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<h1 class="page__title" itemprop="headline">Release Notes
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<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version service-center-2.1.0
<h2 id="bug">Bug</h2>
<li><a href="">SCB-2400</a> - Govern api return empty schemaIds</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2403</a> - Start up failed when upgrade sc version</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2404</a> - Return internal properties when list all microservices</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2411</a> - Try dlock before start retirement job</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2418</a> - Fix etcd metrics not correct</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2420</a> - Can not delete unused role</li>
<h2 id="new-feature">New Feature</h2>
<li><a href="">SCB-2402</a> - Support synchronization of multiple registries</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2401</a> - Append inner properties when heartbeat success</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2408</a> - Add put instance service</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2409</a> - Add resource usage service</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2412</a> - Add dlock service</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2414</a> - Add schema retire cron job</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2415</a> - Add schema ref</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2419</a> - Add govern service</li>
<h2 id="improvement">Improvement</h2>
<li><a href="">SCB-2405</a> - Use dlock instead</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2406</a> - Using cari’s mongo db client</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2407</a> - Using cari db client</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2410</a> - Refactoring disco service</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2413</a> - Refactoring RBAC datasource interface</li>
<li><a href="">SCB-2416</a> - Refactoring quota mgr</li>
<p><a href="">SCB-2417</a> - Refactoring schema service</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version service-center-2.0.0
</code></pre></div> </div>
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-2259</a>] - gopool can not reuse worker with certainty
<li>[<a href="">SCB-2176</a>] - SD Cache is not consistency
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1720</a>] - Service-center consumes huge CPU when it is disconnected from etcd
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1069</a>] - Wrong response of batch delete microservices API
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-2133</a>] - governance northbound Interface / abstract access layer
<li>[<a href="">SCB-2094</a>] - New datasource architecture
<li>[<a href="">SCB-2093</a>] - Supplement the role module of rbac
<li>[<a href="">SCB-952</a>] - Support sync ServiceComb service to Kubernetes
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-624</a>] - Abstract service layer between api and cache
<li>[<a href="">SCB-489</a>] - Suggest to add Service Center user guide and development guide to the ServiceComb official website
<li>[<a href="">SCB-438</a>] - As SC model is changing, we should keep SC proto spec in isolated project, so that go sdk can import same model as SC does
<li>[<a href="">SCB-2022</a>] - Migrate service-center documents to sphinx
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1712</a>] - Reset the etcd cache periodically
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1545</a>] - add support env config for logfilepath and logfile level
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1042</a>] - Support upload SC schemas
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version service-center-1.3.0
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1296</a>] - [Syncer] Store Syncer data to etcd
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1295</a>] - Syncer for synchronize data between multiple service centers
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1301</a>] - [Syncer] Syncer reliability improvement, support for etcd cluster management
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1302</a>] - [Syncer]Refactor data strcture of storage module to support springcloud Eureka.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1307</a>] - Store Syncer data to etcd
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1453</a>] - [Syncer] New servicecenter plugin supported eureka
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1427</a>] - Move storage to syncer/servicecenter
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1429</a>] - Use etcd operation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1441</a>] - [Syncer] Support for using tls certificate in Syner
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1464</a>] - [Syncer] The architecture picture needs to be updated, after adding support for eureka
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1465</a>] - [Syncer] Command line parameter error in Quick Start
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1491</a>] - [Syncer] Example of instance access between multiple service-centers
