Dashboard page is redesigned (#108)

* Dashboard page is redesigned

* UI changes done
diff --git a/frontend/app/apiList/apiList.js b/frontend/app/apiList/apiList.js
index f57d3ff..d9cd21f 100644
--- a/frontend/app/apiList/apiList.js
+++ b/frontend/app/apiList/apiList.js
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@
 			schema: {
 				url: 'registry/v3/microservices/{{serviceId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}',
 				method: 'GET'
+			},
+			allServices: {
+				url: 'registry/v3/govern/services?options=all',
+				method: 'GET'
diff --git a/frontend/app/scripts/modules/dashboard/controllers/dashboardCtrl.js b/frontend/app/scripts/modules/dashboard/controllers/dashboardCtrl.js
index c648888..b63de4b 100644
--- a/frontend/app/scripts/modules/dashboard/controllers/dashboardCtrl.js
+++ b/frontend/app/scripts/modules/dashboard/controllers/dashboardCtrl.js
@@ -21,97 +21,59 @@
 		$scope.startingServices = [];
 		$scope.outofserviceServices =[];
-		$scope.instancesData = [];
-		$scope.runningInstances = [];
-		$scope.stoppedInstances = [];	
-		$scope.startingInstances = [];
-		$scope.outofserviceInstances =[];
 		$scope.totalServices = 0;
 		$scope.totalInstances = 0;	
+		$scope.totalProviders = 0;
+		$scope.totalConsumers = 0;
 		$scope.labels = ["UP", "DOWN", "STRATING", "OUT OF SERVICE"];
 		$scope.colors = ["#5ecc49","#d50000", "#e6e600", "#bcc2c9"];
-		var instancePromises = [];
-		$scope.getServices = function(){
+		$scope.getAllServices = function(){
-	        var url = apiConstant.api.microservice.url;
-	        var method = apiConstant.api.microservice.method;
+	        var url = apiConstant.api.allServices.url;
+	        var method = apiConstant.api.allServices.method;
 	        httpService.apiRequest(url, method, null, null).then(function(response){
-	            if(response && response.data && response.data.services){
-					$scope.totalServices = response.data.services.length;
-	            	$scope.getInstances(response.data.services);
-	            	response.data.services.forEach(function(service){
-						if(service.status.toLowerCase() === "up"){
-							$scope.runningServices.push(service);
+				if(response && response.data && response.data.allServicesDetail) {
+					$scope.totalServices = response.data.allServicesDetail.length;
+					response.data.allServicesDetail.forEach(function(services){
+						if(services.microSerivce.status.toLowerCase() == "starting") {
+							$scope.startingServices.push(services);
-						if(service.status.toLowerCase() === "down"){
-							$scope.stoppedServices.push(service);
+						if(services.microSerivce.status.toLowerCase() == "up"){		
+							console.log("hi")
+							$scope.runningServices.push(services);
-						if(service.status.toLowerCase() === "starting"){
-							$scope.startingServices.push(service);
+						if(services.microSerivce.status.toLowerCase() == "down"){
+							$scope.stoppedServices.push(services);
-						if(service.status.toLowerCase() === "outofservice"){
-							$scope.outofserviceServices.push(service);
+						if(services.microSerivce.status.toLowerCase() == "outofservice"){
+							$scope.outofserviceServices.push(services);
-		   			});
+						if(services.instances){
+							$scope.totalInstances = $scope.totalInstances + services.instances.length;
+						}
+						if(services.providers){
+							$scope.totalProviders = $scope.totalInstances + services.providers.length;
+						}
+						if(services.consumers){
+							$scope.totalConsumers = $scope.totalInstances + services.consumers.length;
+						}
+					});
 					$scope.servicesData[0] = $scope.runningServices.length;
 					$scope.servicesData[1] = $scope.stoppedServices.length;
 					$scope.servicesData[2] = $scope.startingServices.length;
 					$scope.servicesData[3] = $scope.outofserviceServices.length;
-	            }
+				}
-		$scope.getServices();
-		$scope.getInstances = function(servicesList){
-            for (var i = 0; i < servicesList.length; i++) {
-                var api = apiConstant.api.instances.url;
-                var url = api.replace("{{serviceId}}", servicesList[i].serviceId);
-                var method = apiConstant.api.instances.method;
-                var headers = {"X-ConsumerId": servicesList[i].serviceId};
-                instancePromises.push(httpService.apiRequest(url, method, null, headers, "nopopup"));
-            }
-            $q.all(instancePromises).then(function(response){
-	            if(response && response[0].data && response[0].data.instances){
-					$scope.totalInstances = response[0].data.instances.length;
-					response[0].data.instances.forEach(function(instance){
