blob: 61a5d3fb2ff41078652b76904a06a54a3a78f3b9 [file] [log] [blame]
site_name: ServiceComb Java Chassis Developers Guide
- Introduction :
- Getting Started:
- Glossary: start/
- Architecture: start/
- Development environment: start/
- Develop the first microservice: start/
- Development Service Provider:
- Service definition: build-provider/definition/
- Service contract definition: build-provider/
- Implicit API definition: build-provider/
- Use Swagger annotations: build-provider/
- Develop with SpringMVC: build-provider/
- Develop with JAX-RS: build-provider/
- Develop with Transparent RPC: build-provider/
- Interface definition and data type: build-provider/
- Service listening address and publishing address: build-provider/
- Thread pool: build-provider/
- Service Configuration:
- Rate Limiting Policy: build-provider/configuration/
- Parameter Validator: build-provider/configuration/
- Boot-up Process: build-provider/
- Access Log Configuration: build-provider/
- Writing Service Consumer:
- Consumer common configuration: build-consumer/
- Using Rest Template: build-consumer/
- Using AsyncRestTemplate: build-consumer/
- Using with RPC: build-consumer/
- Contract: build-consumer/
- Invoke control:
- Flow Control: build-consumer/
- Fault Injection: build-consumer/
- Invoke 3rd-party REST services: build-consumer/
- Transports:
- REST over Servlet: transports/
- REST over Vertx: transports/
- Highway: transports/
- HTTP2: transports/
- General Development:
- Access Service Center: general-development/
- Metrics: general-development/
- Microservice invocation chain: general-development/
- Customized-Tracing: general-development/
- Local development and testing: general-development/
- Http Filter: general-development/
- File Uploading: general-development/
- File Downloading: general-development/
- Reactive Programing: general-development/
- DNS Custom Configuration: general-development/
- Proxy Settings: general-development/
- Report framework version: general-development/
- Cross-application invocation: general-development/
- Customized serialization and deserialization: general-development/
- Using Context to pass control messages: general-development/
- Return value serialization extension: general-development/
- CORS mechanism: general-development/
- Get fuse and instance isolation alarm event information: general-development/
- Shutdown gracefully: general-development/
- Handling exceptions: general-development/
- Multi-environment isolation between microservice instances: general-development/
- Thread Model: general-development/
- Configuration:
- General config: config/
- Configuration injection: config/
- Service Capability Open:
- Intruductions: edge/
- Using Edge Service: edge/
- Using confd and Nginx as edge services: edge/
- Use zuul as edge services: edge/
- Service Packing and Running:
- Standalone mode: packaging/
- WEB container mode: packaging/
- Micro Service Security:
- Using TLS: security/
- Using RSA certification: security/
- Using java chassis in Spring Boot:
- Intruductions: using-java-chassis-in-spring-boot/
- spring boot starter for java-chassis: using-java-chassis-in-spring-boot/
- JAVA application development: using-java-chassis-in-spring-boot/
- Web development method development: using-java-chassis-in-spring-boot/
- The difference between JAVA application method and Web development method: using-java-chassis-in-spring-boot/
- The difference in Spring MVC mode: using-java-chassis-in-spring-boot/
- Handlers reference:
- Intruductions: references-handlers/
- Load Balancing: references-handlers/
- Public key authentication: references-handlers/
- FAQ:
- 'Q & A' : question-and-answer/
- 'FAQ' : question-and-answer/
- Micro Service Interface Compatibility FAQ: question-and-answer/
theme: material
- search