========================================================================= | |
== NOTICE file for use with the Apache License, Version 2.0, == | |
== in this case for the Apache ServiceMix distribution. == | |
========================================================================= | |
This product contains software developed by | |
The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). | |
This product contains software developed by | |
Open Participation Software for Java (http://www.ops4j.org/). | |
This software contains unmodified binary redistributions for H2 database engine (http://www.h2database.com/), | |
which is dual licensed and available under a modified version of the MPL 1.1 (Mozilla Public License) | |
or under the (unmodified) EPL 1.0 (Eclipse Public License). | |
An original copy of the license agreement can be found at: http://www.h2database.com/html/license.html | |