-						if(instance.status.toLowerCase() === "up"){
-							$scope.runningInstances.push(instance);
-						}
-						if(instance.status.toLowerCase() === "down"){
-							$scope.stoppedInstances.push(instance);
-						}
-						if(instance.status.toLowerCase() === "starting"){
-							$scope.startingInstances.push(instance);
-						}
-						if(instance.status.toLowerCase() === "outofservice"){
-							$scope.outofserviceInstances.push(instance);
-						}
-					});
-					$scope.instancesData[0] = $scope.runningInstances.length;
-					$scope.instancesData[1] = $scope.stoppedInstances.length;
-					$scope.instancesData[2] = $scope.startingInstances.length;
-					$scope.instancesData[3] = $scope.outofserviceInstances.length;
-	            }
-	        },function(error){
-	        	$(".loader").hide();
-	        });
-		};
+		$scope.getAllServices();  
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/app/scripts/modules/dashboard/views/dashboard.html b/frontend/app/scripts/modules/dashboard/views/dashboard.html
index a3a3a5e..5613e00 100644
--- a/frontend/app/scripts/modules/dashboard/views/dashboard.html
+++ b/frontend/app/scripts/modules/dashboard/views/dashboard.html
@@ -24,8 +24,19 @@
+	<div class="row dashboardTitle no-margin" id="pc">
+	 <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-5 left">
+	 	<span class="dashboardName"> {{ "providers" | translate }} </span>
+	 	<span class="dashboardName pull-right">{{ totalProviders }}</span>
+	 </div>
+	 <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-5 right">
+	 	<span class="dashboardName"> {{ "consumers" | translate }} </span>
+	 	<span class="dashboardName pull-right">{{ totalConsumers }}</span>
+	 </div>
+	</div>
 	<div class="row no-margin dashboardChart">
-		<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 dashboardChartLeft">
+		<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 dashboardChartLeft">
 			<div class="dashboardInfo">
 					<li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stop starting"></span>{{ "starting" | translate }}</li>
@@ -36,40 +47,6 @@
 			<canvas class="chart chart-doughnut" chart-data="servicesData" chart-colors="colors" chart-labels="labels"></canvas> 
-		<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 dashboardChartRight">
-			<div class="dashboardInfo">
-				<ul>
-					<li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stop starting"></span>{{ "starting" | translate }}</li>
-					<li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stop up"></span>{{ "up" | translate }}</li>
-					<li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stop down"></span>{{ "down" | translate }}</li>
-					<li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-stop unavailable"></span>{{ "outofservice" | translate }}</li>
-				</ul>
-			</div>
-			<canvas class="chart chart-doughnut" chart-data="instancesData" chart-colors="colors" chart-labels="labels"></canvas>
-		</div>
-	<div class="row dashboardUpDown no-margin">
-	 <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-5 left">
-	 	<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2 up">
-	 		<span>{{ "up" | translate }} </span>
-	 		<span class="pull-right">{{ runningServices.length }}</span>
-	 	</div>
-	 	<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2 down">
-	 		<span>{{ "down" | translate }}</span>
-	 		<span class="pull-right">{{ stoppedServices.length }}</span>
-	 	</div>
-	 </div>
-	 <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-5 right">
-	 	<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2 up">
-	 		<span>{{ "up" | translate }} </span>
-	 		<span class="pull-right">{{ runningInstances.length }}</span>
-	 	</div>
-	 	<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2 down">
-	 		<span>{{ "down" | translate }}</span>
-	 		<span class="pull-right"">{{ stoppedInstances.length }}</span>
-	 	</div>
-	 </div>
-	</div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/app/scripts/modules/serviceCenter/controllers/serviceInfoCtrl.js b/frontend/app/scripts/modules/serviceCenter/controllers/serviceInfoCtrl.js
index a3b3819..9f70434 100644
--- a/frontend/app/scripts/modules/serviceCenter/controllers/serviceInfoCtrl.js
+++ b/frontend/app/scripts/modules/serviceCenter/controllers/serviceInfoCtrl.js
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
-				$scope.instances = response[0].data.instances;
-				$scope.providers = response[1].data.providers;
-				$scope.consumers = response[2].data.consumers;
+				$scope.instances = response[0].data.instances || [];
+				$scope.providers = response[1].data.providers || [];
