blob: 034e33a637a38302ddbdade7a6943dcc96ef346c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package diagnose
import (
pb ""
type CompareHolder interface {
Compare() *CompareResult
type DataStore struct {
Data []*mvccpb.KeyValue
DataParser pb.Parser
func (d *DataStore) ForEach(f func(i int, v *model.KV) bool) {
for i, kv := range d.Data {
obj, _ := d.DataParser.Unmarshal(kv.Value)
if !f(i, &model.KV{Key: string(kv.Key), Rev: kv.ModRevision, Value: obj}) {
type CompareResult struct {
Name string
Results map[int][]string
type abstractCompareHolder struct {
Cache model.Getter
DataStore *DataStore
MismatchFunc func(v *model.KV) string
func (h *abstractCompareHolder) toMap(getter model.Getter) map[string]*model.KV {
m := make(map[string]*model.KV)
getter.ForEach(func(i int, v *model.KV) bool {
m[v.Key] = v
return true
return m
func (h *abstractCompareHolder) Compare() *CompareResult {
result := &CompareResult{
Results: make(map[int][]string),
leftCh := make(chan map[string]*model.KV, 2)
rightCh := make(chan map[string]*model.KV, 2)
var (
add []string
update []string
del []string
gopool.New(context.Background(), gopool.Configure().Workers(3)).
Do(func(_ context.Context) {
left := h.toMap(h.Cache)
leftCh <- left
leftCh <- left
Do(func(_ context.Context) {
right := h.toMap(h.DataStore)
rightCh <- right
rightCh <- right
Do(func(_ context.Context) {
left := <-leftCh
right := <-rightCh
// add or update
for lk, lkv := range left {
rkv, ok := right[lk]
if !ok {
add = append(add, h.MismatchFunc(lkv))
if rkv.Rev != lkv.Rev {
update = append(update, h.MismatchFunc(lkv))
Do(func(_ context.Context) {
left := <-leftCh
right := <-rightCh
// delete
for rk, rkv := range right {
if _, ok := left[rk]; !ok {
del = append(del, h.MismatchFunc(rkv))
if len(add) > 0 {
result.Results[greater] = add
if len(update) > 0 {
result.Results[mismatch] = update
if len(del) > 0 {
result.Results[less] = del
return result
type ServiceCompareHolder struct {
Cache model.MicroserviceSlice
Kvs []*mvccpb.KeyValue
func (h *ServiceCompareHolder) Compare() *CompareResult {
h.abstractCompareHolder = &abstractCompareHolder{
Cache: &h.Cache, DataStore: &DataStore{Data: h.Kvs, DataParser: pb.ServiceParser}, MismatchFunc: h.toName,
r := h.abstractCompareHolder.Compare()
r.Name = service
return r
func (h *ServiceCompareHolder) toName(kv *model.KV) string {
s, ok := kv.Value.(*pb.MicroService)
if !ok {
return "unknown"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s(%s)", s.AppId, s.ServiceName, s.Version, s.ServiceId)
type InstanceCompareHolder struct {
Cache model.InstanceSlice
Kvs []*mvccpb.KeyValue
func (h *InstanceCompareHolder) Compare() *CompareResult {
h.abstractCompareHolder = &abstractCompareHolder{
Cache: &h.Cache, DataStore: &DataStore{Data: h.Kvs, DataParser: pb.InstanceParser}, MismatchFunc: h.toName,
r := h.abstractCompareHolder.Compare()
r.Name = instance
return r
func (h *InstanceCompareHolder) toName(kv *model.KV) string {
s, ok := kv.Value.(*pb.MicroServiceInstance)
if !ok {
return "unknown"
return fmt.Sprintf("%v(%s/%s)", s.Endpoints, s.ServiceId, s.InstanceId)