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<h1 class="page__title" itemprop="headline">Release Notes
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<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version java-chassis-1.3.0
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1304</a>] - FallbackPolicy interface support returns an exception
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1305</a>] - CseAsyncRestTemplate is not support set headers
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1306</a>] - When the request body of VertxServerRequestToHttpServletRequest is modified, the field VertxServerRequestToHttpServletRequest#inputStream should be set to null
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1318</a>] - There may be memory leak in RSAProviderTokenManager
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1390</a>] - quick start java-chassis samples bmi has some errors
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1475</a>] - ServiceCombServerStats.getFailedRate may arise an  exception of java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero under concurrency scenarios
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1511</a>] - when use method override, the generated swagger body is wrong
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1513</a>] - merge config items according to priority
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1520</a>] - using RPC and when first paramter type is Object, the second parameter value will be null
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1543</a>] - java-chassis dependency structure is wrong and compile fail in clean environment
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1274</a>] - when service center is unavailable, service should enter safe mode.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1278</a>] - ServiceComb related headers are not exposed to 3rd party services by default
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1287</a>] - refactor edge dispatcher to make them more extensible
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1291</a>] - Support rest interface method overriding by @ApiOperation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1297</a>] - Print warn log about config resolving failure while fetching config from Spring Environment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1308</a>] - Improve instance isolation mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1392</a>] - If Multiple java bean param types are given the same name by using @ApiModel, there should be error tips in microservice&#39;s booting log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1402</a>] - BeanUtils.getImplClassFromBean can not return correctly info in cglib proxy situation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1405</a>] - support maxWaitQueueSize setting in RestTransportClient
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1407</a>] - Add new field when print provideCache log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1431</a>] - set all dependency version as properties in java-chasis-dependencies
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1434</a>] - add a springboot2 archetype
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1437</a>] - Upgrading third party dependency versions
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1448</a>] - support class inheritance and interface inheritance with template type
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1450</a>] - Microservice instance may get stuck when watch connection to sc is recovered and pulling instance action is executed in eventloop thread
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1451</a>] - Printing the service information on the log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1457</a>] - delete no use code in ProtobufManager
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1461</a>] - servicecomb.service.registry.client.workerPoolSize hasn&#39;t display the real role that it has announce by its name.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1462</a>] - Two properties has been required by fix SCB-1450.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1488</a>] - Upgrading protobuf version to 3.7.1
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1492</a>] - Allow users to custom the ObjectMapper used in Swagger schema generation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1494</a>] - Optimizing log when starting a new microservice
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1515</a>] - use jdk 8 compiler for the Travis-CI of java-chassis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1516</a>] - Upgrade third-party dependency versions
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1522</a>] - Add &quot;Why use Java Chassis&quot; introduction into README
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1523</a>] - Stopping retrying another server when no server available
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1524</a>] - support register schema when old schema already exists
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1525</a>] - print codec error stack
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1528</a>] - Optimizing some code implementations
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1544</a>] - default metrics printer should not print 0 operations
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version java-chassis-1.2.1
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1088</a>] - SDK IsolationServerEvent is missing endpoint information
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1251</a>] - reduce configuration inject callback
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1253</a>] - Adjust the priority of FailureHandler of the dispatchers
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1260</a>] - inspector online test with servlet.urlPattern cause 404
