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<h1 class="page__title" itemprop="headline">Release Notes
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<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version saga-0.2.1
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-741</a>] - Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column &#39;payloads&#39; at row 1
<li>[<a href="">SCB-821</a>] - Add missing dependencyManagement for omega-transport-feign
<li>[<a href="">SCB-963</a>] - Saga transactional method can&#39;t work when compensation happens
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-730</a>] - Add Feign transport for supporting Spring Cloud
<li>[<a href="">SCB-732</a>] - Add the omega-transport-feign into distribution kit
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-785</a>] - Cannot get the GlobalTxId and LocalTxId in the compensation method
<li>[<a href="">SCB-805</a>] - If the node time of alpha and omega are not same, the transaction could be aborted
<li>[<a href="">SCB-806</a>] - Polish alpha-server logger
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-784</a>] - SagaStart annotated method should abort the saga transaction once the exception is thrown
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version saga-0.2.0
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-426</a>] - The type of CompensationContext.context field should be thread-safe
<li>[<a href="">SCB-480</a>] - [pack] GrpcTxEvent miss the timeout when converting the TxEvent
<li>[<a href="">SCB-505</a>] - The service should throw the exception when the saga transaction is timeout
<li>[<a href="">SCB-566</a>] - mysql.sql doesn&#39;t have the retried and retryMethod in the TxEvent table
<li>[<a href="">SCB-584</a>] - DubboConsumerFilterTest fails on linux
<li>[<a href="">SCB-615</a>] - fix typos in EventScanner
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-224</a>] - [pack] retry sub-transaction on failure
<li>[<a href="">SCB-342</a>] - [pack] secure gRPC transport
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-245</a>] - [pack] support to intercept dubbo&#39;s requests
<li>[<a href="">SCB-246</a>] - [pack] add demo to use pack with dubbo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-410</a>] - Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0 in Saga
<li>[<a href="">SCB-428</a>] - Add omegaUniquaIdGenerator to the omega id generator
<li>[<a href="">SCB-429</a>] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 1.5.10
<li>[<a href="">SCB-433</a>] - Update the maven docker plugin running setting
<li>[<a href="">SCB-436</a>] - Clean up the docker-compose file of booking demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-463</a>] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 2.0.1.Release
<li>[<a href="">SCB-464</a>] - Upgrade Java Chassis version to 1.0.0-m1
<li>[<a href="">SCB-465</a>] - Start the build metrics of Saga in travis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-497</a>] - Omega test log issue
<li>[<a href="">SCB-545</a>] - Update the length of field serviceName from varchar(16) to varchar(36)
<li>[<a href="">SCB-547</a>] - EventScaner abort if the findFirstAbortedGlobalTxByType has more than one result
<li>[<a href="">SCB-568</a>] - Provide web page for pack Demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-569</a>] - Add document about SSL setup of Pack
<li>[<a href="">SCB-571</a>] - Decouple OmegaContext in the Application
<li>[<a href="">SCB-573</a>] - Split the docker-compose file for debugging easily
<li>[<a href="">SCB-583</a>] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 1.5.13.Release and 2.0.2.Release
<li>[<a href="">SCB-628</a>] - correct the naming of demos
<li>[<a href="">SCB-632</a>] - reformat code according to the google code style
<li>[<a href="">SCB-633</a>] - Correct artifactId and module of saga-spring-cloud-demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-641</a>] - Add the dubbo transport plugin into release kit
<li>[<a href="">SCB-642</a>] - Update the third party dependencies version in the License file
<h2> Wish
<li>[<a href="">SCB-20</a>] - JDK9 not supported when unit testing while doc showing JDK8+
<li>[<a href="">SCB-153</a>] - Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-390</a>] - [pack] Investigating the Byteman and the Cucumber with running the recovery acceptance tests
<li>[<a href="">SCB-437</a>] - [Doc] Provide a FAQ list for Saga project
<li>[<a href="">SCB-452</a>] - Write java doc for some class
<li>[<a href="">SCB-555</a>] - Add Saga Dubbo demo to show how to manage the transactions with Dubbo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-635</a>] - Cut Saga-0.2.0 Release
<li>[<a href="">SCB-647</a>] - Update LICENSE/NOTICE for release
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version saga-0.1.0
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-237</a>] - [pack] acceptance tests of success scenarios
