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<h1 class="page__title" itemprop="headline">ServiceComb Pack Release Notes
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<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version pack 0.5.0
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1372</a>] - Collection state machine health to metrics
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1374</a>] - Implement Alpha Event Channel Plugin
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1379</a>] - Add alpha benchmark tool document
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1416</a>] - Refactoring the core part of alpha-fsm module to move to alpha-core
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1417</a>] - Alpha Event Redis Channel Plugin
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1418</a>] - Alpha Event Kafka Channel Plugin
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1435</a>] - State machine manual
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1439</a>] - Optimize class ElasticsearchTransactionRepository persistence parameters
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1442</a>] - Topic initialization &amp; Class KafkaMessagePublisher needs to use globalTxId as the partitioning strategy.
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1264</a>] - When setting server.port and alpha.server.port random port is missing the default tag configuration
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1281</a>] - saga-frontend access alpha restful API has cross-domain issues
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1352</a>] - Fixed a typo on ParametersContext class in servicecomb-pack
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1377</a>] - The Notice file of ServiceComb-Pack need to updated
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1419</a>] - ElasticsearchTransactionRepositoryTest failed for CI
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1421</a>] - ElasticsearchTransactionRepositoryTest failed for CI 2
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1438</a>] - Class ElasticsearchTransactionRepository synchronization save method is invalid
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1349</a>] - support Nacos Discovery
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1386</a>] - Support to send out SagaEnd event in other method
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1411</a>] - Add alpha-ui module to provide a simple Web GUI
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-575</a>] - Publish the Java doc of ServiceComb projects
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1243</a>] - Keep the handler name of saga-consumer and saga-producer
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1247</a>] - Set default value in alpha.cluster.address on omega side
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1272</a>] - Improvement Omega timeout processing, interrupt request thread after the timeout
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1279</a>] - add omega context verification
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1299</a>] - Showing the type,createtime in the Saga UI
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1309</a>] - ServicePack CI build should use sprint-boot-2 profile
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1380</a>] - Upgrade Java-Chassis version to 1.2.1
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1381</a>] - Add common api controller to bridge the request of transaction data querying and metrics data querying
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1385</a>] - Provide a common way to pass GID and LID
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1387</a>] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 2.1.6
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1391</a>] - Add support for explicit tx context passing for TCC
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1395</a>] - Switch to openjdk in servicecomb-pack CI build
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1399</a>] - Drop the support of Spring Boot 1.x for ServiceComb-Pack
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1432</a>] - fix deprecated api
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1443</a>] - Adding a Rolling File Appender for Log4j2
<h2> Test
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1397</a>] - Acceptance test about Byteman error
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1403</a>] - byteman port configuration conflicts in all acceptance tests.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1423</a>] - Non-thread-safe method size of ConcurrentLinkedQueue in AlphaIntegrationTest
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1026</a>] - Saga compensation should support to define the retry times
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1238</a>] - Introductory article on cluster implementation of ServiceComb Pack
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1241</a>] - Update how to use mysql document
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1244</a>] - Update the configuration of Pack 0.4.0 in the user guide
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1298</a>] - Add Zookeeper as the Alpha server load balancer
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1314</a>] - support zookeeper user_guide
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1335</a>] - Upgrade docker-compose file to 3.0
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1353</a>] - Travis CI should fail fast
