blob: f5af622eff98c44074b01d8e47268090be353ccb [file] [log] [blame]
package util
import (
iputil ""
testenv ""
istiotestutil ""
var (
// mixer-style test environment, includes mixer and envoy configs.
initMutex sync.Mutex
// service1 and service2 are used by mixer tests. Use 'service3' and 'app3' for pilot
// local tests.
// is service CIDR range
// is instance CIDR range
app3Ip = ""
gatewayIP = ""
ingressIP = ""
localIP = ""
// InitLocalPilotTestEnv creates a local, in process Pilot with XDSv2 support and a set
// of common test configs. This is a singleton server, reused for all tests in this package.
// The server will have a set of pre-defined instances and services, and read CRDs from the
// common tests/testdata directory.
func InitLocalPilotTestEnv(t *testing.T) *bootstrap.Server {
defer initMutex.Unlock()
ports := testenv.NewPorts(testenv.XDSTest)
server := istiotestutil.EnsureTestServer()
localIP = iputil.GetLocalIP()
// Service and endpoints for hello.default - used in v1 pilot tests
hostname := model.Hostname("hello.default.svc.cluster.local")
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddService(hostname, &model.Service{
Hostname: hostname,
Address: "",
Ports: testPorts(0),
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddInstance(hostname, &model.ServiceInstance{
Endpoint: model.NetworkEndpoint{
Address: "",
Port: int(ports.BackendPort),
ServicePort: &model.Port{
Name: "http",
Port: 80,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTP,
AvailabilityZone: "az",
// "local" service points to the current host and the in-process mixer http test endpoint
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddService("local.default.svc.cluster.local", &model.Service{
Hostname: "local.default.svc.cluster.local",
Address: "",
Ports: []*model.Port{
Name: "http",
Port: 80,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTP,
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddInstance("local.default.svc.cluster.local", &model.ServiceInstance{
Endpoint: model.NetworkEndpoint{
Address: localIP,
Port: int(ports.BackendPort),
ServicePort: &model.Port{
Name: "http",
Port: 80,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTP,
AvailabilityZone: "az",
// Explicit test service, in the v2 memory registry. Similar with mock.MakeService,
// but easier to read.
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddService("service3.default.svc.cluster.local", &model.Service{
Hostname: "service3.default.svc.cluster.local",
Address: "",
Ports: testPorts(0),
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddInstance("service3.default.svc.cluster.local", &model.ServiceInstance{
Endpoint: model.NetworkEndpoint{
Address: app3Ip,
Port: 2080,
ServicePort: &model.Port{
Name: "http-main",
Port: 1080,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTP,
Labels: map[string]string{"version": "v1"},
AvailabilityZone: "az",
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddInstance("service3.default.svc.cluster.local", &model.ServiceInstance{
Endpoint: model.NetworkEndpoint{
Address: gatewayIP,
Port: 2080,
ServicePort: &model.Port{
Name: "http-main",
Port: 1080,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTP,
Labels: map[string]string{"version": "v2", "app": "my-gateway-controller"},
AvailabilityZone: "az",
// Mock ingress service
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddService("istio-ingress.istio-system.svc.cluster.local", &model.Service{
Hostname: "istio-ingress.istio-system.svc.cluster.local",
Address: "",
Ports: []*model.Port{
Name: "http",
Port: 80,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTP,
Name: "https",
Port: 443,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTPS,
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddInstance("istio-ingress.istio-system.svc.cluster.local", &model.ServiceInstance{
Endpoint: model.NetworkEndpoint{
Address: ingressIP,
Port: 80,
ServicePort: &model.Port{
Name: "http",
Port: 80,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTP,
Labels: model.IstioIngressWorkloadLabels,
AvailabilityZone: "az",
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddInstance("istio-ingress.istio-system.svc.cluster.local", &model.ServiceInstance{
Endpoint: model.NetworkEndpoint{
Address: ingressIP,
Port: 443,
ServicePort: &model.Port{
Name: "https",
Port: 443,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTPS,
Labels: model.IstioIngressWorkloadLabels,
AvailabilityZone: "az",
//RouteConf Service4 is using port 80, to test that we generate multiple clusters (regression)
// service4 has no endpoints
server.EnvoyXdsServer.MemRegistry.AddService("service4.default.svc.cluster.local", &model.Service{
Hostname: "service4.default.svc.cluster.local",
Address: "",
Ports: []*model.Port{
Name: "http-main",
Port: 80,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTP,
// Update cache
return server
func testPorts(base int) []*model.Port {
return []*model.Port{
Name: "http",
Port: base + 80,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTP,
}, {
Name: "http-status",
Port: base + 81,
Protocol: model.ProtocolHTTP,
}, {
Name: "custom",
Port: base + 90,
Protocol: model.ProtocolTCP,
}, {
Name: "mongo",
Port: base + 100,
Protocol: model.ProtocolMongo,
Name: "redis",
Port: base + 110,
Protocol: model.ProtocolRedis,
}, {
Name: "h2port",
Port: base + 66,
Protocol: model.ProtocolGRPC,