blob: 9e066e12f1b3539e8787878723eec153dfd68d32 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sentry.binding.metastore;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.ObjectStore;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatistics;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Database;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Index;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.InvalidObjectException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NoSuchObjectException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.UnknownDBException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.SemanticException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.HiveOperation;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.Utils;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.authz.HiveAuthzBindingHookBase;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.authz.HiveAuthzBinding;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.conf.HiveAuthzConf;
import org.apache.sentry.binding.hive.conf.HiveAuthzConf.AuthzConfVars;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* This class is the wrapper of ObjectStore which is the interface between the
* application logic and the database store. Do the authorization or filter the
* result when processing the metastore request.
* eg:
* Callers will only receive the objects back which they have privileges to
* access.
* If there is a request for the object list(like getAllTables()), the result
* will be filtered to exclude object the requestor doesn't have privilege to
* access.
public class AuthorizingObjectStoreBase extends ObjectStore {
private static ImmutableSet<String> serviceUsers;
private static HiveConf hiveConf;
private static HiveAuthzConf authzConf;
private static HiveAuthzBinding hiveAuthzBinding;
private static String NO_ACCESS_MESSAGE_TABLE = "Table does not exist or insufficient privileges to access: ";
private static String NO_ACCESS_MESSAGE_DATABASE = "Database does not exist or insufficient privileges to access: ";
public List<String> getDatabases(String pattern) throws MetaException {
return filterDatabases(super.getDatabases(pattern));
public List<String> getAllDatabases() throws MetaException {
return filterDatabases(super.getAllDatabases());
public Database getDatabase(String name) throws NoSuchObjectException {
Database db = super.getDatabase(name);
try {
if (filterDatabases(Lists.newArrayList(name)).isEmpty()) {
throw new NoSuchObjectException(getNoAccessMessageForDB(name));
} catch (MetaException e) {
throw new NoSuchObjectException("Failed to authorized access to " + name
+ " : " + e.getMessage());
return db;
public Table getTable(String dbName, String tableName) throws MetaException {
Table table = super.getTable(dbName, tableName);
if (table == null
|| filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tableName)).isEmpty()) {
return null;
return table;
public Partition getPartition(String dbName, String tableName,
List<String> part_vals) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tableName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new NoSuchObjectException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tableName));
return super.getPartition(dbName, tableName, part_vals);
public List<Partition> getPartitions(String dbName, String tableName,
int maxParts) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tableName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tableName));
return super.getPartitions(dbName, tableName, maxParts);
public List<String> getTables(String dbName, String pattern)
throws MetaException {
return filterTables(dbName, super.getTables(dbName, pattern));
public List<Table> getTableObjectsByName(String dbname, List<String> tableNames)
throws MetaException, UnknownDBException {
return super.getTableObjectsByName(dbname, filterTables(dbname, tableNames));
public List<String> getAllTables(String dbName) throws MetaException {
return filterTables(dbName, super.getAllTables(dbName));
public List<String> listTableNamesByFilter(String dbName, String filter,
short maxTables) throws MetaException {
return filterTables(dbName,
super.listTableNamesByFilter(dbName, filter, maxTables));
public List<String> listPartitionNames(String dbName, String tableName,
short max_parts) throws MetaException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tableName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tableName));
return super.listPartitionNames(dbName, tableName, max_parts);
public List<String> listPartitionNamesByFilter(String dbName,
String tableName, String filter, short max_parts) throws MetaException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tableName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tableName));
return super.listPartitionNamesByFilter(dbName, tableName, filter,
public Index getIndex(String dbName, String origTableName, String indexName)
throws MetaException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(origTableName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, origTableName));
return super.getIndex(dbName, origTableName, indexName);
public List<Index> getIndexes(String dbName, String origTableName, int max)
throws MetaException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(origTableName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, origTableName));
return super.getIndexes(dbName, origTableName, max);
public List<String> listIndexNames(String dbName, String origTableName,
short max) throws MetaException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(origTableName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, origTableName));
return super.listIndexNames(dbName, origTableName, max);
public List<Partition> getPartitionsByFilter(String dbName,
String tblName, String filter, short maxParts) throws MetaException,
NoSuchObjectException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tblName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tblName));
return super.getPartitionsByFilter(dbName, tblName, filter, maxParts);
