blob: fa9fde8b6e53a485a564d5e9d1e3ac756bda039a [file] [log] [blame]
h2. servicemix-validation
h3. Overview
The ServiceMix Validation component provides schema validation of documents using JAXP 1.3 and XMLSchema or RelaxNG.
h4. Namespace and xbean.xml
The namespace URI for the servicemix-bean JBI component is {{}}. This is an example of an {{xbean.xml}} file with a namespace definition with prefix {{bean}}.
<beans xmlns:scripting="">
<!-- add validation:endpoint here -->
h4. Endpoint types
The servicemix-validation component defines a single endpoint type:
- {{validation:endpoint}} :: Validates the incoming XML message - can be configured to fail the exchange or to send validation errors back to the sender in the message body.
h3. {{validation:endpoint}}
h4. Endpoint properties