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1356</a>] - add NACOS to DiscoveryType
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1389</a>] - Doc for SCB-1385
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1430</a>] - Update the License file of ServiceComb Pack
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1440</a>] - Remove the Kamon dependencies
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version pack-0.4.0
<h2> New and Noteworthy </h2>
<li> Provides Alpha HA implementation </li>
<li> Support to use eureka or consul to do the service discovery of Alpha</li>
<li> Fix the event scanner thread exit issue </li>
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1180</a>] - Unable to register eureka instance metadata on random gRPC port
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1187</a>] - Update distribution LICENSE for Spring Cloud Starter Netflix
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1200</a>] - Omega with consul
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1201</a>] - alpha-spring-cloud-starter rename alpha-server-cloud-eureka-starter
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1204</a>] - acceptance tests with consul
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1209</a>] - Add a description about the integrated consul
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1118</a>] - EventScanner should catch the exception to keep it running.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1159</a>] - Rxjs and TypeScript version compatibility issues
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1216</a>] - Alpha Cluster support random gRPC port
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1217</a>] - Consul support random gRPC port
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-15</a>] - service discovery with popular open source service registry
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1155</a>] - Generate a random free gRPC port to launch alpha
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1199</a>] - service discovery with consul
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1082</a>] - Dependency-free-transaction-demo failed on Mac OSX
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1099</a>] - Add nexus SNAPSHOT information to the README repo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1100</a>] - Updated the user guide for migration from saga 0.2.x
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1103</a>] - TCC should have participate started and ended events
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1110</a>] - omega-transport-feign configure file error
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1119</a>] - Add the order number on the demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1121</a>] - Clean up the OmegaContext once the invocation is over
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1122</a>] - Specify the name of RestTemplate in the configuration
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1124</a>] - Rename the Handler name of Omega transport
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1125</a>] - Add omega instanceid to properties
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1127</a>] - Support alpha server registering to Spring Cloud Eureka
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1128</a>] - Omega get Alpha address from Spring Cloud Eureka
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1130</a>] - Alpha cluster need distributed lock function
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1158</a>] - External jars support Alpha
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1160</a>] - SCB-1142 additional
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1171</a>] - Improve unit test coverage for ClusterLockServiceTest
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1235</a>] - Clean up third party license with maven plugin
<h2> Test
<li>[<a href="">SCB-306</a>] - [pack] acceptance tests with all the transaction scenarios
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1152</a>] - About abortTimeoutTxStartedEvent test case failed
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1151</a>] - Add Eureka instructions in the user guide
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1161</a>] - Eureka integration english guide
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1181</a>] - Add mvn wrap script to lock the maven version
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1182</a>] - Also need to use -Pspring-boot-2 by default
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1189</a>] - Update the Eureka Integration User Guide for version 0.4.0
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1190</a>] - Update the mysql manual for use extension jar description
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1194</a>] - Specify alphaEventBus bean with @Qualifier(&quot;alphaEventBus&quot;)
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1195</a>] - About typo in eureka Integrated documentation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1215</a>] - Update document about alpha cluster
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1233</a>] - Alpha Server should not include eureka dependencies by default
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1238</a>] - Introductory article on cluster implementation of ServiceComb Pack
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version pack-0.3.0
<h2> New and Noteworthy </h2>
<li> Provides the TCC support </li>
