blob: 11b91067fe4e3a2a27a3bbe454c0717fe36626f4 [file] [log] [blame]
# kind can be mongo, etcd, embedded_etcd
kind: embedded_etcd
# uri is the db endpoints list
# kind=mongo, then is the mongodb cluster's uri, e.g. mongodb://
# kind=etcd, then is the remote etcd server's advertise-client-urls, e.g.
# kind=embedded_etcd, then is the embedded etcd server's advertise-peer-urls, e.g. default=
#uri: mongodb://kie:123@
# poolSize: 10
# timeout: 5m
# sslEnabled: false
# rootCAFile: ./ssl/trust.cer
# certFile: ./ssl/server.cer
# keyFile: ./ssl/server_key.pem
# certPwdFile: ./ssl/cert_pwd
# enabled: false
# rsaPublicKeyFile: ./examples/dev/public.key
# turn on the synchronization switch related operations will be written to the task in the db
enabled: false