blob: 465b4213fc8ea078fa24b471c9539408f8d12d8b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/local/bin/thrift -java
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Thrift Service that the MetaStore is built on
namespace java org.apache.sentry.hdfs.service.thrift
namespace php sentry.hdfs.thrift
namespace cpp Apache.Sentry.HDFS.Thrift
struct TPathChanges {
# The authorizable object that needs to be updated.
1: required string authzObj;
# The path (splits into string segments) that needs to be
# added to the authorizable object.
2: required list<list<string>> addPaths;
# The path (splits into string segments) that needs to be
# deleted to the authorizable object.
3: required list<list<string>> delPaths;
struct TPathEntry {
# The type of the Path Entry.
1: required byte type;
# The path element in string.
2: required string pathElement;
# The child tuple id of the Path Entry.
4: required list<i32> children;
# A set of authzObjs associated with the Path Entry.
5: optional list<string> authzObjs;
struct TPathsDump {
1: required i32 rootId;
2: required map<i32,TPathEntry> nodeMap;
3: optional list<string> dupStringValues;
# Value used to specify that a path image number is not used on a request or response
struct TPathsUpdate {
1: required bool hasFullImage;
2: optional TPathsDump pathsDump;
3: required i64 seqNum;
4: required list<TPathChanges> pathChanges;
5: optional i64 imgNum = UNUSED_PATH_UPDATE_IMG_NUM;
struct TPrivilegeChanges {
# The authorizable object that needs to be updated.
1: required string authzObj;
# The privileges that needs to be added to
# the authorizable object.
2: required map<string, string> addPrivileges;
# The privileges that needs to be deleted to
# the authorizable object.
3: required map<string, string> delPrivileges;
struct TRoleChanges {
# The role that needs to be updated.
1: required string role;
# The groups that needs to be added.
2: required list<string> addGroups;
# The groups that needs to be deleted.
3: required list<string> delGroups;
struct TPermissionsUpdate {
1: required bool hasfullImage;
2: required i64 seqNum;
3: required map<string, TPrivilegeChanges> privilegeChanges;
4: required map<string, TRoleChanges> roleChanges;
struct TAuthzUpdateResponse {
1: optional list<TPathsUpdate> authzPathUpdate,
2: optional list<TPermissionsUpdate> authzPermUpdate,
struct TAuthzUpdateRequest {
1: required i64 permSeqNum;
2: required i64 pathSeqNum;
3: required i64 pathImgNum;
service SentryHDFSService
# HMS Path cache
void handle_hms_notification(1:TPathsUpdate pathsUpdate);
i64 check_hms_seq_num(1:i64 pathSeqNum);
TAuthzUpdateResponse get_all_authz_updates_from(1:i64 permSeqNum, 2:i64 pathSeqNum);
TAuthzUpdateResponse get_authz_updates(1:TAuthzUpdateRequest request);
map<string, list<string>> get_all_related_paths(1:string path, 2:bool exactMatch);