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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package schema
import (
const (
InQuery = 0
InBody = 1
//InterfaceSchema is a struct
type InterfaceSchema struct {
SvcName string
JavaClsName string
BasePath string
Version string
AppId string
ServiceId string
methordArray []DefMethod
//DefMethod is a struct
type DefMethod struct {
ownerSvc string
Path string // 样例: /test/StringArray 需要是包含basepath的URL
OperaID string
Paras []MethParam //key 参数名称
Verb string // get post ...
Responds map[string]*MethRespond //key 为返回码 200 ,404...
//GetRspSchema is a method to get response schema
func (this *DefMethod) GetRspSchema(status int) *MethRespond {
strStatus := fmt.Sprintf("%d", status)
if _, ok := this.Responds[strStatus]; ok {
return this.Responds[strStatus]
} else {
return nil
//GetParamNameAndWhere is a method to get parameter name
func (this *DefMethod) GetParamNameAndWhere(indx int) (string, int) {
for _, v := range this.Paras {
if v.Indx == indx {
//return, v.where
if strings.EqualFold(v.Where, "query") {
return v.Name, InQuery
} else {
return v.Name, InBody
return "", InQuery
//GetParamSchema is a method to get parameter schema
func (this *DefMethod) GetParamSchema(indx int) *MethParam {
for _, v := range this.Paras {
if v.Indx == indx {
return &v
return nil
//MethRespond is a struct
type MethRespond struct {
Status string // 200 404...
DType string
ObjRef DefType
//MethParam is a struct
type MethParam struct {
Name string //参数名称
Dtype string //参数类型
AdditionalProps map[string]string //附加参数,如果是Dtype是map,则在这里定义value类型
Items map[string]string //当Dtype为array时使用
Required bool //是否必需
Where string //存储位置 query or body
Indx int
ObjRef DefType
//DefType 契约definitions字段里定义的类型定义
type DefType struct {
typeName string
dType string
JvmClsName string
fileds map[string]DefField
//DefField is a struct
type DefField struct {
dType string
formate string
//GetDefTypeFromDef is a function to get defintion type
func GetDefTypeFromDef(defs map[string]registry.Definition, ref string) DefType {
def := DefType{}
names := strings.Split(ref, "/")
def.typeName = names[len(names)-1]
if sDef, ok := defs[def.typeName]; ok {
def.dType = sDef.Types
def.JvmClsName = sDef.XJavaClass
return def
//CovertSwaggerMethordToLocalMethord is a function to convert swagger method to local method
func CovertSwaggerMethordToLocalMethord(schema *registry.SchemaContent, src *registry.MethodInfo, dst *DefMethod) {
dst.OperaID = src.OperationID
tmpParas := make([]MethParam, len(src.Parameters))
i := 0
for _, para := range src.Parameters {
var defPara MethParam
defPara.Name = para.Name
if para.Type == "" {
if para.Schema.Type != "" {
defPara.Dtype = para.Schema.Type
} else {
defPara.Dtype = "object"
if para.Schema.Reference != "" {
defPara.ObjRef = GetDefTypeFromDef(schema.Definition, para.Schema.Reference)
} else {
defPara.Dtype = para.Type
defPara.Required = para.Required
defPara.Where = para.In
defPara.Indx = i
tmpParas[i] = defPara
dst.Paras = tmpParas
tmpRsps := make(map[string]*MethRespond)
for key, rsp := range src.Response {
var defRsp MethRespond
if dtype, ok := rsp.Schema["type"]; ok {
defRsp.DType = dtype
} else {
defRsp.DType = "object"
if dRef, ok := rsp.Schema["$ref"]; ok {
defRsp.ObjRef = GetDefTypeFromDef(schema.Definition, dRef)
defRsp.Status = key
tmpRsps[key] = &defRsp
dst.Responds = tmpRsps
//GetSvcByInterface is a function to get service by interface name
func GetSvcByInterface(interfaceName string) *registry.MicroService {