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1266</a>] - ScbMarker work with log4j2 will cause log4j2 leak instance of Marker
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1280</a>] - Fix problem with nested generic list param like List&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt;
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1229</a>] - update the version of dependency
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1250</a>] - make ArchaiusUtils simpler
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1259</a>] - response type support Optional
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1265</a>] - Add doc about maxHeaderSize configuration
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1246</a>] - EventBus subscriber support order
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1262</a>] - change 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT in pom.xml
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1263</a>] - forward request in edge should not inherit cse-context
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version java-chassis-1.2.0
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-353</a>] - Servicecomb当前性能统计不支持时延分布的统计,这个对于业务有重要意义
<li>[<a href="">SCB-837</a>] - add http2 special configuration
<li>[<a href="">SCB-945</a>] - enhance swagger to idl to support method parameter/result/List&lt;List&gt;/List&lt;Map&gt;/Map&lt;List&gt;/Map&lt;Map&gt;
<li>[<a href="">SCB-946</a>] - serialize/deseriaze List&lt;List&lt;X&gt;&gt;/List&lt;Map&lt;X, Y&gt;&gt;/Map&lt;X, List&lt;Y&gt;&gt;/Map&lt;X, Map&lt;Y, Z&gt;&gt;
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1071</a>] - serialize/deserialize array and primitives
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1144</a>] - change samples use log4j2
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1153</a>] - provide traceId-invocationId by marker mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1162</a>] - document for PriorityProperty/InjectProperties/InjectProperty
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1175</a>] - document for basic configuration rule
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1188</a>] - provide a way to view/convert and download schemas
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-781</a>] - 关于apollo配置中心不支持@ConfigurationProperties
<li>[<a href="">SCB-968</a>] - [SCB-968] http2 do not support pump download
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1054</a>] - when download file, we should ignore consumer acceptType
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1065</a>] - when request not contain traceId,should use provider&#39;s invocation&#39;s traceId
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1066</a>] - when start error, destroy method may throw an exception lead to origin exception losed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1073</a>] - StaticMicroserviceVersions should be ignored while checking instance cache
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1088</a>] - SDK IsolationServerEvent is missing endpoint information
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1089</a>] - Fix PrometheusPublisher naming error
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1095</a>] - Timer task need catch all throwable to protected from unexpected error
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1096</a>] - [SCB-1096]change the method calculate process cpu rate to same with top
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1102</a>] - fix empty swagger and information leak problem
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1108</a>] - when timeout, the access log status is 200
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1109</a>] - local-service-registry sample of java-chassis can not run directly
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1114</a>] - upgrade zipkin
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1115</a>] - fix not standard protostuff javadoc @Created
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1126</a>] - springmvc project generated by ServiceComb scaffold can not run
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1129</a>] - @JsonProperty on enum value is ignored
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1141</a>] - latest versionRule can not update to new version
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1143</a>] - Servicecomb support watch service center with auth headers
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1156</a>] - avoid collect wrong invocation stage data when rest invoke failed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1191</a>] - NPE When return type is ResponseEntity&lt;Void&gt;
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1224</a>] - [SCB-1224] az affinity is conflict with empty instance protection
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1226</a>] - there are problems when request rejected by thread pool queue full
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1230</a>] - avoid throw exception in httpClientResponse.exceptionHandler
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1048</a>] - Provide a way to configure bootstrap information in Cloud Native enviroment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1061</a>] - Provide a way to using handlers(e.g. LoabalanceHanler) outside handler chain
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-674</a>] - protobuf codec based on idl from swagger
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1037</a>] - in vertx 3.6.0, PumpImpl do not support &quot;&quot;, it will throw exception
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1044</a>] - add current process CPU rate and net packets in the metrics
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1047</a>] - microservice.yaml service_description.version support format