<li> Rename the package name from "org.apache.servicecomb.saga" to "org.apache.servicecomb.pack"</li>
<li> Omega supports JDK 1.7 </li>
<li> Using Spring-Boot 2.1 by default </li>
<h2> Sub-task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-817</a>] - Setup the TCC events
<li>[<a href="">SCB-818</a>] - Omega support of TCC
<li>[<a href="">SCB-819</a>] - Acceptance test of TCC Demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-820</a>] - TCC demo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-856</a>] - Implement reaction of the event in Alpha Server
<li>[<a href="">SCB-876</a>] - Confirm and Cancel invocation support of Omega
<li>[<a href="">SCB-877</a>] - Alpha should pesistend the received TCC events
<li>[<a href="">SCB-923</a>] - Provide API to access the TCC events
<h2> Bug
<li>[<a href="">SCB-739</a>] - It is useless for @SagaStart timeout,and it could not be compensated under @SagaStart
<li>[<a href="">SCB-741</a>] - Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column &#39;payloads&#39; at row 1
<li>[<a href="">SCB-745</a>] - RetrySender should not throw exception when go the saga start event.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-821</a>] - Add missing dependencyManagement for omega-transport-feign
<li>[<a href="">SCB-822</a>] - Update LICENSE/NOTICE for saga
<li>[<a href="">SCB-824</a>] - Failed to build saga demos
<li>[<a href="">SCB-826</a>] - SagaStart abort event should use LocalTransactionID
<li>[<a href="">SCB-830</a>] - Update Chassis from 1.0.0-m2 to 1.0.0 in Saga
<li>[<a href="">SCB-831</a>] - Saga UT failed at LoadBalancedClusterMessageSenderTest on Windows environment
<li>[<a href="">SCB-963</a>] - Saga transactional method can&#39;t work when compensation happens
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1081</a>] - CompositeOmegaCallback&#39;s compensate(TxEvent event) method has concurrency issues
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1098</a>] - Pack pom need to be updated
<h2> New Feature
<li>[<a href="">SCB-665</a>] - Provide TCC support
<li>[<a href="">SCB-730</a>] - Add Feign transport for supporting Spring Cloud
<li>[<a href="">SCB-731</a>] - Add the omega-transport-feign into distribution kit
<li>[<a href="">SCB-732</a>] - Add the omega-transport-feign into distribution kit
<li>[<a href="">SCB-909</a>] - Add fault tolerance for service comb TCC
<h2> Improvement
<li>[<a href="">SCB-244</a>] - [pack] add demo to use pack with java chassis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-630</a>] - Active the -Pdocker profile if detect the docker installation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-639</a>] - upgrade docker maven plugin
<li>[<a href="">SCB-660</a>] - Update the dubbo example compose file
<li>[<a href="">SCB-750</a>] - Dependency management is incomplete in Saga and Java-Chassis
<li>[<a href="">SCB-785</a>] - Cannot get the GlobalTxId and LocalTxId in the compensation method
<li>[<a href="">SCB-805</a>] - If the node time of alpha and omega are not same, the transaction could be aborted
<li>[<a href="">SCB-806</a>] - Polish alpha-server logger
<li>[<a href="">SCB-813</a>] - pack-contract-grp module mvn install builds failure
<li>[<a href="">SCB-829</a>] - An index on TxEvent (globalTxId) should be added
<li>[<a href="">SCB-853</a>] - Support JDK7 in saga-core
<li>[<a href="">SCB-865</a>] - Refactoring the Omega Interceptors
<li>[<a href="">SCB-868</a>] - Added kamon metrics to Alpha Server
<li>[<a href="">SCB-874</a>] - saga dubbo demo insert sql and readme optimization
<li>[<a href="">SCB-875</a>] - Start the old saga demo with sh script
<li>[<a href="">SCB-879</a>] - Pack the aspectj-wave jar into Alpha Server when using perf profile
<li>[<a href="">SCB-885</a>] - saga alpha event scanner delete duplicate events sql optimization
<li>[<a href="">SCB-913</a>] - Switch TCC demo JPA implementation
<li>[<a href="">SCB-916</a>] - Clean up @order annotation in TransactionAspectConfig
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1013</a>] - Support to disable the event scanner Alpha
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1018</a>] - Upgrade spring boot version to 1.5.17 and 2.0.6
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1029</a>] - The compensationMethod size is small
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1036</a>] - Throw exception when Compensable retries below -1.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1086</a>] - Using spring-boot-2 by default
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1090</a>] - Unify the logger output of the Omega transport.
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1091</a>] - Upgrade the dubbo version to 2.6.4
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1093</a>] - Upgrade the Spring Boot version to 2.1.1 Release
<h2> Test
<li>[<a href="">SCB-823</a>] - Set up a fully functional test in kubernetes environment
<h2> Task
<li>[<a href="">SCB-648</a>] - Omega support JDK7
<li>[<a href="">SCB-766</a>] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 2.0.3.Release and 1.5.14.Release
<li>[<a href="">SCB-784</a>] - SagaStart annotated method should abort the saga transaction once the exception is thrown
<li>[<a href="">SCB-973</a>] - TLP graduation tasks
<li>[<a href="">SCB-976</a>] - Create new git repo for ServiceComb Saga-Core module
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1078</a>] - Clean up the saga-core modules from saga-pack repo
<li>[<a href="">SCB-1097</a>] - Clean up the distribution of servicecomb-pack
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