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<h1 class="page__title" itemprop="headline">Release Notes
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<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version java-chassis-2.0.2
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1823</a>] - change kie label env to environment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1824</a>] - jacskon convertValue will convert all objects start for 2.10.*, java-chassis need not convert RestTemplate arguments
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1826</a>] - remove binary release LICENSE since 3rd parties not included
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1837</a>] - revert changes for SCB-1643, do not include huaweicloud jar
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1857</a>] - RequestLog need to distinguish PRODUCER or CONSUMER for InvocationFinishEvent
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1861</a>] - fix config kie value parsing errors
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1863</a>] - config kie bug fix : toke the revision when pull from kie
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1810</a>] - create a new Dispathcer to direct forward requests to HTTP server and send response
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1816</a>] - Print the instance endpoints in the end of the start up log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1828</a>] - support @JsonView
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1834</a>] - add BOM for java-chassis
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1822</a>] - fix problems when using multiple consumer interface for one operation and using CseHttpEntity to set localcontext
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1825</a>] - client outlog: rename item and delete
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1830</a>] - refactring code: Invocation carry changable data in each Invocation in a better way
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1831</a>] - Loadbalancer set endpoint can use Endpoint other the literal string
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1840</a>] - InvokerUtils inherit current context to support tracing and other features
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1845</a>] - add TOC for java-chassis documents to make easier to search
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1851</a>] - config-kie: support enable property
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1853</a>] - fix problems in
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1862</a>] - ServiceComb add extensions to support cas env variables
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1866</a>] - dependency update: jackson-datatype-jsr310 from unmanaged to 2.10.0
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1867</a>] - dependency update: netty, from 4.1.45.Final to 4.1.47.Final
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1868</a>] - change ISO8601DateFormat
Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version java-chassis-2.0.1
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1531</a>] - Support multiple service-center clusters
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1752</a>] - accessor problem fix: LogMarkerLeakFixUtils memory leak fix
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1801</a>] - fix SCB-1752
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1802</a>] - add document: for servlet transport, remove log4j will cause some change
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1807</a>] - update documentation for kie long polling
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1809</a>] - add document for InvokerUtils usage
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1787</a>] - Http 2 idleTimeoutInSeconds is not used
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1793</a>] - When use @RequestHeader(value =&quot;xxx&quot;) and aggregatedParam at same time, it will throw null pointer exception
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1795</a>] - when use query object, sdk don&#39;t support fluent setter
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1799</a>] - add back servicecomb.service.registry.registerUrlPrefix
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1737</a>] - support ISO 8601 data and time
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1796</a>] - support client outlog
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1798</a>] - InvokerUtils support specify response type
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1812</a>] - Endpoint add new constructor to support user defined transport
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1779</a>] - update servicecomb test cases to make run in MAC
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1785</a>] - Run java-chassis in spring boot with external tomcat
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1786</a>] - remove log4j dependency by default
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1794</a>] - update the version of commons-beautils
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1800</a>] - log4j is deprecated package, make log4j implementaions optional
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1803</a>] - config-kie support long polling
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1814</a>] - binary release only include java-chassis artifacts
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1804</a>] - anylyse updating commons-configuration and archairus
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1805</a>] - clear some unused 3rd party software and use akarta Expression Language
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1806</a>] - PR TestSpringMVCObjectParamTypeRestOnly should run both for rest and highway
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1808</a>] - add documentaion for using TraceIdLogger
Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version java-chassis-2.0.0
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-267</a>] - support generic for highway
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1117</a>] - change SwaggerConsumer arguments to not depend on swagger class generation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1212</a>] - change response mapper to not depend on swagger class generation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1213</a>] - swagger generator placeholder resolver not depend on spring
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1214</a>] - change weak-contract-type branch version to weak-contract-type-SNAPSHOT
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1225</a>] - swagger generator core not depend on create dynamic class
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1227</a>] - swagger generator jaxrs not depend on create dynamic class
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1228</a>] - swagger generator springmvc not depend on create dynamic class
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1242</a>] - provide spring data plugin to generate swagger and deserialize
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1248</a>] - ServiceRegistry manage MicroserviceMeta
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1252</a>] - change element of HttpParameterType to uppercase
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1256</a>] - rename ConcreteInterfaceRegister to ConcreteTypeRegister
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1268</a>] - ServiceRegistry publish microservice life event and move meta back to core
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1269</a>] - change SwaggerProducer arguments to not depend on swagger class generation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1283</a>] - avoid generate empty property by SwaggerDefinition
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1284</a>] - operationId should not be empty
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1285</a>] - enhance ResponseTypeProcessor to support extractResponseType
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1286</a>] - support only generate response for a operation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1290</a>] - add swagger generator unit test case for List&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt;
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1323</a>] - should ignore parameter of HttpServletRequest when generate swagger
