blob: 39a6687241e5e76496d965369477cb37f0e9414e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package config
import (
const (
InitVersion = "0"
minCacheTTL = 5 * time.Minute
var (
Server = NewServerConfig()
// App is application root config
App = &AppConfig{Server: Server}
// GetProfile return active profile
func GetProfile() *ServerConfig {
return App.Server
// GetGov return governance configs
func GetGov() *Gov {
return App.Gov
// GetServer return the http server configs
func GetServer() ServerConfigDetail {
return App.Server.Config
// GetSSL return the ssl configs
func GetSSL() ServerConfigDetail {
return App.Server.Config
// GetLog return the log configs
func GetLog() ServerConfigDetail {
return App.Server.Config
// GetRegistry return the registry configs
func GetRegistry() ServerConfigDetail {
return App.Server.Config
// GetPlugin return the plugin configs
func GetPlugin() ServerConfigDetail {
return App.Server.Config
// GetRBAC return the rbac configs
func GetRBAC() ServerConfigDetail {
return App.Server.Config
func Init() {
err := archaius.Init(archaius.WithMemorySource(), archaius.WithENVSource())
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("can not init archaius", err)
err = archaius.AddFile(filepath.Join(util.GetAppRoot(), "conf", "app.yaml"))
if err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("can not add app config file source, error: %s", err))
err = Reload()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("reload configs failed", err)
// Reload reload the all configurations
func Reload() error {
err := archaius.UnmarshalConfig(App)
if err != nil {
return err
*Server = loadServerConfig()
if GetLog().LogLevel == "DEBUG" {
body, _ := json.MarshalIndent(archaius.GetConfigs(), "", " ")
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("finish to reload configurations\n%s", body))
grcCfg := loadGrcConfig()
if grcCfg != nil {
App.Gov.MatchGroup = grcCfg.MatchGroup
App.Gov.Policies = grcCfg.Policies
return nil
func loadServerConfig() ServerConfig {
cacheTTL := GetDuration("registry.cache.ttl", minCacheTTL, WithENV("CACHE_TTL"), WithStandby("cache_ttl"))
if cacheTTL < minCacheTTL {
cacheTTL = minCacheTTL
maxLogFileSize := GetInt64("log.rotateSize", 20, WithStandby("log_rotate_size"))
if maxLogFileSize <= 0 || maxLogFileSize > 500 {
maxLogFileSize = 20
maxLogBackupCount := GetInt64("log.backupCount", 50, WithStandby("log_backup_count"))
if maxLogBackupCount < 0 || maxLogBackupCount > 100 {
maxLogBackupCount = 50
accessLogFile := GetString("log.accessFile", "./access.log", WithENV("SC_ACCESS_LOG_FILE"), WithStandby("access_log_file"))
return ServerConfig{
Version: InitVersion,
// compatible with beego config's runmode
Environment: GetString("environment", "dev", WithStandby("runmode")),
Config: ServerConfigDetail{
MaxHeaderBytes: GetInt64("server.request.maxHeaderBytes", 16384, WithStandby("max_header_bytes")),
MaxBodyBytes: GetInt64("server.request.maxBodyBytes", 2097152, WithStandby("max_body_bytes")),
ReadHeaderTimeout: GetString("server.request.headerTimeout", "60s", WithStandby("read_header_timeout")),
ReadTimeout: GetString("server.request.timeout", "60s", WithStandby("read_timeout")),
IdleTimeout: GetString("server.idle.timeout", "60s", WithStandby("idle_timeout")),
WriteTimeout: GetString("server.response.timeout", "60s", WithStandby("write_timeout")),
LimitTTLUnit: GetString("server.limit.unit", "s", WithStandby("limit_ttl")),
LimitConnections: GetInt64("server.limit.connections", 0, WithStandby("limit_conns")),
LimitIPLookup: GetString("server.limit.ipLookups", "RemoteAddr,X-Forwarded-For,X-Real-IP", WithStandby("limit_iplookups")),
EnablePProf: GetInt("server.pprof.mode", 0, WithStandby("enable_pprof")) != 0,
SslEnabled: GetBool("ssl.enable", true, WithStandby("ssl_mode")),
LogRotateSize: maxLogFileSize,
LogBackupCount: maxLogBackupCount,
LogFilePath: GetString("log.file", "", WithStandby("logfile")),
LogLevel: GetString("log.level", "", WithStandby("loglevel")),
LogFormat: GetString("log.format", "text", WithStandby("log_format")),
LogSys: GetBool("log.system", false, WithStandby("log_sys")),
EnableAccessLog: GetBool("log.accessEnable", false, WithStandby("enable_access_log")),
AccessLogFile: accessLogFile,
PluginsDir: GetString("plugin.dir", "./plugins", WithStandby("plugins_dir")),
Plugins: util.NewJSONObject(),
EnableCache: GetInt("registry.cache.mode", 1, WithStandby("enable_cache")) != 0,
CacheTTL: cacheTTL,
SelfRegister: GetInt("registry.selfRegister", 1, WithStandby("self_register")) != 0,
GlobalVisible: GetString("registry.service.globalVisible", "", WithENV("CSE_SHARED_SERVICES")),
InstanceTTL: GetInt64("registry.instance.ttl", 0, WithENV("INSTANCE_TTL")),
SchemaDisable: GetBool("registry.schema.disable", false, WithENV("SCHEMA_DISABLE")),
EnableRBAC: GetBool("rbac.enable", false, WithStandby("rbac_enabled")),
func setCPUs() {
cores := runtime.NumCPU()
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("service center is running simultaneously with %d CPU cores", cores))
func loadGrcConfig() *Gov {
grcFile := filepath.Join(util.GetAppRoot(), "conf", "grc.json")
bytes, err := os.ReadFile(grcFile)
if err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("can not add grc config file source, error: %s", err))
return nil
var policies AppConfig
err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &policies)
if err != nil {
log.Error("unmarshal grc config failed", err)
return nil
if policies.Gov == nil {
log.Warn("no grc config load")
return nil
return policies.Gov