<li>[<a href="">SCB-278</a>] - [pack] acceptance test of transaction failure and successful compensation scenario
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-130</a>] - Update the Git PR template
<li>[<a href="">SCB-323</a>] - inconsistent port in saga demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-404</a>] - The base folder name is the same for source and binary release
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-95</a>] - [pack] able to link sub-transactions as a single global transaction
<li>[<a href="">SCB-96</a>] - [pack] intercept sub-transaction commits
<li>[<a href="">SCB-97</a>] - [pack] update alpha about transaction state
<li>[<a href="">SCB-98</a>] - [pack] send compensate context from alpha to omegas
<li>[<a href="">SCB-99</a>] - [pack] compensate on transaction failure
<li>[<a href="">SCB-100</a>] - [pack] async transaction support
<li>[<a href="">SCB-101</a>] - [pack] design doc
<li>[<a href="">SCB-138</a>] - [pack] omega&#39;s callback about transaction state
<li>[<a href="">SCB-151</a>] - [pack] pack usage demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-152</a>] - [pack] update alpha on compensation completed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-212</a>] - [pack] sub-transaction timeout support
<li>[<a href="">SCB-227</a>] - [pack] stop sub transaction from running when global tx failed
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-140</a>] - [pack] do not compensate duplicate transaction events
<li>[<a href="">SCB-141</a>] - [pack] support multiple sub transaction in a single service
<li>[<a href="">SCB-149</a>] - [pack] service/instance aware omega callback
<li>[<a href="">SCB-164</a>] - [pack] alpha connection recovery on crash
<li>[<a href="">SCB-167</a>] - [pack] inform alpha about omega id on connection
<li>[<a href="">SCB-168</a>] - [pack] resend events on connection loss &amp; load balance
<li>[<a href="">SCB-169</a>] - [pack] omega get notified whether events are sent successfully or not
<li>[<a href="">SCB-173</a>] - [pack] mark start of saga
<li>[<a href="">SCB-174</a>] - [pack] object serialization/deserialization
<li>[<a href="">SCB-183</a>] - [pack] omega callback cleanup on connection loss
<li>[<a href="">SCB-211</a>] - [pack] exponential backoff resending event on cluster down or network down
<li>[<a href="">SCB-213</a>] - [pack] proper timing to send out SagaEndedEvent on asynchronous compensation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-218</a>] - [pack] stateless alpha
<li>[<a href="">SCB-220</a>] - [pack] duplicate abort event filter to avoid redundant compensation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-228</a>] - Update to replace the type of TxEvent with Enum
<li>[<a href="">SCB-232</a>] - EventType should be same between omega and alpha
<li>[<a href="">SCB-233</a>] - Don&#39;t deploy if building with the PR
<li>[<a href="">SCB-234</a>] - [pack] fail fast if alpha cluster down
<li>[<a href="">SCB-238</a>] - Remove third-party dependencies which violates apache licensing policy
<li>[<a href="">SCB-239</a>] - [pack] omega recovery
<li>[<a href="">SCB-243</a>] - [pack] support to intercept java chassis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-270</a>] - [pack] in order compensation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-305</a>] - [pack] postIntercept should throw the exception when the timeout happens
<li>[<a href="">SCB-330</a>] - [pack] update documents of saga pack
<li>[<a href="">SCB-395</a>] - Add How to build into README file
<li>[<a href="">SCB-400</a>] - Add guides to run demo without docker compose
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-104</a>] - simplify transport rest template implementation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-122</a>] - Add incubating note to website
<li>[<a href="">SCB-123</a>] - Add DISLAIMER to the ServiceComb git repo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-154</a>] - Update the package org.apache.servicecomb
<li>[<a href="">SCB-157</a>] - Update the release setting of pom
<li>[<a href="">SCB-193</a>] - Generated the Licenses,Notice and DISCLAIMER files when building the artifact
<li>[<a href="">SCB-231</a>] - Only publish the snapshot in master branch
<li>[<a href="">SCB-249</a>] - [pack] replace hibernate with other ORM tech to avoid license issue
<li>[<a href="">SCB-260</a>] - Prepare LICENSE/NOTICE files for releasing
<li>[<a href="">SCB-344</a>] - [pack] use mysql as alpha&#39;s backend database
<li>[<a href="">SCB-346</a>] - Create the distribution kit for Saga
<li>[<a href="">SCB-363</a>] - Remove legacy code from Saga
<li>[<a href="">SCB-378</a>] - Add readme for samples so that users can run the samples code by just reading the readme doc
<li>[<a href="">SCB-380</a>] - Add incubating to file name the release kit
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