add readme translation
diff --git a/authentication/ b/authentication/
index 3cd4217..2274bb4 100644
--- a/authentication/
+++ b/authentication/
@@ -1,3 +1,46 @@
+This project demonstrates authentications and authorizations based on JWT/OAuth2. Projct names follow OAuth2 architecture. 
+## Implementations
+This project uses spring security API and mainly designed for ServiceComb architecture.
+* User Management
+  1. UserDetailsService: load users information
+  2. UserDetails: User information
+  3. GrantedAuthority: authorities
+  4. PasswordEncoder: encode or verify user password
+## Project
+* AuthenticationServer
+Authentication server implementation. Provides APIs to login, and query roles, etc. 
+* Gateway
+Check if users are authenticated and dispatch HTTP request.
+* Client
+Demonstrates how client uses this project. Integration tests are provided. 
+* Api
+Reusable part. 
+* For testing
+Run AuthenticationServer、Gateway、Client、ResourceServer and call
+see AuthenticationTestCase for details.