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1051</a>] - when interface set produces=text/plain;charset=utf-8. and consumers set accept = text/plain,will cause error
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1056</a>] - Put provider QPS flow control in front
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1063</a>] - Improve the time cost when first time loading schema
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1068</a>] - As a developer want to know instance detail info when instance isolation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1072</a>] - change dependency management version to project.version
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1074</a>] - minor fixes for mistakes and logs
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1075</a>] - upgrade spring-framework to 4.3.20.RELEASE
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1076</a>] - upgrade guava to 25.1
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1077</a>] - upgrade hystrix to 1.5.12
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1079</a>] - allow consumer-id to be empty when query instance
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1101</a>] - ServiceComb-Java-Chassis support IPv6
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1106</a>] - isolation must make sure one of instances is available
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1135</a>] - Add client max receive header size config item
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1139</a>] - Upgrade Vert.x to 3.6
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1146</a>] - update PR template
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1157</a>] - spring-boot2-starter-discovery and spring-boot-starter-discovery depend on zuul is not correct
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1170</a>] - improve log of upload directory during boot.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1177</a>] - update vertx to 3.6+ version to result .vertx directory was default created
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1178</a>] - In the unit test, the issue of assertEquals and Float.MAX_VALUE.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1179</a>] - Optimize the mainclass auto-discovery logic to cover more scenes.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1185</a>] - Log DNS related exception to help locate problem
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1186</a>] - add a common pom module to simplify user configurations
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1193</a>] - upgread spring boot versions and add easy to use dependency management
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1202</a>] - pump down with vertx3.6.3 no need to check buff length in AsynFileImpl#doWrite
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1205</a>] - improve edge forward http2 request
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1206</a>] - sort schemas in inspector ui
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1208</a>] - improve slow invocation logger: log remote address
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1210</a>] - improve the average latency precision of the metrics log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1211</a>] - avoid create multiple caches for different expression of one versionRule
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1220</a>] - Support regex path param on consumer side
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1222</a>] - change groupId of &quot;hibernate-validator&quot; from &quot;org.hibernate&quot; to &quot;org.hibernate.validator&quot;
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1239</a>] - close thread after finish unit test case at once.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1240</a>] - allowed one prometheus cluster support multiple apps
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-291</a>] - delete old useless configuration mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-594</a>] - Create a document description for
<li>[<a href="">SCB-638</a>] - create mechanism for read config item by priority
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1046</a>] - file upload support file array for the same name
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1062</a>] - Update the project development version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1083</a>] - support test before provide service
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1134</a>] - change default verticle instance count
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1136</a>] - change default settings of sync executor
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1147</a>] - log invocation stage trace information if too slow
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1148</a>] - read transport configuration from model
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1163</a>] - Support spring-cloud-gateway
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1165</a>] - filter bridge methods when generate swagger
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1184</a>] - upgrade swagger from 1.5.12 to 1.5.22 to support convert swagger to html
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1192</a>] - add &quot;metrics&quot; prefix to slow invocation configuration
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1218</a>] - Prepare 1.2.0 Release
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1221</a>] - add missed modules to distribution and adjust orders
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1231</a>] - add queue meter of http client connection pool
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1232</a>] - make GroupExecutor configuration compatible to old version
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1237</a>] - improve default thread pool strategy
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version java-chassis-1.1.0
