install and run the example where you build the example bundle
yourself, complete the following steps:
1. Before being able to run this example, you have to install some additional
features into the container first to add support for the Activiti.
feature:install activiti
2. Build the example by opening a command prompt, changing directory to
examples/activiti/activiti-camel (this example) and entering the following Maven
mvn clean install
If all of the required OSGi bundles are available in your local Maven
repository, the example will build very quickly. Otherwise it may
take some time for Maven to download everything it needs.
The mvn install command builds the example deployment bundle and
copies it to your local Maven repository and to the target directory
of this example.
3. Install the example by entering the following command in
the ServiceMix console:
bundle:install mvn:org.apache.servicemix.examples/activiti-camel/${project.version}
4. Once the bundle has been started, you will see a var/activiti-camel/order directory
under your ServiceMix installation directory. If you create files in that directory,
you will see output like this appearing in the log file.
Processing order 1508 created on 2012-06-26 11:50:19
original message: <message/>
Process to handle incoming order file has been started (process instance id 14808)
At that point, you have a running process instance for order 1508 that is waiting for delivery.
5. To notify the process about the delivery, you have to create a file with the same name
in the var/activiti-camel/delivery directory. For example, to signal the delivery of order 1508,
create a file named var/activiti-camel/delivery/1508. As soon as the Camel route picks up the
file, you will see more output from the business process:
Notifying process about delivery for order 1508
Processing delivery for order 1508 created on 2012-06-26 11:50:19
original message: <message/>
Stopping and Uninstalling the Example
First, find the bundle id for the deployed example bundle by doing
and looking for a line that looks like this one
[ 317] [Active ] [Created ] [ ] [ 80] Apache ServiceMix :: Examples :: Activiti :: Activiti Camel (${project.version})
In the above case, the bundle id would be 317
To stop the example, enter the following command in the ServiceMix
bundle:stop <bundle_id>
To uninstall the example, enter one of the following commands in
the ServiceMix console:
bundle:uninstall <bundle_id>