blob: a763b3d3ac049be30ce9ddeae1e0b2680c20de58 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.servicecomb.common.accessLog.core.parser.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.servicecomb.common.accessLog.core.element.AccessLogItem;
import org.apache.servicecomb.common.accessLog.core.element.impl.PlainTextAccessItem;
import org.apache.servicecomb.common.accessLog.core.parser.AccessLogItemMeta;
import org.apache.servicecomb.common.accessLog.core.parser.AccessLogPatternParser;
import org.apache.servicecomb.common.accessLog.core.parser.CompositeVertxRestAccessLogItemMeta;
import org.apache.servicecomb.common.accessLog.core.parser.VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
* The parser is used for rest-over-vertx transport.
public class VertxRestAccessLogPatternParser implements AccessLogPatternParser<RoutingContext> {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VertxRestAccessLogPatternParser.class);
public static final Comparator<VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta> accessLogItemMetaComparator = (m1, m2) -> {
int result = m1.getOrder() - m2.getOrder();
if (result != 0) {
return result;
// one of m1 & m2 has suffix, but the other one doesn't have
if (m1.getSuffix() == null ^ m2.getSuffix() == null) {
return m1.getSuffix() == null ? 1 : -1;
if (null != m1.getSuffix()) {
result = comparePlaceholderString(m1.getSuffix(), m2.getSuffix());
return 0 == result ?
comparePlaceholderString(m1.getPrefix(), m2.getPrefix())
: result;
private final List<VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta> metaList = new ArrayList<>();
public VertxRestAccessLogPatternParser() {
List<VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta> loadedMeta = loadVertxRestLogItemMeta();
if (null == loadedMeta || loadedMeta.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.error("cannot load AccessLogItemMeta!");
throw new IllegalStateException("cannot load AccessLogItemMeta!");
for (VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta meta : loadedMeta) {
if (CompositeVertxRestAccessLogItemMeta.class.isAssignableFrom(meta.getClass())) {
this.metaList.addAll(((CompositeVertxRestAccessLogItemMeta) meta).getAccessLogItemMetas());
} else {
List<VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta> getMetaList() {
return metaList;
List<VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta> loadVertxRestLogItemMeta() {
return SPIServiceUtils.getOrLoadSortedService(VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta.class);
* Behavior of this compare:
* 1. comparePlaceholderString("abc","bbc") &lt; 0
* 2. comparePlaceholderString("abc","ab") &lt; 0
* 3. comparePlaceholderString("abc","abc") = 0
public static int comparePlaceholderString(String s1, String s2) {
int result = s1.compareTo(s2);
if (0 == result) {
return result;
// there are two possible cases:
// 1. s1="ab", s2="def"
// 2. s1="ab", s2="abc"
// in the case1 just return the result, but int the case2 the result should be reversed
return result < 0 ?
(s2.startsWith(s1) ? -result : result)
: (s1.startsWith(s2) ? -result : result);
* Sort all of the {@link AccessLogItemMeta}, the meta that is in front of the others has higher priority.
* Sort rule(priority decreased):
* <ol>
* <li>compare the {@link AccessLogItemMeta#getOrder()}</li>
* <li>compare the {@link AccessLogItemMeta#getSuffix()} in lexicographic order, if one's suffix is start with
* the other one's suffix, this one(who's suffix is longer) has higher priority</li>
* <li>compare the {@link AccessLogItemMeta#getPrefix()}, compare rule is the same as suffix.</li>
* </ol>
* e.g. given a list of {@link AccessLogItemMeta} like below:
* <ol>
* <li>(%ac{,}bcd)</li>
* <li>(%ac{,}bc)</li>
* <li>(%ac{,}a)</li>
* <li>(%ac,)</li>
* <li>(%b,)</li>
* <li>(%a)</li>
* <li>(%{,}b)</li>
* <li>(%{,}bc)</li>
* </ol>
* the result is:
* <ol>
* <li>(%ac{,}a)</li>
* <li>(%ac{,}bcd)</li>
* <li>(%ac{,}bc)</li>
* <li>(%{,}bc)</li>
* <li>(%{,}b)</li>
* <li>(%ac,)</li>
* <li>(%a)</li>
* <li>(%b,)</li>
* </ol>
public static void sortAccessLogItemMeta(List<VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta> accessLogItemMetaList) {
* @param rawPattern The access log pattern string specified by users.
* @return A list of {@linkplain AccessLogItem} which actually generate the content of access log.
public List<AccessLogItem<RoutingContext>> parsePattern(String rawPattern) {"parse the pattern of access log: [{}]", rawPattern);
List<AccessLogItemLocation> locationList = matchAccessLogItem(rawPattern);
locationList = fillInPlainTextLocation(rawPattern, locationList);
return convertToItemList(rawPattern, locationList);
* Use the {@link #metaList} to match rawPattern.
* Return a list of {@link AccessLogItemLocation}.
* Plain text is ignored.
private List<AccessLogItemLocation> matchAccessLogItem(String rawPattern) {
List<AccessLogItemLocation> locationList = new ArrayList<>();
int cursor = 0;
while (cursor < rawPattern.length()) {
AccessLogItemLocation candidate = null;
for (VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta meta : metaList) {
if (null != candidate && null == meta.getSuffix()) {
// TODO:
// if user define item("%{","}ab") and item("%{_","}abc") and the pattern is "%{_var}ab}abc"
// currently the result is item("%{","_var","}ab"), plaintext("}abc")
// is this acceptable?