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-493</a>] - parameters and DefaultLogPublisher optimize
<li>[<a href="">SCB-675</a>] - generate protobuf idl from swagger
<li>[<a href="">SCB-681</a>] - jackson protobuf support v3 specification: map/list/array
<li>[<a href="">SCB-687</a>] - highway server not accept too many connection
<li>[<a href="">SCB-691</a>] - add vertx server/ rest client/highway client/ highway server connection meter
<li>[<a href="">SCB-790</a>] - support create new target microservice instance in one node
<li>[<a href="">SCB-793</a>] - run it-consumer during travis CI
<li>[<a href="">SCB-842</a>] - jackson protobuf serializer have performance problem
<li>[<a href="">SCB-843</a>] - add http client pool request time to consumer invocation meter
<li>[<a href="">SCB-881</a>] - add more invocation stage measurement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-894</a>] - measure httpServer and httpClient
<li>[<a href="">SCB-917</a>] - parse proto file to model
<li>[<a href="">SCB-918</a>] - serialize/deserialize based on proto model
<li>[<a href="">SCB-922</a>] - collect Getter/Setter from pojo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-947</a>] - delete old jackson protobuf logic
<li>[<a href="">SCB-948</a>] - convert proto model to string
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1001</a>] - [vertx] downloading, client disconnect first, should close WriteStream right now.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1021</a>] - add vertx client/server meters to metrics
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1022</a>] - measure tcpServer and tcpClient
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1034</a>] - metrics performance optimize
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-74</a>] - POJO static method is export as an operation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-381</a>] - Fix foudation-vertx UT failure on linux
<li>[<a href="">SCB-769</a>] - When delay fault injection is enabled, the business thread will be blocked
<li>[<a href="">SCB-774</a>] - Unexpected warn log is printed while the service is exiting if there are reactive operations
<li>[<a href="">SCB-780</a>] - sessionstickrule add the judgement of whether lastServer can also be accessed.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-787</a>] - Server States not clean unavailable server
<li>[<a href="">SCB-794</a>] - Edge invocation do not properly send servlet filter response code
<li>[<a href="">SCB-799</a>] - fix problem about &quot;mvn install&quot; in ubuntu
<li>[<a href="">SCB-800</a>] - Param order generated by BeanParamAnnotationProcessor is not stable
<li>[<a href="">SCB-802</a>] - in rollback scenario, old versions meta is used and invocation is fail
<li>[<a href="">SCB-810</a>] - fix zipkin dependency
<li>[<a href="">SCB-828</a>] - In some tomcat implementation inputstream available is null
<li>[<a href="">SCB-845</a>] - some times download file can not get correct content
<li>[<a href="">SCB-849</a>] - refactor producer connection limit using vertx metrics spi mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-861</a>] - lost response type of @ApiResponse 490/590
<li>[<a href="">SCB-886</a>] - Path param is not encoded and decoded correctly
<li>[<a href="">SCB-888</a>] - switch SCBEngine status to up in the wrong time
<li>[<a href="">SCB-895</a>] - When json parse fail will not get 400 but 590
<li>[<a href="">SCB-898</a>] - Governance function is not effective when configuration Start with servicecomb
<li>[<a href="">SCB-904</a>] - SpringMVC @RequestHeader do not support value,only support name
<li>[<a href="">SCB-905</a>] - Request connection is hang up when request path contains illegal string
<li>[<a href="">SCB-910</a>] - Java Chassis support spring boot 2.0
<li>[<a href="">SCB-956</a>] - not support body to be a enum
<li>[<a href="">SCB-959</a>] - When parsing inner classes,CtType will throw NotFoundException
<li>[<a href="">SCB-960</a>] - when consumer local failed(eg: LB failed), CompletableFuture callback can not get InvocationContext
<li>[<a href="">SCB-964</a>] - Fix MediaType setting problem
<li>[<a href="">SCB-965</a>] - resolve DoS attack problem about enum/char/Character/byte/Byte/short/Short/int/Integer/long/Long/float/Float/double/Double
<li>[<a href="">SCB-972</a>] - Using SHA1 signature key as UUID of micro service
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1007</a>] - not support CustomGeneric&lt;Map&lt;KEY, VALUE&gt;&gt;
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1012</a>] - add NoRouteToHostException in retry&#39;s exception
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1014</a>] - Fix priority problem of ExceptionToResponseConverter
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1043</a>] - MicroserviceVersions.safeSetInstances lost exception message
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1045</a>] - fix sample spring bean declaring
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-215</a>] - support annotation ApiParam
<li>[<a href="">SCB-775</a>] - support invoke service using raw type like JsonObject
<li>[<a href="">SCB-777</a>] - Support @BeanParam annotation in JAX-RS developing style
<li>[<a href="">SCB-778</a>] - In tomcat, support register swagger base path with container prefix
<li>[<a href="">SCB-786</a>] - when instances cache is not sync to SC caused by bug, auto fix it.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-788</a>] - public key black/white add feature: choose server by microservice field and properties
<li>[<a href="">SCB-847</a>] - Provide a way to decode user&#39;s custom error data
<li>[<a href="">SCB-880</a>] - Give an option to query parameter convert empty to null
<li>[<a href="">SCB-903</a>] - Add a feature to serialize/deserialize using Object to avoid information lose
<li>[<a href="">SCB-926</a>] - Invoke 3rd party service