public List<Partition> getPartitionsByNames(String dbName, String tblName,
List<String> partNames) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tblName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tblName));
return super.getPartitionsByNames(dbName, tblName, partNames);
public Partition getPartitionWithAuth(String dbName, String tblName,
List<String> partVals, String user_name, List<String> group_names)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tblName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tblName));
return super.getPartitionWithAuth(dbName, tblName, partVals, user_name,
public List<Partition> getPartitionsWithAuth(String dbName, String tblName,
short maxParts, String userName, List<String> groupNames)
throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidObjectException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tblName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tblName));
return super.getPartitionsWithAuth(dbName, tblName, maxParts, userName,
public List<String> listPartitionNamesPs(String dbName, String tblName,
List<String> part_vals, short max_parts) throws MetaException,
NoSuchObjectException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tblName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tblName));
return super.listPartitionNamesPs(dbName, tblName, part_vals, max_parts);
public List<Partition> listPartitionsPsWithAuth(String dbName,
String tblName, List<String> part_vals, short max_parts, String userName,
List<String> groupNames) throws MetaException, InvalidObjectException,
NoSuchObjectException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tblName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tblName));
return super.listPartitionsPsWithAuth(dbName, tblName, part_vals,
max_parts, userName, groupNames);
public ColumnStatistics getTableColumnStatistics(String dbName,
String tableName, List<String> colNames) throws MetaException,
NoSuchObjectException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tableName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tableName));
return super.getTableColumnStatistics(dbName, tableName, colNames);
public List<ColumnStatistics> getPartitionColumnStatistics(
String dbName, String tblName, List<String> partNames,
List<String> colNames) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException {
if (filterTables(dbName, Lists.newArrayList(tblName)).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException(getNoAccessMessageForTable(dbName, tblName));
return super.getPartitionColumnStatistics(dbName, tblName, partNames,
* Invoke Hive database filtering that removes the entries which use has no
* privileges to access
* @param dbList
* @return
* @throws MetaException
private List<String> filterDatabases(List<String> dbList)
throws MetaException {
if (needsAuthorization(getUserName())) {
try {
return HiveAuthzBindingHookBase.filterShowDatabases(getHiveAuthzBinding(),
dbList, HiveOperation.SHOWDATABASES, getUserName());
} catch (SemanticException e) {
throw new MetaException("Error getting DB list " + e.getMessage());
} else {
return dbList;
* Invoke Hive table filtering that removes the entries which use has no
* privileges to access
* @param dbList
* @return
* @throws MetaException
protected List<String> filterTables(String dbName, List<String> tabList)
throws MetaException {
if (needsAuthorization(getUserName())) {
try {
return HiveAuthzBindingHookBase.filterShowTables(getHiveAuthzBinding(),
tabList, HiveOperation.SHOWTABLES, getUserName(), dbName);
} catch (SemanticException e) {
throw new MetaException("Error getting Table list " + e.getMessage());
} else {
return tabList;
* load Hive auth provider
* @return
* @throws MetaException
private HiveAuthzBinding getHiveAuthzBinding() throws MetaException {
if (hiveAuthzBinding == null) {
try {
hiveAuthzBinding = new HiveAuthzBinding(HiveAuthzBinding.HiveHook.HiveMetaStore,
getHiveConf(), getAuthzConf());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MetaException("Failed to load Hive binding " + e.getMessage());
return hiveAuthzBinding;
private ImmutableSet<String> getServiceUsers() throws MetaException {
if (serviceUsers == null) {
serviceUsers = ImmutableSet.copyOf(toTrimed(Sets.newHashSet(getAuthzConf().getStrings(
AuthzConfVars.AUTHZ_METASTORE_SERVICE_USERS.getVar(), new String[] { "" }))));
return serviceUsers;
private HiveConf getHiveConf() {
if (hiveConf == null) {
hiveConf = new HiveConf(getConf(), this.getClass());
return hiveConf;
private HiveAuthzConf getAuthzConf() throws MetaException {
if (authzConf == null) {
String hiveAuthzConf = getConf().get(HiveAuthzConf.HIVE_SENTRY_CONF_URL);
if (hiveAuthzConf == null
|| (hiveAuthzConf = hiveAuthzConf.trim()).isEmpty()) {
throw new MetaException("Configuration key "
+ HiveAuthzConf.HIVE_SENTRY_CONF_URL + " value '" + hiveAuthzConf
+ "' is invalid.");
try {
authzConf = new HiveAuthzConf(new URL(hiveAuthzConf));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new MetaException("Configuration key "
+ " specifies a malformed URL '" + hiveAuthzConf + "' "
+ e.getMessage());
return authzConf;
* Extract the user from underlying auth subsystem
* @return
* @throws MetaException
private String getUserName() throws MetaException {
try {
return Utils.getUGI().getShortUserName();
} catch (LoginException e) {
throw new MetaException("Failed to get username " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MetaException("Failed to get username " + e.getMessage());
* Check if the give user needs to be validated.
* @param userName
* @return
private boolean needsAuthorization(String userName) throws MetaException {
return !getServiceUsers().contains(userName.trim());
private static Set<String> toTrimed(Set<String> s) {
Set<String> result = Sets.newHashSet();
for (String v : s) {
return result;
protected String getNoAccessMessageForTable(String dbName, String tableName) {
return NO_ACCESS_MESSAGE_TABLE + "<" + dbName + ">.<" + tableName + ">";
private String getNoAccessMessageForDB(String dbName) {
return NO_ACCESS_MESSAGE_DATABASE + "<" + dbName + ">";