blob: 6e843838b9ecda0dd219229acb63ac3a0cfc7887 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.servicecomb.pack.alpha.server;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.transaction.Transactional;
import org.apache.servicecomb.pack.alpha.core.TxEvent;
public interface TxEventEnvelopeRepository extends CrudRepository<TxEvent, Long> {
List<TxEvent> findByGlobalTxId(String globalTxId);
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t "
+ "WHERE t.type = 'TxAbortedEvent' AND NOT EXISTS( "
+ " SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1"
+ " WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId "
+ " AND t1.type IN ('TxEndedEvent', 'SagaEndedEvent')) AND NOT EXISTS ( "
+ " SELECT t3.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t3 "
+ " WHERE t3.globalTxId = t.globalTxId "
+ " AND t3.localTxId = t.localTxId "
+ " AND t3.surrogateId != t.surrogateId "
+ " AND t3.creationTime > t.creationTime) AND (("
+ "SELECT MIN(t2.retries) FROM TxEvent t2 "
+ "WHERE t2.globalTxId = t.globalTxId "
+ " AND t2.localTxId = t.localTxId "
+ " AND t2.type = 'TxStartedEvent') = 0 "
+ "OR t.globalTxId = t.localTxId)")
Optional<List<TxEvent>> findFirstAbortedGlobalTxByType();
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t "
+ "WHERE t.type IN ('TxStartedEvent', 'SagaStartedEvent') "
+ " SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 "
+ " WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId "
+ " AND t1.localTxId = t.localTxId "
+ " AND t1.type != t.type"
+ ")")
List<TxEvent> findTimeoutEvents(Pageable pageable);
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t "
+ "WHERE t.globalTxId = ?1 "
+ " AND t.localTxId = ?2 "
+ " AND t.type = 'TxStartedEvent'")
Optional<TxEvent> findFirstStartedEventByGlobalTxIdAndLocalTxId(String globalTxId, String localTxId);
@Query("SELECT DISTINCT new org.apache.servicecomb.pack.alpha.core.TxEvent("
+ "t.serviceName, t.instanceId, t.globalTxId, t.localTxId, t.parentTxId, "
+ "t.type, t.compensationMethod, t.payloads "
+ ") FROM TxEvent t "
+ "WHERE t.globalTxId = ?1 AND t.type = ?2 "
+ " AND ( SELECT MIN(t1.retries) FROM TxEvent t1 "
+ " WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId "
+ " AND t1.localTxId = t.localTxId "
+ " AND t1.type IN ('TxStartedEvent', 'SagaStartedEvent') ) = 0 ")
List<TxEvent> findByEventGlobalTxIdAndEventType(String globalTxId, String type);
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t "
+ "WHERE t.globalTxId = ?1 AND t.type = 'TxStartedEvent' AND EXISTS ( "
+ " SELECT t1.globalTxId"
+ " FROM TxEvent t1 "
+ " WHERE t1.globalTxId = ?1 "
+ " AND t1.localTxId = t.localTxId "
+ " AND t1.type = 'TxEndedEvent'"
+ " SELECT t2.globalTxId"
+ " FROM TxEvent t2 "
+ " WHERE t2.globalTxId = ?1 "
+ " AND t2.localTxId = t.localTxId "
+ " AND t2.type = 'TxCompensatedEvent') "
+ "ORDER BY t.surrogateId ASC")
List<TxEvent> findStartedEventsWithMatchingEndedButNotCompensatedEvents(String globalTxId);
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t "
+ "WHERE t.type = ?1 AND t.surrogateId > ?2 AND EXISTS ( "
+ " SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 "
+ " WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId "
+ " AND t1.type = 'TxAbortedEvent' AND NOT EXISTS ( "
+ " SELECT t2.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t2 "
+ " WHERE t2.globalTxId = t1.globalTxId "
+ " AND t2.localTxId = t1.localTxId "
+ " AND t2.type = 'TxStartedEvent' "
+ " AND t2.creationTime > t1.creationTime)) AND NOT EXISTS ( "
+ " SELECT t3.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t3 "
+ " WHERE t3.globalTxId = t.globalTxId "
+ " AND t3.localTxId = t.localTxId "
+ " AND t3.type = 'TxCompensatedEvent') AND ( "
+ " SELECT MIN(t4.retries) FROM TxEvent t4 "
+ " WHERE t4.globalTxId = t.globalTxId "
+ " AND t4.localTxId = t.localTxId "
+ " AND t4.type = 'TxStartedEvent' ) = 0 "
+ "ORDER BY t.surrogateId ASC")
List<TxEvent> findFirstByTypeAndSurrogateIdGreaterThan(String type, long surrogateId, Pageable pageable);
Optional<TxEvent> findFirstByTypeAndSurrogateIdGreaterThan(String type, long surrogateId);
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t "
