blob: 4506ec1de7a3483bb74573de31d2fe3b33dfbcbe [file] [log] [blame]
package com.wordnik.swagger.jaxrs.listing
import com.wordnik.swagger.config._
import com.wordnik.swagger.reader._
import com.wordnik.swagger.core.util._
import com.wordnik.swagger.model._
import com.wordnik.swagger.core.filter._
import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations._
import com.wordnik.swagger.jaxrs._
import com.wordnik.swagger.jaxrs.config._
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import{ UriInfo, HttpHeaders, Context, Response, MediaType, Application, MultivaluedMap }
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig
import java.util.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object ApiListingCache {
private val LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApiListingCache.getClass)
var _cache: Option[Map[String, ApiListing]] = None
var caches: java.util.Map[Object, Option[Map[String, ApiListing]]] = new HashMap[Object, Option[Map[String, ApiListing]]]
def listing(docRoot: String, app: Application, sc: ServletConfig): Option[Map[String, ApiListing]] = {
val scanner = Option(sc).map(_.getServletContext().getAttribute("SCANNER")).orNull
if (scanner != null) {
_cache = caches.get(scanner)
if (_cache == null) {
_cache = None
LOGGER.debug("loading cache"){reader =>
val classes = scanner match {
case scanner: JaxrsScanner => scanner.asInstanceOf[JaxrsScanner].classesFromContext(app, null)
case _ => List()
// For each top level resource, parse it and look for swagger annotations.
val listings = (for(cls <- classes) yield, cls, ConfigFactory.config)).flatten.toList
_cache = Some(( => {
// always start with "/"
val resourcePath = m.resourcePath.startsWith ("/") match {
case true => m.resourcePath
case false => "/" + m.resourcePath
LOGGER.debug("adding resource path " + resourcePath)
(resourcePath, m)
caches.put(scanner, _cache)
if(_cache != None)
LOGGER.debug("cache has " + _cache.get.keys + " keys")
LOGGER.debug("cache is empty")
def invalidateCache() = {
_cache = None
class ApiListingResource {
private val LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[ApiListingResource])
def resourceListing (
@Context app: Application,
@Context sc: ServletConfig,
@Context headers: HttpHeaders,
@Context uriInfo: UriInfo
): Response = {
val docRoot = this.getClass.getAnnotation(classOf[Path]).value
val f = new SpecFilter
val listings = ApiListingCache.listing(docRoot, app, sc).map(specs => {
(for(spec <- specs.values)
yield f.filter(spec, FilterFactory.filter, paramsToMap(uriInfo.getQueryParameters), cookiesToMap(headers), headersToMap(headers))
).filter(m => m.apis.size > 0)
val references = (for(listing <- listings.getOrElse(List())) yield {
ApiListingReference(listing.resourcePath, listing.description, listing.position)
}).toList.sortWith(_.position < _.position)
val config = ConfigFactory.config
val resourceListing = ResourceListing(config.apiVersion,
* individual api listing
@Path("/{route: .+}")
def apiDeclaration (
@PathParam("route") route: String,
@Context app: Application,
@Context sc: ServletConfig,
@Context headers: HttpHeaders,
@Context uriInfo: UriInfo
): Response = {
LOGGER.debug("requested apiDeclaration for " + route)
val docRoot = this.getClass.getAnnotation(classOf[Path]).value
val f = new SpecFilter
val pathPart = cleanRoute(route)
LOGGER.debug("requested route " + pathPart)
val listings = ApiListingCache.listing(docRoot, app, sc).map(specs => {
(for(spec <- specs.values) yield {
LOGGER.debug("inspecting path " + spec.resourcePath)
f.filter(spec, FilterFactory.filter, paramsToMap(uriInfo.getQueryParameters), cookiesToMap(headers), headersToMap(headers))
}).filter(m => {
val resourcePath = m.resourcePath match {
case e: String if(e.startsWith("/")) => e
case e: String => "/" + e
resourcePath == pathPart
listings.size match {
case 1 => Response.ok(listings(0)).build
case _ => Response.status(404).build
// ensure leading slash, remove trailing
def cleanRoute(route: String) = {
val cleanStart = {
if(route.startsWith("/")) route
else "/" + route
if(cleanStart.endsWith("/")) cleanStart.substring(0, cleanStart.length - 1)
else cleanStart
def invalidateCache() = {
def paramsToMap(params: MultivaluedMap[String, String]): Map[String, List[String]] = {
(for((key, list) <- params.asScala) yield (key, list.asScala.toList)).toMap
def cookiesToMap(headers: HttpHeaders): Map[String, String] = {
Option(headers).map(h => {
(for((name, cookie) <- h.getCookies.asScala) yield (name, cookie.getValue)).toMap
def headersToMap(headers: HttpHeaders): Map[String, List[String]] = {
(for((key, values) <- headers.getRequestHeaders.asScala) yield (key, values.asScala.toList)).toMap