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1324</a>] - basePath should be a single slash when basePath not specified and annotation by RestController
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1327</a>] - delete duplicated swagger definition: ExtendConst
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1328</a>] - restore feature: collect java type from swagger model or property
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1336</a>] - should not lost @ApiParam description when wrap parameter to body at swagger generator pojo mode
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1337</a>] - should wrap enum to body at swagger generator pojo mode
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1338</a>] - tiny optimize for collect primitive default value
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1342</a>] - consumer should not use ArgumentsMapperDirectReuse when arg index is different
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1344</a>] - use producer parameter type in producer argument mapper for wrapped body
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1345</a>] - rest transport switch to weak type core
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1346</a>] - only special type need convert logic
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1347</a>] - tiny optimize for DefaultParameterNameProvider
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1348</a>] - change SchemaLoader to SwaggerLoader
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1362</a>] - microservice meta not depend on create dynamic class
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1625</a>] - update license file
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1626</a>] - provide interface to replace spring 5 deprecated classes
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1628</a>] - change starter name
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1629</a>] - documentation should cut 2.0 branch
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1630</a>] - add documentation for spring boot and add samples for it
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1631</a>] - add documentation to help users migrate from 1.x to 2.0
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1632</a>] - Complete weak type code and merge it into master branch
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1635</a>] - Recover highway tests
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1636</a>] - SwaggerLoader remove the dependency on Spring utilities
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1637</a>] - Fix test problem in demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1644</a>] - add tests for different model in client and server
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1678</a>] - using new proto API to serialize/deserialize Internal Objects
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1682</a>] - Refactor getVendorExtensions method and add ProtoMapper to ScopedProtobufSchemaManager
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1683</a>] - using new proto API to serialize/deserialize Requests/Responses
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1684</a>] - add codec test cases and fix Date/LocalDate codec problem
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1692</a>] - deserialize arguments in map with arguments actual types
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1693</a>] - invocation args change from array to map
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1703</a>] - Highway transport switch to new codec APIs and turn on highway transport
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1704</a>] - change invocation arguments from &quot;swagger arguments&quot; to &quot;invocation arguments&quot;
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1706</a>] - mapper arguments in codec phase for REST
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1709</a>] - restore arguments mappers and refactor to invocation argument types
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1713</a>] - Invocation carries both invocation arguments and swagger arguments
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1714</a>] - highway support different models and arguments types in consumer and provider
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1722</a>] - add generics test case and fix know problems
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1725</a>] - turn on integration tests of highway
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1726</a>] - fix all TODOs in springmvc demo(integration tests)
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1727</a>] - support encode/decode Object(Any) types
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1728</a>] - support response headers in Response type
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1730</a>] - highway support primitive default values and convert char/byte/short
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1732</a>] - support inheritance schema definition
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1734</a>] - add a test case for bean with aXXX property and documents
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1744</a>] - separate primitive descriptorParamType from non primitive
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1745</a>] - remove accessor modifier in reflection
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1746</a>] - add docs for SCB-1745 of changes
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1749</a>] - fix OperationConfig setter problem
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1750</a>] - remove usage of
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1755</a>] - add JavaBeans Activation Framework implicitly
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1758</a>] - add document links to older versions
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1759</a>] - fix first sample link error
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1761</a>] - import document of porter application to java-chassis doc
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1762</a>] - change gitbook to mkdoc
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1764</a>] - add porter appliation to docs
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1765</a>] - create a mirror for github pages for better access of china
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1766</a>] - add documents for kie, nacos, appollo integration
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1771</a>] - change project version to 2.0.0
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1772</a>] - fix javadoc compile error
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1310</a>] - @RequestPart should use MultipartFile instead of string
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1489</a>] - Micro-service instance wouldn&#39;t work after we shotdown our service center for updating while we had enable RSA authentication between services.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1546</a>] - fix wrong code for sample
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1601</a>] - Abandon waiting 30 seconds after waiting request timeout.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1638</a>] - servicecenter do not handle websocket PONG message
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1710</a>] - The scheduled tasks in RemoteServiceRegistry may be interrupted by exception
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1715</a>] - IdleTimeout not work in client side without keepaliveTimeout set
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1716</a>] - High CPU load when there are too many instances
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1717</a>] - Return nothing when file upload exception occurs
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1740</a>] - RouterInvokeFilter beforeSendResponseAsync return null and cause server hang without any information
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1747</a>] - fix long file name problems
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1763</a>] - upgrade netty and tcnative
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-102</a>] - As a developer, I want to work in reactive mode to improve performance
<li>[<a href="">SCB-265</a>] - Support generic type in input parameter or response type
