blob: 5bef71943ff4534f7fdaeea60508f0f56811f155 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes - Sentry - Version 1.6.0
** Sub-task
* [SENTRY-537] - Refactor AbstractTestWithHiveServer to cut down some test cases runtime
* [SENTRY-600] - Extend SentryClient by SentryClientInvocationHandler
* [SENTRY-601] - Create connection pool factory
* [SENTRY-621] - Add new thrift interface for import/export in sentry
* [SENTRY-622] - Update SentryService for import/export feature
* [SENTRY-623] - Create processor to deal with the file format for import/export feature
* [SENTRY-631] - Run full tests locally: mvn verify to see if it can pass nowadays
* [SENTRY-644] - Sentry Sqoop binding framework for role-based authorization
* [SENTRY-645] - Add sqoop authorizable model for sentry authorization
* [SENTRY-646] - Add Sqoop policy engine for sentry authorization
* [SENTRY-656] - Update SentryStore for import/export feature
* [SENTRY-657] - Update SentryConfigTool for import/export feature
* [SENTRY-661] - Ensure Sqoop Sentry authorizaiton works with sentry service
* [SENTRY-681] - Update the versions on trunk after branching
* [SENTRY-697] - Test parallel cache loading with large metastore
* [SENTRY-828] - Cleanup the unnecessary ProviderBackend
* [SENTRY-863] - Create release branch for 1.6.0
* [SENTRY-864] - Update the version to 1.7.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT on trunk after branch-1.6.0 created
* [SENTRY-865] - Update changelog.txt, notice.txt, etc... for 1.5.0 release
* [SENTRY-866] - Update sentry website after 1.6.0 release
* [SENTRY-867] - Remove SNAPSHOT tag of branch-1.6.0
* [SENTRY-868] - Create rc for 1.6.0
** Bug
* [SENTRY-227] - Fix for "Unsupported entity type DUMMYPARTITION"
* [SENTRY-296] - Sentry Service Client does not allow for connection pooling
* [SENTRY-453] - Hadoop and hive tars are downloaded even if download-hadoop profile not used.
* [SENTRY-467] - Fix minor failures in cluster-hadoop profile
* [SENTRY-508] - Improve runtime of 'Sentry Hive Tests' (currently it is >30m)
* [SENTRY-546] - Permissions on external tables does not always translate to HDFS acls
* [SENTRY-596] - The jar files of sentry binary and source code should publish to maven central
* [SENTRY-605] - For locations using HDFS synchronization, users should not be allowed access to HDFS files if column-level restrictions are present
* [SENTRY-611] - The SecureCoreAdminHandler.getCollectionFromCoreName will throw null-point exception when Solr running in non-solrCloud mode.
* [SENTRY-670] - Fix the Sentry build to remove snapshot and non apache dependencies
* [SENTRY-676] - Address Sentry HA issues in secure cluster
* [SENTRY-678] - Sentry-Solr Binding may not load group mapping service correctly
* [SENTRY-683] - HDFS service client should ensure the kerberos ticket validity before new service connection
* [SENTRY-687] - Handle authorization for 'select <expr>' hive queries
* [SENTRY-698] - Uncaught OutOfMemoryError
* [SENTRY-699] - Memory leak when running Sentry w/ HiveServer2
* [SENTRY-702] - Hive binding should support RELOAD command
* [SENTRY-703] - Calls to add_partition fail when passed a Partition object with a null location
* [SENTRY-714] - Support TCompactProtocol for Sentry RPC
* [SENTRY-717] - Fix the UDF whitelist format for functions row_number and unbase64
* [SENTRY-721] - HDFS Cascading permissions not applied to child file ACLs if a direct grant exists
* [SENTRY-736] - Add a new constructor to HadoopGroupMappingService
* [SENTRY-739] - when user doesn't have admin privileges, show grant throw exception, better improve error message
* [SENTRY-744] - DB provider client should support grantServerPrivilege() method without action for backward compatibility
* [SENTRY-746] - After revoke select from view, select fails with a confusing error message
* [SENTRY-750] - Use the Sqoop Server principal as the requester when removing the Sqoop resource
* [SENTRY-752] - Sentry service audit log file name format should be consistent
* [SENTRY-763] - Remove multiple .gitignore files
* [SENTRY-766] - Fixed the broken builds link on the sentry site web page
* [SENTRY-770] - When use sentry to configuration hive,to ensure safety of data access.The functions(row_number and unbase64) can't be used.The Problem caused by a sentry bug. I have already found a way to solve the problem,except to modify the sentry source code.
* [SENTRY-777] - SentryServiceIntegrationBase#after() should be run under client subject
* [SENTRY-780] - HDFS Plugin should not execute path callbacks for views
* [SENTRY-788] - Fix mysql and postgres scripts of generalized model
* [SENTRY-789] - Jenkins should support test branch with special character
* [SENTRY-790] - Remove MetaStoreClient interface
* [SENTRY-791] - java.lang.AbstractMethodError when using HDFS sync
* [SENTRY-792] - Throw underlying exception if SentryService start fails
* [SENTRY-794] - TestHDFSIntegrationWithHA#testEnd2End fails
* [SENTRY-796] - Fix log levels in SentryAuthorizationInfo
* [SENTRY-797] - TestHDFSIntegration#testEndToEnd is flaky
* [SENTRY-799] - Fix sentry unit test error: TestDbEndToEnd.testBasic: Table t1 already exists
* [SENTRY-800] - Oracle: first run A1.Scope invalid identifier
* [SENTRY-801] - Update README: Does not compile with JDK8
* [SENTRY-802] - SentryService: Log error if you processor cannot be registered.