<li>[<a href="">SCB-936</a>] - Encoded slash &#39;/&#39; is decoded in EdgeService, causing 404 error response
<li>[<a href="">SCB-967</a>] - support configed ip send request
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1009</a>] - Supporting configure encrypted password for proxy settings
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1040</a>] - Support discover instances from ServiceCenter Aggregator
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-206</a>] - Support @Api to specify produces and consumes
<li>[<a href="">SCB-711</a>] - HTTP2 and other client should be lasy initialized
<li>[<a href="">SCB-747</a>] - add jaxrs upload file demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-795</a>] - update jackson from 2.9.5 to 2.9.6
<li>[<a href="">SCB-827</a>] - Add response decode error log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-832</a>] - modify the errorThresholdPercentage from 20 to 0
<li>[<a href="">SCB-833</a>] - Provide a retry mechanism to meet upgrade no interrupt
<li>[<a href="">SCB-870</a>] - Refractor loadbalancer rule to not use IRule to give more control
<li>[<a href="">SCB-873</a>] - Make the validation result display the parameter name instead of arg0, arg1
<li>[<a href="">SCB-887</a>] - aysnc servlet timeout is too short and may block container pool when tasks are timeout
<li>[<a href="">SCB-889</a>] - add SCBEngine reference to BootEvent
<li>[<a href="">SCB-897</a>] - Support config rest server max initial line length
<li>[<a href="">SCB-911</a>] - Timeout scenario print too many logs
<li>[<a href="">SCB-931</a>] - upgrade vert.x to fix some know issues
<li>[<a href="">SCB-933</a>] - Revert changes to RestObjectMapper that fail on primitive types not present
<li>[<a href="">SCB-943</a>] - make ProduceJsonProcessor,DefaultHttpClientFilter,ServerRestArgsFilter changable
<li>[<a href="">SCB-954</a>] - improve consumer stage time record when failed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-961</a>] - Isolation provide a way to isolate for at least a moment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-975</a>] - Improve retry rule
<li>[<a href="">SCB-979</a>] - Add reminder log on the selection of SwaggerGeneratorContext
<li>[<a href="">SCB-982</a>] - Show the warning message in maven compile plugin
<li>[<a href="">SCB-985</a>] - Add springboot2-starter-discovery
<li>[<a href="">SCB-986</a>] - ServerInstances can be cached in spring-boot2-starter-discovery
<li>[<a href="">SCB-987</a>] - delete spring 3 related declaring
<li>[<a href="">SCB-989</a>] - scan RestController to to make springmvc controller publish as ServiceComb Rest easier
<li>[<a href="">SCB-996</a>] - When retries fail, return the last error
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1020</a>] - No need unregister when bootup failure before register service
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1031</a>] - The Response&#39;s properties was overrided wrong between @APIOperation and @Resoponse on the controller method
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1038</a>] - Fix some bugs and logs improvement reported by users when testing
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-612</a>] - delete useless MicroserviceMetaManager
<li>[<a href="">SCB-736</a>] - generate default value to swagger for primitive type, even there is no defaultValue annotation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-854</a>] - BootListener support load by not only spring bean, but also SPI
<li>[<a href="">SCB-859</a>] - generate traceId when create invocation for consumer/producer/edge
<li>[<a href="">SCB-882</a>] - split mixed integration test case
<li>[<a href="">SCB-893</a>] - measure vertx by vertx metrics mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-906</a>] - add sample for invocation apm by java agent
<li>[<a href="">SCB-919</a>] - generate lambda Getter/Setter from reflect method or field to improve performance
<li>[<a href="">SCB-920</a>] - Remove duplicate dependencies
<li>[<a href="">SCB-921</a>] - check if swagger compatible to protobuf and choose transport automatically
<li>[<a href="">SCB-928</a>] - support swagger &quot;collection-format&quot; feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-944</a>] - make control IT deploy simpler and print less log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-957</a>] - delete too old protobuf map compatible flag
<li>[<a href="">SCB-973</a>] - TLP graduation tasks
<li>[<a href="">SCB-992</a>] - Synchronous open source code from Vert.x 3.5.3 version
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1023</a>] - switch max connection limitation to metrics mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1035</a>] - Update third party licenses for java-chassis
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version java-chassis-1.0.0
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-651</a>] - QPS rate limit bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-662</a>] - Using cse/servicecomb duplicate key will get list of values
<li>[<a href="">SCB-666</a>] - Test failure on system that have rotate option set in /etc/resolv.conf
<li>[<a href="">SCB-696</a>] - [AccessLog] If nginx send requests via short-lived connections, %v will print &quot;;
<li>[<a href="">SCB-699</a>] - add schemaIds field in register.yaml when mock the Local sevice-center
<li>[<a href="">SCB-703</a>] - When consumer invoke void type method in RPC style, an exception is thrown
<li>[<a href="">SCB-705</a>] - When consumer invoke an unregistered provider, it will never find this provider even the provider is registered later
<li>[<a href="">SCB-753</a>] - NPE when query not exists service
<li>[<a href="">SCB-754</a>] - Check null invocation in AbstractRestInvocation to avoid unexpected NPE
<li>[<a href="">SCB-759</a>] - Fix ServiceComb version error
<li>[<a href="">SCB-772</a>] - Java Chassis::Handlers::Loadbalance test failed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-773</a>] - Java Chassis::Core test failed