value, ok := svcToInterfaceCache.Get(interfaceName)
if !ok || value == nil {
lager.Logger.Infof("Get svc from remote, interface: %s", interfaceName)
svc := registry.DefaultContractDiscoveryService.GetMicroServicesByInterface(interfaceName)
if svc != nil {
svcKey := strings.Join([]string{svc[0].ServiceName, svc[0].Version, svc[0].AppID}, "/")
lager.Logger.Infof("Cached svc [%s] for interface %s", svcKey, interfaceName)
svcToInterfaceCache.Set(interfaceName, svc[0], 0)
} else {
return nil
value, ok = svcToInterfaceCache.Get(interfaceName)
if value != nil {
if service, ok2 := value.(*registry.MicroService); ok2 {
return service
return nil
//GetSupportProto is a function to get supported protocol
func GetSupportProto(svc *registry.MicroService) string {
if svc == nil {
return ""
proto := "dubbo"
value, ok := protoCache.Get(svc.ServiceID)
if !ok || value == nil {
lager.Logger.Infof("Get proto from remote, serviceID: %s", svc.ServiceID)
ins, err := registry.DefaultServiceDiscoveryService.GetMicroServiceInstances(runtime.ServiceID, svc.ServiceID)
if err != nil {
return proto
lager.Logger.Infof("Cached proto for serviceID %s", svc.ServiceID)
protoCache.Set(svc.ServiceID, protoForService(ins), 0)
value, ok = protoCache.Get(svc.ServiceID)
if value != nil {
if cached, ok2 := value.(string); ok2 {
return cached
return proto
//GetSvcNameByInterface is a function to get service name by interface
func GetSvcNameByInterface(interfaceName string) string {
svc := registry.DefaultContractDiscoveryService.GetMicroServicesByInterface(interfaceName)
for _, v := range svc {
return v.ServiceName
return ""
//GetMethodByInterface is a function to get method from interface name
func GetMethodByInterface(interfaceName string, operateID string) *DefMethod {
var meth DefMethod
schema := registry.DefaultContractDiscoveryService.GetSchemaContentByInterface(interfaceName)
for path, pathSchema := range schema.Paths {
for verb, m := range pathSchema {
if strings.EqualFold(m.OperationID, operateID) {
meth.Verb = strings.ToUpper(verb)
meth.Path = schema.BasePath + path
meth.OperaID = operateID
CovertSwaggerMethordToLocalMethord(&schema, &m, &meth)
return &meth
return nil
//GetSchemaMethodBySvcURL is a function to get schema method from URl
func GetSchemaMethodBySvcURL(svcName string, env string, ver string, app string, verb string, url string) (*registry.SchemaContent, *DefMethod) {
schemas := registry.DefaultContractDiscoveryService.GetSchemaContentByServiceName(svcName, ver, app, env)
var curMethrod *DefMethod
var curSchema *registry.SchemaContent
for _, v := range schemas {
curSchema = v
methord := GetMethodInfoSchemaByURL(v, verb, url)
if methord != nil {
if curMethrod == nil {
curMethrod = methord
} else {
if len(curMethrod.Path) < len(methord.Path) {
curMethrod = methord
return curSchema, curMethrod
//GetMethodInfoSchemaByURL is a function to get method info schema from URl
func GetMethodInfoSchemaByURL(schema *registry.SchemaContent, verb string, url string) *DefMethod {
var curMax = 0
basePath := schema.BasePath
var method *registry.MethodInfo
var path string
for key, v := range schema.Paths {
if strings.HasPrefix(url, basePath+key) {
if tmp, ok := v[verb]; ok {
if len(key) > curMax {
curMax = len(key)
method = &tmp
path = key
if method != nil {
tmpMeth := &DefMethod{}
tmpMeth.Path = basePath + path
tmpMeth.Verb = verb
CovertSwaggerMethordToLocalMethord(schema, method, tmpMeth)
return tmpMeth
} else {
return nil