* [SENTRY-803] - TestLinkEndToEnd.testUpdateDtestUpdateDeleteLinkeleteLink test failure: SentryAlreadyExistsException: Role: role4
* [SENTRY-805] - Reclassify CoreAdminHandler Actions
* [SENTRY-806] - Fix unit test failure: TestMetastoreEndToEnd.testPartionInsert, java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot make directory: hdfs://localhost:60362/tmp/hive-jenkins/hive_2015-07-09_21-50-34_878_9035087593722312500-1
* [SENTRY-808] - Change default protocol version to V2
* [SENTRY-810] - CTAS without location is not verified properly
* [SENTRY-819] - select on all columns is not same as select on table
* [SENTRY-822] - OutOfMemory in hive e2e test
* [SENTRY-823] - Clean up roles properly in TestHDFSIntegration
* [SENTRY-825] - SecureAdminHandler no longer pulls collection name for create correctly
* [SENTRY-827] - Server Scope always grants ALL
* [SENTRY-829] - Fix all sentry hive test failure in TestDbCrossDbOps class: create database/table, grant select on table to role, but drop database then recreate it, privileges are removed.
* [SENTRY-830] - Enable setMetastoreListener in the tests so that we can debug flaky test failures from local testing enviroment
* [SENTRY-834] - Fix hive e2e real cluster failures in TestDbConnections, TestDbExportImportPrivileges, TestDbJDBCInterface
* [SENTRY-836] - Refactor test make each test case independent from other tests, not assume any external states/data
* [SENTRY-839] - posexplode() missing from HIVE_UDF_WHITE_LIST
* [SENTRY-841] - Revoke on SERVER scope breaks Client API, allows any string to be passed in
* [SENTRY-842] - Fix typos in pom.xml
* [SENTRY-847] - [column level privilege] if grant column level privilege to user, show columns in table shouldn't require extra table level privilege
* [SENTRY-850] - Fix dbprovider test failures when run on a real cluster or setMetastoreListener = true, when db/tab gets recreated their associated privileges will be deleted.
* [SENTRY-856] - [unit test] Sentry unit tests failures when it run at new Jenkins nodes
* [SENTRY-860] - Fix intermittent test failure for TestPrivilegesAtFunctionScope.testFuncPrivileges1
** Improvement
* [SENTRY-530] - Add thrift protocol version check
* [SENTRY-590] - Client factory for generic authorization model
* [SENTRY-626] - Test case improvement
* [SENTRY-647] - Add e2e tests for Sqoop Sentry integration
* [SENTRY-695] - Sentry service should read the hadoop group mapping properties from core-site
* [SENTRY-696] - Improve Metastoreplugin Cache Initialization time
* [SENTRY-720] - Patch related files should be excluded from version control
* [SENTRY-723] - Clean unused methods in HiveAuthzBindingHook
* [SENTRY-740] - Move the class PolicyFileConstants and KeyValue to provider-common
* [SENTRY-755] - HDFS access of data files should be disabled for user with privileges only on some columns
* [SENTRY-767] - SENTRY jenkins support test the patch for branch
* [SENTRY-774] - *.rej files should be added to rat ignore list
* [SENTRY-776] - Sentry client should support cache based kerberos ticket for secure zookeeper connection
* [SENTRY-821] - Add thrift protocol version check for generic model
* [SENTRY-843] - Add the link of wiki page in
* [SENTRY-874] - Handle HMS updates correctly while full update is being built
** New Feature
* [SENTRY-197] - Create tool to dump and load of entire Sentry service
* [SENTRY-612] - Sqoop2 integration with sentry
* [SENTRY-778] - CredentialProvider for Sentry DB password
* [SENTRY-804] - Add Audit Log Support for Solr Sentry Handlers
** Task
* [SENTRY-684] - Upgrade to Apache Curator 2.7.1
* [SENTRY-692] - Add schema creation scripts for 1.6.0 version
* [SENTRY-757] - Add documentation for import/export feature
* [SENTRY-758] - Add test cases for partition columns with column level privileges
* [SENTRY-771] - Add documentation for Delegated GRANT and REVOKE
* [SENTRY-772] - Add documentation for Sentry Webserver Authentication and Authorization
* [SENTRY-779] - Add documentation for Sentry Client Connection Pool
* [SENTRY-818] - Add document for “Sqoop2 integration with Sentry”
* [SENTRY-857] - Apache Sentry 1.6.0 Release
** Test
* [SENTRY-485] - Add test coverage for auditing in E2E, secure environment
* [SENTRY-741] - Add a test case for hive query which creates dummy partition
* [SENTRY-824] - Enable column level privileges e2e tests on real cluster runs