HC 2019 & Apche Servicecomb Meetup (en)
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+title: "Apache ServiceComb Meetup -Shanghai 2019.09.20 Report (PPT Download)"
+lang: en
+ref: Apache-ServiceComb-Meetup-2019-Shanghai-Report
+permalink: /docs/Apache-ServiceComb-Meetup-2019-Shanghai-Report/
+excerpt: "Apache ServiceComb Meetup -Shanghai 2019.09.20 Report (PPT)"
+last_modified_at: 2019.09.23T17:18:43+08:00
+author: Mabin
+tags: [microservice, Meetup]
+  - /theme-setup/
+On September 20, 2019, at the Shanghai World Expo Center in China, the Apache ServiceComb community held microservice Co-Located event at the HUAWEI CONNECT 2019, that concluded successfully.
+The event invited the chairman of the Apache Foundation, the chairman of the Apache Incubator Project Management Committee, Apache Member, Apache Committer, and Huawei Cloud PaaS team architect. They shared the "Apache Explained", "The Apache Incubator", "ServiceComb Incubating Journey", "Apache ServiceComb-Innovative Microservices", "HUAWEI CLOUD Microservice Tool Improves Development Efficiency", etc. Many micro-service technologies and experience. ServiceComb community has also released a series of innovative new projects to assist user solve pain points of microservice.
+**Session 1: The Apache Way** 
+The Apache Software Foundation is the world's largest open source foundation and currently has more than 300 open source projects covering big data, cloud computing, server and web frameworks, build management, content management, and the Internet of Things. Foundation members introduced the Apache Software Foundation, open source community governance principles, and the operating mechanism of the Apache incubator, and shared the Apache project's successful incubation experience with Huawei-funded project Apache ServiceComb.
+[PDF Download](/assets/slides/20190920/EN/The_Apache_Way_En.pdf)
+**Apache Explained** 
+**Craig Russell, Chairman of the ASF, Apache Software Foundation:** A detailed introduction to the history and current state of the Apache Foundation and its core principles.
+**The Apache Incubator** 
+**Justin Mclean, Chairman of the Apache IPMC, Apache Software Foundation:**  Explains the operating mechanism of the Apache incubator and the features of the Apache protocol, and the release process for the Apache project.
+**ServiceComb Incubating Journey** 
+**Willem Jiang, Huawei Open Source Expert, ASF Member:** Shared the practical experience of Huawei's donated Apache ServiceComb successful incubation, and gave its own summary and suggestions on how to better develop the open source community.
+**Session 2: Innovative Microservices for More Efficient Development** 
+The Apache ServiceComb community has listened carefully to the pain points encountered by users implementing the microservices architecture. The first half of this topic will share these pain points and incubate projects to solve some pain points. I hope to discuss with users how to solve the problems in micro-service practice. The second half of this topic will introduce the micro-service tool innovation practices that work hand-in-hand with users.
+**Apache ServiceComb-Innovative Microservices**     
+[PDF Download](/assets/slides/20190920/EN/Apache_ServiceComb-Innovative_Microservices.pdf)
+**Ma Bin, Huawei Open Source Architect, Apache Committer:** Interpret the innovative project architecture, roadmap and scenario cases launched by the ServiceComb community for user pain points, including: multi-language operating environment, micro-service contract tools, heterogeneous communication in service centers, distributed configuration centers, micro-service authentication; The convening order calls for more interested fans to contribute to the open source community.
+**HUAWEI CLOUD Microservice Tool Improves Development Efficiency**     
+[PDF Download](/assets/slides/20190920/EN/HUAWEI_CLOUD_Microservice_Tool_Improves_Development_Efficiency.pdf)
+**Wang Qijun, Huawei Cloud PaaS Architect:** Based on the practice of ServiceComb, Huawei Cloud Micro Service shared the micro-service splitting tools and contract management tools, which are the two developers/users with the highest attention.   
+**About the Apache ServiceComb**:
+Apache ServiceComb, the main code of the Apache Software Foundation Incubation Project, donated by Huawei Cloud, is dedicated to helping enterprises easily build cloud native applications and traditional enterprise business rapid micro-services, helping users quickly develop micro-services through a series of solutions to achieve these Efficient operation and maintenance management of microservice applications. It has a complete micro-service ecological stack, no vendor lock-in, currently incubating with Apache Way, and has a number of non-Huawei commercial users outside of Huawei's business such as consumer cloud, cloud EI, cloud security, cloud core, and community. And developers are also increasingly diverse.
+**more questions, welcome to scan the QR code or WeChat to add “ServiceComb Assistant**