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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package util
import (
type VersionRule func(sorted []string, kvs map[string]*kvstore.KeyValue, start, end string) []string
func (vr VersionRule) Match(kvs []*kvstore.KeyValue, ops ...string) []string {
sorter := &serviceKeySorter{
sortArr: make([]string, len(kvs)),
kvs: make(map[string]*kvstore.KeyValue, len(kvs)),
cmp: Larger,
for i, kv := range kvs {
key := util.BytesToStringWithNoCopy(kv.Key)
ver := key[strings.LastIndex(key, "/")+1:]
sorter.sortArr[i] = ver
sorter.kvs[ver] = kv
args := [2]string{}
switch {
case len(ops) > 1:
args[1] = ops[1]
case len(ops) > 0:
args[0] = ops[0]
return vr(sorter.sortArr, sorter.kvs, args[0], args[1])
type serviceKeySorter struct {
sortArr []string
kvs map[string]*kvstore.KeyValue
cmp func(i, j string) bool
func (sks *serviceKeySorter) Len() int {
return len(sks.sortArr)
func (sks *serviceKeySorter) Swap(i, j int) {
sks.sortArr[i], sks.sortArr[j] = sks.sortArr[j], sks.sortArr[i]
func (sks *serviceKeySorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return sks.cmp(sks.sortArr[i], sks.sortArr[j])
func Larger(start, end string) bool {
s, _ := validate.VersionToInt64(start)
e, _ := validate.VersionToInt64(end)
return s > e
func LessEqual(start, end string) bool {
return !Larger(start, end)
func Latest(sorted []string, kvs map[string]*kvstore.KeyValue, start, end string) []string {
if len(sorted) == 0 {
return []string{}
return []string{kvs[sorted[0]].Value.(string)}
func Range(sorted []string, kvs map[string]*kvstore.KeyValue, start, end string) []string {
result := make([]string, len(sorted))
i, flag := 0, 0
if Larger(start, end) {
start, end = end, start
l := len(sorted)
if l == 0 || Larger(start, sorted[0]) || LessEqual(end, sorted[l-1]) {
return []string{}
for _, k := range sorted {
// end >= k >= start
switch flag {
case 0:
if LessEqual(end, k) {
flag = 1
case 1:
if Larger(start, k) {
return result[:i]
result[i] = kvs[k].Value.(string)
return result[:i]
func AtLess(sorted []string, kvs map[string]*kvstore.KeyValue, start, end string) []string {
result := make([]string, len(sorted))
if len(sorted) == 0 || Larger(start, sorted[0]) {
return []string{}
for i, k := range sorted {
if Larger(start, k) {
return result[:i]
result[i] = kvs[k].Value.(string)
return result[:]
func ParseVersionRule(versionRule string) func(kvs []*kvstore.KeyValue) []string {
if len(versionRule) == 0 {
return nil
rangeIdx := strings.Index(versionRule, "-")
switch {
case versionRule == "latest":
return func(kvs []*kvstore.KeyValue) []string {
return VersionRule(Latest).Match(kvs)
case versionRule[len(versionRule)-1:] == "+":
// 取最低版本及高版本集合
start := versionRule[:len(versionRule)-1]
return func(kvs []*kvstore.KeyValue) []string {
return VersionRule(AtLess).Match(kvs, start)
case rangeIdx > 0:
// 取版本范围集合
start := versionRule[:rangeIdx]
end := versionRule[rangeIdx+1:]
return func(kvs []*kvstore.KeyValue) []string {
return VersionRule(Range).Match(kvs, start, end)
// 精确匹配
return nil
func VersionMatchRule(version string, versionRule string) bool {
match := ParseVersionRule(versionRule)
if match == nil {
return version == versionRule
return len(match([]*kvstore.KeyValue{
Key: util.StringToBytesWithNoCopy("/" + version),
Value: "",
})) > 0