blob: 3d44df027da63b10834c1bc10bd849436d4f1be6 [file] [log] [blame]
//Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
//Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//You may obtain a copy of the License at
//Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//limitations under the License.
package service
import (
apt ""
pb ""
ms ""
serviceUtil ""
func Accessible(ctx context.Context, tenant string, consumerID string, providerID string) (err error, isInnerErr bool) {
consumerService, err := ms.GetServiceByServiceId(ctx, tenant, consumerID)
if err != nil {
return err, true
if consumerService == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("consumer invalid"), false
// 跨应用权限
providerService, err := ms.GetServiceByServiceId(ctx, tenant, providerID)
if err != nil {
return err, true
if providerService == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("provider invalid"), false
providerFlag := strings.Join([]string{providerService.AppId, providerService.ServiceName, providerService.Version}, "/")
consumerFlag := strings.Join([]string{consumerService.AppId, consumerService.ServiceName, consumerService.Version}, "/")
if providerService.AppId != consumerService.AppId {
if len(providerService.Properties) == 0 {
util.LOGGER.Warnf(nil, "consumer %s can't access provider %s, different appid",
consumerFlag, providerFlag)
return errors.New("different appID can't access"), false
if allowCrossApp, ok := providerService.Properties[pb.PROP_ALLOW_CROSS_APP]; !ok || strings.ToLower(allowCrossApp) != "true" {
util.LOGGER.Warnf(nil, "consumer %s can't access provider %s, different appid, no allowCrossApp defined in property",
consumerFlag, providerFlag)
return errors.New("different appID can't access"), false
// 黑白名单
validateTags, err := serviceUtil.GetTagsUtils(ctx, tenant, consumerService.ServiceId)
if err != nil {
return err, true
ruleResp, err := registry.GetRegisterCenter().Do(ctx, &registry.PluginOp{
Action: registry.GET,
Key: []byte(apt.GenerateServiceRuleKey(tenant, providerID, "")),
WithPrefix: true,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("query service rules failed,%s", err), true
tagPattern := "tag_(.*)"
tagRegEx, _ := regexp.Compile(tagPattern)
hasWhite := false
for _, kv := range ruleResp.Kvs {
var rule pb.ServiceRule
var value string
err := json.Unmarshal(kv.Value, &rule)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshal service rules failed,%s", err), true
tagRule, _ := regexp.MatchString(tagPattern, rule.Attribute)
if tagRule {
key := tagRegEx.FindStringSubmatch(rule.Attribute)[1]
value = validateTags[key]
} else {
v := reflect.ValueOf(consumerService)
key := reflect.Indirect(v).FieldByName(rule.Attribute)
value = key.String()
if len(value) == 0 {
util.LOGGER.Errorf(nil, "get attribute %s matched value is empty.", rule.Attribute)
return errors.New("can't access, get attribute matched value is empty"), false
switch rule.RuleType {
case "WHITE":
hasWhite = true
match, _ := regexp.MatchString(rule.Pattern, value)
util.LOGGER.Debugf("match is %t, rule.Pattern is %s, value is %s", match, rule.Pattern, value)
if match {
return nil, false
case "BLACK":
match, _ := regexp.MatchString(rule.Pattern, value)
if match {
util.LOGGER.Warnf(nil, "match black list %s, can't access.consumer %s, provider %s", rule.Pattern, consumerFlag, providerFlag)
return errors.New("match black list,can't access."), false
if hasWhite {
util.LOGGER.Warnf(nil, "not match white list , can't access.consumer %s, provider %s", consumerFlag, providerFlag)
return errors.New("not match white list,can't access."), false
return nil, false