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-616</a>] - Make access log mechanism extensible
<li>[<a href="">SCB-640</a>] - Add black/white list support based on public key handler
<li>[<a href="">SCB-679</a>] - Support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
<li>[<a href="">SCB-708</a>] - Support assembling query param into Object parameter(in Spring MVC developing style)
<li>[<a href="">SCB-752</a>] - User can switch off outputting merged log4j property file
<li>[<a href="">SCB-760</a>] - provide a way to invoke service with full path
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-194</a>] - Improve component-scan setting
<li>[<a href="">SCB-661</a>] - Logs improvement to give better information
<li>[<a href="">SCB-671</a>] - Duplicate to to work better in future
<li>[<a href="">SCB-684</a>] - Following swagger conventions
<li>[<a href="">SCB-685</a>] - Service comb chassis must support default values
<li>[<a href="">SCB-697</a>] - Service comb chassis must support JAX-RS @DefaultValue
<li>[<a href="">SCB-700</a>] - Check server status when choose an available server
<li>[<a href="">SCB-701</a>] - RequestBody(required = false) and when requestBody is null then exception observed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-702</a>] - Deleted unwanted json-lib maven dependency for foundation-config
<li>[<a href="">SCB-706</a>] - refactor loadbalance filters logic to support invocation based filter
<li>[<a href="">SCB-712</a>] - Do not register service path to service center when not necessary
<li>[<a href="">SCB-713</a>] - @DefaulValue should be set only when input param is null
<li>[<a href="">SCB-715</a>] - Working in thread that do not have context class loader
<li>[<a href="">SCB-727</a>] - Java Chassis-Local generated schema and service center schema are different while registering the service then print the difference content
<li>[<a href="">SCB-750</a>] - Dependency management is incomplete in Saga and Java-Chassis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-755</a>] - [SCB-755] 755 Duplicate copy cse config to Servicecomb config
<li>[<a href="">SCB-763</a>] - Simplify Dynamic Config (Apollo) Integration Test in Java Chassis
<h2> Wish
<li>[<a href="">SCB-746</a>] - Update Chassis from m1 to m2 in
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-506</a>] - Report the service governance event
<li>[<a href="">SCB-693</a>] - registry microservice failed if get host address failed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-725</a>] - support get main class package when run with &quot;java -jar xxx.jar&quot;
<li>[<a href="">SCB-726</a>] - edge support convert from form-data or x-www-form-urlencoded to json automatically
<li>[<a href="">SCB-728</a>] - add decrypt/signature/... to edge demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-729</a>] - check if instance cache equals to SC
<li>[<a href="">SCB-733</a>] - open handlerContext for business logic, and add a new name: localContext
<li>[<a href="">SCB-738</a>] - delete microservice from MicroserviceManager after it not exist in SC
<li>[<a href="">SCB-762</a>] - resolve eclipse compile warnings
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version java-chassis-1.0.0-m2
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-137</a>] - Add new dimension of transport way for all Consumer/Producer
<li>[<a href="">SCB-196</a>] - Add metrics for each consumer/provider handler
<li>[<a href="">SCB-203</a>] - servlet rest support file upload
<li>[<a href="">SCB-252</a>] - Metrics support overwatch Integration
<li>[<a href="">SCB-370</a>] - Metrics timer (like latency) output precision must to nano level not milli level
<li>[<a href="">SCB-383</a>] - metrics subscribe invocation life event and do statistics
<li>[<a href="">SCB-384</a>] - provide invocation performance log publisher
<li>[<a href="">SCB-385</a>] - metrics publisher switch to new mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-422</a>] - add executor metrics, not just queue size
<li>[<a href="">SCB-440</a>] - Provide Maven Archetype of business-service-pojo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-441</a>] - Provide Maven Archetype of business-service-jaxrs
<li>[<a href="">SCB-442</a>] - Provide Maven Archetype of business-service-springmvc
<li>[<a href="">SCB-445</a>] - delete old metrics mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-446</a>] - metrics-prometheus switch to new mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-450</a>] - documents for metrics initializer/publisher, and how to extend
<li>[<a href="">SCB-462</a>] - cloud eye publisher switch to new mechanism
<li>[<a href="">SCB-470</a>] - Provide Maven Archetype of business-service-spring-boot-starter
<li>[<a href="">SCB-484</a>] - servlet rest support download
<li>[<a href="">SCB-485</a>] - jaxrs mode support file download
<li>[<a href="">SCB-486</a>] - edge support route file download invocation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-487</a>] - consumer support download file
<li>[<a href="">SCB-494</a>] - support delete temp file after download
<li>[<a href="">SCB-501</a>] - document for download
<li>[<a href="">SCB-527</a>] - Reorganization All Archetype For Enable Auto Publish
<li>[<a href="">SCB-529</a>] - producer download file from byte[]
<li>[<a href="">SCB-531</a>] - x-java-interface change from require to optional
<li>[<a href="">SCB-532</a>] - support recursive dependence
<li>[<a href="">SCB-533</a>] - javassistUtils create class from CtClass, not only JavaType
<li>[<a href="">SCB-534</a>] - generic class generate optimize
<li>[<a href="">SCB-538</a>] - create SwaggerToClassGenerator to convert swagger to class
<li>[<a href="">SCB-540</a>] - Delete archetypes from java-chassis-dependencies
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-72</a>] - Can isolation information of provider and consumer been discovered through capability of release and subscription?
