blob: 7598772ea0406ca4151dd93dc44741374520e1a1 [file] [log] [blame]
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Jira REST Java Client is a Java library (usable from any JVM language) which
allows to easily talk to any Jira Server 4.2+ instance using new (and still evolving)
JRJC currently provides a thin layer of abstraction on top of REST API and related
HTTP(S) communication. It provides a domain object model of JIRA entities on the
client side - objects representing issues, priorities, resolutions, statuses, users, etc.
In the future though JRJC may be extended to handle things like caching (conditional GET,
metadata) or provide a higher level of abstraction on top of existing REST API - completely
shielding the user from the specifics of REST.
JRJC should be useful for integrating systems using JVM-based languages (like Java) with
JIRA and specifically for integrating Atlassian products with themselves.
\u001B[1mSEE ALSO\u001B[0m