blob: def129a9e3e4f36364ad99585d3528d9dd1fae0b [file] [log] [blame]
site_name: Apache Sedona™ (incubating)
site_description: Apache Sedona (incubating) is a cluster computing system for processing large-scale spatial data. Sedona extends existing cluster computing systems, such as Apache Spark and Apache Flink, with a set of out-of-the-box distributed Spatial Datasets and Spatial SQL that efficiently load, process, and analyze large-scale spatial data across machines.
- Home:
- Setup:
- Overview: setup/
- Supported platforms:
- Sedona with Apache Spark:
- Modules: setup/
- Language wrappers: setup/
- Sedona with Apache Flink:
- Modules: setup/flink/
- Language wrappers: setup/flink/
- Maven Central coordinate: setup/
- Install with Apache Spark:
- Install Sedona Scala/Java: setup/
- Install Sedona Python: setup/
- Install Sedona R: setup/
- Install Sedona-Zeppelin: setup/
- Install on Databricks: setup/
- Set up Spark cluser: setup/
- Install with Apache Flink:
- Install Sedona Scala/Java: setup/flink/
- Release notes: setup/
- Compile the code: setup/
- Download:
- Programming Guides:
- Sedona with Apache Spark:
- Spatial SQL app:
- Scala/Java: tutorial/
- Pure SQL: tutorial/
- Python: tutorial/
- R: tutorial/
- Raster data - Map Algebra: tutorial/
- Spatial RDD app:
- Scala/Java: tutorial/
- Python: tutorial/
- R: tutorial/
- Map visualization SQL app:
- Scala/Java: tutorial/
- Use Apache Zeppelin: tutorial/
- R: tutorial/
- Gallery: tutorial/
- Performance tuning:
- Benchmark: tutorial/
- Tune RDD application: tutorial/
- Sedona with Apache Flink:
- Spatial SQL app:
- Scala/Java: tutorial/flink/
- Examples:
- Scala/Java: tutorial/
- Python: tutorial/
- API Docs:
- Sedona with Apache Spark:
- SQL:
- Quick start: api/sql/
- Vector data:
- Constructor: api/sql/
- Function: api/sql/
- Predicate: api/sql/
- Aggregate function: api/sql/
- Join query (optimizer): api/sql/
- Raster data:
- Raster input and output: api/sql/
- Raster operators: api/sql/
- Parameter: api/sql/
- RDD (core):
- Scala/Java doc: api/
- Python doc: api/
- R doc: api/
- Viz:
- DataFrame/SQL: api/viz/
- RDD: api/viz/
- Sedona with Apache Flink:
- SQL:
- Overview: api/flink/
- Constructor: api/flink/
- Function: api/flink/
- Predicate: api/flink/
- Community:
- Community: community/
- Contributor Guide:
- Rules: community/
- Develop: community/
- Committer Guide:
- PMC List: community/
- Publish the code: community/
- Vote the release: community/
- Publications: community/
- GeoSpark Legacy Docs:
- Download:
- Quick start: archive/download/
- Release notes: archive/download/
- Maven Central coordinate: archive/download/
- Set up Spark cluser: archive/download/
- Spark Scala shell: archive/download/
- Self-contained project: archive/download/
- Install GeoSpark-Zeppelin: archive/download/
- Compile the source code: archive/download/
- Tutorial:
- Spatial RDD application: archive/tutorial/
- Spatial SQL application: archive/tutorial/
- Visualize Spatial DataFrame: archive/tutorial/
- Run GeoSpark via Zeppelin: archive/tutorial/
- Spatial RDD in Python: archive/tutorial/
- Spatial SQL in Python: archive/tutorial/
- GeoSpark template project: archive/tutorial/
- Frequently Asked Questions: archive/tutorial/
- Tune GeoSpark RDD application: archive/tutorial/
- Benchmark: archive/tutorial/
- API:
- GeoSpark core (RDD):
- Scala/Java doc: archive/api/
- Python doc: archive/api/
- GeoSpark SQL:
- JavaDoc: archive/api/sql/
- Quick start: archive/api/sql/
- Constructor: archive/api/sql/
- Function: archive/api/sql/
- Predicate: archive/api/sql/
- Aggregate function: archive/api/sql/
- Join query (optimizer): archive/api/sql/
- Parameter: archive/api/sql/
- GeoSpark Viz:
- DataFrame/SQL: archive/api/viz/
- RDD: archive/api/viz/
- Apache Software Foundation:
- Foundation: asf/
- License:" target="_blank
- Events:" target="_blank
- Sponsorship:" target="_blank
- Thanks:" target="_blank
- Security:" target="_blank
repo_name: apache/incubator-sedona
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custom_dir: docs-overrides
primary: 'deep orange'
accent: 'green'
logo: fontawesome/solid/earth-americas
repo: fontawesome/brands/github
text: Lato
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google_analytics: ['UA-64886725-1', '']
- icon: fontawesome/brands/github-alt
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- icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter
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current_version: 1.2.1-incubating
current_git_tag: sedona-1.2.1-incubating-rc1
current_rc: 1.2.1-incubating-rc1
current_snapshot: 1.2.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT
next_version: 1.2.1-incubating
current_geotools: 1.1.0-25.2
copyright: Apache Sedona, Apache Incubator, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Incubator project logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. Copyright © 2021 The Apache Software Foundation
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