+				$scope.consumers = response[2].data.consumers || [];
 				$scope.instances = [];
 				$scope.providers = [];
diff --git a/frontend/app/styles/main.css b/frontend/app/styles/main.css
index 5236d24..393a0c4 100644
--- a/frontend/app/styles/main.css
+++ b/frontend/app/styles/main.css
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
   -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; }
 body {
-  margin: 0; }
+  margin: 0;
+ }
@@ -4080,7 +4081,7 @@
   .breadcrumb > li {
     display: inline-block; }
     .breadcrumb > li + li:before {
-      content: "/ ";
+      content: "/ ";
       padding: 0 5px;
       color: #ccc; }
   .breadcrumb > .active {
@@ -5928,7 +5929,7 @@
     margin-left: 8px;
     margin-top: 50px; }
   body canvas {
-    max-width: 65% !important;
+    max-width: 50% !important;
     margin: 0px auto;
     padding: 15px; }
     body canvas:hover {
@@ -5963,7 +5964,6 @@
   body .dashboardBody .dashboardPC {
     margin-top: 20px !important; }
   body .dashboardBody .dashboardChart .dashboardChartLeft, body .dashboardBody .dashboardChart .dashboardChartRight {
-    width: 49% !important;
     background-color: #F0F2F5;
     margin-top: 20px;
     margin-right: 10px; }
@@ -5971,7 +5971,6 @@
       height: 90px;
       width: 100%;
       float: right;
-      margin-right: -8px;
       padding: 5px 0px; }
       body .dashboardBody .dashboardChart .dashboardChartLeft .dashboardInfo ul, body .dashboardBody .dashboardChart .dashboardChartRight .dashboardInfo ul {
         padding: 5px 15px;
@@ -6050,5 +6049,30 @@
     border: 2px solid #006666; }
   body .swaggerDiv {
     margin: 0px 20px; }
+  .dashboardBody {
+    width: 80%;
+  }
+  .left,.right {
+    background-color: #fff !important;
+    box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px 1px darkgrey;  
+  }
+  .left:hover,.right:hover {
+    box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px 2px grey;
+  }
+  #pc {
+    margin-top: 20px !important;
+  }
+  .dashboardChartLeft {
+    background-color: #fff !important;
+    box-shadow: 0px 1px 5px 0px grey;
+  }
+  .dashboardName {
+    color: grey;
+    font-weight: bold;
+    font-family: sans-serif;
+  }
+  .dashboardChart {
+    width: 99%;
+  }
 /*# sourceMappingURL=main.css.map */
diff --git a/frontend/app/styles/main.scss b/frontend/app/styles/main.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 46d710c..0000000
--- a/frontend/app/styles/main.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-$icon-font-path: "../../bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official/assets/fonts/bootstrap/";
-$fa-font-path: "../../bower_components/components-font-awesome/fonts/";
-@import "../../bower_components/bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss";
-body {
-  height: 100%;
-  margin: 0; 
-  padding: 0;
-  font-family: Roboto !important;
-  .loader {
-    background: rgba(0,0,0,.2) url('../images/loader.gif') no-repeat 50% center;
-    width:100%;
-    height:100%;
-    position:fixed;
-    top:0;
-    left:0;
-    z-index:999;
-    display:none;
-  }
-  .no-margin{
-    margin:0px !important;
-  }
-  .glyphicon-trash:hover{
-    cursor: pointer;
-  }
-  .pagination-class {
-    .label {
-      color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .54);
-      font-size: 12px;
-      font-weight: normal;
-    }
-  }
-  .serviceStatus {
-    height: 20px;
-    width: 40px;
-    color: white;
-    text-align: center;
-    &.up {
-      background-color: #5ecc49;
-    }
-    &.starting {
-      background-color: #e6e600;
-    }
-    &.down {
-       background-color: #d50000;
-    }
-    &.outofservice {
-       background-color: #bcc2c9;
-     }
-  }
-  .navbar {
-    border-radius: unset !important;
-    .logo {
-      margin-top: 6px;  
-      margin-left: 25px;
-    }
-    .label {
-      color: white;
-      font-size: 16px;
-    }
-    .tenant {
-      height: 30px;
-    }
-    .language {
-      height: 31px;
-      margin-top: 7px;
-    }
-    .navbar-right{
-     margin-right:15px !important;
-    }
-  }
-  .sidebar-wrapper {
-   height: 100%;
-   width: 230px;
-   position: fixed;
-   background: #f5f5f0;
-   margin-top: -20px;
-   .sidebar-nav {
-    position: fixed;
-    top: 50px;
-    width: 230px;
-    margin: 0;
-    padding: 0;
-    list-style: none;
-    li {
-      text-indent: 20px;
-      line-height: 50px;
-      a {
-        display: block;
-        text-decoration: none;
-        color: #666666;
-        font-size: 14px;
-        &:hover {
-          text-decoration: none;
-          color: black;
-          background: #f5f5f0; 
