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Design Guides
Service-Center Design
Service-Center(SC) is a service registry that allows services to
register their instance information and to discover providers of a given
service. Generally, SC uses etcd to store all the information of
micro-service and its instances.
.. image:: aggregator-design.PNG
- **API Layer**: To expose the RESTful and gRPC service.
- **Metedata**: The business logic to manage microservice, instance,
schema, tag, dependency and ACL rules.
- **Server Core**: Including data model, requests handle chain and so
- **Aggregator**: It is the bridge between Core and Registry, includes
the cache manager and indexer of registry.
- **Registry Adaptor**: An abstract layer of registry, exposing a
unified interface for upper layer calls.
Below is the diagram stating the working principles and flow of SC.
On StartUp
Here describes a standard client registration process. We assume that
micro-services are written using `java-chassis`_ sdk or `go-chassis`_
sdk. So when micro-service boots up then java-chassis sdk does the
following list of tasks.
1. On startup provider registers the micro-service to SC if not
registered earlier and also register its instance information like
its Ip and Port on which instance is running.
2. SC stores the provider information in etcd.
3. On startup consumer retrieves the list of all provider instance from
SC using the micro-service name of the provider.
4. Consumer sdk stores all the information of provider instances in its
5. Consumer sdk creates a web socket connection to SC to watch all the
provider instance information, if there is any change in the provider
then sdk updates its cache information.
.. image:: onStartup.PNG
Communication between Consumer -> Provider
Once the bootup is successful then the consumer can communicate with
providers flawlessly, below is the diagram illustrating the
communication between provider and consumer.
.. image:: communication.PNG
| Provider instance regularly sends heartbeat signal every 30 seconds to
SC, if SC does not receive the heartbeat for particular instance then
the information in etcd expires and the provider instance information
is removed.
| Consumer watches the information of provider instances from SC and if
there is any change then the cache is updated.
| When Consumer needs to communicate to Provider then consumer reads
endpoints of the provider instances from cache and do loadbalancing to
communicate to Provider.
Note: Feel free to contribute to this document.
.. _java-chassis:
.. _go-chassis: