blob: 2299a592a2390194b5144b3d9d5741a49a4d3a88 [file] [log] [blame]
h1. Event listeners
The NMR has a rich event API that can be used to receive all sort of notifications about what's happening in the NMR.
Currently, two types of listeners are defined:
- {{org.apache.servicemix.nmr.api.event.EndpointListener}}
- {{org.apache.servicemix.nmr.api.event.ExchangeListener}}
h2. Endpoint Listener
h3. API
The {{EndpointListener}} defined two methods:
- {{endpointRegistered}} is called whenever a new endpoint is registered with the NMR
- {{endpointUnregistered}} is called whenever an existing endpoint is unregistered
public interface EndpointListener {
void endpointRegistered(InternalEndpoint endpoint);
void endpointUnregistered(InternalEndpoint endpoint);
h3. Registering {{EndpointListener}}
An {{EndpointListener}} can be registered directly with the NMR:
nmr.getListenerRegistry().register(listener, null);
The recommended way of registering an {{EndpointListener}} is by adding it to the OSGi Service Registry, e.g. using a Blueprint XML file:
<blueprint xmlns=""
<bean id="myListener" class="..."/>
<service ref="myListener">
h3. Example
An example of using an endpoint listener is shipped as part of the ServiceMix distribution. It can be found in the {{examples/interceptors/endpoint}} directory.
h2. ExchangeListener
h3. API
The {{ExchangeListener}} defined two methods:
- {{exchangeSent}} is called whenever an exchange is sent to the NMR for delivery
- {{exchangeDelivered}} is called whenever an exchange is being delivered to an endpoint
- {{exchangeFailed}} is called when a failure occurs while handling an exchange
public interface ExchangeListener {
void exchangeSent(Exchange exchange);
void exchangeDelivered(Exchange exchange);
void exchangeFailed(Exchange exchange);
h3. Registering {{ExchangeListener}}
An {{ExchangeListener}} can be registered directly with the NMR:
nmr.getListenerRegistry().register(listener, null);
The recommended way of registering an {{ExchangeListener}} is by adding it to the OSGi Service Registry, e.g. using a Blueprint XML file:
<blueprint xmlns=""
<bean id="myListener" class="..."/>
<service ref="myListener">
h3. Example
An example of using an exchange listener is shipped as part of the ServiceMix distribution. It can be found in the {{examples/interceptors/exchange}} directory.