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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package util
import (
//BaseError is a struct
type BaseError struct {
ErrMsg string
func (p *BaseError) Error() string {
return p.ErrMsg
//TypMap is a variable of type map
var TypMap map[string]reflect.Type
func init() {
TypMap = make(map[string]reflect.Type)
const (
DefaultGrowSize = 4096
DefaultBufferSize = 1024
//ReadBuffer is a struct
type ReadBuffer struct {
buffer []byte
rdInd int
length int
capacity int
//WriteBuffer is a struct
type WriteBuffer struct {
buffer []byte
wrInd int
capacity int
//Init is a method to initialize write buffer attributes
func (b *WriteBuffer) Init(size int) {
if size == 0 {
size = DefaultBufferSize
b.buffer = make([]byte, size)
b.wrInd = 0
b.capacity = size
//Write is a method to write into buffer
func (b *WriteBuffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
result := b.WriteBytes(p)
if result > 0 {
return result, nil
} else {
return result, &BaseError{"Not enough space to write"}
func (b *WriteBuffer) grow(n int) int {
m := b.capacity
if b.wrInd+n > m {
var buf []byte
buf = make([]byte, m+n)
copy(buf, b.buffer[0:b.wrInd])
b.buffer = buf
b.capacity = m + n
return n
//WriteBytes is a method to write bytes
func (b *WriteBuffer) WriteBytes(src []byte) int {
size := len(src)
if b.capacity < (b.wrInd + size) {
reSize := DefaultGrowSize
if DefaultGrowSize < size {
reSize = size
copy(b.buffer[b.wrInd:], src)
b.wrInd = b.wrInd + size
return size
//WriteIndex is a method to write index
func (b *WriteBuffer) WriteIndex(index int) error {
if index <= b.capacity {
b.wrInd = index
} else {
return &BaseError{fmt.Sprintf("Index(%d) over the capacity(%s)", index, b.capacity)}
return nil
//WriteByte is a method to write particular byte
func (b *WriteBuffer) WriteByte(src byte) error {
gh := hessian.NewGoHessian(nil, nil)
err := gh.ToBytes2(int32(src), b)
return err
//WriteObject is a method to write object
func (b *WriteBuffer) WriteObject(src interface{}) error {
gh := hessian.NewGoHessian(nil, nil)
err := gh.ToBytes2(src, b)
return err
//WrittenBytes is a methodto get amount of bytes written
func (b *WriteBuffer) WrittenBytes() int {
return b.wrInd
//GetBuf is a method to get buffer
func (b *WriteBuffer) GetBuf() []byte {
return b.buffer
//GetValidData is a method to get valid data
func (b *WriteBuffer) GetValidData() []byte {
return b.buffer[0:b.wrInd]
//SetBuffer is a method to set buffer data
func (b *ReadBuffer) SetBuffer(src []byte) {
b.buffer = src
b.rdInd = 0
b.capacity = len(src)
b.length = len(src)
//Init is a method to initialize read buffer
func (b *ReadBuffer) Init(capacity int) {
b.buffer = make([]byte, capacity)
b.length = 0
b.rdInd = 0
b.capacity = capacity
//ReadByte is a method to read particular byte from buffer
func (b *ReadBuffer) ReadByte() byte {
var tmp interface{}
tmp, _ = b.ReadObject()
return byte(tmp.(int32))
//ReadBytes is a method to read data from buffer
func (b *ReadBuffer) ReadBytes(len int) []byte {
start := b.rdInd
b.rdInd = b.rdInd + len
return b.buffer[start:b.rdInd]
//ReadObject is a method to read buffer and return object
func (b *ReadBuffer) ReadObject() (interface{}, error) {
gh := hessian.NewGoHessian(TypMap, nil)
obj, err := gh.ToObject2(b)
return obj, err
//ReadString is a method to read buffer and return as string
func (b *ReadBuffer) ReadString() string {
gh := hessian.NewGoHessian(nil, nil)
obj, _ := gh.ToObject2(b)
return obj.(string)
//ReadMap is a method to read buffer and return as a map
func (b *ReadBuffer) ReadMap() (map[string]string, error) {
gh := hessian.NewGoHessian(nil, nil)
obj, err := gh.ToObject2(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
tmpMap := obj.(map[string]interface{})
var strMap = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range tmpMap {
strMap[k] = v.(string)
return strMap, nil
//Read 实现io.Reader
func (b *ReadBuffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
size := len(p)
if b.length > (b.rdInd + size) {
copy(p, b.buffer[b.rdInd:b.rdInd+size])
b.rdInd = b.rdInd + size
return size, nil
} else if b.length == b.rdInd {
return 0, nil
} else {
cpysize := b.length - b.rdInd
copy(p, b.buffer[b.rdInd:b.length])
b.rdInd = b.length - 1
return cpysize, nil