+ "WHERE t.type = ?1 AND EXISTS ( "
+ " SELECT t1.surrogateId"
+ " FROM TxEvent t1 "
+ " WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId "
+ " AND t1.localTxId = t.localTxId "
+ " AND t1.type = t.type "
+ " AND t1.surrogateId > t.surrogateId )")
List<TxEvent> findDuplicateEventsByType(String type);
List<TxEvent> findByServiceName(String serviceName);
@Query("SELECT count(t) FROM TxEvent t" +
" WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxAbortedEvent'))")
int findCountOfCompensatingEvents();
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t" +
" WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxAbortedEvent')) " +
"ORDER BY t.surrogateId DESC")
List<TxEvent> findCompensatingEvents();
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t" +
" WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxAbortedEvent')) " +
"ORDER BY t.surrogateId DESC")
List<TxEvent> findCompensatingEvents(Pageable pageable);
@Query("SELECT count(t) FROM TxEvent t " +
"WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxAbortedEvent', 'TxCompensatedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent'))\n")
int findCountOfCommittedEvents();
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t " +
"WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxAbortedEvent', 'TxCompensatedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent')) " +
"ORDER BY t.surrogateId DESC")
List<TxEvent> findCommittedEvents();
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t " +
"WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxAbortedEvent', 'TxCompensatedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent')) " +
"ORDER BY t.surrogateId DESC")
List<TxEvent> findCommittedEvents(Pageable pageable);
@Query("SELECT count(t) FROM TxEvent t " +
"WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId " +
"FROM TxEvent t1 WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent'))\n")
int findCountOfPendingEvents();
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t " +
"WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId " +
"FROM TxEvent t1 WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent')) " +
"ORDER BY t.surrogateId DESC")
List<TxEvent> findPendingEvents();
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t " +
"WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId " +
"FROM TxEvent t1 WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent')) " +
"ORDER BY t.surrogateId DESC")
List<TxEvent> findPendingEvents(Pageable pageable);
@Query("SELECT count(t) FROM TxEvent t " +
"WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId " +
"FROM TxEvent t1 WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxAbortedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM " +
"TxEvent t1 WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxCompensatedEvent'))\n")
int findCountOfRollBackedEvents();
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t " +
"WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId " +
"FROM TxEvent t1 WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxAbortedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM " +
"TxEvent t1 WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxCompensatedEvent')) " +
"ORDER BY t.surrogateId DESC")
List<TxEvent> findRollBackedEvents();
@Query("SELECT t FROM TxEvent t " +
"WHERE t.type = 'SagaStartedEvent' " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId " +
"FROM TxEvent t1 WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxAbortedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM " +
"TxEvent t1 WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('SagaEndedEvent')) " +
"AND EXISTS( SELECT t1.globalTxId FROM TxEvent t1 " +
"WHERE t1.globalTxId = t.globalTxId " +
"AND t1.type IN ('TxCompensatedEvent')) " +
"ORDER BY t.surrogateId DESC")
List<TxEvent> findRollBackedEvents(Pageable pageable);
@Query("SELECT count(DISTINCT t.globalTxId) FROM TxEvent t")
int findTotalCountOfTransactions();
@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
@Query("DELETE FROM TxEvent WHERE surrogateId = ?1 ")
void deleteBySurrogateId(Long surrogateId);