<li>[<a href="">SCB-279</a>] - As a developer, I need to build edge service to open my microservices to the external users
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1499</a>] - support servicecomb kie
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1550</a>] - Add a sample Java client of ServiceComb-Kie
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1565</a>] - add a Java client of servicecomb-service-center
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1566</a>] - add for 中文
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1615</a>] - Extended dynamic configuration support for Nacos
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1624</a>] - remove spring 4 &amp; spring boot 1 support for java-chassis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1643</a>] - add a slution to integrate with huaweicloud
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1649</a>] - RestTemplate result can use a different model than provider
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1674</a>] - Highway transport not dependent on class generation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1711</a>] - suppot kie as config source in java-chassis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1757</a>] - prepare and improment documents for java-chassis 2.0
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1557</a>] - Fix application start info log incorrect
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1567</a>] - move java-chassis samples to servicecomb-samples project
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1574</a>] - Add README for Kie-Client
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1575</a>] - Add README for Service-Center-Client
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1582</a>] - Upgrading thirdparty dependency versions
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1588</a>] - ServerListFilterExt add switch
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1592</a>] - upgrade vert.x and netty
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1610</a>] - add updateInstanceStatus to
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1616</a>] - refactor edge dispatcher to make them more extensible
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1623</a>] - when timeout, return 500 error code and message is timeout
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1666</a>] - improve documents for file uploading / downloading
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1705</a>] - Update javax.servlet to jakarta.servlet
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1708</a>] - add inspector module developer guide
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1767</a>] - adjust nacos config name
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1773</a>] - fix javadoc error: doclink all docs and add comments to APIs
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1559</a>] - Use java.time.Clock instead of java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis to get time
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1770</a>] - release java-chassis 2.0.0
Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version java-chassis-1.3.0
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1304</a>] - FallbackPolicy interface support returns an exception
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1305</a>] - CseAsyncRestTemplate is not support set headers
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1306</a>] - When the request body of VertxServerRequestToHttpServletRequest is modified, the field VertxServerRequestToHttpServletRequest#inputStream should be set to null
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1318</a>] - There may be memory leak in RSAProviderTokenManager
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1390</a>] - quick start java-chassis samples bmi has some errors
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1475</a>] - ServiceCombServerStats.getFailedRate may arise an  exception of java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero under concurrency scenarios
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1511</a>] - when use method override, the generated swagger body is wrong
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1513</a>] - merge config items according to priority
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1520</a>] - using RPC and when first paramter type is Object, the second parameter value will be null
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1543</a>] - java-chassis dependency structure is wrong and compile fail in clean environment
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1274</a>] - when service center is unavailable, service should enter safe mode.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1278</a>] - ServiceComb related headers are not exposed to 3rd party services by default
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1287</a>] - refactor edge dispatcher to make them more extensible
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1291</a>] - Support rest interface method overriding by @ApiOperation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1297</a>] - Print warn log about config resolving failure while fetching config from Spring Environment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1308</a>] - Improve instance isolation mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1392</a>] - If Multiple java bean param types are given the same name by using @ApiModel, there should be error tips in microservice&#39;s booting log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1402</a>] - BeanUtils.getImplClassFromBean can not return correctly info in cglib proxy situation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1405</a>] - support maxWaitQueueSize setting in RestTransportClient
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1407</a>] - Add new field when print provideCache log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1431</a>] - set all dependency version as properties in java-chasis-dependencies
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1434</a>] - add a springboot2 archetype
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1437</a>] - Upgrading third party dependency versions
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1448</a>] - support class inheritance and interface inheritance with template type
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1450</a>] - Microservice instance may get stuck when watch connection to sc is recovered and pulling instance action is executed in eventloop thread
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1451</a>] - Printing the service information on the log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1457</a>] - delete no use code in ProtobufManager
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1461</a>] - servicecomb.service.registry.client.workerPoolSize hasn&#39;t display the real role that it has announce by its name.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1462</a>] - Two properties has been required by fix SCB-1450.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1488</a>] - Upgrading protobuf version to 3.7.1
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1492</a>] - Allow users to custom the ObjectMapper used in Swagger schema generation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1494</a>] - Optimizing log when starting a new microservice
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1515</a>] - use jdk 8 compiler for the Travis-CI of java-chassis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1516</a>] - Upgrade third-party dependency versions
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1522</a>] - Add &quot;Why use Java Chassis&quot; introduction into README
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1523</a>] - Stopping retrying another server when no server available
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1524</a>] - support register schema when old schema already exists
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1525</a>] - print codec error stack
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1528</a>] - Optimizing some code implementations
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1544</a>] - default metrics printer should not print 0 operations
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