<li>[<a href="">SCB-449</a>] - Typo in LICENSE
<li>[<a href="">SCB-455</a>] - Base on 1.0.0-m2-SNAPSHOT version, execution of the metrics UT failed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-474</a>] - 使用zuul做网关进行路由,当同一个微服务接口同时开放rest和highway方式时,出现无法调用情况。
<li>[<a href="">SCB-481</a>] - Fix qps handler assertion errors when schemaid or microservice name contails . (dot)
<li>[<a href="">SCB-490</a>] - Service Center verrsion is not forward compatible and needs to be noted in releasenote.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-495</a>] - Compile java-chassis 1.0.0-m2-SNAPSHOT failed
<li>[<a href="">SCB-502</a>] - logs日志没有输出
<li>[<a href="">SCB-503</a>] - When using WeighedResponseTimeRule, there are some initialize and stateless access problems
<li>[<a href="">SCB-507</a>] - poll task in MetricsBootstrap did not really measure meters
<li>[<a href="">SCB-512</a>] - download support chinese file name
<li>[<a href="">SCB-516</a>] - AccessLog of EdgeService does not print traceId
<li>[<a href="">SCB-520</a>] - resolve service with env re-registered will fail
<li>[<a href="">SCB-521</a>] - change the priority of ServiceComb config and SpringBoot config
<li>[<a href="">SCB-562</a>] - Java Chassis will throw NPE when producer impl do not contain any method
<li>[<a href="">SCB-567</a>] - treat warning as errors, modify the compilerArgments
<li>[<a href="">SCB-579</a>] - NullPointerException is thrown when consumer upload null
<li>[<a href="">SCB-580</a>] - When upload file size exceeds limitation of provider, consumer will return a confusing response
<li>[<a href="">SCB-587</a>] - Fix archetypes readme
<li>[<a href="">SCB-588</a>] - Set archetypes sourceEncoding to UTF-8
<li>[<a href="">SCB-591</a>] - configcenter need to do encode
<li>[<a href="">SCB-593</a>] - Change log level to remind user to specify loadbalance handler
<li>[<a href="">SCB-597</a>] - update spring boot version from 1.4.5 to 1.5.12 in starter archetype
<li>[<a href="">SCB-617</a>] - graceful shutdown with standalone tomcat
<li>[<a href="">SCB-652</a>] - Fix schema registry environment configuration
<li>[<a href="">SCB-653</a>] - When provider returns Transfer-Encoding header and Edge will cause problem
<li>[<a href="">SCB-654</a>] - DiscoveryTree has concurrency problems.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-656</a>] - When provider returns non 200 code Edge Service will all convert to 502
<li>[<a href="">SCB-658</a>] - leak of MicroserviceVersions register to EventBus
<li>[<a href="">SCB-659</a>] - Fix build failed in Springmvc Integration Test
<li>[<a href="">SCB-667</a>] - gracefully shutdown is not work in some case
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-6</a>] - ServiceComb Java Chassis Metrics
<li>[<a href="">SCB-136</a>] - Improvement and New Features of Java Chassis Metrics in version 1.0.0-m2
<li>[<a href="">SCB-201</a>] - As a SDK user, I want to send file/stream data so that I can use ServiceComb to handle the music or image data
<li>[<a href="">SCB-257</a>] - As a developer, I want to download file from microservice
<li>[<a href="">SCB-292</a>] - As a developer, I want to use annotation to validate input parameter
<li>[<a href="">SCB-406</a>] - Chassis must support standard parameter validation handler
<li>[<a href="">SCB-439</a>] - Provide Maven Archetypes in Java Chassis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-482</a>] - Http2 support for java chassis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-582</a>] - Provide a way to protection for instance removal
<li>[<a href="">SCB-607</a>] - Support printing invocation context in access log
<li>[<a href="">SCB-611</a>] - Provide a default Edge service dispatcher to make developer edge easy
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-350</a>] - Vertx ssl file config error execption approvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-355</a>] - As a operator, when sdk config a fault ak/sk on HuaweiCloud, then will auth token fail, but it continues to register, will cause may fault in server
<li>[<a href="">SCB-373</a>] - As a developer, i want to do something around serialize/deserialize, so that we should make a aspect to eanable others can do this work
<li>[<a href="">SCB-431</a>] - Add Rat check on the travis CI
<li>[<a href="">SCB-444</a>] - try to optimize autodiscovery function
<li>[<a href="">SCB-447</a>] - optimize SPIServiceUtils to avoid get different instance for the same type
<li>[<a href="">SCB-467</a>] - Contributing &amp; Reporting Issues in java-chassis is not direct to any contents
<li>[<a href="">SCB-477</a>] - sdk guava‘s version need to update from 16.0.1 to 19.0
<li>[<a href="">SCB-488</a>] - Retry/Metrics some default behavior cause unnecessary retry and logs
<li>[<a href="">SCB-498</a>] - Configuration Center IP Addresses need to meet general specifications
<li>[<a href="">SCB-514</a>] - update pom and code, so that we can treat warnings as errors
