blob: 13d424d182378ba8fb1d4c720038e47a45bf6808 [file] [log] [blame]
title: ServiceMix 5.0.4
--- name:notes pipeline:conf
h2. OSGi components list
Components included in this release:
This release packages the following dependencies:
* Version [2.3.7|] of [Apache Karaf|]
* Version [5.9.1|] of [ActiveMQ|]
* Version [2.12.4|] of [Camel|]
* Version [2.7.11|] of [CXF|]
h2. Release notes
h3. Bug
* [SM-2271|] - Can't install hibernate-envers in SMX5
* [SM-2301|] - Problem installing activiti feature after upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.9.1
* [SM-2318|] - Can't install Hibernate 3
* [SM-2319|] - Connector feature not in sync with transaction
* [SM-2325|] - Blueprint bean loading multiple times
* [SM-2351|] - Release Apache ServiceMix 5.0.4
* [SM-2356|] - ActiveMQ web console not installable after upgrade to 5.9.1
h3. Task
* [SM-2223|] - Incorrect Information on Remote-debugging ServiceMix in Eclipse
* [SM-2320|] - Upgrade to Karaf 2.3.6
* [SM-2345|] - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.9.1
* [SM-2354|] - Upgrade to maven-bundle-plugin 2.5.0
* [SM-2363|] - Require JDK 6 for build
* [SM-2365|] - Upgrade to Karaf 2.3.7
h2. SCM tag
Tag {{servicemix-5.0.4}} is available in [Git|;a=tag;h=refs/tags/servicemix-5.0.4] (commit id aa76d40a607a2bd0dc765d24f901bad564ee46af)
h2. Changelog
For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the [changelog|]
--- name:content pipeline:ssp
<%@ val notes : String %>
<h2>Downloads : Apache ServiceMix 5.0.4</h2>
<% render("/downloads/_servicemix5.scaml", Map("version" -> "5.0.4", "archive" -> true)) %>
<%= unescape(notes) %>