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1498</a>] - Allow schema modification of services in production environment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1512</a>] - Allow custom handler chain
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1539</a>] - Add command line to support output syncer version
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1540</a>] - Add syncer&#39;s packaging command to the script of release
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version service-center-1.2.0
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1050</a>] - Metrics cache does not clean
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1059</a>] - Unexpected events publish if error occurs in previous list-watch loop
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1059</a>] - Re-register instance does not keep alive the lease
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1059</a>] - Use the raw password if decrypt failed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1059</a>] - Should not show the shared microservices by default
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1059</a>] - Add grpc keepalive time
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1069</a>] - Wrong response of batch delete microservices API
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1049</a>] - Alarm center
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1087</a>] - Add View Schema Option in Schema Details Page
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1052</a>] - import zap logger without binding go version
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1053</a>] - Batch microservices instances discovery API
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1070</a>] - New instance &#39;TESTING&#39; status
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1092</a>] - More abundant metrics information
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1219</a>] - Prepare 1.2.0 Release
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version service-center-1.1.0
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-744</a>] - Wrong error code returned in Find API
<li>[<a href="">SCB-851</a>] - Can not get providers if consumer have * dependency rule
<li>[<a href="">SCB-857</a>] - Provider rule of consumer can not be removed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-863</a>] - build script for docker image gives an error
<li>[<a href="">SCB-890</a>] - Lost changed event when bootstrap with embedded etcd
<li>[<a href="">SCB-912</a>] - rest client still verify peer host when verifyPeer flag set false
<li>[<a href="">SCB-924</a>] - Etcd cacher should re-list etcd in fixed time interval
<li>[<a href="">SCB-927</a>] - The latest Lager is not compatible
<li>[<a href="">SCB-929</a>] - Concurrent error in update resource APIs
<li>[<a href="">SCB-930</a>] - Service Center Frontend stops responding in Schema test if Schema has &#39;\&quot;&#39; character in the description
<li>[<a href="">SCB-934</a>] - Get all dependency rules will panic
<li>[<a href="">SCB-938</a>] - Should check self presevation max ttl
<li>[<a href="">SCB-951</a>] - Wrong help information in scctl
<li>[<a href="">SCB-958</a>] - The instance delete event delay more than 2s
<li>[<a href="">SCB-977</a>] - Dependencies will not be updated in 5min when micro service is changed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-980</a>] - The dependency will be broken when commit etcd failed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-981</a>] - Can not remove the microservice and instance properties
<li>[<a href="">SCB-991</a>] - Optimize args parsing
<li>[<a href="">SCB-993</a>] - Bug fixes
<li>[<a href="">SCB-994</a>] - SC can not read the context when client using grpc api
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1027</a>] - Fix the core dump in SC which compiled with go1.10+
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-815</a>] - Support deploy in Kubernetes
<li>[<a href="">SCB-850</a>] - Support discover instances from kubernetes cluster
<li>[<a href="">SCB-869</a>] - SC cli tool
<li>[<a href="">SCB-902</a>] - Support service discovery by Service Mesh
<li>[<a href="">SCB-914</a>] - Support using scctl to download schemas
<li>[<a href="">SCB-941</a>] - Support multiple datacenter deployment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-949</a>] - Support access distinct kubernetes clusters
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-418</a>] - How to deploy a SC cluster in container environment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-435</a>] - Add plugin document in ServiceCenter
<li>[<a href="">SCB-792</a>] - More abundant metrics information
<li>[<a href="">SCB-796</a>] - Update the paas-lager package
<li>[<a href="">SCB-797</a>] - More information in dump API
<li>[<a href="">SCB-807</a>] - Limit the topology view to only 100 microservices.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-808</a>] - Aut-refresh the dashboard and service-list page every 10sec
<li>[<a href="">SCB-809</a>] - Verify the chinese version of the UI as all chinese text was translated using Google Translate
<li>[<a href="">SCB-816</a>] - Update the protobuf version to 1.0.0
<li>[<a href="">SCB-840</a>] - Support configable limit in buildin quota plugin
<li>[<a href="">SCB-844</a>] - Update golang version to 1.9.2
<li>[<a href="">SCB-848</a>] - Uses zap to replace the paas-lager