// We've gotten an AccessLogItem with suffix, so there is no need to match those without suffix,
// just break this match loop
cursor = candidate.tail;
if (rawPattern.startsWith(meta.getPrefix(), cursor)) {
if (null == meta.getSuffix()) {
// for simple type AccessLogItem, there is no need to try to match the next item.
candidate = new AccessLogItemLocation(cursor, meta);
cursor = candidate.tail;
// for configurable type, like %{...}i, more check is needed
// e.g. "%{varName1}o ${varName2}i" should be divided into
// ResponseHeaderItem with varName="varName1" and RequestHeaderItem with varName="varName2"
// INSTEAD OF RequestHeaderItem with varName="varName1}o ${varName2"
int rear = rawPattern.indexOf(meta.getSuffix(), cursor);
if (rear < 0) {
if (null == candidate || rear < candidate.suffixIndex) {
candidate = new AccessLogItemLocation(cursor, rear, meta);
// There is a matched item which is in front of this item, so this item is ignored.
if (candidate == null) {
return locationList;
* After processing of {@link #matchAccessLogItem(String)}, all of the placeholders of {@link AccessLogItem} have been
* picked out. So the rest part of rawPattern should be treated as plain text. Those parts will be located in this
* method and wrapped as {@link PlainTextAccessItem}.
* @param rawPattern raw pattern string of access log
* @param locationList locations picked out by {@link #matchAccessLogItem(String)}
* @return all of the locations including {@link PlainTextAccessItem}.
private List<AccessLogItemLocation> fillInPlainTextLocation(String rawPattern,
List<AccessLogItemLocation> locationList) {
List<AccessLogItemLocation> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
if (locationList.isEmpty()) {
resultList.add(createTextPlainItemLocation(0, rawPattern.length()));
return resultList;
Iterator<AccessLogItemLocation> itemLocationIterator = locationList.iterator();
AccessLogItemLocation previousItemLocation =;
if (previousItemLocation.prefixIndex > 0) {
resultList.add(createTextPlainItemLocation(0, previousItemLocation.prefixIndex));
while (itemLocationIterator.hasNext()) {
AccessLogItemLocation thisItemLocation =;
if (previousItemLocation.tail < thisItemLocation.prefixIndex) {
resultList.add(createTextPlainItemLocation(previousItemLocation.tail, thisItemLocation.prefixIndex));
previousItemLocation = thisItemLocation;
if (previousItemLocation.tail < rawPattern.length()) {
return resultList;
private AccessLogItemLocation createTextPlainItemLocation(int front, int rear) {
return new AccessLogItemLocation(front, rear);
private List<AccessLogItem<RoutingContext>> convertToItemList(String rawPattern,
List<AccessLogItemLocation> locationList) {
List<AccessLogItem<RoutingContext>> itemList = new ArrayList<>();
for (AccessLogItemLocation accessLogItemLocation : locationList) {
VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta accessLogItemMeta = accessLogItemLocation.accessLogItemMeta;
if (null == accessLogItemMeta) {
// a PlainTextItem location
itemList.add(new PlainTextAccessItem(rawPattern.substring(
accessLogItemLocation.prefixIndex, accessLogItemLocation.tail
getConfigString(rawPattern, accessLogItemLocation))
return itemList;
private String getConfigString(String rawPattern, AccessLogItemLocation accessLogItemLocation) {
if (null == accessLogItemLocation.getSuffix()) {
// simple AccessLogItem
return null;
return rawPattern.substring(
accessLogItemLocation.prefixIndex + accessLogItemLocation.getPrefix().length(),
private static class AccessLogItemLocation {
* prefixIndex = rawPattern.indexOf(prefix)
int prefixIndex;
* suffixIndex = rawPattern.indexOf(suffix)
int suffixIndex;
* tail = suffixIndex + suffix.length()
int tail;
VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta accessLogItemMeta;
* for {@link PlainTextAccessItem} only
AccessLogItemLocation(int prefixIndex, int suffixIndex) {
this.prefixIndex = prefixIndex;
this.suffixIndex = suffixIndex;
this.tail = suffixIndex;
* for configurable type AccessLogItem
AccessLogItemLocation(int prefixIndex, int suffixIndex, VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta accessLogItemMeta) {
this.prefixIndex = prefixIndex;
this.suffixIndex = suffixIndex;
this.tail = suffixIndex + accessLogItemMeta.getSuffix().length();
this.accessLogItemMeta = accessLogItemMeta;
* for simple type AccessLogItem
AccessLogItemLocation(int prefixIndex, VertxRestAccessLogItemMeta accessLogItemMeta) {
this.prefixIndex = prefixIndex;
this.suffixIndex = prefixIndex + accessLogItemMeta.getPrefix().length();
this.tail = this.suffixIndex;
this.accessLogItemMeta = accessLogItemMeta;
public String getPrefix() {
if (null == accessLogItemMeta) {
return null;
return accessLogItemMeta.getPrefix();
public String getSuffix() {
if (null == accessLogItemMeta) {
return null;
return accessLogItemMeta.getSuffix();