<li>[<a href="">SCB-517</a>] - service center starter for spring boot/cloud improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-518</a>] - ServiceCenter ip address need to config default port
<li>[<a href="">SCB-523</a>] - maven-remote-resource-plugin execute very slow
<li>[<a href="">SCB-526</a>] - When creating dynamic configuration, we need to fetch once for the configuration when startup
<li>[<a href="">SCB-543</a>] - optimize registry procedure
<li>[<a href="">SCB-546</a>] - As a developer, want to reregistry schemas in the dev environment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-548</a>] - Support Gracefully Shutdown
<li>[<a href="">SCB-570</a>] - reformat everything
<li>[<a href="">SCB-575</a>] - Publish the Java doc of ServiceComb projects
<li>[<a href="">SCB-576</a>] - javassist License file need to be updated
<li>[<a href="">SCB-585</a>] - Add ServiceComb-java-chassis reference guide to project
<li>[<a href="">SCB-625</a>] - ProduceProcessor use SPI to support extends
<li>[<a href="">SCB-627</a>] - Java Chassis- Client Request Timeout support for operation/schema/service level
<li>[<a href="">SCB-636</a>] - As a OM staff, i want to use the lb endpoint as the servicecenter/configcenter address config
<li>[<a href="">SCB-646</a>] - if local swagger exists, not generate swagger according to class
<li>[<a href="">SCB-649</a>] - when port can&#39;t been listened,log warn and show more detail message
<h2> Wish
<li>[<a href="">SCB-504</a>] - Upgrade to Spring boot 1.5.12.RELEASE
<li>[<a href="">SCB-515</a>] - change all configuration from &#39;; to &#39;;
<li>[<a href="">SCB-672</a>] - Edge Service support calls from different ApplicationIds
<li>[<a href="">SCB-673</a>] - Edge Service support calls from different ApplicationIds
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-324</a>] - Chassis must support network failure simulation, so that I can developers can enhance the robustness of the app
<li>[<a href="">SCB-352</a>] - Support operation level flow control on provider side
<li>[<a href="">SCB-354</a>] - metrics上报的统计数据可能需要支持加上业务自己的维度,方便统计分析,比如APP版本,机型等,业务可以把参数作为invocation参数传递到框架,需要框架支持
<li>[<a href="">SCB-420</a>] - Change default HTTP header length restriction to 32K
<li>[<a href="">SCB-424</a>] - Get configuration interface to add header: x-environment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-443</a>] - Fix randomly UT failure of TestProviderQpsFlowControlHandler
<li>[<a href="">SCB-453</a>] - Read configuration from application.yml/
<li>[<a href="">SCB-456</a>] - Provider a way to input configuration from a Map, instead of micreservice.yaml
<li>[<a href="">SCB-457</a>] - Verify if gradle can manage the ServiceComb java Chassis jars in a remote or local maven repository
<li>[<a href="">SCB-471</a>] - vertx upgrade causes use config center push mode error
<li>[<a href="">SCB-542</a>] - Update netty&#39;s version to 4.1.24
<li>[<a href="">SCB-589</a>] - allow consumer upgrade before producer
<li>[<a href="">SCB-590</a>] - Update the validator version to latest(6.0.2)
<li>[<a href="">SCB-595</a>] - Compatible with old SC versions
<li>[<a href="">SCB-599</a>] - Service registry failed when service before Service Center start
<li>[<a href="">SCB-601</a>] - ServiceComb integrated to spring boot or tomcat will print too many logs
<li>[<a href="">SCB-637</a>] - enhance HttpServletRequestEx impl
<li>[<a href="">SCB-647</a>] - Update LICENSE/NOTICE for release
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version Java-Chassis-1.0.0-m1
<h3 id="major-improvements">Major improvements:</h3>
<p>Java Chassis can now use Apollo as configuration center. Users can now
change configurations like load balancing policy and those changes will
come into effect on the fly.
See <a href="">here</a> for more
<p>Metrics was re-factored. We now uses events for collecting invocation data
instead of Hystrix. This reduces the performance penalty of computing
Metrics can now be fetched via ‘/metrics’ using HTTP.
See <a href="">here</a> for
more details.</p>
<h3 id="other-noticeable-changes">Other Noticeable Changes:</h3>
<li>The Java Chassis libraries are now under group “org.apache.servicecomb”.</li>
<li>We provide out of the box metrics support now. Prometheus is supported.</li>
<li>Configuration center was re-factored and moved out from foundation.
Support for Apollo was added.</li>
<li>Users can now use Object type for calling services.</li>
<li>Users can now use Generics for calling services.</li>
<li>Better integration with Spring MVC.</li>
<li>Upgraded to zipkin2 internally, Java Chassis can now work with zipkin
server v1 and v2.</li>
<li>We are in the process of supporting reactive programming. Pojo consumer
and provider now supports CompletableFuture.</li>
<h3 id="for-more-detailed-information-please-checkout-here">For more detailed information please checkout <a href=";version=12342351">here</a></h3>
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