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  .active, .activeProvider, .activeConsumer, .schemaTab {
-    text-decoration: none;
-    background:  #fff;
-    color: #009ee0 !important;
-    border-left: 3px solid #009ee0;
-   }
-   .brand {
-    font-size: 18px;
-    margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px;
-   }
-  }
-.bodyContent {
-    margin-left: 250px;
-    padding-top: 70px;
-.fa-close {
-  color: white;
-.table-header {
-  height: 50px;
-  min-height: 50px;
-.no-padding {
-  padding: 0;
-#search {
-  max-width: 300px;
-table.md-table {
-  td.md-cell {
-    height: 48px;
-  }
-  .md-head {
-    tr{
-     th {
-      font-size: 14px;
-      color: #000;
-     }
-    }
-  }
-.serviceInfo {
-  margin: 0px;
-  .details {
-    height:80px;
-    width:80px;
-    background-color:#efefef;
-    border-radius:50%;
-    text-align:center;
-  }
-  ul {
-    list-style-type: none;
-    li:first-child {
-      line-height: 30px;
-    }
-  }
-.serviceInfoTab {
-    margin-left: 8px;
-    margin-top: 50px;
-canvas {
-  max-width: 65% !important;
-  margin: 0px auto;
-  padding: 15px;
-  &:hover{
-    cursor: pointer;
-  }
-.margin20 {
-  margin-top: 20px;
-.infoTableHead {
-  background-color: #efefef;
-  .dashboard {
-    font-size: 30px;
-    color: brown;
-  }
-  height:100px;
-  .dashboardTitle{
-    height:100px;
-    .left{
-      height:inherit;
-      background-color:#F0F2F5;
-      margin-right: 10px;
-      width: 49% !important;
-      padding-top: 30px;
-      .dashboardName {
-        font-size: 25px;
-        text-align: center;
-        padding: 5px;
-      }
-      .dashboardCount{
-        width: 65%;
-        text-align: end;
-        font-size: 25px;
-      }
-    }
-    .right{
-     @extend .left;
-     margin-right:0px !important;
-    } 
-  }
-  .dashboardPC {
-    @extend .dashboardTitle;
-    margin-top: 20px !important;
-  }
-  .dashboardChart{
-    .dashboardChartLeft{
-      width: 49% !important;
-      background-color:#F0F2F5;
-      margin-top: 20px;
-      margin-right: 10px;
-       .dashboardInfo {
-          height: 90px;
-          width: 100%;
-          float: right;
-          margin-right: -8px;
-          padding: 5px 0px;
-          ul {
-            padding: 5px 15px;
-            border: 1px solid darkgrey;
-            float: right;
-            li{
-              list-style-type: none;
-             span {
-              padding-right: 10px;
-             }
-             .starting {
-                color: #e6e600;
-              }
-              .up {
-                color: #5ecc49;
-              }
-              .down {
-                color: #d50000;
-              }
-              .unavailable {
-                color: #bcc2c9;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-     }
-   .dashboardChartRight{
-       @extend .dashboardChartLeft;
-       margin-right:0px !important;
-   }
-  }
-  .dashboardStatus{
-    height:100px;
-    margin-top: 20px !important;
-    .left{
-      height:inherit;
-      background-color:#F0F2F5;
-      margin-right: 10px;
-      width: 49% !important;
-      .dashboardName {
-        font-size: 25px;
-        text-align: center;
-        padding: 5px;
-        margin-top: 25px;
-      }
-      .dashboardCount{
-        width: 65%;
-        text-align: end;
-        font-size: 25px;
-        margin-top: 25px;
-      }
-    }
-    .right{
-     @extend .left;
-     margin-right:0px !important;
-    } 
-  }
-  .dashboardUpDown{
-      margin-top: 20px !important;
-    .left{
-      height:inherit;
-      background-color: white;
-      margin-right: 10px;
-      width: 49% !important;
-      padding: 0px !important;
-      .up {
-        background-color:#F0F2F5;
-        width:49% !important;
-        margin-right:5px;
-        height:100px;
-        font-size:22px;
-        text-align:left;
-        padding:35px;
-      }
-      .down {
-        background-color:#F0F2F5;
-        width:50% !important;
-        margin-right:0px;
-        height:100px;
-        font-size:22px;
-        text-align:left;
-        padding:35px;
-      }
-    }
-    .right{
-     @extend .left;
-     margin-right:0px !important;
-    } 
-  }
-.schemaTable {
-  th {
-    width: 50%;
-  }
-md-toolbar.md-default-theme:not(.md-menu-toolbar), md-toolbar:not(.md-menu-toolbar)  {
-  background-color : rgb(59,120,231) !important;
-md-toolbar.md-default-theme:not(.md-menu-toolbar).md-warn, md-toolbar:not(.md-menu-toolbar).md-warn {
-    background-color : rgb(59,120,231) !important;
-md-dialog {
-  min-width: 75%;
-#schemes {
-  width: 8%;
-  border: 2px solid #006666;
-.swaggerDiv {
-  margin: 0px 20px;