<li>[<a href="">SCB-862</a>] - Using different environment variables in image
<li>[<a href="">SCB-892</a>] - output plugins configs in version api
<li>[<a href="">SCB-899</a>] - Support go1.11 module maintaining
<li>[<a href="">SCB-901</a>] - Making service registration api idempotent
<li>[<a href="">SCB-937</a>] - Customizable tracing sample rate
<li>[<a href="">SCB-953</a>] - Support sync distinct Kubernetes service types to service-center
<li>[<a href="">SCB-978</a>] - Fix translation issues for Chinese Locale on First Load
<li>[<a href="">SCB-983</a>] - Output the QPS per domain
<li>[<a href="">SCB-984</a>] - Add Health Check command
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1015</a>] - Support the forth microservice version number registration
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-720</a>] - Show the instance statistics in Dashboard and Instance List in Side Menu
<li>[<a href="">SCB-973</a>] - TLP graduation tasks
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1016</a>] - Change git repo name
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1028</a>] - Prepare 1.1.0 Service-Center Release
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1033</a>] - Update license for Service-Center
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version Service-Center-1.0.0
<h4 id="new-featuresimprovements">New Features/Improvements:</h4>
<li>Make ETCD connection more Resilient</li>
<li>Make ETCD request timeout configurable</li>
<li>Support TLS Plugin</li>
<li>Optimize Governance API for Searching Schema</li>
<li>Optimize Find Instance API</li>
<li>Use glide for dependency management</li>
<li>Add release binaries for MacOS</li>
<li>Add Toplogy View and Instance View in UI</li>
<h4 id="bug-fix">Bug-Fix:</h4>
<li>Fix connection leak in etcd</li>
<li>Fix Lose of events in some scenarios</li>
<li>Fix Cache mismatch.</li>
<h6 id="for-more-details-please-click-here">For more details please <a href=";version=12342427">click here</a></h6>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version Service-Center-1.0.0-m2
<h4 id="api-changes-">API Changes :</h4>
<li>Governance API also returns self microservice information.</li>
<li>Governance API should not show the shared microservices information.</li>
<li>Support batch delete in registry.</li>
<li>Change the type of force query parameter to bool in delete api.</li>
<h4 id="new-featuresimprovements-1">New Features/Improvements:</h4>
<li>Support Async Rest Template.</li>
<li>Support of Testing Schema from frontend.</li>
<li>Support log rotation.</li>
<li>Support ipv6.</li>
<li>Static data return instanceCount by domain.</li>
<li>Convenient store extension.</li>
<li>Retry the connection to etcd in-case of failure.</li>
<li>Show proper error details in frontend.</li>
<li>Support Default TLS Cipher Suites.</li>
<li>Proxy Frontend request to Service-Center.</li>
<li>Use bower to resolve the dependency of frontend.</li>
<li>Add registry server HC mechanism.</li>
<h4 id="bug-fix-1">Bug-Fix:</h4>
<li>Fix issue of filter instance using service-tags.</li>
<li>Fix re-creation of tracing file.</li>
<li>Fix SC cannot check duplicate endpoints when registered with etcd.</li>
<li>Fix wrong parentId in tracing data.</li>
<li>Fix wrong log print in update Instance.</li>
<li>Fix null pointer reference in zipkin plugin.</li>
<li>Fix delete service should delete dependency key.</li>
<li>Fix cache does not match with etcd store.</li>
<li>Fix remove the backup log files which are expired.</li>
<li>Fix typos in response of schema api’s.</li>
<li>Fix incorrect metric label value.</li>
<li>Fix register instance withe same id will create redundant endpoints.</li>
<h6 id="for-more-details-please-click-here-1">For more details please <a href=";version=12342354">click here</a></h6>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version Service-Center-1.0.0-m1
<h4 id="api-changes--1">API Changes :</h4>
<li>Added new API to get All Schema List.</li>
<li>Add Service statistics in the Governance API.</li>
<li>Add Self-microservice information in the Governance API.</li>
<h4 id="new-featuresimprovements-2">New Features/Improvements:</h4>
<li>Support discovery of SC instances by Consumer micro-service.</li>
<li>Event driven implementation for dependency rules.</li>
<li>Make compact interval configurable and avoid defragmentation of the database when compacted.</li>
<li>Update the default quota’s limit of service/instance count.</li>
<li>Update black-list rule controls in discovery.</li>
<h4 id="metrics-">Metrics :</h4>
<li>Added support for Prometheus metrics exposure.</li>
<li>Added templates for Grafana Dashboard.</li>
<h4 id="optimization">Optimization:</h4>
<li>Optimized Restful clients and plugins loader.</li>
<li>Optimized Service-Count calculation rule.</li>
<li>Use CDN for resolving all the dependencies of frontend.</li>
<h4 id="bug-fix-2">Bug-Fix:</h4>
<li>Fix panic issue while deleting instance and invalid metrics request.</li>
<li>Fix modify schema response issue and heart-beat failure when etcd has no leader.</li>
<li>Fix batch delete api to exempt from unregistering service-center microservice.</li>
<li>Fix watcher wrong event sequence when SC modify resource concurrently</li>
<li>Fix discovery of default APP services in Shared service mode</li>
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